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I'm ok with the qwertynl personality, but not the Neal one.
3-6 months contract-to-hire. Means that I'd work 3-6 months guaranteed and possibly get hired, right?
I thought they were one in the same
No he's legit Schizophrenic
Neal is his other half
I thought personalities were supposed to vary
Hello to everyone!
I have a problem with setInterval.. please see this example http://domandar.com/upload/upload.html after every 5 seconds I refresh the page.. with $.ajax, but the problem is that every seconds I get blank page
any help?
Oh ok (just deal with the intro..) so when I was like 14-15 I went to this crazy uptight church my parents went to for a bit. The people were kind of nuts, and they always accused me of all kinds of crazy shit because they said I "looked shady" or something. Plus I was rebellious so when they said this crazy stuff I'd say.. well... You guys are fucking crazy...
Anyway, went to a wedding over the weekend, and these crazy bible thumpers that I haven't even thought about in 5 years or so freaked the hell out lol. It was amazing. They tried talking to my girlfriend of 7 months about how she wouldn't know since we just got together (they have no idea) but that I'm bad news and I'll get her into trouble. And told her she should ask me about my jail time. lmfao
I've never seen the inside of a jail except in 4th grade on a field trip, and my cousin ended up being in the drunk tank when we went haha.
Time for work
4th grade = when you were 7?
4th grade should be more like... 9?
Maybe 10.
so 1st grade is when you're 6?
In India you start 1st grade when you're 5
But before that there's usually "Kindergarten", which is at 5
And preschool can start as early as 3
Our kindergarten starts at 3
3 years old, thats insane
@RyanKinal Yeah ish.
@SomeGuy But you just call it kindergarten...
Note that preschool is usually not a full day either.
So, it might be like, 4 hours.
@SomeGuy We have some things like that here in Canada, but we call it "Jr Kindergarten" for 4-year-olds and there's a private school that's like daycare for younger children.
@SomeGuy Hmmmm...
> In India, children enter Class 1 or 2 at ages 6 to 7. -source
But that's not learning "grade 1" content earlier.
kindergarten is for 1-3 in France
then there's maternal school, 4-6
@Jhawins Huh. That seems inaccurate
if you send your child to school at 1 your a idiot
@SomeGuy Could be?
Maybe the rest of India has a different educational system
@Connor It's not school. It's just daycare.
@Connor Thanks for the level-headed and thoughtful insight.
level headed?
@Incognito Yeah, it's similar here. Kindergarten is 2 years, junior KG and senior KG
posted on March 11, 2014

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I mean, I could tell you you're just beating your chest and shouting on the internet, if you'd rather that.
@Incognito what and sending your child there at 1 or even 2 is level headed?
It's not "school"
I'm calling you out. Not the concept.
@Incognito I wasn't shouting, i was just saying what i thought, is that a crime?
Regardless, he wasn't saying you were wrong
@SomeGuy it doesn't really matter what it is
Just that you didn't raise any reasoned arguments about your opinion
The content of what you said was entirely useless. Say something meaningful if you're so passionate about it.
If you can't look after your child at 1 or 2 years old then you shouldn't have one
do you not agree?
I mean, some kids can't even walk at that age
or most?
I think a parent taking care of a child and sending them to school before they're able to talk are different things.
I think your real issue is that it's a waste of resources.
^ that.
what do you mean by that?
@Connor As in time spent sending a young child to "learn" is futile as they're not capable of academic learning yet.
It's like drilling a fish on their multiplication tables.
No, I don't think there is such thing as wasting time teaching a child
In fact i didn't mention anything about teaching children
What informs your decision that sending them to school at 1 and 2 years old is a waste?
You don't send your 1 - 2 to preschool because you can't look after them, you do it so they can grow, interact with kids their own age and possible so you can work / do shit that isn't possible with kids around.
Who said it's a waste? or are you putting words in my mouth?
And, for the purposes of this discussion is "daycare" the same thing as "school"?
Not really.
daycare is kinda like school, but with out the curriculum.
@RyanKinal Yeah, that wasn't my point, it's the fact that you should look after your children instead of leaving them and most of the time "leaving them with ""Strangers"""
@Connor Sure, but most people also have to work
@Incognito so?
@mikedidthis It is sort of both
@RyanKinal so? my point is . if you can't look after them don't have them
You used to send your kids to school because it was required by the state
Now you send your kids to school so that mom and dad can work
@Connor Working is looking after them. It's providing for them. It's making sure they have food and clothing and a place to live.
Then you come home, and you play with them, you read to them, you interact like a parent does.
The irony here is @Connor doesn't have kids.
The fact of the matter is that it takes money to raise a kid.
^ that.
And, especially with the economy as it is, both parents often need to work.
Or both parents might not be in the picture.
Single parents are quite common, whether or not the child was born to a single parent (divorce happens).
Divorce was about the best thing that could have happened to my sister. Her husband was a douche.
regardless what you all say, it's wrong to send your 1 or 2 year old away anywhere on a regular basis
Could you elaborate on why?
It's also wrong to be unable to provide for your child.
@Connor You're right. You said it was idiotic, not wasteful. I'm asking you for your actual reason, not some defense and nit-picking. If you know you didn't say it, then say what you did say and say your damn point. Are you uninterested in moving this conversation forward?
@RyanKinal That's why there are benifit systems to help people in need
So, either you work and have someone else take care of your kid, or you don't work and you don't have any money.
@Connor And it's not enough. Believe me.
@Connor the same benefit system that provides free child care so we can go out and work?
@RyanKinal It's enough to survive on, infact it's been proven to be a lot more than working in a lot of cases
not being baited
@mikedidthis You're from wales right?
No England.
even better
My sister works full time (overtime, actually), and is on benefits, and still struggles to pay her bills.
I would suggest you wait until you have kids before making comments on parenting.
Also, there's a social stigma to being on benefits, especially in the US.
@mikedidthis well, a single mother would probably get around £80 - £120 a week
that's plenty to live on
@Connor and your rent is £90 per week.
With major media outlets telling everybody that anybody on food stamps is a freeloader, it's not exactly desirable to get government assistance.
It's often necessary, but it's not something anybody in this country wants to do.
@mikedidthis If you can't afford rent then there is council housing that a family would get priority over.
Can someone remind me pls : I remember once iv'e read that if I declare variables like var a,b=3; ( something like this) then b is not in the local scope ( or something like that). what is the example for that ?
@RyanKinal I agree
They are classed as scroungers over here too
@RoyiNamir You just showed the example
but it's life
@RoyiNamir No, that's fine. But if you forget the comma, b will be in the global scope.
It's mentioned in the MDN article on hoisting, I think
If it's on a new line, anyway
function g()
  var a,b=3;


Oh, I misread
b is scoped locally to the function g()
It's var a = b = 3;
Are you like... coding for one day in JS?
You're been here
@Connor So, you and your kid are either stigmatized as scum, or you actually try to provide for your family.
b is global
@SomeGuy yes!
Seriously, rtfm
I know which option I'd choose.
You know this.
@BenjaminGruenbaum read my question
@BenjaminGruenbaum He was asking about the gotcha in the code I posted
@SomeGuy +1
var a = b = 3; // b is intended to be global.
also, I would fucking slap you if you handed me this code.
@RyanKinal Well, it's not that bad, you wouldn't really get targeted individually, and you shouldn't change to make someone else happy
@rlemon Epic.
@RyanKinal good :)
you are intentionally leaking globals. seriously. don't do that or someone will hurt you for it.
He was just asking because he couldn't remember the example
Calm down, guys
@rlemon as some guy said - I didnt remember the exact sample
and no - im not using it.
I just love the gotchas
95% of my questions is about those
already read it
there's nothing wrong with asking about a forgotten gotcha :-)
Whoa, 872 questions
well not all of them :-)
hi, angular Qu:
What is the equivelent of complete in angular
I am used to jqueries complete
@rlemon I could even understand the Math.max for booleans
angualr has .sucess and .error
ugh.. symlink the service startup script to rc1.d -> reboot -> service doesn't start. Write a shell script to run it and store it in profile.d and reboot -> bitches the service is already running from the other script.
.done maybe
true gets interpreted as 1 and false gets interpreted as 0
A: angular $http / jquery complete equivalent

Benjamin GruenbaumYou can use .always in AngularJS This chance is rather new (you could do that in jQuery for a while), you can see the commit here. This requires you to have AngularJS 1.1.5 or higher. always(callback) – allows you to observe either the fulfillment or rejection of a promise, but to do s...

> Deprecation Notice: The jqXHR.success(), jqXHR.error(), and jqXHR.complete() callbacks are deprecated as of jQuery 1.8. To prepare your code for their eventual removal, use jqXHR.done(), jqXHR.fail(), and jqXHR.always() instead.
also from the jQuery website.
don't use .complete
You shouldn't use .done probably, what .done does and people don't realize is terminate a promise chain and thus convert rejections to exceptions thrown.
I really need to start using promises
Good promise libraries like Bluebird pick it up on their own, so you never have to terminate your chain.
@rlemon look into it, it's just a lot easier than callbacks.
I hate callback soup
Chrome already has Promises, doesn't it?
@BenjaminGruenbaum you can do multiple done on a promise object
> This chance is rather new
should that be change?
@RoyiNamir oh really?
@BenjaminGruenbaum ^^
@Shmiddty yeah, edit away
thanks all
@Shmiddty ty
var a = $.Deferred();

a.done(function (){alert(1)}).done(function (){alert(1)})
alert twice
@BenjaminGruenbaum superficial edits are the best!
that's the whole point actually
@RoyiNamir no it's not, the whole point is to terminate the chain, you can append infinitely many .then andlers too.
so what's your point by saying : terminate a promise chain --didnt get your point
FYI then - now returns new promise object ( replaced deprecated pipe)... (just a notice)
@RoyiNamir ...
@RoyiNamir promises represent sequencial processing.
You explicitly note what happens before/after what.
.done indicates you're "done" with a chain, what that causes is throwing an exception on rejections.
the first page of wtfjs is dumb.
Oh there's more
heh thought it was just the first page.
anyone get titanfall? @SomeGuy @phenomnomnominal @mikedidthis @zirak?
copy that, roger
Thanks guys.
@Loktar Nope
@BadgerGirl o/
You've got it preloaded, haven't you?
@Loktar nope. South Park is next once I finish some other games.
@SomeGuy yeah I already played it last night
While we're asking for people to play with, does anyone play Orcs Must Die! 2?
I used to I beat it
fun game
I own it, haven't tried it yet
Don't own it, but it looks fun. I think I watched someone play it on Youtube.
I'd be into coop mode if, you know, I had someone to play with
@BenjaminGruenbaum is a windows tablet worth buying ?

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