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@SomeGuy You hear that Microsoft wants to get a handle on computer startup in such a way that it would be impossible to install another operating system, much less one that isn't licensed Microsoft Windows
This means if you buy a computer with Windows 8, you probably could never install Linux on it
hey folks, have a little problem with finishig a form submit in javascript
onFinishing: function (event, currentIndex)


var res = check();

if (res == true) {
return true;
else {

return false;

@Ebikeneser I'm guessing $('#modaltrigger').click(); doesn't do what you'd expect it to do, am I right?
I have added a modal pop up in the onFinishing event of this wizard, however confirmation is still required after a user returns true, i.e. a second click of the confirm button is required before you can continue
hey @Neil
Yeah, "click" function is what you'd use to assign a handler when click is pressed on the button in jQuery
It doesn't trigger "click" event
the said click event brings up a confirmaton modal, if the user says yes on the modal, i want to return true and then submit the form
Or maybe I'm wrong about that
however if a user says yes on the modal, a further click of the button (that brings up the modal) is required before the wizard is complete
if I take out the modal code, and just say 'onFinshing' return true, then it complete the wizard
the modal is essentialy screwing up the logic, however very much want to use one for thatlast piece of validation before anyting is submitted
Can someone poke me in the right direction.. I need to unfocus from a (hidden) select when it is focused and the user clicks away
Hmm, you're trying to make something asynchronous synchronous?
asynchronous @Neil
@Ebikeneser It's already asynchronous
I essentially need the 'yes' button on the modal, to dirct to the 'onFinished' section
You open the window, and then the script continues on its way without waiting on the user
sorry sorry yes, i think the problem is that it is continuing regardless of the user input on the modal
Yes, you shouldn't wait to open the window in onFinished as I see it
There should be an intermediate step which calls a function which simply opens the confirmation dialog
According to what is pressed there, it then calls onFinished or not
i actually used a check fucntion -

function check() {
if (submission == 'yes') {

// run when condition is met

var res = true;
return res;
if (submission == 'no') {

// run when condition is met

var res = false;
return res;
else {

setTimeout(check, 1000); // check again in a second

so it checks to see if the users has pressed yes
however still requires one more click on the wizard to reach onFinished
@Ebikeneser What I'm saying is not to do it this way
When you run your onFinished function, you shoudl already have everything you need
ok I get you
You shouldn't need to wait
on finishing should not be calling the moidal then yes? have a step befre that calls it then depending on that input continue to onFinishing
@Ebikeneser Yes, exactly
The button which opens your modal dialog is not the same one which calls onFinishing
The button in the modal dialog does that for you
@rlemon post removed by author
I see that now
It sucked
ok I get you, that does make me want to ask however what is the point of the 'onFinishing' stage? As I thought this would have been the best place for a confimation modal?
@Ebikeneser You're confusing confirmation with validation
Validation is what you should do there
If something is not correct, you can abort, but you have the information
With confirmation, you're waiting for the user to do something first
i get you
thanks for the clarity will give it a bash
You should never ever have to create a check loop for anything
Though, at least you had the good sense to use setTimeout :)
@Neil Really? I run a similar loop for determining if your wife's available.
@monners That check resulted in an invalid operation exception
In CSS, is it possible to select an element that has for attribute?
@Neil I suppose, maximum length exceded
<em for="code">Please enter the code above.</em>
how do I select this element?
Close that, please
Q: Please help translate from scala code in java code

user3405698Good day! Never faced with scala and do not have time to study. Can someone help translate scala code in java code. Code which must be converted: def feedbackHandler = Action { implicit request => val userForm = Form[FeedbackModel]( mapping( "email" -> optional(text), "text" -> optio...

found it
it's CSS [attribute~=value] Selector
[for~="code"] will match any for containing the word code. I think it may also be slower.
any functionality involving searching for a string in another string will take longer than or equal to functionality involving direct comparison within the limits of the language and technology
I have no other way to identify that element
@mikedidthis Are dom string interned in js ? (edit : for ~ it doesn't matter in fact. Would be important for ^)
@dystroy I don't follow.
@mikedidthis doesn't matter.
Ha, sorry :(
my comment was retarded anyway
I get confused with ~ and * in css selectors.
@mikedidthis You mean you find the syntax confusing ?
@dystroy no, I mean I don't understand the difference. They both match a substring.
I think I never used *= or ~=, or maybe to answer a question whose reason was a bad design
@mikedidthis ~= matches only words, for [a~=test] doesn't match <a a="untest">
it's like using \b in regexes
@dystroy ahh now it makes sense.
(it isn't exactly like \b)
yeah it seems that is you have to be: a="un test" for it to work.
There are use cases. I have a navigation, where at a certain point I want to hide links to a specific area of the site, so it was handy there.
And wouldn't classes be usable there ?
sadly not, the navigation is generated server side with a UI that just allows a link and name.
But as you said, its a very rare use case.
that's a case "whose reason was a bad design". Not your bad design but some bad design...
Totally. And it lacks a current class as well.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Delegate.Invoke
@Suganthan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Good day everyone
I'm writing directive in angularjs. What could be the issue, that value passed to ng-directive i.e. on-visible="doStuff()" is loged as undefined in link functions scope argument?
@Eugene Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Nah. Always makes my day. :D
@Eugene I don't see the error right away, but I'm just recently starting to use ng for real world stuff. I have to wonder if the on-prefix is causing strange behavior.
Let me see. One moment.
@Incognito well console.log( element ); passed inside link function is getting logged fine.
okay so that should be fine.
oh, does scope actually point to the object you're looking for?
Changed to ifVisible. Testing.
    a: {}
    b: a //This doesn't know about 'a'
what I feel like doing networking stuff.
@rlemon Networking's a huge realm of stuff
and it is all a PITA
What's the challenge in front of you?
@Incognito Shh! b can hear you!
@Neil Damn those annotation parsers!
@MichaelMoeller Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hey guys a good buddy of me nees 5 reputation to answer his own javascript related question
anyone want to help out by upvoting for 3 minutes
@MichaelMoeller Find me a decent post he's written and i'll vote it up
Q: How to handle Document update conflict when using CouchDB client cradle for Node.js?

user34059791000000 clients try to update a couchdb document using flatiron/cradle at the same time. How to handle all update conflicts?

@TilwinJoy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@MichaelMoeller I said decent o.O
you can downvote after he posted
fine, done
i'm removing the upvote afterwards though
thanks Neil
@Eugene Jump to Creating a Directive that Wraps Other Elements on docs.angularjs.org/guide/directive#! .
@Incognito I did look at it already here code.angularjs.org/1.2.9/docs/guide/directive
I think, that I might have, what I need in this section "Creating a Directive that Manipulates the DOM"
Damn. Not sure it is actually what I need. Very little amount of examples, when directive is of type A and has a value as well.
Sorry I can't help you more, I'm presently trying to figure out how to do ng-stuff that's really easy in other JS: create a mobile friendly page that swipes around.
Heisenberg and Schrodinger are driving, and get pulled over. Heisenberg is in the driver's seat, the officer asks "do you know how fast you were going?" Heisenberg replies, "No, but I know exactly where I am!" The officer looks at him confused and says "you were going 108 miles per hour!" Heisenberg throws his arms up and cries, "Great! Now I'm lost!"
The officer, now more confused and frustrated orders the men outside of the car, and proceeds to inspect the vehicle. He opens the trunk and yells at the two men, "Hey! Did you guys know you have a dead cat back here?" Schrodinger angrily yells back, "We do now, asshole!"
that's just... so geek
> Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar.. and doesn't.
one of my favs.
@Raynos gave a talk at JSFest. Slides here: raynos.github.io/jsfest2014-talk
I don't think a video is up yet
> Fed up with express, but that's for another talk
Big surprise.
@KendallFrey ty
I must say angular is still quite crazy. Why so much work to get functionality for multiple ng-app instances on same page.
It is crazy
hrm. why is my mysql not auto starting
/etc/init.d/mysql is there :/
@rlemon Is your service startup type set to Automatic?
umm, maybe?
run services.msc from your start menu
find mysql and tell me if it has Manual or Automatic
I am unfamiliar with this concept "start menu"
Ah, then I can't help you
Why do I see people use hasOwnProperty in a code like this which doesnt require ?
var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];

for (var i in arr) {
it will always display 4 results
however I do remember that sometimes it does shows inherited props.
don't use in to traverse arrays
why( for example) I dont see length here ?
(im trying to understand when to check hasOwnProperty)
The in operator returns true if the specified property is in the specified object.
not inherited...right ?
remember It refers to the index or key, not the value. 1,2,3,4 are the valid indices for that array. There are also valid keys, including "length" and "toSource".
!!> 'length' in []
@SomeGuy true
don't confuse indicies and keys
This makes me want to play megaman again
@Neil that guy is awesome
he does all classic gaming songs
@rlemon yes. so why 'length' in [] returns true while for (a in X) doesn't return the index for length ?
what are you trying to do?
learn where is the gotachs with hasownproeperty
if it is enumerable.
but If I write for (a in X) , shouldn't it suppose to yield all props (including inherited ) ?
!!> ([]).propertyIsEnumerable('length')
@rlemon false
oh i see
you're good :-)
didn't know about this one
I read the docs ;)
okay, so I am trying to run a script on startup on Angstrom Linux. anyone care to help?
nvm. I think I found out how
> We saw your resume on CareerBuilder.com and are interested in talking with you about a job opportunity. Are you looking for a career that allows you to manage your time and schedule so you can balance work and fun? Or a career with the potential for unlimited income based on your personal performance?
Go to hell Aflac
> ...potential for unlimited income based on your personal performance
It's like a craigslist scam haha
sounds like insurance sales
Ugh. Sales.
there are some good sales people out there
(namely me)
When I worked tech support for Gateway, we also had to do sales. One time, I sold a new system to some old lady (more than enough computer for her), only to have a coworker tell her that she needed more of everything, cancel my sale, and sell her a more expensive machine.
just don't be focused on trying to sell the customer, and focus on trying to actually help the customer.
What a douche.
But anyway, I applied for like 4 jobs Friday. Got 3 responses. That means the resume at least looked good enough to start :P
yea, those are bad sales people
@rlemon I wrote a script to flatten complex objects. can u have a look at it ? ( just to hear your opinion) jsbin.com/yagecuki/3/edit
@rlemon for real?
(no particular use ...)
@Jhawins Sweet. Good luck.
But I also got a half dozen BS ones like Aflac or Trucking jobs haha
function actualType looks like it is not needed
Used a second email. Because screw that.
I must check array vs obj
@ianmstew Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Array.isArray and iirc object === Object(object)
Well now I'm hearing good things at work and things might actually go my way.. But it wouldn't be as a developer.
Haha fuck you life and your many many choices.
ahh well that doesn't work for checking arrays as objects, but just check if it is an array, otherwise it is not
Anyway I did wedding shit all weekend. Did anyone make anything cool?
@rlemon just checked with {0:'a',length:2}; //work
@Jhawins You mean in general? I made a birdhouse once. I thought it was pretty cool when I did it
@Neil Well over the weekend.
oh ok. ._.
You're not who I thought you were..
I'm not Neal
Geez, that actually happens a lot

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