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Either way, you can make a directive to capture and fix it, which is technically correct, but more complex for no gain other than angular-ness.
be back in a bit.
I know the difference between .thisisaclass and #thisisanid in CSS
but what are things without . and without # ?
what would be :
blah {
@Basj <blah>
the tag
Ok! So is this correct @SomeKittensUx2666 ?
#blah   ->  <p id="blah"> ...
.blah   ->  <p class="blah"> ...
blah   ->  <blah> ...
@SomeKittensUx2666 thanks ! And what about these 2 last things :
.blah > p > .anotherblah {
Q: What does the ">" (greater-than sign) CSS selector mean?

Misha MoroshkoFor example: div > p.some_class { /* Some declarations */ } I don't know what the > means. What does it select?

.myclass1 .myclass2 p        -> does this concern all <p>  which are inside myclass1 **or** myclass2  , or  all <p>  which are inside myclass1 **and** myclass2 ?
all <p> tags which are direct or indirect descendants of something with the class myclass2, which itself must be a direct or indirect descendant of something with myclass1
the difference between a > b > c and a b c is simply that in the former case each must be a direct child of the previous whereas in the latter case there may be any number of things in between in the DOM tree, as long as the first is an eventual parent of the second
there's a CSS chat btw
yeah was wondering that... lol
@Mosho yes :)
Last last thing : what's the diff between .myclass h2 and h2.myclass ?
former: `h2` descendant of a class `myclass`
latter: `h2` with class `myclass`
but who was formatting
So .myclass h2 will not select <h2 class="myclass">, right ?
it would, if that's a descendant of a <div class="myclass">
if all you have is
<h2 class="myclass">
    <h2 class="myclass">
first one will not be selected, second one will
oh right, thanks @Mosho !
how should I structure my regex parser
right now I have
var parsedStyles = styles.replace(/[^!-~]/g,"") //remove unneeded characters
                .split('}') //parse lines into array
                    return elm.split('{');}) //parse each line into an array: [name,styles]
                    if (elm[1]) //if element has styles
                        return [elm[0],(elm[1].split(';')//parse semicolons separating the styles into an array: ["styleName:styleValue" x <number of styles>]
which is a pretty big mess
how does it work when submit text by jquery to show it in div and when submit second one it will not overide the first one ? im making chat program
when i write first text and send it it shows in div and then when send second one , the first obe desapear
here my code:
var textvalue = $('#text').val() ;
$('#chatarea').html("<div class='inlinediv'>"+textvalue+"</div>");
you mean this
$('#chatarea').append("<div class='inlinediv'>"+textvalue+"</div>").html("<div class='inlinediv'>"+textvalue+"</div>");
Yes, sans the html
exact :)
html will overide it , i didnt think about append :)
goooooooooooooooooood night :)
any caveats to using .every() on an object?
nvm, lodash has a better one
@user-12506 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Why oh why did Microsoft throw away MSN Messenger?
Skype is so crap :( I miss messenger
How old are you?
I am 28. Why?
Hmm what?
@FlorianMargaine From what I've read, the session entry in the database will be "garbage collected" after a set amount of time.
@Spike everything microsoft make fails
@Connor aw, how cute
@Connor everything everyone makes these days fails
Basically get the bitcoin price using php. $price = $api->getPrice();. How can I get JS to update it every few seconds?
@Spike that is very true
another young un who hasn't grown up enough to have their own opinions
@nahtnam xhr
MS revenue tripled in the past decade. TRIPLED
@nahtnam Use the coinbase api: coinbase.com/docs/api/overview
@SomeKittensUx2666 spot the fanboi :P
@SomeKittensUx2666 I am.
I need my php variable to update every few seconds
I know how to do it in Ruby on Raiuls
But not in PHP
@nahtnam you're doing it backwards.
@SomeKittensUx2666 Microsoft is shit, and i don't care how much money they make, that's not my interest
@phenomnomnominal uname => Linux
Just saying that the massive wads of money MS is pulling down isn't really 'failing'
Microsoft seems to be copying everything that Apple does these days just to remain relevant.
@SomeKittensUx2666 I think you know dam well I have my own opinions about things ;)
@Spike How so?
@Connor Not really.
@Spike yeah remember when apple made an extremely successful console?
And cornered the corporate market on office software?
I'm actually against Apple and am a MS fanboy. BUT, lately, even MS is pissing me off.
I don't care if their profits have tripled. I don't care if more people like what they make now compared to back then. I don't. I prefer the stability and speed of Windows 8, but I prefer the look of Windows 7. I prefer MSN Messenger over Skype because Skype has a limited set of crappy emoticons whereas MSN Mess. had a limited set of good emoticons with the ability to add as many custom-made ones as you wanted. MSN also had Nudge - and games GAMES! Skype is so boring, and slow.
And Skype doesn't sync properly between phone and PC
If I go down stairs and use Skype on the phone, when I get back up stairs, half the messages that I sent/received on my phone won't even be there on the PC
MSN had many third party alternatives... eBuddy, Trillian, etc etc. Skype discontinued support for their desktop api a while ago.
Now all there is, is Skype
A shitty alternative
They threw away a perfect product
when they could've just made changes to it
to improve it
But you just said it was perfect
You seem to not understand that the market changed.
Maybe your behaviours haven't changed in the last 10 years, but most consumers online behaviour has
I have to laugh at MSN messenger being "perfect" but skype certainly never really had a focus on bloating the featureset of its text chat
They made the business decision to buy skype and use that product, along with it's considerable customer base, to build up their communications tools across platforms, not just with teenagers who want custom emoticons and XXX***LOVEME***XXX usenames.
@KenFranqueiro I'll give you that. MSN mamy not have been "perfect", atleast not for everyone. But for me, in comparison to Skype, it was perfect.
I'll grant that in comparison to AOL or ICQ I preferred MSN as well
but that's kind of like saying that in comparison to spooning my eyes out I prefer listening to someone scratch a chalkboard 24/7
sooo. I just noticed that apparently 2-finger scroll on IE on the Surface does not produce wheel events. anyone know if there is an alternative? (For my particular case I can't listen to scroll - there is no scroll, the point is to make something scroll when horizontal wheel movement is detected)
touch events?
@Connor Q (source)
* PointerEvents
I meant 2-finger scroll with the touchpad on the keyboard, sorry
touchpad on keyboard?
ohhh surface
@phenomnomnominal surely you don't mean the xbox... yeah it's become a powerful brand but it's a giant net loss for microsoft business wise
money isn't the only measure of success.
I love how on the bottom of the Skype website, the copyright notice says "Copyright Skype and/or Microsoft" LOL
@phenomnomnominal it's a corporation, not a gamer's charity. It has to be making money to be "extremely successful".
Only if you put no value on the power of a brand.
But, if you aren't making enough money to further develop your brand/product, people will lose interest and go use the next big thing and if you don't have as many customers, people will be less likely to buy your "brand".
I don't think anyone has ever made a profit from the actual production of a console?
But over the 7yr+ lifespan of the product?
it takes forever anyway
They've historically been loss leaders
the first few years are a total loss
but it wasnt always like that
@phenomnomnominal I know that, but it's still a loss
I just didn't find that article
> he console also sold 450,000 units in West Germany by 1984.[11] By 1982 the 2600 console cost Atari about $40 to make and was sold for an average of $125. The company spent $4.50 to $6 to manufacture each cartridge and $1 to $2 for advertising, and sold it for $18.95 wholesale.[12]
^ atari 2600
@Mosho yep, one that was deemed acceptable, because the overall value of the gaming ecosystem is fucking huge
I mean the overall is still a loss
after all these years
No, that would be stupid.
for all xbox's
Absolute bullshit.
I'll wager 4 letters make up quite a bit: XBLG
eh I would imagine towards the end they start to make a decent amount since the HW component prices drop
looks like MS breaks even now on the xbone
Fuk microsoft fuk xbox, let's code
that includes all xbox/kinect online services
^ but what else does it include?
I'm trying to find
something more specific
it just says online services as a whole.. thats hotmail/outlook.com, skydrive, ect.
I mean they have a ton of online services
I'm trying to find something specific
I know for a fact they are not making money off xbox
everything considered
currently they are breaking even on hardware it says
well, not FACT fact, but I read about it some months ago
possibly making a small profit
> Microsoft Says
I wish consoles were more unique
now they are just shit pc's
when the n64 came out it was so badass such crisp graphics compared to pc games at the time
you get nice graphic power for the price
eh @Mosho not really nowadays people are running HD tv's
and the consoles are struggling to put out 1080
ps4 has done it, xbone hasn't yet
yeah, but compare the games on the same display
does anyone know of a regex that would match a valid javascript variable?
you would need to put much more money into a PC to get the same result
@Mosho not true, this argument is had all the time in various places :P
my 360 was $200
its possible to build a PC that performs exactly the same for almost the same price
the current gen consoles imo were a pretty big letdown hardware wise
@Connor variable name?
@Loktar perhaps, I haven't looked into them. but I can't build shit for $200
@MLM yeah, I found one and it's huge so dont worry
actually.. you could get a $200 pc that is as good as a 360
@Loktar I miss those days. Back when gaming was about twitch reflexes and practise, rather than "You've reached n + 1. Congratulations!"
I thought I had solution for .find() but also matches itself(the parent) but I found an edge case where it doesn't. The case is a selector like '.parent .box'- see demo - Can anyone think of a good solution?
@monners same here man
@Loktar if you say so
gaming is so huge now though that it has to cater to everyone
@monners people still make those
but now that gaming is mainstream
like @Loktar said
@Loktar Yeah, just look at what happens every time a new Battlefield game comes out. It starts as a well-balanced, albeit challenging, game. Then they nerve the shit out of everything that the casual gamers can't figure out how to master so the game's fair.
@Connor I took inspiration from your .findAll code and made a .findAlsoSelf but now I have an edge case that doesn't work (see a few messages up)
@Mosho Super Meatboy FTW!
Now gamifying *physical* challenges. That's something I'm absolutely behind.
Case in point: http://www.strava.com/activities/118581650
@phenomnomnominal I tried your snippet earlier. It makes everything purple even in the demo you just shared... Only the divs that say "should be purple" should be
@monners haven't played that one, I was never into platformers tbh
that's because you have a class .content on the wrapped div?
I was thinking more of Europa Universalis
@MLM would you ever do this $( $('div') ).show();?
@Mosho To each their own. There are equivalents in almost every genre. Shit, look at what happened to the Monkey Island series.
@Connor it works... i only do it if the jquery object is put in a variable
makes it clearer what the object is
@phenomnomnominal The structure is fine. What is the question?
that's why people tend to do var $content = $('.content');
@Mosho btw I gotta eat, but a quick ebay :P
pc's that can do as well or better than a 360
and are cheap, there are tons more
you just have to look at older used pc's
/me eats dinner
How might one extend the prototype of the canvas object?
I assume that by findAlsoSelf, you want the result set to contain [.content, .isServer, .color-box]
@Loktar yeah, well, you can get a used xbox too, mine was $200 new
Or do you want it to contain things that have all those classes?
@Loktar but yeah, still a PC that can do other stuff
@Mosho true, the difference is the utility of the pc
yeah exactly
Can anyone help with debugging a memory leak with a Chrome heap dump? I need to fix a leak, but am having trouble finding it / understanding the heap dump
@phenomnomnominal I want the divs that would normally pop with $('.isServer .color-box') so there has to be div somewhere in ancestry with .isServer and a div somewhere as a child with .color-box
@monners shit, I can barely remember anything about MI
I remember I was too young to get half the jokes :P
Never mind, figured it out.
@phenomnomnominal The call $(content).findAlsoSelf('.isServer .color-box') should contain the 3 purple divs in that demo
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.myMethod = function () {};
Hi! Am I allowed to post a link to my question? I was going to ask it here, but realized it'd probably be too large.
@MLM What you're trying to do would be difficult
@MLM, I'm not sure why you need a function to do this.
@Connor :) I have been struggling for a while. My current answer to my question doesn't work with the edge case so if anyone comes up with a solution, make an answer and I can delete mine.
@phenomnomnominal how do? oo you are probably thinking I should do $('isServer .color-box'). BUT no, see this demo where I need the bind thing: jsfiddle.net/MadLittleMods/6SgWC
I'm obviously not seeing the bigger picture
@phenomnomnominal Bigger picture is kinda this demo but doesn't have the edge case. You can read the even bigger picture towards the bottom of my question - That is why I created the simple demo that demonstrates the edge case
I guess it's this then:jsfiddle.net/YKPju/4
@phenomnomnominal Interesting. Seems to be working in both demos. Grab all children, grab the parent, then filter each one. Not sure on performance but probably fine.
You essentially want a parent selector, which isn't happening til CSS4
@phenomnomnominal well, I am using .css() for demos. But I am doing more complicated binding stuff actually
Yeah but the selectors flow through to DOM manipulation libs
I wonder if .children() is faster than .find('*')
children only gets direct descendants?
@phenomnomnominal ye, just tried it. You are correct. Does not work right.
* isn't too slow on restricted subtrees
@phenomnomnominal I'll give you the honors if you want to answer the question. Otherwise I can edit mine with the solution.
Well, i completed one way of doing it, it was quite a mess, so when i seen @phenomnomnominal go at it I didn't bother showing you
But ill find it for you
Yeah I'll do it, only cause I want to hit 3k :P
@MLM here it is jsfiddle.net/YKPju/6
@Connor Thanks :)
@phenomnomnominal I updated both demos, with your updated function. You can link in answer with your discretion: jsfiddle.net/MadLittleMods/6SgWC, jsfiddle.net/MadLittleMods/YKPju
trying to come up with a name for the function that isn't shit...
@phenomnomnominal ye lol. .findAlsoSelf good enough for me. "introspective" maybe
@phenomnomnominal function notShit() {}
@phenomnomnominal outerFind
I'm gonna call it filterFind
@phenomnomnominal explain it: "Grab all children, grab the parent, then filter each one." I can suggest an edit.
I guess it is self explanatory but for a noob some of those methods are a bit less popular
@MLM there you go
@phenomnomnominal Looks solid! I really appreciate the help :)
@phenomnomnominal congrats on 3k!
Hi again! Is there a way to convert everything within an array to a single string?

var botResponse = ["HELLO. ", "I AM FINE."];

would become:
:D Thank you!
can I return something from a lodash/EJS template
@Mosho No
use case? Sounds XYish
I'm passing my object of elements to be HTML'd
and most elements have their own styles
I create a list of enumerated classes
and assign each to its respective element
and I wanted to pass that list of styles back so I can append it at the head of the document
I guess I could do it outside the template and just pass the class names to the template
@m59 You around?
I think I just need a service, but I like bothering you.
Can anyone help with this issue: stackoverflow.com/questions/22277619/…?
Technically, yes!
@SomeKittensUx2666 I could try to help if you want my noob advice :X
> SO Javascript chat room have been unhelpful thus far.
Thus far :) They've been really friendly
@Mosho Basically, our application has groups. Each page needs varying levels of awareness about groups up to creating/editing them.
I'm thinking a service to determine what the user's current group is.
but how does the app become aware of what groups are available? Do I just make an AJAX request when it initializes? Render it onto the page as a variable (delicious XSS)?
if each group has a directive, they can add themselves to the app via the app's controller
why would they have a directive?
it's not HTML stuff. More like when a page does a search, it should send along the id of the group the user currently has active
so they can search within the group
etc, etc.
right, well, where do you keep the list of groups
when you load the page, get the list of groups, add them to the app's controller, and other controllers can access it
though here's @m59, he can probably help you better :P
Where's the XSS problem? @SomeKittensUx2666
oop, got caught up in IRC
@m59 if I just echo JS directly to the page
Don't you just need to display group names retrieved from an ajax call?
and a few other things
also keep track of active group
and possible groups the user can see
and the ability to create groups.
I don't see how that could lead to XSS unless you intentionally allow it.
@m59 I don't want to guarantee my escaping abilities.
did angular build jQlite?
if not where can i find it?
@SomeKittensUx2666 angular won't allow anything dangerous, so you don't have to worry about it unless you're overriding its default behavior ($sce service)
I'm talking about:
echo '<script> var groups  = ' . json_encode($datums); '</script>':
i.e. BAD
oh what the heck?
Why do you need that?
Avoiding the extra ajax call?
lemme cook something up.
!!afk jsbin
yeah, I assume they built it
you want to use it without angular?
@Mosho Thanks, I'm currently looking at minifiedjs.com
something like that?
not sure what you're trying to do there
lazy load groups
is that just pseudo code then? I mean, there's no service :)
yeah, outlining how it'll work
but yeah, I would make the ajax call so that it runs as soon as the service is instantiated.
it looks like that's what you're doing there
you should put the groups as a local variable in the service, and then an API
not just return the groups
I think :P
@SomeKittensUx2666 ohhh you returned the groups
uhhh....you need to return the promise
@Mosho that's the plan.
you can also use a value to store the groups
that way it's available everywhere
not just in the API service
@m59 hmm, yeah
but that doesn't work well either.
unless I make all interactions with the groups async.
which is a lot of unneeded overhead.
It can, IIRC, one sec
you just do this.groups = data and return this
or this.somefunc
and check in the function if groups is valid
.service 'shadeTemplate', ($http, x2js) ->

      template = ->

          _.templateSettings.variable = "shd";
          template = _.template(data)
          console.log("could not retrieve shade template"))

      this.toHTML = (shade) ->

      return this
this is how I did it :X
real JS Pl0x
$scope.list= myService.getList();
you can do that ^ but I forgot how
    app.service('shadeTemplate', function($http, x2js) {
      var template;
      template = function() {};

      $http.get('/scripts/shade_template_ng.js').success(function(data) {
        _.templateSettings.variable = "shd";
        return template = _.template(data);
      }).error(function() {
        return console.log("could not retrieve shade template");

      this.toHTML = function(shade) {
        var templateData;
        templateData = x2js.xml2json(shade);
        return template(templateData);
I have been feverish for 3 days :/
@SomeKittensUx2666 no wonder I can't remember. Angular broke it after 1.1.5
broke what
that ^
seems like a fail to me, but I guess they have some good reason.

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