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@rlemon Didn't had the time to thank you for the link for internal jQuery structure ;-)
@RoyiNamir was it helpful?
don't thank me if it wasn't :P
gonna read it tonight , but a brief look -- it is gonna help me alot.
@BenjaminGruenbaum This line : github.com/Canop/miaou/blob/master/pgdb.js#L466
I had to pass some value...
So... HUVrtech hoverboards are a joke, right? This is still impossible? It can't be serious.
Because it seems impossible.
I can't see the video. How is it supposed to fly ?
I don't see any existing technology for that
I have absolutely no idea.
Looks like a joke.
Or some way to get founds...
the fact that no one is wearing protective gear makes me think it is all staged / wires
for liability purposes they wouldn't be stupid enough to do a "demo" and not have people protected
Well... to make an ad you do have to stage. The fact that we don't have the technology makes me think it's a joke.
@rlemon Indeed. It looks ridiculous. I just wonder what the purpose is. They wouldn't get Tony Hawk and those other high-profile folks if there wasn't a purpose.
they probably do have a cool product
For what, though? Back to the Future?
just like that invisibility cloak thingy
Maybe the do have a product, with the minor difference that it's not actually flying
Could be.
@rlemon He did wear a helmet
most of them are not
what they show us in pictures.
what it is actually like
> Our team consists of materials science, electricity [and] magnetism experts who’ve solved an important part of one of science’s mysteries: the key to antigravity
I thought antigravity was proven to be impossible
gravity != emf
@RUJordan No, it's not.
We barely know how to reliably use magnetism to float things a few cm over rails with great care and energy. Even the needed batteries wouldn't fit in the pictured boards.
optional handlebars? wtf
@dystroy one of the problems with magnetism is that it requires a magnetic substance to provide the force
Good thing I'm a chick magnet </joke>
normal diamagnetism isn't strong enough to hold that thing up
electrical currents, preferably coupled with high speed, can do it
but hoverboard ? Not in 2014
goede-stiftung.org these guys offer 1 million euro prize to anyone who can demonstrate a reproducible antigravity experiment
I feel like it would take too many moving parts to do that
What would be the best way to compare two jquery objects?
antigravity can also be used as a buzz word to just hovering, I have no big problem with that as long as it's marketing
@Vap0r how do you want to compare them ?
I have a table with editable rows.
@SomeKittensUx2666 Well... it's probably not RESTful. And it definitely isn't using HTTP correctly.
I'm trying to check if they have been edited.
@Vap0r JSON.stringify(obj1) == JSON.stringify(obj2)
Hmmm, alright I'll give that a try.
@dystroy well if the translation is correct they are specifically trying to find ways to negate the effects from the force of gravity on an object.
so actual anti-gravity effects.
@RyanKinal Isn't part of REST returning proper codes?
Would === make a difference with comparing those?
@Vap0r also, check if they are dirty
@RUJordan i don't think so since they both would be strings
@SomeKittensUx2666 Proper error handling, sure. But it doesn't necessarily rely on HTTP.
so not just 'produce a force greater than but opposite gravity', but actually 'remove the effect of gravity on it'
@eazimmerma It didn't quite work.
@rlemon pretty sure that's impossible
Give me a second. ERROR: TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON
@KendallFrey might be. I'm just posting the page to the foundation offering the reward
People often conflate HTTP and REST. But HTTP is really just a common, simple way to implement REST.
@rlemon I would expect to get substantially more than a million bucks for that
you would.
~1.5 million CAD
1 million EUR
Actually, REST is kind of the architectural concept that HTTP is built on.
@rlemon There would be a greater buzz for that, like the sound of one million scientists rushing to take the plane and see that...
Rather than the other way around.
@dystroy I'm not a scientist and I would also be on that plane
@Vap0r oops. yeah, don't do that
I have a row with input fields, when I first load the fields I want to save the input fields, and if there are any changes in any of the input I want to recognize it. something like:
var blah = $(".row");
function edit(){
if(blah != $(".row"))
I think this hoverboard works like many softwares : on vapor
But in the case of the conditional statement I want it to check to see if the values of the inputs within that tr row are changed.
I tried serializing but it requires the input fields to have names, I know it seems arbitrary but I already don't want to do that since markup is already cluttered.
@JabelMárquez Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Vap0r how are the fields being edited?
is each row an input field?
Input textboxes by the user.
Each row has multiple input fields for each column.
nooo i got outgolfed
@eazimmerman I suppose I could just do an each over them and then compare each value, but I was hoping for something a little slicker.
@rlemon Well its not hard to 'produce a force greater than but opposite gravity'. It's called the ground. haha
@twiz The ground is equal.
@twiz umm, that doesn't make any sense
feel bad for your stupidity please.
haha yea, I guess it would be equal
unless it's a trampoline...
Is there a way to hash the values of an input field?
var anti_gravity = world.getGravity().toNewtons() * -1;
Something like md5($("input").text())?
other food film suggestion plz?
@t1wc supersize me?
@mikedidthis already seen
@t1wc super high me?
@mikedidthis lol
is it a thing?
Films specifically about food, or films that have a heavy food-based element to the plot?
@t1wc its a thing!
@RyanKinal mostly cheese
Chocolat, Ratatouille, Mostly Martha
is there a lib for escaping stuff in node.js to prevent sql injection when dealing with raw queries?
@mikedidthis oh god... it really exists
thx, gonna try that soon
@t1wc yep that or the greatest story movie ever sold
@mikedidthis did they really make it?
I thought that even the trying to make was a joke
@t1wc sorry that was another film suggestion :D
"It's Raining Hamburgers"
Well I think that's what the title was.
well... thx
now I have too many films to watch (fat upset boy face here)
Oh! Hannibal... as long as you consider people to be food.
And Soylent Green for that matter.
can we make a room about film suggestions?
Probably. You can try.
You might get better results here, tough:
I'm a little bit in trouble here. I need to replicate the behavior of a button that's created through mysterious means by a plugin. Well, "button" since it's a div. This (stackoverflow.com/questions/441821/…) didn't work. I don't know how to look for the event handler since it's a method (I think) of an object (and I dunno much about object stuff) that doesn't even have a name. I need help to guide me.
Whoa shit just got real
Q: How should I deal with an employee who has slept with my wife?

Waiter JohnI'm the owner of a business with about 30-40 employees. Recently, I found out that one of my employees has been having an affair with my wife. The employee has worked for me for 4 years. I felt like I was his mentor, since I recruited straight from university, taught him the ropes, and promoted h...

@Jhawins Holy crap, yeah it did.
The object (or class, or whatever) is created simply like this: "new ContentFlowAddOn ('config', { <insert the whole file full of stuff like conf: {<content>} here> }
lol wow. Didn't expect to find that
In Indiana you can pretty much be fired for whatever. Boss didn't like your tone? Done. They call it an "at will employment" state or something.
@Vap0r what about something like this ? jsfiddle.net/eazimmerman/juLbJ
@Ariane What do you mean "replicate the behavior of a button". Does the button exist on your page, or are you trying to implement an alternative (and remove the button from your page)?
Because, if the button is on your page, it should be easy enough to trigger the click handler of the button.
I think since it's such a complex structure (I include the script ContentFlow_src.js and add an attribute load="addon1 addon2" and then the script itself will load those other script files mysteriously), Jquery isn't able to find the event handler... or something.
@Vap0r then you just check the new and old value and do whatever you need to at that point
Uhm, the button exists. I wanna create a duplicate of it that'll appear when the site is mobile-sized.
@Jhawins what I usually hear about america is that there are no strict laws about employment: if the boss likes the dude he can get him, if he thinks he's not working as much as another who wants to work he can fire him
and that's why we say that america has so much money and great economy
@RyanKinal http://www.uqac.ca/pral/beta/
I wanna copy the behavior of the grey buttons onto the white buttons that appear into the orange bar when the window is shrunk.
@Ariane So, using $('#newButton').click(function() { $('#oldButton').click(); }); doesn't work for you?
Nah. People sue people for firing them, and they win a lot.
@t1wc We have a great economy and a lot of money???
@Jhawins america itself, not who lives in it
@eazimmerman That's pretty good. And while it works I ended up coding something like this.
row_state = $(this).siblings().map(function(){
return $(this).children().val();
and who can own emplyees
What the fuck micro dick soft
@AbhishekHingnikar Lmfao
I didn't know you could do it that way. I used the second bit of code on that answer. stackoverflow.com/a/10332551/1995518
I'll try what you said.
@Jhawins this is the biggest what the fuck of my life
remember the code snippet i shared ?
Umm.... When?
I've been pretty busy
SnapickUserService.prototype.getUser = function (id) {
    var obj = this.__service.get(id);
    return obj || this.__getUserOverNetwork(id);
^ Works
SnapickUserService.prototype.get = function (id) {
    var obj = this.__service.get(id);
    return obj || this.__getUserOverNetwork(id);
^ Fails.
why ... even god doesn't knows
Wait... Wut?
Oh I see!
the .get
^ Now you see why i wtf'd so hard
it will work fine usually
That sucks lol
but when i use Microsoft's API's it breaks balls
WinJS.Namespace("Snapick.IO", [something with .get as a prototype value] ) ;
Go tell Mr. Gates he breaks balls
it even broke console.log -_- in vs
lol how much time did you spend on it?
4 hours
in peices.
@RyanKinal AWESOME. This is working.
@Zirak imdb has an half baked JSONP API - maybe we should offer it for a search.
@Ariane Hooray!
@rlemon , @RyanKinal you saw it ?
I honestly didn't know there was such a simple thing as "if you click on this, then click on that"
@AbhishekHingnikar Saw what? Your code snippet?
@Ariane It's useful sometimes :-)
@AbhishekHingnikar "saw it" <- huh?
@AbhishekHingnikar Ah. Haven't given it much thought.
I also realized it why it fails <3 u microsoft idiots
Now just gotta figure out why the pointer cursor isn't showing up on them but it's no big deal since it's mainly mobile anyway.
Microsoft was trying to write syntax sugar
@Ariane #newButton { cursor: pointer; } /* CSS */
it made the whole darn thing a getter setter
// is that not the most insane level of stupidty ever heard ?
Meh. Kinda.
@RyanKinal Heh, no need for jQuery. I was just silly and had written cursor: hover; in my stylesheet.
they fucking made my object a property with a getter setter
@Ariane Well, I wasn't suggesting jQuery... I was suggesting CSS :-D
just cause it had an instance method .get
@RyanKinal Rofl. I saw curly braces and I immediately thought jQuery. I'm not even tired. I think it's a retarded day for me.
how would you test, with underscore, that a list of objects contains this object and ONLY this item?

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