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@Mosho 8 characters isn't short enough?
@Mosho You just did it. Or have X be an object, then it will be passed by reference.
@Mosho foo(x); // abuse the parameter
@ThiefMaster this is impressive...
> Piskvor reviewed this 6 hours ago: Approve
@Jhawins if the deal is interesting, then try to get a formal contract anyway
@ThiefMaster REPRIMAND!!
I'm sort of in a personal limbo... Just haven't decided what to do. I come from a 11 person family, so the stress there is a little annoying too.
@Jhawins 11 person? How many siblings?
@FlorianMargaine It's not that interesting...
@rlemon Sorry I mean that it jumps to the right part, but will not offset my header. So the header is overlapping a part of that section. Only when came from another page.
:hides for a bit:
@qwertynl Well, 12 if you count my half-brother.
@Jhawins I am confused.... So your parents are not counted?
9 kids (including me), 1 half brother, 2 parents.
@Jhawins ahhh got it.
@ThiefMaster would you mind if I called him out for that edit approval?
I thought being one of 6 siblings was high @Jhawins
Hahaha yeah, most would.
holy crap... I hate that there are no "tag links" on the right side on SO anymore, when you open a question
Youngest just turned 5.
@RUJordan: already did with a superping in another room
new game, pick out @Jhawins
@rlemon top right
my guess is the one on the far left
No multiple child births though. The girly is a triplet though, so that's weird.
@Jhawins Where are you in ages? oldest? middle?
@ThiefMaster good. 43k and approving that crap... what's a superping?
looks like he's trying to push out a turd
@RUJordan: like a normal @ ping but it works for any user, even if he has never talked in the room
^ that
can I do one?
@qwertynl Well the half-bro is 32, then the next full blooded sibling is 22, then there's another, then me. So I'm 4th oldest overall.
Please tell me he responded
They basically had 5 guys, then 5 girls. So when I was growing up it was a man house, not it's a teenage girl house cause the guys moved.
@Jhawins Fancy. I am just a plain ol' oldest of 6 :-( [with 4 sisters]
> "Any attempt to brew coffee with a teapot should result in the error
code "418 I'm a teapot". The resulting entity body MAY be short and
yay. 100% code coverage in testing!
Plus on the 4 sides of the house were 3 cornfields and a pond. Out in the middle of no where. Haha. Amish country almost.
I did it :D, threw mongo out of the code
@Jhawins Your family is farmers?
My immediate family, no. But my grandfather has ~125 acres of corn to plant this spring. My uncle is a millionaire with ~3K acres in Southern Indiana and there's now a vacant family tobacco farm that is I think ~400 acres? I have no idea for sure on that one.
I think I have a definitive argument for Miaou : In Miaou, any ping is super ping
@Jhawins whoa
We didn't farm, but we had a 100' X 50' ish garden, a bunch of goats, horses, ~15 barn cats and such.
!!afk hold on'
Q: Bower Loading devDependencies in Production?

jchamberlainShort Version My project requires angular-leaflet, and angular-leaflet has a long list of devDependencies, including jQuery 2. I don't want jQuery 2--I want jQuery 1.x. How can I get bower to ignore the devDependencies of angular-leaflet and let me use jQuery 1? Long Version I am using bower 1...

Still looking for an answer :/
This is really stumping us...
But yeah, it was interesting. I'm the only technically inclined kid so far.
@well Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Damn how do people have like... 160 bronze badges with 4k rep?
Oh, 577 questions, that's how.
@RUJordan Who has 577 questions ?
> That awesome moment when all the meta code you have been writing for 2 days works like a bliss in one run.
if you are to qunit test a model that pertains to actions taken on a controller, should you instantiate the controller and simulate mouse clicks?
@AbhishekHingnikar wake up, you have work to do
@dystroy nah it actually worked \o/
i ain't dreaming :P
ok, ping me when you find why you didn't properly test :)
@dystroy Haha, I am waiting for random bugs to appear myself
Hello everybody, I have a problem with module pattern, can you help me ?
@Chicharito we will try
what seems to be the problem?

This is work
getCurrentThunb: function ()
var a = this.arrayThumbnailImages;
var b = this.currentMediaFileID;
console.log($.grep(a, function (e) { return e.MediaFileID == b; }));

But this is not work
getCurrentThunb: function ()
console.log($.grep(this.arrayThumbnailImages, function (e) { return e.MediaFileID == this.currentMediaFileID; }));
howdy ho!
!!tell Chicharito format
@Chicharito Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
Pffff jshint can't be configured to forget about "missing" semicolons ?
@Blowsie hello there
@dystroy Right. I was pissed.
Q: anyone here got google analytics ecommerce plugin working?
@dystroy it's kind of astounding how many semi-colons I find missing in my scripts.
@RUJordan were you the one who questioned whether or not me base64 thing would work?
@RUJordan well, depends on the choices you make. For me that's enough to make it impossible to use jshint.
format not work
@Chicharito hit up on the arrow keys to edit a post.
is there a way to check if a controller of a specific name exists within a web app?
Cause I think you were right. At least on OSX. But I thought this worked.
getCurrentThunb: function() {
    var a = this.arrayThumbnailImages;
    var b = this.currentMediaFileID;
    console.log($.grep(a, function(e) {
        return e.MediaFileID == b;
getCurrentThunb: function() {
    console.log($.grep(this.arrayThumbnailImages, function(e) {
        return e.MediaFileID == this.currentMediaFileID;
@Jhawins I don't recall a base64 question, sorry
i formatted it for you
@RUJordan Yesterday? The command that just deletes everything?
thank you @eazimmerman
@dystroy oh I fix them all of course, but I agree
@RUJordan I don't. I like my code how it is on that point.
@Chicharito try:
getCurrentThunb: function() {
    var currentMediaFileID = this.currentMediaFileID;
    console.log($.grep(this.arrayThumbnailImages, function(e) {
        return e.MediaFileID == currentMediaFileID;
@Jhawins hmm, the unix command?
@dystroy lol your way or the highway?
this.currentMediaFileID doesn't point to the correct variable inside the function
@eazimmerman yes, its work
@eazimmerman thank you
you're welcome ^_^
Just got something to work and my boss confirmed that it works
Time for my strategic exit from work before he finds "problems"
> Well I think it's time for me to hit the ol' dusty trail...
@Neil sounds so familiar :)
@keune i know right? :)
@griff4594 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@dystroy :-> i found what i broke.
So, if root and [user] have the same root permissions, why couldn't Filezilla write, despite the permissions being the same?
Can you not SFTP when the directory is chowned by the root?
@dystroy look at the asi option in jshint
I just wrote a jshintrc this morning so I know the options :p
@RUJordan Are you looking for me?
Uhhh, no..?
@thefourtheye you're not Piskvor :P
Probably you misspelled @ThiefMaster :D
haha :D
@mikedidthis daybreakers was cool... but meh
@thefourtheye chat.stackoverflow.com/messages/15089174/history maybe that pinged you?
My god I hope all accounts*="the" didn't get pinged..
lol. That was it :)
Good day bro :)
Lol sorry brah, my mistake
@RUJordan Still on this?
@Jhawins figured it out last night, but I don't quite get the "why"
Oh wut I read that wrong.
Also, that doesn't belong on SO :P
Fuck. Which stack site is it proper for?
@thefourtheye Salad doesn't belong in here!
@RUJordan Are you sure you were using SFTP? Filezilla uses normal FTP by default.
@RUJordan only online accounts I guess...
@BadgerGirl woof woof... Once dogs are trained, they find it difficult to forget them :D
@RUJordan Only one..
@Jhawins ya, I connect with sftp://[email protected]
@RUJordan ...How? That's what you're using as your hostname?
When you connect
Because sftp:// isn't a thing I don't think. So I'm confused.
sftp:// is required by Filezilla for my connection
I'm still learning why, most of these Ubuntu "how-to's" are all "how" and not "why"
You're using the normal Filezilla client?
On my mac
Cause fuck nano for larger filez
Screenshot where it says sftp://[email protected] plz
what do you mean?
Cause I'm on my mac using Filezilla, and I don't see this making any sense at all.
Screen my login to the server (ftp)?
Hold on...
Idk where you're seeing sftp://...
Maybe we just do things differently.
For the "host" field you should just use "sourceundead.com", user "root" password "$pass" and port 22.
@RUJordan Damn you!!
lol my work actually taught me sftp://
That's just a silly representation of it so you can tell what it is. sftp:// isn't a thing, that's just how filezilla is conveying that it was over SFTP :P
Am I wrong? Is it legit? I thought that was just not real, I was told it just isn't used.
Of course I guess anything could be used. I just didn't know why you were seeing it.
In computing, the SSH File Transfer Protocol (also Secure File Transfer Protocol, or SFTP) is a network protocol that provides file access, file transfer, and file management functionalities over any reliable data stream. It was designed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as an extension of the Secure Shell protocol (SSH) version 2.0 to provide secure file transfer capability, but is also intended to be usable with other protocols. The IETF Internet Draft states that even though this protocol is described in the context of the SSH-2 protocol, it could be used in a number of diff...
I have no idea what your issue was.
My sys admin uses it, and it technically works, but I'll do more research
@RUJordan use sftp
it is how I use filezilla with my servers
@rlemon You don't know what we're talking about.
The prefix "sftp://" not sftp itself.
bitch, I know everything. step off.
you need the prefix in filezilla
source: I use filezilla and do this daily.
Stepping off of rlemon's balls... I only got 1mm shorter...
@Jhawins for that question, the issue was, I had to chown the www directory to the user-group jordan which has root permissions. So why would jordan as the owner work, but root would deny file uploads?
@rlemon You do not need the prefix.
@Jhawins I minified my balls to leave more room for the shaft.
I've never used it, ever.
It only actually shows up in the quick connect bar because it's not actually used.
how then, might I ask, do you connect to sftp without the prefix in filezilla?
!!learn minifiedballs <>"http://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/15090347#15090347"
@RUJordan Command minifiedballs learned
@RUJordan That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: minifiedballs
1 min ago, by rlemon
@Jhawins I minified my balls to leave more room for the shaft.
!!afk lunch
That is how. The "sftp://" is NEVER actually sent/used, it's only there to show you that that's what you were using because that's easier than writing "this connection was SFTP"
so your server doesn't require it. cool.
mine requires I connect via sftp
and filezilla doesn't attempt to use sftp unless I provide the prefix
@rlemon That IS over sftp.
so, who wants to be my best friend of the day and help rewrite a terrible iterative method with _UNDERSCORE_?!
Status:	Resolving address of lemonmeme.com
Status:	Connecting to
Error:	Connection timed out
Error:	Could not connect to server
Status:	Waiting to retry...
Status:	Resolving address of lemonmeme.com
Status:	Connecting to
Error:	Connection timed out
Error:	Could not connect to server
without the prefix
Maybe it's because you're on Windows. Your server doesn't have a clue whether or not you used it.
21 is classic FTP
Status:	Connecting to lemonmeme.com...
Response:	fzSftp started
Command:	open "[email protected]" 22
Command:	Pass: *********
Status:	Connected to lemonmeme.com
Status:	Retrieving directory listing...
Command:	pwd
Response:	Current directory is: "/root"
Command:	ls
Status:	Listing directory /root
Status:	Calculating timezone offset of server...
Command:	mtime ".mysql_history"
Response:	1383842385
Status:	Timezone offsets: Server: -25200 seconds. Local: -18000 seconds. Difference: 7200 seconds.
so it's a client thing, not a server thing
@rlemon You didn't change the port to 22 did you.
well fuck you mr. fancy pants.
Filezilla is the only thing reading the prefix.
@ThiefMaster Yes.
ThiefMaster gets it :thumbsup:
@monners Yeah, but generally during the SF workday.
Filezilla really just does ssh host.com -pPORT... Then it provides the user, then the password, all separately. There's no prefix no matter what because it will just do $host.com. If it did ssh sftp://host.com you'd get an error. //basically.... Close enough for this discussion anyway.
@SomeKittensUx2666 Timezones are a bitch
Now on to IRC work
I don't quite understand this
stacktrace my ass
damn, yours posted before mine :(
@AbhishekHingnikar i'll pass
@eazimmerman am about to pass out
function stackTrace() {
    var err = new Error();
    return err.stack;
!!> var e = new Error(); e.stack;
@eazimmerman "@blob:c5c2e13c-1a60-4dce-a5e7-824beae737c3:115\nexec@blob:c5c2e13c-1a60-4dce-a‌​5e7-824beae737c3:114\nglobal.onmessage@blob:c5c2e13c-1a60-4dce-a5e7-824beae737c3:‌​136\n"
@rlemon i can see caprica's naughty bits
her blobs are showing lol
    function SnapickFSService(){
        'use strict';
        this.__service = new SnapickService('fullPath');

    SnapickFSService.prototype.__getDirOverNetwork = function (path) {
        return $.get( Snapick.serverURL + '/users/me/fs/' + path);

    SnapickFSService.prototype.get = function (path) {
        console.log(this.__service, path);
        var obj = this.__service.get(id);
        return obj || this.__getDirOverNetwork(id);
and i call it like this
        Snapick.IO.FS = new SnapickFSService();
I don't understand what am i doing wrong :-/
this.__service is undefined -_-
in a findWhere() in underscore, can you return the inverse? Ie, find me everything EXCEPT this.
Does anyone know of a more current version of github.com/benjaminleouzon/tablefixedheader - for fixed table headers?
@Crow _.filter
@FlorianMargaine hm I just did _.without(myList, _.findWhere(myThing)... is that not good?
@Crow dunno, is iterating twice instead of once bad?
well, I need to use it again. The idea is, find everything except this and set it to CLOSED, and then take this and set it to the opposite of its current state (where the states are OPEN and CLOSED)
myList.forEach(function(item) {
    item.state = item === 'this' ? OPEN : CLOSED;
@Crow something like this? ^
I don't understand the predicate of your ternary
how do you know if your item is the thing to set to OPEN?
let me put my code up real quick avoid any miscommunication
toggler: function(id) {
  var self = this;
  var target = findWhere(this.things, {id: id});
  _.each(_.without(this.things, target), function(w) {
    w.state = self.states.OPEN;
  if(target.state == this.states.OPEN) {
    target.state = this.states.CLOSED;
  } else {
    target.state = this.states.OPEN;
oops sorry, w.state = self.states.CLOSED
yeah, give me some time
if I don't answer, it means I went afk for dinner
 $.get( '/Default/AddRoutineHTML?RoutineCount=' + routineCount, function(data) {
how do I bind that new injected data to the current document?
so I can error validate it
right now my validation script won't see it, but not sure how to bind the new data
.bind() - I thought would help it
it's all good wasn't expecting any fast answers hah
JavaScripters to follow on Twitter. Suggest some.
toggler: function(id) {
    _.each(things, function(thing) {
        if (thing.id !== id) {
            return thing.state = this.states.CLOSED;

        thing.state = !thing.state;
    }, this);
nice! I actually didn't know about that "this" trick
thank you
@Vinoth Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@RyanKinal me
or just look at the people I follow :P
hey everyone quick question about using jQuery validation,

if ((newIndex === 3) && ($("#ContentPlaceHolder1_locationTextBox").val() == "")) {

return false;
else {

this works a treat, however how could I get this to work with multiple textboxes? In adition to the aforementioned locationTextBox .
so if newIndex === 3 ..... // do validation for all textboxes (there are three of them)

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