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> While it is true that asking regexes to parse arbitrary HTML is like asking Paris Hilton to write an operating system, it's sometimes appropriate to parse a limited, known set of HTML.
just smiled on that one too :p
@dystroy create more isolated example, put on jsfiddle :P
that Lazy.js thing looks pretty nice btw
I'm kind of surprised I still get rep for this answer.
@AbhishekHingnikar you liked it.
It's pretty shitty.
@Miszy it is.
@AbhishekHingnikar supporting IE<=8? If not, no
A: How to set custom favicon in node.js/express

Benjamin GruenbaumAccording to the API, .favicon accepts a location parameter: app.use(express.favicon("public/images/favicon.ico")); Most of the time, you might want this (as vsync suggested): app.use(express.favicon(__dirname + '/public/images/favicon.ico')); Or better yet, use the path module (as Druska ...

I'm quite surprised to get like 5 upvotes each day.. for over a year or so on this still
A: Is there a standard function to check for null, undefined, or blank variables in JavaScript?

jAndyYou can just check if the variable has a truthy value or not. That means if( value ) { } will evaluate to true if value is not: null undefined NaN empty string ("") 0 false The above list represents all possible falsy values in ECMA-/Javascript. Find it in the specification at the ToBoolea...

Anyone familiar with Facebook Graph API?
@jAndy Wow. Nice.
Anyone know how to get this from Facebook Graph API without page admin token?
My lamest high upvote answer
A: How to add #hash clicking to an element

Some GuyUsing plain old vanilla JS: window.location.hash='example'; MDN on window.location

A: How can I make this progress bar with just CSS?

rlemonCss Tricks has a good article showing how you would achieve this. Example Re: Comment Looks pretty close to me Notice I have changed the widths of the span elements. LAST UPDATE OP wanted it to look more like his example Change the following two lines of CSS in the demo .meter { backgr...

@Miszy even before you start
use fql
@AbhishekHingnikar Why?
@rlemon that's not winning here though since it's a good answer, I actually uv-d that.
All ours were simple 'everyone knows' or 'google away' answers :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum Can't be reproduced in the browser but you may try this on node :
var Promise = require("bluebird");

function wait(){
    var resolver = Promise.defer();
    }, Math.floor(Math.random()*1000));

    console.log(" Preparing  " + i);
    return Promise.cast(wait).then(function(){
        console.log(" Hey  " + i);
@Miszy more flexible and insanely more powerful
@rlemon Yeah, that's a good answer
lets you control what you want aswell :P not like facebook graph api ... oh hi lets give u a dump of 98% data that you might not use. !
My most upvoted is an okay answer stackoverflow.com/questions/12227546/…
much like mongo it sucks when you get realistic
one of my best voted answers is "here is a screenshot of a article I googled on CSS Tricks"
Or simply
var Promise = require("bluebird");
    console.log(" Preparing  " + i);
    return Promise.delay(Math.floor(Math.random()*1000)).then(function(){
        console.log(" Hey  " + i);
then followed up with two changes to the css
posted on March 04, 2014 by Nicholas C. Zakas

I’ve recently been working on a project involving Google Spreadsheets. My goal was to store data in the spreadsheet using a form and then read the data from that spreadsheet using a Node.js application. Having no experience with Google web services, I ended up digging through a lot of documentation only to find that there […]

It's still a good answer :p
@Feeds ooooo
:rlemon I've informed my coworkers of the second (blue arrow) roll-up-the-rim. They are very appreciative.
@RyanKinal lol yea
win you a car!
@SomeGuy my most upvoted answer is awesome
now as an American, which do you prefer? StarBucks or TimHortons
I seriously haven't had any Tim's coffee in quite a while. So I haven't rolled any rims.
@rlemon Ummm. It depends. If it's straight-up coffee, Tim Hortons. If it's espresso drinks, Starbucks.
@rlemon Dunkin Donuts, myself.
@FlorianMargaine That's pretty great to know
@AbhishekHingnikar So what's the flow here? I use FB JavaScript to do oAuth authorisation but once I have an access token I do SELECTs manually, right?
@FlorianMargaine yea, I'm going to weigh in with "that is a fucking awesome answer"
I learned something which may one day be valuable
I usually go to the local cafe for anything, though.
@RyanKinal the local cafe is Tim's in Canada though
@RyanKinal I pretty much only drink tims coffee
@Miszy yeap
but fql has loads of tables and structured data open to you that you can use
buy one in the morning and I have tims k-cups at home and work
and you can also do complex queries
I feel like the use cases for LazyJs are a little slim, at least as a lodash/underscore replacement. I can't think off hand of when I've done expensive calculations just to get a few elements.
and nested queries
@rlemon I have locally-roasted, fair-trade beans in my kitchen.
... shit, I'm a hipster.
I've done the fresh beans. I still prefer tims.
Q: Sequential execution of functions using promises

dystroyI want to execute some functions sequentially from an array. I thought this would do it : var Promise = require("bluebird"); Promise.cast([1,2,3]).reduce(function(_,i){ console.log("Launching " + i); return Promise.delay(Math.floor(Math.random()*1000)).then(function(){ console....

@BenjaminGruenbaum @FlorianMargaine ^
why helloooo old friends! Are you guys ready for a barrage of context-less random questions at random intervals again today? :D
@Crow As long as you're ready for me to ignore them
@Esailija ^^^
@dystroy you're using delay, you're going out of the sequence
@RyanKinal you know the vague-ness and perceived stupidity will get you at least curious!
chat user since	2011-10-15
last message	54d ago
last seen	48d ago
@Esailija whats up?
abandoned us?
@FlorianMargaine Well, how do you ensure the sequence here ?
I need to apply some personal chat bot
@Esailija , @Raynos ?
@dystroy what?
@dystroy I can't reproduce
@Crow Are they all going to be about JavaScriptMVC (the framework, not the concept)?
I get 112233
@BenjaminGruenbaum in node ?
only a couple of thousand lines to bring me back into the holy frequently in room chamber
It doesn't work the same in a fiddle
chat user since	2010-10-25
last message	97d ago
last seen	97d ago
posted on March 04, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} I wrote an eBook for kids, with art by Chris Jones and extra info by

@dystroy what version?
@RyanKinal I have no clue what they're going to be about today! Probably underscore though
(Of Bluebird)
oh wait.. actually... I am back already
@Crow Use lazy instead
@Feeds it better not be disappointing like it has been
confused about the algo
Or lodash
what is lazy?
@dystroy I have summoned the @Esailija , he'll be here
aaand disappointing ...
I like underscore, but it's like solving a logic puzzle every time I try to do something more than a single command
@Esailija holy shit. I said your name enough and you came!
25 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
@AbhishekHingnikar lazy.js game over
@BenjaminGruenbaum v0.10.26
@rlemon katsumi katsumi katsumi katsumi katsumi
@BenjaminGruenbaum I choose to believe it was because I said his name three times
@dystroy of Bluebird
beetlejuice beetlejuice....
5 times' better than 3!
@FlorianMargaine ...
> Katsuni is a former French pornographic actress. Wikipedia
@rlemon I pinged him, and told him to come here :P
ummmm why ?
!!google Katsuni
@BenjaminGruenbaum shhhhhhhhhhh
K, I just got a .10.26 up - trying to reproduce
I pinged him three times. he is a magical ghost
let me have my moment you bastard
└── [email protected]
upgrade your bluebird version
@Crow I'd second the recommendation for Lodash. It has all the functions of underscore, but better performance and a few extra features.
@dystroy that's rather old bluebird
@RyanKinal Actually... this is really cool, I like it. The problem is the other people I work with use underscore
$ npm install bluebird
npm http GET registry.npmjs.org/bluebird
npm http 304 registry.npmjs.org/bluebird
[email protected] node_modules/bluebird
@Crow Perhaps you should use the underscore-compatible version of lodash instead.
moo tools
game over
@BenjaminGruenbaum @FlorianMargaine That fixed it...
dys@dys-tour:~/dev/node> npm list
└── [email protected]

dys@dys-tour:~/dev/node> node testBlueBird_reduce.js
Launching  1
Executing  1
Launching  2
Executing  2
Launching  3
Executing  3
wouldn't my teammates get annoyed with the inconsistency?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Can you make an answer ?
wait, I'll test in the real program...
@Crow yes. but fuck team mates (unless they are fat, or smelly)
@dystroy done
Sorry @Esailija :P
@Crow Inconsistency? What inconsistency? It's underscore-compatible.
A: Sequential execution of functions using promises

Benjamin GruenbaumYou are using an old version of Bluebird. The behavior of .reduce was changed in v1 to work this way: Like .map and .filter, .reduce now allows returning promises and thenables from the iteration function. ( from the changelog ) Please update to the most recent version. This will cause the...

yes, it's also fixed in miaou... the time I lost due to that
@dystroy just add the Bluebird version into the answer so it'll help future visitors.
You say map changed too. Would it be that I didn't have to use reduce instead of map ?
is lazy underscore compatible?
.reduce didn't use to return thenables. It unwraps now and it didn't before. In <v1 you'd have to chain them yourself in the reduce.
@AbhishekHingnikar thank you, mate. :) I still don't know how to get that 5-star rating, but FQL is the way to go in my application.
I feel that the lack of sequence is damageable. The main reason you use promises is to reduce callback hell. My code is more complex and harder to read now that I changed my recursive state machine to promises (on this specific point, not speaking of the rest of the program).
@Miszy np :-)
@dystroy when you say that, ping @Esailija
facebook graph search and graph api are completely difrerent
@dystroy my proposal is different, I don't want mapSequence I want to be able to specify parallelism.
Note, that you can just do:
var p = Promise.cast();
     p = p.then(item);
Which you can write compactly as:
var p = items.reduce(function(accum, item){
    return p.then(item);
Which, you can write more compactly as:
Promise.reduce(items,function(item){ return item(); }); // or something like this
Where items is an array of functions, usually, you don't have varargs.
I have arrays of objects that i wish to merge
keeping custom uniques.
is there any native function for this ?
@AbhishekHingnikar in ES6 :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum environment is node
Object.assign and Object.mixin?
@BillyMathews damn good
Can someone find the bug in Safari: jsfiddle.net/E773g/21 When scrolling the current state is updating. In chrome it works right, but in safari, the last links: architect, contact and faq will not be updated correctly. For example contact will be updated before the header reached that section. In JS fiddle it works in safari, but in my code not. Have used same code..
still, best experience together with youtube.com/watch?v=QJelsOHe6xk
@jAndy What is this
politico.com/magazine/story/2014/03/… <- a lil bit serious and dipressing
a dancing russian obv !
@jAndy lolllll
its so funny to watch dancing putin with that tune in ear :P
literally can't hold myself
go to the bathroom
@jAndy lol
the beat lines up so nice
hahaha y
Huh. It seems my Battle.net account was removed entirely.
I mean, I hadn't used it in forever but still.
Can someone help me out?
@Caspert Welcome to the JavaScript chat! As the citizens of the realm of JabbaScript Land we present to you our citizen charter : rules.javascriptroom.com. Before asking a question inform yourself on the XY problem goo.gl/taIqf
@AbhishekHingnikar And a bit misinformed... Well, a lot misinformed.
@Jhawins not really
fuck yea!
u own it @rlemon ?
@AbhishekHingnikar First line is wrong. > "Vladimir Putin just invaded Ukraine."
oh stahp it...
@Jhawins but putin did invade.
troops and all
@Jhawins has he not ?
lol no he didn't
@Jhawins you are in america a country where red flag in washington is still banned iirc
Crimea invited them and Ukraine hasn't been invaded yet.
i doubt they will leak any soviet re-union talks in media :P xD
@jAndy you be stealing my gif
I could just start posting link after link after link about how everyone has been freaking out over something that hasn't even happened... Or you could just Google it yourself ;)
@Jhawins Look at it this way, canadian army gets control of new york cause new yorkers invited em.. Will the US still call it not invasion ?
what is the difference between funcunit and qunit?
Wow. I really thought that said "fuckunit" for a second.
@rlemon I have done that already. Lot of search, but can't find any solution..
in my mind, this whole ukraine thing is another.. "act" from "them" and pretty much any state serves as actor (not to say puppet)
@AbhishekHingnikar Not the same. They didn't "get control" they don't even have many troops there, and the approved troops Putin wanted to send to aid them haven't been sent yet because Putin hasn't given the word.
@Caspert you haven't done shit. you still asked to ask (in a sense)
@Jhawins did you completely over looked the xP and xD at the end ?
dude i know it. :P we are all just stacking pop corns
@Retsam Hahaha nice
Oh lol I was like... Nothin is really happening right now haha
I say go to fucking war already and stop changing your mind every day like a 10 year old.
@Jhawins people are concerned because it is very similar to 2008 and Ossetia
Like, the USA is fucked. Maybe not today, maybe not in this decade, but we are basically the scum of the world. They spy on everyone (more like stalk... I think a new word would have to be invented to describe how bad they are), we borrow money we can't hope to pay back and so on. Everybody's like if China invades us blah blah blah but in reality it's just like a repossession when somebody doesn't pay a normal loan back. I'm just gonna do my thing and watch but this stuffs gonna get funky.
except now Russia is more so trying to prove themselves as a power again.
@Jhawins in that post - @Jhawins does not understand the economy.
@rlemon gee, I wonder what prompted that maybe except putting western armies on every russian front except the one where chinese soldiers are.
@Jhawins well spoken
Surrounding Russia with more than 10 NATO somewhat hostile countries did certainly not make it paranoid :P
but its pretty important to mention that its not "the people", its actually about a very small group of people calling themselfs "government" or.. whateever
@BenjaminGruenbaum I do (well not completely, duh), I'm just putting it into different terms. I know it's not like we called China up and said "Hey we need to borrow $XXXX and we'll pay X% interest over X months. We'll use the USA as collateral."
@BenjaminGruenbaum well the military incursions in Ossetia are still there (afaik)
@Jhawins do you still need someone to do those few tasks you were talking about yesterday?
But you get what I mean, if we don't pay our debts we're assholes. That's that.
"to protect the Russian people"
@Jhawins do you know how modern capitalism works as an economy? You should read about the paradigm.
@BenjaminGruenbaum enlighten us
The US can cover its debts, being in debt and creating supply and demand is intentional. The Chinese economy doesn't work that way.
Most capitalist economies are in debt, the US is still by far the largest economy on earth.
Of course though @BenjaminGruenbaum I may as well say you're right. Whatever you're going to say next is correct. Cause when 2 walls debate with each other it's.... Well.. Fucking stupid haha. You always explain to me what I already was saying.
Seriously, the US economy is almost the size of the whole EU, and is like twice the size of China's.
you guys should really worry about Canada turning down the heat and taking you over by freezing you out
this winter is phase one
next winter we freeze florida
Bieber was phase 0.
you guys lost the hockey game, fuck that, he's yours
I don't think that billboard had national bargaining rights.
What I was doing was basically this.... If I said "Javascript is a programming language. You type out characters and then a computer does shit, sometimes it does stupid shit."
That's a shitty definition, it doesn't cover much of anything real at all. But you get it, I was just making an extremely simplified conclusion that may not so much be 100% accurate, but it conveys my point.
I dislike many aspects of Capitalism, but being in debt is not what we should criticize. The fact very few people have so much money otoh..
interests and compounded interest in "modern capitalist economy" will (like it always did) force the system to collapse, over and over again.
Your points are often controversial and not well conveyed.. example: Fucking horses is fine.
@Jhawins your point was wrong though :P
And my point was just my own mostly uninformed opinion. So it doesn't need to be perfect ;).

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