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@SajanSharma Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hello guys
I'm adding youtube video to my site and I need to play that on mouse over rather than click
can any one HELP...
@SajanSharma don't. That would be annoying
not to mention you can't mouse over on a touch screen
thanks, but I just need that when user will come to the video and it should get start.
That would be even more annoying
Agreed. I hate it when videos play without my approval.
but, its kind of ad
even worse
is it silent at least?
yes it would be silent
and it would get pause when mouse gets down
even worse. Really, I don't want to hold the mouse the entire time your ad is playing
or any video, for that matter
@JanDvorak could it get any worse? lol
@RUJordan Yes. Add sound, and make it cover the entire web-page
or, you could force the user to hold a space bar
!!should I have another cookie?
@SomeKittensUx2666 Yes!
You know, just to prove he's actually present
releasing the spacebar doesn't pause the video. It stops the video, so that the user has to watch it all over again when he presses space again.
@CapricaSix whatever you say
because, what good is an advertising that is split to pieces
Ugh, FTP still doesn't work on my server. Says

Error:	/var/www/form/server.js: open for write: permission denied
Error:	File transfer failed
I set permissions to 0755, not sure why it's doing that
44 mins ago, by CJ Ramki
I am using <nav> in order to navigate to particular divs in my page ..... the thing is i have a fixed header that covers 15% of the top of my web page .... when i click a link it easily navigates to my required div ... but problem is the div hides behind my header div
is there any way to display it below my header div?
any idea about this issue?
This is hard..
It's hard to debug when there's no freaking error...
@SomeKittensUx2666 You ever jump on TS?
@RUJordan The error is in your mind
Ohhhh it's losing the connection every time? wtf?
A wrapper doesn't seem to solve it either =/
Choosing the right regex can change the perfs a lot. I was curious after somebody posted an other answer and I verified that my regex is much slower :\
I'm not sure as to why, though. Both regexes should be simple.
Can somebody explain why my regex replacement is so slow ?
@dystroy how big is $1? Allocating the space for the string might make a difference
very big
so, that
in both cases you build the same string
That second regexp is effectively /}$/.
Q: Node.js Mysql Connection Terminated

RUJordanI'm trying to insert a basic form into my database to learn how node works, but I keep getting a fun little error returned.. { [Error: Connection lost: The server closed the connection.] fatal: true, code: 'PROTOCOL_CONNECTION_LOST' } I have a wrapper for disconnection, but that doesn't seem t...

@FizzyTea no
Oops, misread.
@dystroy the second case doesn't involve $1 as an intermediate value
If you mean as a buffer during regex computation, then I'm OK. If you mean for final string construct, then I'm not sure : if it's effectively compiled, the same string operations should happen. But maybe the compilation is prevented, which would explain the difference. How to ensure the code is compiled ?
in JSPerf? Not sure. Does V8 even support this kind of thing, baking particular regexes together with particular replacement patterns?
@dystroy On Chrome, just doing a regexp.test(), your RE is faster.
@FizzyTea Thanks. I wanted to do that test but got lazy. Did you build a jsperf ?
Nah, just in console, and only with one test string; and I don't know how representative that string is.
Yeah, that's nice.
ES6 has only fat arrows, no thin arrows ?
@dystroy indeed
That's unfortunate. People seem to forget that the dynamic context is powerful too.
@dystroy indeed
TIL ES6 has splats
TIL ES6 has raw string literals
That's a feature of Go I miss in Java and JavaScript
I'm not sure I see the point of templates, though
I'm sure this will lead to messed code :\
Good day
@dystroy I love ${"templates"}
@dystroy indeed
Symbols are sweet. Do they work with localStorage and jQuery().data?
Tail calls: Yay! Now I can write in Haskell while I write in Javascript.
Somehow I think Javascript is getting dangerously close to Haskell :-) We just need the do syntax for promises :-)
Anybody familiar with nodejs db connections? This error is driving me nuts.

error when connecting to db: { [Error: Connection lost: The server closed the connection.] fatal: true, code: 'PROTOCOL_CONNECTION_LOST' }
and lazy evaluation
@RUJordan seems like your database doesn't like your connection
var db_config = {
        user:"not my user",
        password:"not my password",
        database:"some db"
That's my config credentials. Ommitted of course, but I'm positive they're correct
@JanDvorak For complex server things, promises solve only part of the callback hell problem. I made this night things in miaou that are very hard to follow even with promises :\
I got that port from listening on my my server -- maybe that's an issue?
@dystroy would a do solve it?
What's a do ?
The Haskell syntax sugar for monads
Yeah if I change the port to 3306 I get access denied
monads = wrappers around values (maybe a value, more than one value (=list), promise of a value...)
A whole new category of bugs will arise :
function f(x, ...y) {
  // y is an Array
  return x * y.length;
f(3, "hello", true) == 6
@dystroy indeed, but how does it signify a bug?
No, I mean variadics are powerful (I love them) but I'm sure many will be confused
That's what you call splat, no ?
@dystroy yep
I always called that variadic
Ruby uses * and calls them splats
Yes, I got that, but was unsure because I never coded in Ruby (and don't want to)
In Ruby you can do a,b,c = *ary. Does that ([a,b,c] = ...ary) work in ES6?
@dystroy why not?
!!> [a,b,c] = [1,2,3]; console.log ("a:%i b:%i c:%i", a,b,c)
@C5H8NNaO4 "undefined" Logged: "a:%i b:%i c:%i",1,2,3
var wm = new WeakMap();
wm.set(s, { extra: 42 });
wm.size === undefined
undefined ? not 0 ?
what kind of constructor is that?
@t1wc it creates a weak map
@JanDvorak thx for the info -_-
that is, a map whose keys can be garbage-collected
@JanDvorak ?
it's a joke, right?
@t1wc the keys can be anything
@JanDvorak What I don't get is why there's not a new syntax, as they're primitive. Symbol(name) is heavy...
no, why?
Not just strings
@dystroy not much syntax space, I guess
well... creating a new WeakMap() object throws an error to me
@t1wc Try it in Firefox
It's not released yet...
@t1wc ES6
k, sorry
@t1wc See first star on the right
I can't even understand the first thing on the list... arrows
@t1wc function..return is way too heavy for something that's used so often
@JanDvorak so... the arrow auto-returns a function?
it's another syntax for functions
Ugh... it's been 2 hours and I've made 0 progress.
ok, thx
Instead of

var _this = this;
return function(a){ return a * _this.hexapodes }

you can do

return a => a * this.hexapodes
ok.... getting clearer
(I don't guarantee there's no error here)
and why shouldn't that be havier? It's still a return
well... not here to ask questions
!!> [1,2,3].map(x=>x*x);
the return belongs to the outer function
@FizzyTea [1,4,9]
^Cjordan@SourceUndead:/var/www/form$ netstat -tln
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN
tcp6       0      0 :::25000                :::*                    LISTEN
tcp6       0      0 :::2222                 :::*                    LISTEN
@t1wc I don't get your remark
Why will mysql only (seemingly) connect to port 9000?
!!> [1,2,3].map(x=>x*x);
@dystroy [1,4,9]
3306 was said to be the default, but I get an access denied error
The bot runs on FF ?
AFAIK, yep.
Q why did they implement this?
A becouse return was too heavy.
S let's put return out of the function
doesn't make much sense
it's mostly sugar
but again.... I know little or nothing about how mashines do this...
but a code with long useless parts is harder to grasp and maintain
And I'm not sure of what you say with the "return out of the function"
function double(a){return a*2}
return a => a*2
it's equivalent to
I don't really see what's the difference
return function double(a){return a*2}
even worse...
if return was heavy why did they put 2 returns?
let's change subject, or I'll start talking about cheese
a => a*2
is equivalent to
function (a){return a*2}
never good
Is that clear now ?
can you call again double in the first method?
and why not a = a*2 (or a*=2)?
changing subject
and I have to do homework
This is mainly used for anonymous functions
A promise question :
Q: Promise returns early with a for loop

cabaretI'm new to Promises so I might be doing something stupid here, but I can't seem to figure it out. Just so I know I'm on the right path, a bit of information upfront. I have an authenticate method which returns a promise: APIWrapper.prototype.authenticate = function() { var self = this; retu...

2.35 hours later... I have used JavaScript to insert data into a database.
And I'm severely annoyed LOL
@dystroy maybe he simply didn't know that a div is always the same size of his parent... if so it just means he's a noob, not that there was info lacking in the question
@t1wc A div is always the same size of his parent ?
@dystroy if you do height and width 100%
not always.. sorry
or inherit
someone could just make him happy and write those
Lacks basic understanding sadly.
@t1wc It's more complicated and it's very case dependant. See this
Maybe he needed display:table-cell, maybe other things, I don't like it when answering is about guessing the question
sourceundead.com/form.html checkout dat node action
@dystroy well... that's becouse you have 2 divs in the same div, and would be quite pointless if you want one to be as high as the other...
it worked!
That's his case, I think : he as an image instead of the other div
@RUJordan congratz for the design
@dystroy I thought the image was IN the other div
Functionality > design
in thatcase you're right... lack of information
@RUJordan :D
Next step is to do that with ajax.
Actually it's 4am.. sleep time.
it's 10 here
other good film to watch anyone?
It seems I failed to solve this promise question :
Thank you. I still don't seem to understand a crucial part though. When I try with that code in my REPL, it returns { then: [Function] } instead of logging the result variable. — cabaret 9 mins ago
Maybe because I don't know that promise library
Can somebody better than me in promise solve that guy's problem ?
@FlorianMargaine @BenjaminGruenbaum ^
@dystroy suggest .then(console.log.bind(console)
@JanDvorak I don't understand you there
@dystroy he sees the promise in the console, and he seeems to want the value it promises
But I think he returned the function, not the return of the function call
he returned a promise
Why is this fiddle not working? jsfiddle.net/rdesai/NNgaT/3
any idea?
@dystroy looks fine
He accepted, based on the first version
What's wrong with the simplified one ?
(I don't know this library)
@RahulDesai what is it supposed to do?
and what is this supposed to do? d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js
@BenjaminGruenbaum Too many words referring to things I don't know...
I have no idea how to solve it :/
It's magic (tm)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Windows Azure by default is pretty strict in its firewall/endpoints settings
did you create a new endpoint for this specific case?
(endpoint in this case being tcp port 49888)
@Kippie all I did is create an Azure web site and deploy my local project there.
@Kippie How would I add that exception to the website in Azure? I did not add anything to the settings there
@GerritFölster Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Kippie any help will help
@RahulDesai Replace var resources = JSON.stringify(data); with var resources = data; and resources[key] with resources[key].donations
Hello Guys
Please could you tell me what I am doing wrong?
@Ghaniball Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah, looking into it. Thought websites had endpoints just like vm's in azure, but apparantly not
Hi all, I have an iframe within a page in which I have an anchor tag which is a back button for users. it uses window.history.back(). But in IE8,9 when I click this, it first reloads the page and then goes to the previous page. I don’t find the same behaviour in other browsers as I’ve hash routing that loads all pages via ajax. any idea how to solve this?
@Yoda my solution when something needs to be overcomplicated for IE is to simply let IE users have bad pages... since they use a browser that creates problems
This didn't fix it :
since I'm guessing you will have to add more than 10 characters to your code you should just give up
@t1wc ya that is my last option. but need to know if I can solve this.
The last example in the ES6 overview I linked 2 hours before is a little stupid... Can you spot why ?
Calls in tail-position are guaranteed to not grow the stack unboundedly. Makes recursive algorithms safe in the face of unbounded inputs.

function factorial(n, acc = 1) {
    if (n <= 1) return acc;
    return factorial(n - 1, n * acc);

// Stack overflow in most implementations today,
// but safe on arbtrariy inputs in eS6
@t1wc that's a really really dumb suggestion.
@Yoda in that case I don't know
@BenjaminGruenbaum that's what some of you taught me
@t1wc you never blame the users, you degrade gracefully - you don't display a broken site.
@BenjaminGruenbaum you don't use a broken browser either
@dystroy if it's not 'it can be calculated faster and simpler' then no, I don't get it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum With js numbers you can stop very fast. factorial(100) is already infinite
@dystroy yeah, but that'd still be a stack overflow today :P
yes, of course, but that only shows how to make a long time to fail to compute instead of making a long time to crash... I would have prefered an example effectively computing something...
@dystroy with tail call optimization :P?
It's always factorial.
I dare you find one example on the internet that is not factorial
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes. I don't find any serie using only the last number and not growing too fast
The fact that this optimization is only useful for the factorial function is a little worrying, isn't it ? :p
@dystroy imagine you didn't have loops
@BenjaminGruenbaum haskell compilation?
Ok, let's find a math function not growing too fast, with u(n) = f(u(n-1)), and without rounding errors ....
@JanDvorak in a post talking about TCO?
@dystroy harmonic series. Grows really slowly to infinity.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Haskell uses a lot of recursion
@JanDvorak I'm not suggesting TCO isn't useful - just that every post that talks about it talks about factorial.
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes, but they're not very useful in IEEE754, are they ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum how soon do you start accumulating roundoff errors?
gunna go
@JanDvorak pretty fast I assume
So, turns out running a loop until MAX_VALUE was not a great idea :D
I can come with a function, but nothing classical or useful...
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol
the quicksort is a good example of recursion
Yes. It wouldn't crash the stack though. And I'm not sure it can be optimized with tail call optimization.
@dystroy it can; if you do the larger half last, you guarantee a stack size of O(log n)
it can crash you mean ? It can't be optimized, right ?
Quicksort with TCO? It can.
Without TCO: O(n) stack space. With TCO and a TCO-aware algorithm: O(log n) stack space
I have some trouble with my one page menu. I have made it with JS. I am figure out the following: When the user clicks on a specific link, it should jump to that section with smooth scroll. When the user is scrolling the hash in the url bar should be updated and when the user is on a single page, like single.html and he calls a menu item it should go to that section on the index.html. It is working, but when I refresh the page and I am on the section video it will go to that section,>
but after that it jumps back to the top of the page.. My code: jsfiddle.net/E773g/14
Hope someone can help me out! :)
@Caspert when the page is refreshed, you need to check the hash of the url by location.hash, if its present then scroll to that hash else do nothing.
@Yoda And where could I place that piece of code in my code?
@Caspert just in the main script that you execute in your page.
@Yoda Ok, so if I place the rule: location.hash at the top of the code that you can see in my JSFiddle should solve my problem?
@Yoda Which one should i take. I have also checked that question but, I don't know how to use it in my code.. Can you help me with that?
!!weather goa
@RahulDesai [](openweathermap.org/city/1255131): 29.567C (302.717K), Sky is Clear
@Caspert it should be something like jsfiddle.net/E773g/17
@Yoda Okay, so I can simple copy that to my offline document to test it or should I add or change something?
@Caspert as you can see I have made a new function where you need to pass href. just use it like that
@Yoda Okay great. I will paste it so in my code and test it. I will let you know if it is working or not!
@Yoda When I refresh the page, it will go to that part that i have clicked, but then it will go to the top of the document.. Also when I am on the single.html and I click to go to the video part for example, it doesn't jump to that part.
@Caspert check your code that you are not scrolling to the top on every page load
@Yoda I have done that already. I doesn't scroll, it will automatically go after go to the right part, back to the top. Or do you mean something else?
ya i meant check for piece of code that is scrolling to top on page load
@Yoda That's in line 38 till 41.. in my JSFIddle
film suggestion?
@t1wc warm bodies.
@mikedidthis not a story you hear everyday
gonna watch it
@t1wc yeah, its a nice twist, pretty funny.
@t1wc also I would suggest Daybreakers for another 'not your usual' vampire film.
k, thx
Q: keep the background image fixed position and centered

Mr_GreenIn my project, I need to show a small image in center of the container i.e .loader even when the user scrolls the page. I successfully implemented it but now I am facing a edgecase which is when user scrolls the page "up to the header" or "down to the footer", the small image is hiding. demo. In...

Guys, need help ^
Please let me know if my explanation is not understandeable
i need help
Q: Asp.Net jquery CRUD operations

Amin Soroushin asp.net soloution i have a html table like this: <table class="table" id="example1"> <thead> <tr> <th>ID</th> <th>News Name</th> <th>Actions</th> </tr> ...

can you help me ?
@AminSoroush sorry I don't know asp.net :(
i need get id of table row and then show in a textbox with jquery
or delete it from database
I have a weird situation in my project! .on("click",... works perfectly but .on("mouseover", ... doesnt
what could be possibly wrong?
the same code works perfectly in my fiddle for mouseover jsfiddle.net/rdesai/NNgaT/1
@AminSoroush say what ?
@RahulDesai phantom
hi friends
good eve
i have four textfields and i m converting the textfield to int. and then adding all four values
fine if all four field has a value and if i leave any one of them empty returns NaN
how to ignore empty field and add only the remaining
var private_bed=parseInt($("#private").val());
var suite_bed = parseInt($("#suite").val());
var double_bed = parseInt($("#double").val());
var triple_bed = parseInt($("#triple").val());
totalbeds = private_bed +suite_bed+double_bed+triple_bed;
document.getElementById('totalbeds').innerHTML =totalbeds;
hi friends
good eve
i have four textfields and i m converting the textfield to int. and then adding all four values
fine if all four field has a value and if i leave any one of them empty returns NaN
how to ignore empty field and add only the remaining
var private_bed=parseInt($("#private").val());
var suite_bed = parseInt($("#suite").val());
var double_bed = parseInt($("#double").val());
var triple_bed = parseInt($("#triple").val());
totalbeds = private_bed +suite_bed+double_bed+triple_bed;
document.getElementById('totalbeds').innerHTML =totalbeds;
1 message moved from PHP
Thanks, @Jack, we really needed a duplicate message in case we didn't see the first one.
@Kippie You're welcome!
@Kippie Lol
when listening to some music and switching tabs.. this looks even more epic
I reckon putin is harder to take seriously than kim jong un
Just looking at their faces
it's hard to take either of them seriously
except putin could actually do something, NK not so much
I haven't decided yet if russia is still in charge as independent .. "force" or not
but I don't think so :p
they're just playing the game
I highly recommend listening to this tune when watching the putin puppy
putin puppy?
Hang on.. getting headphones
lol :D
@jAndy That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@jAndy putin puppet? (source)
(The gif I sent?) :p
Good tune
does jQuery's height() include margin?
not by default, no
but .outerHeight(true) does, right?
I can jquery.
Yes you can!
I can has jquery?
I can haz javaquery
Hi there:
do some of you use Bootstrap ?

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