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No I didn't but I love pretty much all of his reviews, even the EVE Online review. :D
His analogies are just hilarious.
Edited for extended giggles.
Can anyone justify this guy's claim that animating pseudo elements is bad?
A: Animate of pseudo elements using jQuery

DuopixelWhat you are trying to do is extremely hacky and I'd strongly recommend you to put make real elements instead of trying to animate pseudo-elements. However, for future reference: the only way of animating a pseudo-element is by inserting a style tag and changing the value in actual CSS, such as.....

Or at least confirm it?
I do agree
But I wouldn't say I'm qualified enough to make that claim
It just seems more correct to use an actual element
Well it's not too much bother I'll just do it
I don't think that it would really be bad to animate pseudo-elements
it just doesn't work properly yet
so now you'd have to hack around, which really is just bad
On another thougt, I'm not sure how browsers handle this today
Tapping into jQuery's step function would be a good way to do so
with css-animations and such, this answer is from 2012
Yeah I noticed
that's why I queried it
I could have just added/removed a class to the parent and let CSS3 deal with it
it will still be hacky when using js to animate it, and will be for forever I guess
but that's not exactly cross-browser compatible
I've swapped out my pseudo element now anyway
but I think we're beyond the "use JS to animate stuff" - days
old browser? Well, shit just won't move, deal with it
@BillyMathews like he said, it's horrible to animate pseudo-elements using JS, and will forever be
Over the last 10 years, Internet Explorer users have dropped from 85% to 10%
that's the most up to date version at the time
or they'll introduce the possibility to target pseudo-elements directly
In another 5 years.. No IE?
probably not, but when IE keeps up with other browsers and has an auto-update functionality, I don't see a problem with that
oldIE is really dropping to a low percentage, a lot of webdevelopers are dropping them completely already
thinking about that I still had to code for IE6 when starting out 3 years ago... woah
I give very little attention to IE<8
if any
how have IE8 users increased?? xD
They even overtook IE10 users recently.. but thats probably because IE10 users upgraded to IE11 when IE8 users are clueless
The beauty of IE8 is that whoever insists on using it is facing an uphill battle against a developer that knows better. I don't code for IE8, I just make sure I'm well-informed as to why I should'nt.
Can font size be animated with jQuery?
Further more, I use rem, which falls back to px, which may prove difficult
@all Any one can help me?
@SKM17 what do you need help with?
@BillyMathews I am using recorder.js. I want to convert the audio sample rate will be 8000hz when i change the sample rate as 8khz voice quality rate is very poor
Sorry, I can't help you :/
Anyone know about recorder.js? @rlemon @OctavianDamiean
Just guessing who might...
@BillyMathews Thanks
@Dinesh Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hi to all
Hello @Dinesh
Can anyone help me with this? jsfiddle.net/gpVvC/1
the problem should be pretty apparent
Lower your time
But otherwise, I don't know
If you fade in, then fade out, the font size comes up to 100% from 0, rather than 80
I shouldn't have called it fade, but I stripped out the fading for this demo
hm I am having a problem with qunit testing and JS MVC.
if you wanted to test a class that is instantiated within a controller, and uses parameters, how would you even go about that?
@BillyMathews Yeah, I see the problem, but have no idea why it's occurring. You can fix it if you use px, though
@SomeGuy Problem with that is that in my css I am using two font size declarations, one in rem, and one in px (as a fallback) - so i need to use a percentage for the size to be relative to whichever font size declaration is being used
> not an answer – 1 hour ago × 17
if 17 people think it isn't an answer, why the fuck am I still having to review it?
Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder (HPPD) is a disorder characterized by a continual presence of sensory disturbances, most commonly visual, that are reminiscent of those generated by the use of hallucinogenic substances. Previous use of hallucinogens by the person is necessary, but not sufficient, for diagnosis of HPPD. For an individual to be diagnosed with HPPD, the symptoms cannot be due to another medical condition. HPPD is distinct from flashbacks by reason of its relative permanence; while flashbacks are transient, HPPD is persistent. HPPD is a DSM-IV diagnosis with di...
@rlemon Lol
so.. you drop acid.. you get hppd
@rlemon Hahaha shit!
How'd you come across it? :p
@PankajSharma Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeGuy clicking random links
but if you really must know. I was reading reddit and someone posted this as a comment to a reply.
some guy says he has hppd but doesn't have time to explain what it is so off to wikipedia I went
if you have a $.class that extends from a controller, you can instantiate it on setup, right?
@rlemon @SomeGuy said that? When? ;)
nevermind dur I am an idiot
man, my mum makes the best lamb stew
@BillyMathews I know, I know... :)
@rlemon Hahaha, it's always Reddit, isn't it?!
@SomeGuy yea pretty well
A lot of the funky articles I link to come from Reddit or Cracked (or mentalfloss, sometimes)
I get this kinda shit
Hahaha, I like the original more
@mikedidthis oi
@rlemon He likes that D
!!doge Abhishek,Abhishek,Abhishek
                so Abhishek
                          such Abhishek
very Abhishek
Many Abhishek
Abhishek loves the top picture because it highlights his hair
hi all
@AbhishekHingnikar moar baby pictures pl0x
should init run immediately when a class is instantiated, regardless of where?
use this one
imgur is down for me
!!mustache abhishek
@BillyMathews User -1 was not found in room 17 (sorry, mustache only works there).
!!mustache AbhishekHingnikar 5
Somehow that makes you look younger
Perfect. Fu Manchulisashek.
@AbhishekHingnikar hehe I have way too much fun with your display pic man
I almost feel like I should be sorry
but i'm not.
that coud be interpreted multiple ways
revenge shall be taken
@KendallFrey oh screw u now
You know you want it
only if you buy him dinner first.
how do i edit this fiddle to also hide the card drop down
*warning : javascript related comment*
I see a strange thing with Jsbin.
Open [this bin](http://jsbin.com/wefaf/3/edit) and the console.
If you hit "Run with js" you get something very different from the initial log (in fact you see what you should have seen initially)
@FlorianMargaine @BenjaminGruenbaum ^
@dystroy Odd... it seems to change based on whether the console is open
@RyanKinal Does that look to you like some kind of Chrome "peculiarity" ?
I doubt it
Related question :
Q: Can I make a JavaScript object return an arbitrary value instead of returning itself?

MK SafiIs it possible to create an object in JavaScript that returns an arbitrary value rather than returning itself? For example: function myCollection() { var items = [] return { push: function(value) { value += 'bar' items.push(value) }, toReturn: function() { re...

(other answers than mine might be useful, I'm not sure I get OP's real goal)
@Corbo152 No. Your example is broken.
@RyanKinal why is it, it works just missing a function
Maybe your application works, but your example doesn't. I don't see any dropdowns at all.
It's going to be hard to figure out where you're going wrong if all I see is @Html.whateverTheHellThisIs()
@RyanKinal that would be because its CSHTML which JSfiddle does not support ill take all that out and fill with sample text
@MKSafi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Posting the rendered HTML is probably better than posting your Razor template.
+1 good idea
now updated
So it just went from sunny.. to a barrage of pea sized hail stones
in like two seconds
@Billy where you at?
@Corbo152 And what, exactly, are you trying to achieve?
@BillyMathews Haha nice. What bike is that in your pic? Yours?
@RyanKinal i want to hide the dropdown box and show the customCardNo text box and vice versa
based on the wether the box is checked or not obv
@Jhawins It was.. It was stolen 3 weeks ago
Oh dear god
I'm getting the same one again soon
I feel your pain..
Chances of recovery in London I imagine are... slim at best?
@Corbo152 Ah... so... you obviously have the hang of getting elements and setting the style.display property...
yea if you did write that original JS you should have no issues doing what you want to do here
@Jhawins chances in london are 0 - none itll be in a transit van in scotland now
i did
@Corbo152 Here's a hint - note the curly braces around your conditionals
Damn. There's a motorcycle stealing mafia deal from Scotland? Haha
(Oh, I also may have added another variable, and then never did anything with it... my bad)
@BillyMathews can you identify your bike?
@rlemon what the hell? lol
@rlemon Ummm. The neighbors don't get a little suspicious?
I mean... damn
When you are stealing bikes with training wheels still on...
what you can't see due to low res image is the pile of crutches on the steps
Q: Array-like object not logged like an array if the console is closed

dystroySee this jsbin where, to answer another question, I build an array-like object : function myCollection() { var items = [], r = {} function myPush(value){ value += 'bar' r[items.length]=value; items.push(value) } Object.defineProperty(r, "splice", {value:[].splice});...

@RyanKinal i dont see what has changed?
@Corbo152 Functionally? Nothing. It does exactly what it did before.
But I hoped it might give you a hint as to where to put your code
I mean, seriously, you're already doing exactly what you need to do, just with a different element.
@rlemon hahaha ok. Need source.
@rlemon They work for the manufacturer of bicycles
Too funny. What the hell is this guy's plan?
@rlemon Not to be racist or anything, but look who's standing there.
@rlemon Mine has an engine ^.^
@Jhawins image has been passed around the web for a while now, no back story unfortunately.
@KendallFrey I was about to photoshop him into a white guy and see if anyone noticed hahaha
there are stories.. but none are sourced as legit
dm done it
@rlemon Don't bash'em. It may happen that one day you may need several hundred crutches
that was actually pretty easy lol
@Corbo152 ?
@Corbo152 Yes. Yes it was.
@RyanKinal sorry i was overthinking things as usual
Apparently steals pools as well
some say those are the rides of his victims...
some say he scours the streets for bikes, fixes them up, and sells them.
some say he is just a fucking creepy ass dude with a lot of bikes and crutches.
Somehow this guy managed to take out a telephone pole and roll his car... On a 35mph road, and he was going about that. Just now. Holy shit.
Or otherwise bought a backyard pool when they already had one
@Corbo152 Things to think about: (1) Using variables (2) What display value is actually appropriate for my <input> element?
@Neil the one in the back is a trampoline
with a pool ladder
@RyanKinal thanks for your help :)
No problem
Thanks for not begging for code ;-)
@rlemon Naturally to jump into the pool
@Neil I have done that, it is mega fun
had two friends growing up who were neighbors - one had a pool, the other had a trampoline. a few times we combined the two.
Mega fun. Whoa. Really? Whoa, I'm going to have to try it then.
you should.
insert Family Guy joke here
but tie your shorts tight.
or make sure the water temp isn't too cold at least.
iv always wanted to do roof to pool like of project x
@KendallFrey insert Family Guy funny picture here
@Corbo152 I've done pool shed -> pool
@dystroy what's wrong?
I don't swim in pools
@FlorianMargaine It's probably clearer there :
Q: Array-like object not logged like an array if the console is closed

dystroySee this jsbin where, to answer another question, I build an array-like object : function myCollection() { var items = [], r = {} function myPush(value){ value += 'bar' r[items.length]=value; items.push(value) } Object.defineProperty(r, "splice", {value:[].splice});...

diving boards are more fun
oh, I see
@dystroy objects changing is because the logged objects are live
@FlorianMargaine but not always...
when you unfold, it takes the current object
do all people in america have pools ?
and they go from the array like form to the folded form
yeah this one is weird
@Corbo152 yes of course. And a T-Rex eating the dog sleeping near the pool
@dystroy lol
source : I've seen some America.
Hi all, I have a doubt regarding "undefined" How to check it, I thought this is sufficient if (x) {..} else {x=3};
can some please correct me
foobar always makes me think FUBAR lol
depends on what's "sufficient" for you
@Praveen no it's not
if x is 0 or false or NaN or null or "", you don't enter the block
@dystroy I thought it also includes undefined, null, "", 0
how are you even supposed to test a controller with qunit? I don't get it.
@Corbo152 That's not a coincidence..
@KendallFrey What the hell are Canadians doing with such vile egg things! You could seriously get a bad stomach ache eating those..
@Neil only if you don't take the toy out first
are kinder eggs illegal in america?
@rlemon Extremely dangerous
Kinder Surprise, also known as a Kinder Egg or, in the original Italian, Kinder Sorpresa, is a confection manufactured by Italian company Ferrero. Originally intended for children, it has the form of a chocolate egg containing a small toy, often requiring assembly. "Kinder" is the German word for "children". Description Each Kinder Surprise egg consists of a chocolate shell, a plastic capsule, the contents of said capsule, and an external foil wrap. The chocolate shell is shaped like a chicken's egg, and is of similar size. It is only about a millimeter thick, and consists of two laye...
@KendallFrey wants kids to choke on small things hidden in eggs. He's probably some kind of terrorist
@Corbo152 yep, they actually are
you can read the wiki link I posted
@dystroy thank you
anyone familiar with angularjs? i have a bunch of checkboxes and want to require the user to select at least one (i.e. i want $invalid == true if none are selected). but most google results seems to cover only "standard" validation (a field being required etc.)
did this room stop following SMBC?
@Feeds where is my SMBC?
HTML room got it
@rlemon The day in which someone realized the feed was broken
nope, still on the list
in HTML / CSS / WebDesign, 1 min ago, by Feeds
posted on February 27, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Oh man. The day of Baby draws nigh. Wish us luck.

posted on February 27, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Oh man. The day of Baby draws nigh. Wish us luck.

@rlemon SMBC is stupid from feeds. It's Google Analytics code.
Oh wow there it is
thats mad
Deer Jesus
@Neil lol I know
the red button is hilarious
LOL @ red button
yeah totally
There's no point in having SMBC in feeds.... It's just annoying while it's GA code.
reminds me to click on it
so not annoying.
It annoys me. Cause I'm like "Ooh code!.... Wait it's fucking GA wtf? Oh this is some feed.."
Dear Jizz Us o_O ? // thats what kendall sees
yeah um no
$('.ob-blog-text p').each(function() {
    var text = this.textContent;
    this.textContent = text.replace(/.*{}/g, '');
problem solved.
What is the actual problem?
SMBC is a great comic drawer guy, shitty dev.
Is this another one of those "nobody cares about chat" things and feeds if just borked or is it SMBC's?
it is a SMBC issue
i cant believe kinder eggs are illegal in america haha
You think the comic writer maintains the website?
likely an automated system to prepend the analytics code on every page which also hits the feed generation
[].forEach.call(document.querySelectorAll(".ob-blow-text p"),function(ele){
     var text = ele.textContent;
     this.textContent = text.replace(/.*{}/g, '');
marmite is illegal in canada tho aint it
> On 24 January 2014, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency was noted, in a CBC story, as moving to stop the sale of Marmite, as well as Vegemite and Ovaltine, in Canada because they were enriched with vitamins and minerals which were not listed in Canadian food regulations. The agency said the products were not a health hazard.[41] The CFIA later clarified that these specific items had been seized because they were not the versions that are formulated for sale in Canada and which meet all Canadian food regulations.

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