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@Crowz The poor state of this page casts serious doubt on the technology used to produce it
well, I'm kind of required to use it for this project, unfortunately. I'm just not quite sure how to use this for my purposes.
Q: what does the variable get in its scope in javascript

Judison Lilike this : function a() { var b = 1; alert(b); var b = 2; } a(); why the result is 2 ? who can help me !Thank you very much.

like, can this class extend a controller...? Or?
@Qantas94Heavy I guess he saw something strange, maybe was var b = 1; outside of the function, but he didn't bother to think a lot or test the code he submitted. In any case this looks like a case of extreme laziness.
@dystroy "can no longer be reproduced" :-D
@dystroy: maybe there was another function or something, but weird.
since 1995
VirtualBox decided to crap out - rebooting.
!!afk tee hee
@SomeGuy Gamora is still in the pipeline. I've been pretty busy lately, but I still think about it from time to time.
Cool. Just wanted to remind you in case you'd forgotten :p
I love seeing answers from you guys lol
instant upvotes
just saw one from @jAndy
@Loktar brb looking for answers to post
@SomeGuy Thanks :-) I need reminders sometimes.
just joking, I've passed the rep cap today. So I'll ping you tomorrow with many answers.
... serial upvoting reversed
one at a time
Hi all, I am browsing my website in IE8 - XP & W7 which works on hashchanges and after viewing some pages, the history navigation forgets all the enteries! This is not happening in IE9+ and other modern browsers. Any idea? For every route I have added alert(history.length) which gives different random numbers.
wish me luck
trying to boot with a curropt hard-disk
re-enabling the 1tb slave
@Yoda history api shouldn't even work in IE9
@rlemon I'm not using pushstate or any feature of html4 history api. I think history.length is cross browser.
@JanDvorak Do you know what the "answer" is to Euler #14?
google "history.length + internet explorer"
lots of results talking about how it is broken in IE7/8
@FlorianMargaine That can't be true
it is.
42 is the answer to everything.
@i.h4d35 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Note This issue occurs when the following conditions are true:
The Automatic Crash Recovery feature is enabled in Internet Explorer 8.
The Web page includes an input element.
what an edge case IE
@FlorianMargaine 42 is not the answer to "What number is not 42?"
@FlorianMargaine Well, I already found it thanks to my knowledge of web search engines!
!!urban 42
@rlemon 42 The Almighty Answer to the Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything. It was calculated by the computer Deep Thought for seven million years and when asked to build a better computer to discover the Question to the Life, the Universe, and Everything, it built the Earth. Before the Earth could tell the Question however, it was destroyed by the Vogons to make room for an interstellar highway bypass. For more in(snip)
@Neil it is. Did I blow your mind?
@FlorianMargaine Mind totally blown!
> The Almighty Answer to the Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
@rlemon I get the reference, by the way :P
great. Now let's go back to breeding goats.
what number is not 42 - is included in everything
Cannuck logic makes no sense
it's a logic, so it makes sense
sorry to shatter your dreams
@rlemon Putting in a blender every food that isn't strawberries, you'd have something that isn't the equivalent of strawberry smoothie
!!define shatter
@FlorianMargaine [shatter](http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki?curid=undefined) (transitive) to violently break something into pieces.
The miners used dynamite to shatter rocks.
a high-pitched voice that could shatter glass
The old oak tree has been shattered by lightning.
... I wasn't sure this word existed. I'm lucky.
@Neil you would also have 42
@rlemon You'd have 42 - strawberries, whatever that turns out to be
the answer is always 42
On a pedantic point here, that's not how I took "The Answer to the Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything"
Neither I
I took it to mean that 42 was the answer to a question which one could hardly understand
Guys [aka windows ninjas] i beg you please help
@Neil Now you're just speaking nonsense
how on earth do i get my data out of a faulty drive on windows without hanging the system horribly
@AbhishekHingnikar boot in linux and mount it.
I'm not even kidding. I'm a windows user myself, but everytime one of my hd's crashed, linux was my only resort
Linux isn't an option it'd take ages to download.
what? you have 300MB ubuntu distros
@AbhishekHingnikar - Do you have another windows machine? you could connect this as a secondary hard drive
that takes like... 2 minutes over LTE
i.e if you really don't want to use a *nix distro
@AbhishekHingnikar note for later : always have a linux booting key with you.
anyone here happen to develop with grunt on mac OS X?
@Kippie i have 256kbps faulty internet
is there anything in your house that isn't faulty?
Sucks that you're not at university, though. You could probably find a linux distro on a shared network drive there
@rlemon tried disabling auto crash recover option but didn't helped.
@Kippie lol
@FlorianMargaine I don't get it D:
Okay the smallest linux please :-> that can do my task
<300mb is a definite plus
@AbhishekHingnikar Is commandline good enough for you? Or do you prefer a desktop version?
@Kippie yeap i don't mind terminal
will it be able to do that ?
it died
@Kippie he'll have to install some packages to work with it
I remember that one actually
question... does a JS class have to have the same name as the controller it would "override" to be able to work?
wonder if puppy linux exists still
Oh btw my laptop has uefi :-/
ah it does exist
@AbhishekHingnikar use gparted.
it's designed for your use case
he doesn't want a tiny distro, he wants a liveusb that can help him recover his lost data.
hey puppy is #2
I remember using that on a crazy old laptop
like a p75 or p133
@FlorianMargaine Most of those things can run from a cd or usb, though
maybe a bit faster, but it was old..
@Kippie yes, but they don't have the necessary packages.
@FlorianMargaine well here is what i want to do copy 4-5 files off it ... thats it
You need extra packages for mounting?
then i can repartition the whole drive
there ^
and he probably needs ntfs-3g too
@FlorianMargaine silly question, will gparted let me copy ?
silly question, indeed
@FlorianMargaine yes i do ... that why i didn't go with dsl or puppy
hence my earlier suggestion
and copying the few files is just mounting the partition, then you can copy
its gonna take 48 minutes
that said, you need a few stuff sorted out. My hard drives could crash today and I wouldn't care
These are photos of me and sneha [ didn't back them up ]
What's sneha?
A Sneha is @AbhishekHingnikar's lady :P
so that's what a sneha looks like!
Man, the way you gaze into the lens really scares me
She's a cutie :-)
WARNING cuteness overload :D
uh hu :P
and i have much cuter photos on my hard disk :-( [ in the broken partition ]
Broken partitions are no fun
you guys remember snapick website
i am going to change the looks of the website fill it with her photos
yeah. It's dead too?
@FlorianMargaine nah :P it most likely is getting a pitch .. i might be moving to sf \o\ .. SQUEEE :D
I thought you were still in college?
everyone goes to SF
@Loktar Yeah, but most of them are gay, though
@Kippie i don't care about college ... cause they make my life hell
@GordonCopestake Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Okay, so for a while I've been working on a script that, every couple hours, POSTs abandoned cart information to a script hosted by one of our subsidiaries. I was pretty sure my requests were working correctly, but the info wasn't showing up in the report, and the remote script doesn't give me any feedback as to whether it succeeded.
Turns out that the report filters out requests from my company, and it was working all along.
42 minutes left to download 175 mb of data ON BROADBAND . .. What is this ?? INDIA ??? ....oh wait ... it is :[
I had literally no way to tell whether my script was working correctly.
Friggin' brilliant.
@AbhishekHingnikar lol
Doesn't India have some great bandwidth in certain areas, though?
Or is the entire country shit when it comes to connectivity? (and trains)
yes :-(
but usually the max you can get is 2mbps
though on 3g you get 8mbps everywhere
India the land of cows and the only place in the world where wireless speeds beat wired ones
trying to encapsulate some helpers inside "Helpers" namespace and to call them from another file, am i doing this write?
That's simply not true
@Kippie google BSNL and check the broadband tarrifs
Over here my cable goes 120/5, while my 4G can easily go 60/50
i can get ffth (fiber to the thome) but that will cost me $200 / mo
So my upload speed is waaaay higher on mobile as well
@Kippie you have ADSL
its optimized for downlink
psh cost wise ?

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