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well for anyone who wants to give me some suggestions on how to best proceed. I need to store a dozen or so values every minute into a persistent store (just memory won't cut it) - the values will be used for graphing / reporting, and I only need to hold 24 hours of data (1440 minute averages) - so when I roll over that 24 hours of values (might not be contiguous) I just drop the lowest ID (earliest time) to trim the store back down to 1440 rows
db, flat file, something else?
@JustDon't , haha it is ok.
jeez, something makes VS take all my memory and CPU every 15 mins
fucking plugins
@rlemon Didn't I already suggest MongoDB?
MongoDB (as at 2.4) does not officially support ARM processors.
are you looking for a no sql db?
I really don't care what it is at this point
needs to be very fast
BeagleBone Black has only 512mb of memory as well
local db or server db?
@rlemon ah, ok.
@eazimmerman I don't understand this question
@JanDvorak Object doesn't have a method values :X
Put it all in localStorage!
@rlemon do you need it for client side or server side storage?
@Mosho what ES version?
@eazimmerman server side
!!> Object.values(global)
@JanDvorak "TypeError: Object.values is not a function"
my only real concern is that I will be reading / writing / deleting from it once a minute
I'm not sure how that will effect performance over time on the db
@rlemon not an issue on a dedicated drive
so i'm just kinda asking for advice I suppose
good morning javascript
Good afternoon to you
@rlemon What sort of memory store is it? Flash?
@JanDvorak on the Beagle Bone we will be running off a micro sd card :P dedicated, but slow :/
good (time of day)
oh. Flash drives don't like frequent writes.
@JanDvorak used _.toArray :X
don't really have an option not to use the sd
flashing the system board takes like 10X longer than cloning a sd card
@rlemon a RAMdisk?
and I need to mass produce this once i'm finished.
@rlemon for ARM you might want to go with SQLite
so db > flat file ??
depends on what you are storing/accessing
@rlemon i read the question, my brain immediately jumps to api + web db... but i have no idea of the context
ugh - rotating text sucks
@eazimmerman excellent point
for speed: db > flat file
once per minute i'm doing this:
1. store row
2. check length of the table
3. if table length > max length shift the first value out
4. wait 1 minute and goto 1
A: database vs. flat files

Andrey Databases can handle querying tasks, so you don't have to walk over files manually. Databases can handle very complicated queries. Databases can handle indexing tasks, so if tasks like get record with id = x can be VERY fast Databases can handle multiprocess/multithreaded access. Databases can ...

yea I have that open already :P
Databases usually use flat files though.
alllright back to mysql
@poke exactly
plus, db allow an easier interface to get the data
@rlemon i think you can limit the size of the table and just keep adding rows, and it will automatically remove the leftover rows
gist.github.com/rlemon/9895dc5f4863dd12956b my shitty flat file solution
not even sure it will work
might be insignificant - but if were stressing on excessive read/write, could generate a database with 1440 rows, and rather than check and trim just update the current minutes row
How do you pronounce SQLite? I've always imagined it as someone saying "Sequel, aight?"
@Joe time stamps will not be contiguous
the system might be up for 12 hours, then down for a week, then up for 6 hours, down for a day, up for six hours.
@SomeKitten I pronounce it S Q Lite (i.e. pronounciation of characters S, then Q and “lite”)
Sequel-Light is how I pronounce it
I am the same as poke
Wikipedia: “SQLite (/ˌɛskjuːɛlˈlaɪt/[3] or /ˈsiːkwəl.laɪt/[4])”
So, “sequel lite”, or what I said.
As I personally hate the “sequel” thing, I’ll stick to S Q Lite :P
I used to think that SQL <<< NoSQL, but now I think that all databases are worthless junk and have started keeping my data on legal pads.
i beleive you mean it is: skuh-will-it-tee
And “NoSQL” isn’t really saying anything about the database anyway. It just says “Not using a standardized and well known declarative query language, so you have to learn something new”.
NoSQL normally means "join-less database"
That’s a pretty bad name for that then…
No sequel
me: boss, what should I do? ditch the persistent data or just say fuck it and write to the flash twice a minute?
him: I write to the CF on the system board about 100 times a minute and those have been going for 6 years now. I think you'll be okay
so, I suppose that isn't a concern
@copy you won.
LOL keeping your data on legal pads
@BadgerGirl What did I win?
@Loktar Do you have any idea how hard it is to write an API for legal pads? Still simpler than sharding....
@copy In doubt: Her.
@copy this fabulous trophy
user image
lol an api for legalpads would be tricky
I would use Lego!
damnnn shit got real in the Ukraine today
+1 for S Q Lite, for the original question.
> The truce is broken, extremists continue to attack.
Based on the power given to me by the Security Service of Ukraine in the part of the counter terrorist center we allow law enforcement agencies to use combat weapon and apply it in the accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Militia" :
videos of protestors being shot too
@copy I had an interview today. It went well. After that we rapped our standup update. I nailed it.
all my ukrainian coworkers I've talked to are blaming the protesters for the violence there. they're from the eastern side of course :P
@BadgerGirl :D
ah so they are Russia supporters too then?
@BadgerGirl Nice, video?
I can see another proxy war.. US and Russia both guarantee Ukraine's independance..
No video and it was in Spanish, but apparently we will be doing that from now on.
It's hard to find words in Spanish that rhyme with API.
Its easy LE api.
^ all of my Spanish Learnin
@Loktar not so sure they are russia supporters. they complain about corruption there a lot. I think it stems from the difference in media coverage. both sides are using propoganda, so it's hard to tell
yea, I dont know the entire story but it seems like itll be another Syria
so many countries revolting I blame the internet
which is a good thing for sure
you cant control us anymore, we can get the information instantly now!
I feel like both russia and the west (EU/US) are fueling the flames there
internet's crazy. we can watch live streams of revolutions in progress now.
"proxy war"
I just wish eveyone still wore powdered wigs
and used muskets
@SomeGuy Without seeing the logs, I don't know. Also, sed only works on the owner room (this room)
@Loktar don't wish that everyone was bald
those are definitely more entertaining battles to watch imo
@AbhishekHingnikar haha no they werent
i know me and you are bald... doesn't means everyone else wear wigs
thye wore them over their real hair which is weird to think about
it was the style man, like wearing a hat is today
@SomeGuy Why...why am I listening to this?
hat still makes more sense
yeah whats even crazier.. is wearing a hat on top of it! :P
the tri cornered hat
those def should make a comback
u see no hairs :P
don't remind me of hairs man :-(
I am scared by the fact i will be bald in my marriage :-/
shave hairs from your buttocks and epoxy them to your head?
get a less douchy hat at least.
(@OctavianDamiean, @rlemon, @BenjaminGruenbaum)
Great versions.
@Zirak looool
@nderscore they wont feel natural
@rlemon suggest one
dunno the reading on your douchometer nor the scale
Not a Fedora please :(
That lamb sounds so ooooOoOoOoOoooooOoold.
@BadgerGirl y no ?
what is wrong with fedoras ?
^ give this guy a prize
@AbhishekHingnikar I prefer Win7
@JanDvorak win 7 sucks
@AbhishekHingnikar elaborate?
@BadgerGirl the hat was just burnt
@JanDvorak it just sucks
@BadgerGirl That was my thought too when I saw that pic...
why do my event handlers give me back in array of things for the element parameter? Is the element always going to be in the 0th position?
every 3 days for windows update ... that takes forking long and i never understood what the heck they update if they updated security every 3 days they shouldn't need an antivirus anymore
Programmers do it in the nth position.
@Crowz can't you just use this or event.target?
@BadgerGirl oh god
@AbhishekHingnikar I keep my updates pending for a long time usually
i think i will be better with a bandana
@BadgerGirl I was rereading one of my favorite books recently and they used the word "resplendent" and I cringed. (if you get that reference)
@BadgerGirl I made @copy a mug
WOW lol who is the cringe guy in those pics?
@rlemon 6/10, have seen better mugs
> Look at all my class sitting in my moms cluttered room
@nderscore I think JS MVC might be doing some sorcery to give me the el
how about that ^
@AbhishekHingnikar it looks like a sock
@BadgerGirl we will in ES6!
@AbhishekHingnikar dude ... underpants off yer head ...
@rlemon He's coming in April. I'll keep you updated.
Reminds me of the Munchkins (card game) rules: "You begin the game as a level 1 human with no class (heh)"
How's this for a hat?
@SomeKittensUx2666 y u so scared?
@BadgerGirl I expect at least a .75 point increase from last time
@SomeKittensUx2666 just no
That would round up to 8, wouldn't it?
no we floor that
floor... because.. sex
you'll hurt your back with floor sex
@SomeKittensUx2666 if I wasn't so busy I would attempt to replace the cat with @RyanKinal
actually fuck it.
loads GIMP
@SomeKittensUx2666 Is... is that the Jayne hat?
@RyanKinal BINGO
@SomeKittensUx2666: WINNING
I'll do you one better:
I don't get it ._.
Also winning
Also DAAAAAAMN KITTENS you look good in that photo
@Gaurav Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Crowz It's a play on the cringepic above telling me I'll never have class.
@RyanKinal :bows: thank you
@SomeKittensUx2666 So... sharding is hard, eh? I looked at it briefly, but mostly just figured out that it exists.
user image
now back to work
@raviolicode Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
why does javascript dislike ternary operators so much?
It doesn't
this one ... i gotta try it on someone (XD)
Js does ternary fine
js loves ternary operators
@KendallFrey Sounds painful. Kidney stones?
!!>("JavaScript <3 Ternary Operators"?":)":":(")
dat wording
@eazimmerman ":)"
canada ties it with <1min left
gold medal game
^ This is too good to be real
I never doubted them
I'll vote for ":)":":(" as the hardest-to-read syntax of the day
@SomeKittensUx2666 You obviously never used REBEL
They say Perl looks like line noise?
brazillians are too scared
@SomeKittensUx2666 I was thinking that as I typed it
perl: s//$_^="$'\x00$"/ger,print pack"H*",$&.unpack("H*")=~s/.(?=.$)//rfor<>`
@DAC84 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@KendallFrey is that where perlin noise gets its name? ;)
@eazimmerman ha no
Hi @TimWolla
Where in Germany are you?
Münster, nvm.
i love muenster cheese
@BadgerGirl Yes, I'm located in the Münsterland.
its a smelly town
but its home
such a cheesy joke
Oh noez, I have hit my rep cap :(
munster mash?
And the votes are coming and coming
@TimWolla We can be friends. We will live very close.
Quick, delete the answer
@TimWolla 's votes
I hate empty catch blocks.
I really do.
@RyanKinal is this better? try { /* ...... */ } catch (e) { void 0; }
why does void in the console give me SyntaxError: Unexpected token }
I think you need to do void(0)?
still weird that it gives that error
well to me anyway idk
void /* - Unexpected token ILLEGAL
Function('void') gives the same error. eval('void') gives unexpected end of input, which is what I would normally expect
youtube.com/watch?v=fyaCZQFWWGQ japs takes pranks to the next level
man I hate this device / distro
# ntpdate pool.ntp.org
on every fucking startup because this damn thing cannot get dates figured out
posted on February 20, 2014 by Victor A. Rodriguez

The 30 greatest video games that time forgot History is not always kind to great games. Titles once heralded as masterworks are often lost as console cycles turn. Alternatively, there are the offbeat outliers completely shunned during their own lifetimes, only to be quietly ransacked by later generations of designers. Here, we be remember 30 brilliant, idiosyncratic, challenging or just

gg canada. gg.
> FATAL ERROR: JS Allocation failed - process out of memory
mysql exploded when I tried to insert 1000 rows at once
on the BeagleBoard?
@SomeKittensUx2666 yea
fetal memory errors
also doesn't like it when I try to add a row every 100ms
fetal memory?
.on('complete', function() {
    setTimeout(write, 100); // what I had.
^ gave me sql errors
after about 7 writes
bumping it upto 1 second intervals - no errors
no application failures
(this is just generating dummy data for me to begin testing with)
and unfortunately i'm not smurt enough to do this directly in mysql cli
Q: function accepts one argument either object or null

2619I have a scenario where function only gets one argument which could be either object or null. As both object and null has type of object. How can I use if statement on them to differentiate? If I use typeof then both object and null will return object.

haha turns out my issue was my own fault.
classic lemon
data = data.map(function(val) {
    if( val === null )  return val;

    return data + (Math.random() * 2 - 1);
see where I booboo'd
that would eat up memory pretty damn quick in a loop
@copy skype
@rlemon I think that applies to most problems.
@poke idk man, on this project i'm running into a lot of hardware faults.
Just excuses :P
@TimWolla What's your phone number?
OK John's n' Jerry's
!!help badgers
@phenomnomnominal badgers: User-taught command: <> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gx6TBrfCW54
@poke that was one of the bugs. hardware fault. needed to augment the expansion board.
3 fucking weeks trying to figure that shit out
How does something like that even happen?
Aren’t those tested?
they didn't consider modbus rtu transport because it is very dated and most people use modbus tcp now.
so two of the signals I needed back it was blocking.
also they just came out with a revision to this board (we've already bought a handful) which they claim should solve this issue.
Is there a service like amazon but widespread and optimized for intra city transactions ?
@AbhishekHingnikar isn't that amazon?
Which of Amazon's services are you referring to?
@mikedidthis no something like say i want to book a resteraunt :P in a city
i have never been to
or find a shopping mall
is there something like that except for a news paper ?
@rlemon google won't work in india boss
I blame India
@rlemon i blame google
isn't that just print?
google blames India
@rlemon indian's make google :P
no they do tech support - totally different thing
@rlemon your argument is horribly wrong
You mean places like this: mumbai.burrp.com/listing/…
hmm looks primitive
so can nail some stuff here. good. thx.
also "makes google" vs "management at google" is not the same
@rlemon true ... but u can't deny we anyways have 1/6th of human population everywhere :D
so. you guys like to fuck and you don't wrap your meat.
how is that an accomplishment ?
(not dissing India, just saying)
@rlemon we do wrap our meat :D
looks up population.... yea I'm going to call bullshit on that
"wrap your meat" === use protection
I don't think you are talking about the same meat
if the slag hasn't made it there
@mikedidthis we are
I am doing some boring research work (yawn)
@AbhishekHingnikar maybe you use naan?
hello all. I have a simple question for someone who knows regex
anyone willing to help me ?
psh @rlemon google still won't let me order food at that resteraunt atleast in india
though i love how it lets me order pizza on my nexus 5 ... completely awesome :D
tap -> "pizza" -> next -> tap -> "order"
@AbhishekHingnikar dominoes?
I asked my android to clean my bathroom for me. It didn't. fuck you google... you failed me again
@macroscripts sure, ask it and people will probably answer
@rlemon am sure siri can do that
@rlemon I usually get jeany to do mine

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