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What persuaded you to stay?
actually hold up, I briefly considered being an auto mechanic
"I should be a museum curator. I'd be brilliant at it."
I enjoy writing it so far
@Oleg Depends on what exactly you mean by switching.
@Oleg It's awesome.
Totally new career, or moving up the management chain?
Totally new.
Though from my experience in phpBB, I can understand projects that nobody wants to write
@SomeKittensUx2666 "I'm a programmer" -> "I'm a fashion writer"
Ac repairman is a surprisingly good field btw
I would make an excellent fashion writer.
"She appeared to be wearing a dress"
!!!! @rlemon @OctavianDamiean @phenomnomnominal HE KNOWS
@Zirak That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
inb4 lit teacher
ah crap
@Dar Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
holy crao I thought caprica was a person this whole time
She isn't!?
@Dar 420, help, listen, eval, coffee, refresh, forget, info, listcommands, tell, afk, awsm, ban, unban, color, convert, define, doge, domain, findcommand, github, google, hang, inhistory, jquery, learn, 5318008, aliens, format, fa, easytools, wherearethegoats, tobacconist, joystick, fools, cake, cool, vengeance, ln, protip, slidepoop, zirak_naked, loktar, artisticpoop, crustypoop, buttstuff, poopkittie, daybreak, rfc, man, ಠ_ಠ..., getit, resources, html5unleashed, jspattern, ajax, xhr
happylemon, concernedlemon, guesswhat, amazon, ihazbukkit, bewbz, unimpressedlemon, solution, sandbox,
is she?
!!change profession or do moar javascript?
@Oleg change profession
:( Caprica is always right.
welp, I'll see you over in the PHP chat I gues
enjoy string concatenating with .
on a serious note, does anyone else here feel that CSS actually could use variables?
Variables in CSS are cool.
selector thing = input,textarea;
LessCSS provides support for them.
True, but that's a javascrip abstraction
I just mean in the language proper
If you mean "variables" as in "constants", that'd be cool.
now that you mention it, constants would definitely be better
Same for mixins, DRY and separate.
btw, there's a CSS variables spec dev.w3.org/csswg/css-variables
Is that implemented?
Probably Firefox bleeding edge, nothing else.
Firefox likes doing CSS for some reason.
Safari too, but firefox moreso
and IE probably wouldn't support them anyway
or would have a completely different syntax or something
I vaguely remember an early draft where they talked about SASS style constants, @varName
That would have been neat
though if PHP is available for inline you can use variables that way
or lessCSS or whatever really
don't make us tell you our opinion on PHP
Ah yes, it was an essay on why CSS shouldn't have variables w3.org/People/Bos/CSS-variables
inline PHP is sloppy, and PHP itself is crap, don't get me wrong
but it could be used ther
@Zirak his argument against constants is that we shouldn't have them because we don't have them already
May be a dumb question but, when you do $.children jQuery will have to return a new instance of jQuery right?
@JustDon't Use the Source
@Zirak I looked for children or simular but couldn't find it
Look harder
no need :)
    // When the other person working is really wanting to impress you
    var refresh = scope.scrollr.refresh.bind(scrope.scrollr);
    // but has no clue whats happening
    function callRefresh(){
Took me a minute, you could've done it
ohh, yeah forgot about than @mikedidthis
@Zirak You've been there a lot obviously
That said though, I do feel that logic blocks and functions and all would be detrimental to css
and kinda by extension, variables (as opposed to constants)
This is how I did it:
* Went to https://github.com/jquery/jquery/tree/master/src
* Looked down the file list, saw "traversing.js", thought it fitted what was needed
* Ctrl+F children
@Zirak I went in the folder :/
And having failed that, you just gave up?
@Zirak Basically ha
never mind, It's not the end of the world
        function genFilesIf(condn){
            if( condn === true ){
                 scope.columns = scope.gen(newVal.files);

          genFilesIf( oldVal != newVal );

        genFilesIf( !!scope.state.data );
@SomeKittensUx2666 You're gonna like this, maybe youtube.com/watch?v=VeMovhCn47s you're into self-motivation and stuff, right?
am i being overly lines savy ?
so. I'm trying to implement a loading screen for a WebGL site because my textures are loading too slowly. Should I wrap where the textures and geometry is made in some kind of callback?
condn === true is useless, but other than that, the source is perfectly good.
Am i over doing it ?
It's minimal, does what it needs to do, no confusion, no worries.
I would get rid of some whitespace, but that doesn't really matter
brb windows is moaning for a restart
@Zirak Oh great, another talk.
I have a dozen queued up for today already.
It was mehish
A couple of nice moments, but I can sum it up: "Do what makes you feel happy, and fuck your boss"
I've suddenly found myself in a position of leadership and am trying to find all the advice I can on doing it well.
So not so much "Self-motivation and stuff" as "How to lead good"
It's the same "I managed to pull it off, so why can't you!" that's popular these days, same reason that diet-pill ads sell.
With the occasional "Science is awesome"
Ugh, I hate that attitude.
"Hey, I rolled the dice and they came up double sixes, so you can too!"
Really, a flag for "fuck your boss"?
@Zirak have a star instead. Its pretty good advice.
The interesting part is that we all seem to know the advice, but only a few actually live by it
Whoever flagged that, plz stahp
We have a lurking flagger right?
Not me
@Dar It's not even very good advice.
If you can get another boss that seems better, the jump is often much better to make than not to
that said, it's only very conditionally good advice
@SomeKittensUx2666 I think it is. You spend way too much of your life working, why spend it being miserable?
@AbhishekHingnikar Just occured to me why that guy used ===true. He was trying to show that he knew about ===
@mikedidthis Intriguingly JS room seems to attract more flags than others, I assume it's because JS is a toy language and so attracts 5 year olds
@Dar Exactly. Too many people out there going into way too much debt to "be happy"
@DaveRandom actually..
@mikedidthis But you must eat, so if you're going to work for a boss, you can't just leave without a plan
If you're going into serious debt to "Be happy" you're doing it wrong.
the c++ room seems to attract way more flags
@DaveRandom ohboyherewego.png.jpg.exe
@Dar yeah I agree. But the end goal should be to do something that makes you happy as well as makes you money. If your not doing both, try to change it so you can.
In fairness, I've seen a lot of flaggable stuff not get ding'd
@DaveRandom lol looked at your profile and now Im not mad :P
@Loktar True story, but that's because C++ seems to attract people who are properly up their own arse. I genuinely can't explain why that is, and nor does it reflect on the language itself, but it does seem to be the case from what I have observed
I've not been in here for ages, how are all you people doing?
@mikedidthis Why even put the money into that equation? Isn't money just the means to that end?
@Loktar I'm a huge fan of JS, for the record
good! lol I read the php irony and saw you have a ton of points in php
which gets a ton of shit as well unfortunately
@Dar bills.
JS is the cool hip thing right now though so it doesn't get as much crap lately from people in a few years though..
@Dar and that end is happiness
@DaveRandom I'm in High School and can confirm that every jaw-dragging half-brained monkey thinks he can write in it
js will be hated by everyone again Im sure
@SomeKittensUx2666 That's what I meant
But we, JS, don't need approval
@Dar hah really? When I was in HS there were only like 3 of us who could program period
interesting how things change
@Loktar @ircmaxell made a point really succinctly earlier on about exactly this, unfortunately it was spread over multiple messages so I'm not going to repost here, let me find the first message though because it's worth reading
I couldn't really code in HS
BenjaminGruenbaum (look ma, no ping!) was also involved and made some good points
TI-BASIC doesn't count
@Loktar I'm one of two people I can think of who creates anything, the others just write crappy mods for games and fume over how great they are
Well, I have to go everyone
So long
see ya @Dar
You'd be surprised at how many amazing coders got started with terrible mods.
you should get a proper avatar @Dar!
though just to close, I was the only one in Middle School
I did, but I eventually moved on
@SomeKittensUx2666 lol
I dunno, happiness isn't our only "goal" or end. I keep thinking how it'd be amazing if I robbed a bank, bought 4 tons of cocaine, and ODd the life out of me.
these people have been writing mods for the same game for years
@Zirak man speaking of that..
I was looking at an imgur album that had a drug lords house that was seized
@Zirak "happy" is an odd term, but a goal should have a positive ending regardless
anyway, gtg for real now
had over 28 billion in cash in the house..
28 BILLION in freaking cash!
@Loktar worth reading the discussion for ~30 messages starting at this one with regard to language quality vs. quality of people who use it
Blissful drifting into the void, no friggin way I can come out of that. It's just complete and utter happiness.
@Zirak need a partner?
@DaveRandom awesome thanks Ill check it out, I like Ircmaxell hes an intelligent guy
Money doesn't buy happiness, but sadly it causes sadness.
Money is not happiness, but properly used, it can both bring happiness and keep that which sucks happiness away.
@SomeKittensUx2666 (cc @Dar) I started out by making "cheats" for flash games (basically, memory editing+bytecode swapping)
@SomeKittensUx2666 you can't buy the love of God
Yeah, that'd be like the Church having money.
Oh, wait, fuck
@Zirak One of the cofounders of reddit started with a Quake 2 fansite.
I'm a weirdo in the tech area - I started out with hardware.
@Zirak donations are nice, but actually doing what He wants is more important.
@JanDvorak Can't tell if you're serious or trolling.
@SomeKittensUx2666 I'm serious
Due to the text-based nature of the chat, I can't read your vocal tone or body language. Not to mention we've got quite the history of sarcastic remarks with regard to religion (as @Zirak so nicely showed)
I found out with miaou how awesome vagrant and puppet play together. Tools these days are really nice.
I'm not religious (I would consider myself a scientist in that respect), but I'm not down with taking the piss out of religion in general. Atheists are somewhat naive IMO, it's ridiculous to say that there's no possibility that the huge complexity of nature couldn't be the work of some kind external influence
Oh good, religion again.
Organised religion is bullshit, but I can understand the viewpoint of people who think that there is something more
@FlorianMargaine vagrant is super nice. I did a hack weekend with a python dev. No more messing about on windows.
@twiz Good point, I'm out :-P
@SomeKittensUx2666 @JanDvorak doesn't troll
@DaveRandom Yay agnosticism!
@mikedidthis yep, and puppet integration makes it really nice
@DaveRandom Not to mention church dinners have awesome food.
except when I jump the bandwagon, and even then I stick to technically true comments
The problem isn't WHAT people believe, but WHY people believe.
@Zirak In the words of a TV program that I like but sort of wish I didn't, "I would describe myself as a hopeful agnostic"
allows me to install nodejs, postgresql, redis, postgresql db/user/pass, npm install, etc
@twiz Because my parents believed in it and fuck you
@FlorianMargaine that is smart.
@Zirak hahaha exactly
all of it pretty nicely and with easy reuse
@DaveRandom For those who don't get the reference (and googling comes up with unrelated things)?
@SomeKittensUx2666 It's a real shame that it takes religion to have organised "being civil to one another"
Although of course religion also provokes the complete opposite of that so... YMMV
@mikedidthis yep. I like it.
"As it turns out, some people are pretty neat, others not so much. Line between the two overall very vague."
@RyanKinal I can't find your dickism/dudeism gist!
@Zirak RyanKinal is afk: doing exactly what you think he is doing
@FlorianMargaine yep, I would happily work on more FED for python projects if they provided a vagrant file. Easy to get on with.
My entire life is essentially DBAD licensed
That actually make me wish this was twitter and that I even slightly cared about twitter so that I could RT
I starred all 3 of those...
@mikedidthis FED?
Front End Development
^ that
almost the same as my computer 6 years ago
@FlorianMargaine thats the only difference
I checked the prices of Mac Book Pro in India, For the specs i want it'd be well since apple up the sky. That being said I can actually travel to USA / UK / Canada walk into the apple store buy a Mac Book and come back and will still save cash :-| if i stay low.
Im still not sold on SSD
they are fast as hell but the reliability isnt where I want it at still
Reliability is MASSIVELY better now.
Intel's SSD's ship with a five-year warranty
^ thats an article that just came out a few days ago that rebirthed my fears lol
Intel does sound like the one to buy if you buy any though
> Then there’s the broader question of how SSDs compare to traditional hard drives. Lest ye forget, failures of those spinning platters are far from unheard of. According to a researcher at electronics market intelligence outfit IHS, annual failure rates of SSD run around 1.5 per cent with HDDs nearer five per cent. If true, that does rather blow SSD reliability concerns out of the water.
ehhh that has to be scewed
@Loktar well heres a lil story
you see my specs ? 120 gb
i had a 1TB hdd with it
the 1TB crashed ... completely dead
the ssd is still alive.
reliability ?
Well, single cases don't matter at all when it comes to statistics
the thing is your ssd will die
@Loktar ...because it doesn't agree with your personal perception?
one day it will
In any case, I'd pick SSD with backups for speed and reliability
I would use an ssd for data I didnt care about
like game installs
You need backups anyway
and power failures are a huge deal
we lose power at least 4-5 time a year
so I would have to invest in an ups if I went ssd, or fear the failure
anyway I would love to see some hard stats on hdd failure rates vs ssd. Also that says within warranty.
Id like to see what the failure rates are after 4+ years
I have platter hdd's from the early 90's that still work fine
ill prob buy into them in another few years, not saying they are bad, but I want the issues fully worked out before dropping that kind of money
@Loktar You yourself just linked us to hard stats
@SomeKittensUx2666 it didnt look like hard stats to me
it was a quote that said "From the data I've seen, client SSD annual failure rates under warranty tend to be around 1.5%, while HDDs are near 5%," Chien said."
even in the source article
> Ryan Chien, an SSD and storage analyst with IHS's Electronics & Media division.
...that sounds pretty legit to me.
@KrishnaSrinivas Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
meh, id rather see data than random quotes
bam see
ssd failures are higher than hdd failures!
haha anyway Ill stick with my cheap platters for my next build probably
build after ill go to ssd thatll be in 2 years
might throw in a strictly game ssd this time though not sure
I actually love google trends man, it can be pretty helpful
mostly when coming up with domain names
back to the titanfall beta :)
who was raging about my site's design? copot.eu/matei trying to make it better with miszy
Someone explain, what does reputation actually do?
apart from privileges that don't actually help you, rather help SO
Makes it easier to pick up chicks at bars.
@JustDon't mostly it decreases if you suck :-)
@JanDvorak But, your question still get answered
too many bad questions, and no more will be accepted from your account
@JustDon't someone is more likely to trust you if you have higher reputation
well, there is that i suppose
@t1wc not really
I'm only 58: definitely don't trust me
I show dem babes my SO account, their panties disappear.
@Zirak Yeah, lush
@Zirak true story.
@t1wc There is a lot of high reper's that don't know jack shit
@t1wc still horrible :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum A lot better though
@BenjaminGruenbaum thx! means a lot to me! :P
Then I tell them how I compiled the linux kernel and have a package in Arch.
and legs are wide open
when I tell them I code in C, they take my dick and put it in their mouth
@JustDon't I said more likely, not surely
@t1wc You should have border: 1px solid transparent; on your links IMO
@FlorianMargaine … and bite?
@JustDon't in the nav?
you guess.
Hello... can anyone help me with open gl?
@Zirak tell them about emacs
@FlorianMargaine And then you wake up from the nightmare, panting heavily. You sigh in appreciation, and murmur "thank god I didn't really code in C"
Q: Opengl Camera * Projection * Coord = Nothing

T_01I have the following code to initialize my two matrices in lwjgl: GL20.glUseProgram(shaderProgramID); Matrix4f camera = new Matrix4f(); Matrix4f.translate(new Vector3f(0, 0, 0), camera, camera); FloatBuffer buffer = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(16); camera.store(...

@Zirak (of course I didn't)
@t1wc you're welcome. FWIW I'm not a designer either
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't want them to die out of orgasmic bliss
@Zirak not a necrophilia fan?
There's only so much penguin love they can take
@JustDon't in the previous design it looked cool
@gsumpster Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Zirak huh?
2 hours ago, by Dar
Ac repairman is a surprisingly good field btw
@CapricaSix Thank you!
@Zirak vice dean laybourne?
I thought you were dead?
@rlemon I'm dead, if that helps
A little
Story of my life death
@Zirak This works well because I really enjoy fucking my boss.
@t1wc The link to SO is kinda wrong
unless you wanted the chat one
@JustDon't by what means?
well... it's my so account
It's SO chat profile no SO profile
just saying
@rlemon hey! complete web redesign copot.eu/matei
not sure if I like the fixed header :/
Wanna know the best part of that site?
@JustDon't expecting bad joke
No, the checkbox
@JustDon't dat detail dood
the effort it took me to make it
just incredible
@t1wc please delete it and start again...
I actually downloaded it
@phenomnomnominal but but but
@phenomnomnominal ha
you can't ruin my dreams just like that
I agree with @phenomnomnominal
!!work or stuff
@rlemon work
@rlemon stuff
!!work or stuff
tie breaker
@rlemon work
!!do or don't or did or didn't
@JustDon't don't
@JustDon't did
just don't @JustDon't
I won't
@Cicada3301 W TE DYU?
cya guys next week.
@Zirak bye see you next time
so what is people working on?
I'm talking to Kris again, which means I'm getting an idea of how little I know again :D
Web based pro-tools clone
whos kris?
@phenomnomnominal Is that audio stuff?
You've been working on that for a while right?
I want to be able to record a demo in the browser and upload it straight to soundcloud
yeah, it's hard
Yeah, Not saying that, I just remember you did something on codepen
@JustDon't promises guy
promises guy.... ok I know who that is :)
I will just leave it here:
Q: Adjusting speed with time-based animation

Derek 朕會功夫I'm trying to make the speed of an moving object the same regardless of the client FPS. This is what I've done: http://jsfiddle.net/DerekL/nY7KW/ function update() { var dt = Date.now() - t, //t is defined outside, if you were porprotion = dt/preferFPS; //wondering c...

If it's #2 in my comment, tell him he's weird and point him to err.stack please stackoverflow.com/questions/21804602/…
And now...adios
(if it's #3, point him to my answer on static analysis in node; if it's #1, it's already answered)

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