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".delegate" instead of ".live", yes. Better performance. Live is kind of tied to a day and age when IE6 made it really hard to make event delegation work decently.
Does anyone know of a npm library that generates values sort of like bash
for example a..z goes to ['a','b','c','d'...'z']
@Lime coffeescript could do a kinda crazy a = (String.fromCharCode(x) for x in ['A'.charCodeAt(0)...'Z'.charCodeAt(0)])
@david thanks, I'll probably just translate the idea over to JS
I was just curious if a package with tons of useful extensions might already exist
I like the creativity of using CS though
RT @stshank: Resolution independent software is hard, hard, hard. WebKit getting double-size graphic elements. http://bit.ly/pAmSh9
RT @jtaby: #asktwitter: is there a way to get a native scrolling div to let me update DOM while it's doing momentum deceleration?
RT @kriszyp: Some thoughts on important future mobile features: http://bit.ly/onDQDD
RT @stshank: Firefox for Android tablets now available in nightly builds for developer feedback: http://cnet.co/nlErmR
RT @dirkschulze: No current plans to support SVG animations on IE :( http://goo.gl/mbKcK
RT @ohunt: JS is clearly not getting any faster, we should replace it a statically typed language. I choose you Haskell!!!!
RT @kangax: Latest Opera 12 snapshot finally brings pretty damn complete ES5 support! Compat table updated — http://kangax.github.com/es5-compat-table/
RT @scottjehl: Posted my @jquerymobile workshop site/app FlipPics (from @dconstruct and #bdconf) to GitHub. https://github.com/scottjehl/FlipPics demo: ht ...
“CSS Terminal is a bookmarklet that allows you to inject CSS rules directly into a live web page” http://barberboy.github.com/css-terminal/ via @jashkenas
RT @ericlaw: HTML5 AppCache Manifest generator coming soon to a #Fiddler2 near you... http://twitpic.com/6kl0ij
RT @adrianba: Previously we showed #IndexedDB at HTML5Labs.com - now in the #IE10 PP3 build.
IE10 Test Drive http://ie.microsoft.com/testdrive/ & Dev Guide http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/ie/gg192966.aspx updates: appcache, websockets, CSS3 animations, more (via @adrianba)
RT @jarrednicholls: @ericlaw @html5 see @jamespearce's #confess as well https://github.com/jamesgpearce/confess
2 hours later…
@david hi
Is anybody here? I need help with some Javascript method please
maybe we should request an implementation for following feature: everyone who asks "is anyone here" right after entering channel , gets banned.
it is a chat room, not a 24 hour fully staffed helpdesk ><
that's what the actual site is for! >.>
Q: Java, Python, or C#? From slight javascript background

user828584I have a bit of experience in javascript. I'm not familiar with all the functions and methods, but I understand it pretty well. I wanted to make a website similar to Omegle, which is just a site that allows you to chat with random strangers. I wanted the chat to be instant, so continuous ajax req...

1 hour later…
@all do anyone know phonegap framework
RT @sethladd: New post: Box2D and Polygons for JavaScript http://goo.gl/fb/ztsmh
@david its not even that ... the rule is "don't ask to ask"
posted on September 14, 2011

This week’s. Your donation for keeping this series up and running would be much appreciated. Ewan McLeod explains once more how hugely important operator subsidies are in the mobile market. Horace Dediu wonders whether LG is about to exit the phone market. It loses money and is unable to participate in the new mobile world. Also, although Horace doesn’t mention this, LG is kn

Q: what is the syntax error?

Elad BendaI got two auto-generated jsonp urls. works ok: /login?callback=jQuery16200046910335596370145_1315993085141&username=sagi406&password=123456&_=1315993098756 300 SCRIPT1002: Syntax error login?callback=jQuery16209857907717821933_1315992121288&username=sagi406&password=12...

Q: some questions from a node.js newbie

loveshi have just started learning node and i am using node-v0.4.11 on Fedora 12. It installed without any errors and i am able to run some basic programs but there are some things i cant figure out If i create a server at a port and then if i stop node using Ctrl+C i cannot use that port again f...

can someone help me on this?
@lovesh are you sure you're using ctrl-c and not ctrl-z?
1 hour later…
can anyone help me with java script
i have a doubt with that
i am a beginner
Well just search for that problem on Stack Overflow and ask if you can't find a solution.
i need to display a value in textbox and the value is processed in script
i have kept the text box in <body> tag
how to display the value in textbox the value is in "var a"
Well grab a reference to the textbox and set its value.
I'd advice using jQuery.
i would advice strongly against even going in the spitting distance of jQuery
then what is the solution for this
i am already using phonegap.js
i am unable to display the value with this phonegap
@Arunprasath jQuery makes a lot of things easy for beginners. You might also consider what JS library phonegap is packaged with or recommends
Hey all, I am doing a post request that looks like this:

$.post('unit_activations/validate_activation', { "activation_code": activation_code, "unit_id": unit_id }, function(resp) {})

Then I look in javascript console and I get a 404 not found: ttp://localhost:3000/settings/unit_activations/validate_activation

WHy is "settings" in there and how do I remove that?
@JohnMerlino $.post('/unit_activations/validate_activations', ...
Leading with a / makes the address relative to the server root
Whereas not leading with a slash makes the address relative to the current directory
awsome, thanks for response
@RyanKinal want to give me some feedback on a JS slideshow I'm working on?
@Incognito Sure. I have a meeting in about 5 minutes, but link it anyway
Jump down to roadmap, I'm trying to see if there's anything major I'm missing out on.
I'm trying to write it as a half-story, where you're starting in the shoes of a bad dev and the world comes crashing around you for these issues, and how you learned to do these things. But these are the topics I'm going to focus on.
@Incognito I remember reading the start of it. Wasn't sure about the visuals, but I liked the story aspect.
The visuals is a CSS sheet I can swap for anything.
yeah, figured
anyway... meeting time, back in a bit
I have a fiddle here: jsfiddle.net/DtvL5/6 Its working except I have no idea how to stop the content I just revealed from disappearing, while still closing any other open content
er wait you want all of them to slideup?
so only one open at a time?
Ugh, is this actually what coffeescript looks like? js2coffee.org
yeah I have no interest in using coffeescript
jsfiddle.net/loktar/DtvL5/8 is pretty good - Ill have to look though your logic - Im kinda new to this. But It looks like I have lost the toggle ability to close the open content by clicking a 2nd time
Is there an if this.scroll is down slide up?
@Incognito Comments !== good code.
@Incognito It looks like it was written for Python developers
Mediocre code with comments is still mediocre. Self-explanatory code >> commented code
@Zirak I'm not totally sure what you mean.
@RyanKinal That's my thought too.
@Zirak I understand now.
It was in response to this
I dont think thats the optimal way however :?
@Zirak Anything huge that I'm missing out on, or suggestions on how to organize it?
Organization is my next step.
heh yeah im fixing it now @Jon
It's not really anything yet, just an introduction
Waitaminute... why the hell is there a JavaScript -> CoffeeScript translator?
That makes absolutely no freaking sense
@RyanKinal Because it needs to expand the corporate blogosphere somewhere.
ponders what his JS looks like in CS...
So that you can show your code to a Ruby developer without him crying like a little girl
> SyntaxError: Illegal token
Meh. I guess it does have a purpose, in that it would make migrating a JS project to CS a lot easier.
Assuming it actually does what it's supposed to
Meh, passed JS Lint without concern.
thats great - Ill look through the code and hopefully understand whats going on - Thanks guys
oh, @Incognito, there should be a way to remove the Themes bar
((without removeChild :p))
@Zirak That's specific to the presentation, I'm going to look for a whole new style later on. The presentation is built on deck.js.
I'm writing a tutorial.
RT @jfahrenkrug: Timezone repost: My thoughts on Mobile UI/UX design including native vs. web and cross-platform UI: http://www.springenwerk.com/2011/09/thoughts-on-mobile-ui-design.html
RT @jfahrenkrug: Timezone repost: My thoughts on Mobile UI/UX design including native vs. web and cross-platform UI: http://www.springenwerk.com/2011/09/thoughts-on-mobile-ui-design.html
RT @jfahrenkrug: Timezone repost: My thoughts on Mobile UI/UX design including native vs. web and cross-platform UI: http://www.springenwerk.com/2011/09/thoughts-on-mobile-ui-design.html
RT @jfahrenkrug: Timezone repost: My thoughts on Mobile UI/UX design including native vs. web and cross-platform UI: http://www.springenwerk.com/2011/09/thoughts-on-mobile-ui-design.html
ignores Feeds Ah, that's better.
I ignored feeds a long time ago.
Q: Reduce code in JavaScript snippet

ChantzI am writing a JavaScript feature where by I need to make a call to a third-party library (DataTables) depending upon whether or not the user provides an integer as an input to the function during initialization. I am pasting here the snippet. As you can see it has duplicate code in the if/else c...

RT @w3cConf: W3C is holding its first web developer conference! Nov 15-16 http://w3.org/conf #w3conf #html5
@Incognito "Don't suck at: Pretending javascript is something it's not and bitching about it later when it turns out it isn't."
Just reading through the roadmap right now, so you know
facepalm Why are people writing crappy js interpreters?
@Zirak Because they have crappy understanding of JS?
Here, I can write one too: function interpret(jscode) { eval('(' + jscode + ')'); }
@RyanKinal Awesome thanks. I'm trying to explain that even though it's "Java" script, it's not Java, and it shouldn't work like C++ because that's what the last language you touched did. I plan on a quick fly-by of Self/Algol and other influences to JS.
@Incognito Yeah, I'm just kind of pointing out that you kind of want to suck at pretending JS is something it's not.
I'm not sure I get it.
A big helper for the newbie reader is understanding Prototypes.
They're confusing for most.
We have a lot of people trying to cram OOP classes into JS just to fizbuz rather than use prototypes.
@Incognito Pretending JS is something it's not is a bad thing. You don't want to be good at it.
@RyanKinal Ohhhh, I just worded it awkward. I understand now. That's the point I'm trying to make.
@Incognito Right :-)
Make sure your "Don't suck at" items are good things :-)
@Zirak It's because you put "prototyle" in the damn thing, a.prototype.b, but then you call it via a.b, and people go "wtf?" when they see it.
"Don't suck at picking good names"
@Loktar Thanks again for the code. I integrated it in a project and it works really well! It works perfectly but I dont think I understand it... The way I understand the logic the slideToggle will always be found in an upstate, so I changed to slideDown and it works the same. So Logically I dont understand why if its open it will close the content. Clicking will close the content, but then it should find it closed and reopen it?
hi all
RT @stshank: IE9 a good start, but IE10 will really flesh out Web standards support. Web Sockets, IndexedDB, CSS 3D. Still no WebGL http ...
RT @stucssplay: Using keyframes, transitons and step() to produce three types of auto-run slideshows. For Firefox 5+, Safari and... http ...
@Neal Hey.
I really miss programming in C++.
Not a frustration thing, just a nostalgic thing.
Hello folks
@Incognito o.0
@Zirak Man, I wrote the coolest things back in the day. 3d tetris. That was sweet.
Rotate around the 3-dimensional grid as blocks fell in.
Pixel fountain explosions.
Linked lists all over the place. crazy for-loops, the weird compile time errors you'd get.
C++ was crazy.
C is waaay awesomer.
why c++ crazy?
its a refinement of c
It's a crappy refinement
I only use C knowledge when I'm looking for weird stuff in PHP.
@Zirak says who?
@Neal Linus :P
Says me
C looks really awesome when you have an in-depth knowledge of how the memory and stack work, how registers fly around, and a bunch of low-level things. What happens in the memory when you declare a function.
Most programmers are totally oblivious to what it does.
And thus, C is some akkadian voodoo that is old and dead.
@Jon basically it just closes all of them initially and then if where you clicked is closest to one that's hidden it toggles it, but if its not hidden, it does nothing, because its already been toggled
RT @onGameStart: The day after @onGameStart W3C will organize FREE AND OPEN HTML.next gamedev workshop for everyone!!1!one! Details: htt ...
RT @linclark: early preview of microdata support in Drupal... http://j.mp/ono5Ed #microdata #drupal #html5
@Loktar thanks
poor explanation still I know :?
C++ is just C with OOP bolted on and a few minor changes isn't it?
@ErikReppen Not quite. But yeah.
Who was it that just found out how to use sed?
Just trying to understand the C++ hate. Seems unwarranted.
@ErikReppen I'll just say that the OOP part was not integrated well.
Quite the opposite, in fact.
@Zirak I don't really have a problem with it, but I grew up on C++ OOP.
Are you upset it's not more prototypal than classical?
Sorry, I'm really tired of C++ arguments. I've had them for hours, and most were completely pointless.
Haha, fair enough.
It's like these "Weak vs Strong typing", where everyone has their opinion and nothing can change it, but they all think they're absolutely right. :P
Everything is perspective.
If you want to win arguments, set conditions for the correct argument.
Otherwise you just whine for hours on pages and pages of forums.
"punishment is bad because X", "no it's good because Y"..... 50 pages later "You're just saying that because your mother hired a crack dealer to guard the brothel you were born out of"
All avoided if you ask a question about the argument, "What criteria can prove that punishment is good or bad?"
Then comes out all the perspectives, and you can actually have a good conversation. Or out comes the trolls who don't want to discuss it and just scream loudly.
tldr: define goals.
Problem is, you don't really plan out arguments. It starts out like "amagad, C++ is the rulez", and I say "err no, here's why..."
Oh absolutely, but you call them out on not having any clear goals and get to look all smug and intellectual.
Holy shit dude, you might just've found a use for my smoking pipe and monocle!
Weak vs. Strong typing are just different tools for different jobs, IMO.
"You, sir, have no clear goal." inserts monocle, draws pipe and huffs
Use words that are rarely seen but succinct. Explain that posturing an argument is simply trolling.
/Should teach a course on trolling.
The only language I'm slightly less than balanced and rational about is Java. *shakes fist at Java.
I have a monocle. Your argument is invalid.
I'd like to see a js project that generates infographics based on open data sets.
I just wrote auto pie charts in canvas.
This JS interpreted language thing is getting out of freakin' hand... amber-lang.net
now, we just need something that compiles into CoffeeScript
haha nice @MattMcDonald
A Perl to js compiler and backwards would be the awesomest thing ever.
RT @souders: this is very good: “@blazeio: Browser Cache 2.0 Leveraging Scriptable Cache http://bit.ly/pF624A #webperf #wpo”
@Incognito Awesome, haha
RT @gskinner: Awesome! Our #HTML5 Tankster game is the opening demo for the day 2 #Build keynote! http://tankster.net/
I'm so not excited about debugging JavaScript produced by these compilers.
ha, I'm going through the source of that game from feeds
there's a "badWords" array that's quite amusing
@MattMcDonald Which file?
in other news, 124 of 163 instances of $("... in that file turn out to start with $("#...
The hell is a "biga"?
Hey, wtf happened to my "Deobfuscate" option in Chrome Dev tools?
Ah, there it is... it's just no longer in a context menu
@Zirak No idea
I wonder how long they spent populating that array
probably more time than their DOM code
@MattMcDonald Must have been quite the conversation
Huh... "fille" is French for "girl"... I wonder if it's also slang for something more sinister.
I imagine them making a survey. They show someone a word and ask if it offends them. If it does, adds to array :P
:1468051 Alright already, here's a quarter
@RyanKinal lol im looking at the Eggs code on this page
Ah. Every chat only gets one egg, unfortunately.
That one happens to be for gaming.stackexchange.com, I believe
hmmmm but it is in the code
Yep. But it also checks which room it's being executed for.
Or, rather, which site.
Let me see if I can dig it up
im on line 51 of un obs code
@RyanKinal nope doesnt work in game dev
@RyanKinal lol thats basically the same as this:
paste that in the browser bar, its awesome ^_^
RT @jasonsantamaria: Optimizing Fonts for the Web: The first in a series of posts from Typekit's resident type designer, @TimAhrens: htt ...
@Neal In the JavaScript on this page (not an external script):
var chat = StartChat({
        sound: {
            file: "http://or.sstatic.net/chat/so.mp3",
            vol: 65,
            swfPath: "http://or.sstatic.net/chat"
        may_bookmark: true,
        egg: "Cthulu",
        desktopNotify: false
Note the egg: "Cthulu"
@RyanKinal :-P
u can change that
@Neal True
	var s = document.createElement('script');s.type='text/javascript';document.body.appendChild(s);s.src='http://erkie.github.com/asteroids.min.js';
@MattMcDonald ?
why r u reposting that?
because yours doesn't work
@MattMcDonald lol yes it does
ahh it pasted wrong
This is it:
javascript:var s = document.createElement('script');s.type='text/javascript';document.body.appendCh‌​ild(s);s.src='http://erkie.github.com/asteroids.min.js';void(0);
still doesn't work
(hint: it's the line break)
lol idk, i just have it as a bookmark and it works fine
Bah. Didn't work.
@RyanKinal what did u try?
@Neal I tried to modify the value of egg before it's passed to Eggs.load
You know, using debugging tools
Breakpoints, etc.
da da
ya ya
did it work?
it works right away in the gaming chat rooms
yep :-D
wat did u do?
Use Chrome dev tools to prettify the code, set break point on line 4076 of master-chat.js. When that break point is hit, set c = "Asteroids"
Don't know why it didn't work the first time
I did basically the same thing
@RyanKinal how do i get it to just stop at the breaks?
There's a bookmarklett out there floating around that makes any page into asteroids and you shoot up the DOM.
@Incognito ^^^
That's the one.
Check for an older commits from months back for one without the frackin ads.
@Neal The %20 aren't necessary
This one uses our avatars as the asteroids :-)
@Zirak i ddnt put those there...
Sometimes %20 is required, it depends on what annoying version of code you're working with.
There's also a Katamari one: javascript:var i,s,ss=['http://kathack.com/js/kh.js','http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jque‌​ry/1.5.1/jquery.min.js'];for(i=0;i!=ss.length;i++){s=document.createElement('scri‌​pt');s.src=ss[i];document.body.appendChild(s);}void(0); (beware, it looks like it might clobber jQuery)
@RyanKinal whats that one supposed to do?
Regarding %20/+ encoding: stackoverflow.com/questions/996139/…
Skip down to suggested.
Uncaught Error: INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: DOM Exception 5
@Neal Ever played Katamari Damacy?
@RyanKinal lol dunno what that is
@Zirak i got the same thing
Q: should i be checking for jquery before enqueing it in a plugin

byronyasgurAt the start of a typical plugin which uses jquery I have something like the following wp_deregister_script('jquery'); wp_register_script('jquery', 'http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js', false, '1.3.2'); wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); Which as I understand it deregist...

thank you SE for segregating wordpress users to their own slum
Ever run ySlow on a wordpress site? Tragic man.
Could anyone look into this:
it's for xhtml/xml
NS refers to 'namespace.'
RobG knows his stuff, he's a CLJ reg
so namespaces are in no way related to HTML documents, right?
They are to XML documents.
Or possibly XHTML documents. Which are basically XML documents.
<foo:bar> //namespace of "foo"
@Matt It's just that RobG didn't answer but commented... so I thought he wasn't 100% sure...
ok guys thanks :)
They are of no use in HTML5 that I'm aware of. Namespaces were never really a happy cross-browser type thing.
XHTML was never really a "happy cross-browser type thing"
Yeah, that would be more accurate I think.
it's a giant mess once you learn what goes on behind the scenes
do namespaces even work in IE (since IE does not possess a XML parser)?
Still pissed that we lost the fail-on-stricter syntax. It makes debug a lot easier IMO. I'll believe HTML 5 strict when I see it.
(there's some bits on namespacing)
@Sime, I believe that's the nature of the crossbrowser problem.
screw XHTML... I like my HTML pure :)
<div contenteditable>
well, except contenteditable is a giant pile of vomit :)
@Matt I'm using it in my current project... I like it.
You basically have a textarea with child elements (cool for highlighting, etc.)
anyways, some quick searching lead me to this:
document.namespaces for IE
cool for IE :)
RT @rem: Looking at the rev history for IE10 preview. If it really does have web workers, sockets, indexed, history API and app cache: t ...
"Bullshit. Don't pretend you don't care about your birthday. It's like watching a hooker pretend she's out for a walk when cops drive by."
@tereško Yeah. I often think I don't care about my birthday, but when it comes right down to it, I usually want to do something.
well, we do obsess about our age
personally, I find birthday parties and the self-entitlement they employ disgusting
@MattMcDonald It depends on what you mean by "birthday parties". For me, a birthday party is getting together with some friends and/or family and having some food and beer, and maybe dancing.
I don't expect presents. I don't even expect anybody to pay for my meal/drinks. I just want good people.
that's the way it should be
honesty , i find it insulting when someone congratulates me on a birthday .. it's a bit morbid : "hey , be happy , you got a bit closer to dying"
it makes sense to congratulate only old people and ones who have not reached the drinking age
"you didn't buy me a present? I HATE YOU!"
but sadly, it tends to be a lot like christmas
haha thats a great quote. Love that feed.
My bday is in 2 weeks, I start letting my kids know August 20-ish
Kids guess what next month is?!
Oh my god. I had no idea HyperCard docs were still available.
@tereško It's never been about getting closer to death, it's about surviving another year of life. There were times when that was quite the accomplishment.
isn't it pointless to gift flowers? they look much better in the garden than in a vase
I agree.
Id rather get a new gadget.
not to mention one rose is about 3$
Flowers are all about spite. That's why we use them at funerals. If grandpa's dead, all these !@#$ing flowers can die too!!
fscking github edit online crap.
done editing, type commit message, TAB+ENTER to save, OH that's cancle and don't warn I'm about to lose all changes, no undo.
that's about the only valid use of onbeforeunload
@MattMcDonald And I screwed myself on one project, I can't onbeforeunload on pages that are hashed-urls.
A: Why does [5,6,8,7][1,2] = 8 in Javascript

Tomalak Geret'kal[1,2,3,4,5,6][1,2,3]; ^ ^ | | array + — array subscript access operation, where index is `1,2,3`, which is an expression that evaluates to `3`. The second [...] cannot be an array, so it's an array subscript operation...

Ive learned something today.
window.onbeforeunload = function()
	var leaving = confirm("Going somewhere?");
		return false;
although it seems new browsers have added a confirm AFTER that confirm is dealt with
It's amazing how js still amazes me with new awesome things
@MattMcDonald You can just return confirm(...)
Offtopic: Tomalak is awesome.
you can certainly do that, but it depends on how you want to handle each case
and agreed
Q: parseInt(null, 24) === 23... wait, what?

RobertAlright, so I was messing around with parseInt to see how it handles values not yet initialized and I stumbled upon this gem. The below happens for any radix 24 or above. parseInt(null, 24) === 23 // true I tested it in IE, Chrome and Firefox and they all alert true, so I'm thinking it must be...

I like SQL's handling of null
essentially anything with null is null
@Zirak That's wild. Why does it take it as a string?
@MattMcDonald The type is strong with this one.
time to pop open ES-262
Weak typing. Any function takes anything, and if it's not something it can work with, it turns it into one.
yep, it expects a string as the first param
so it casts
> When the parseInt function is called, the following steps are taken: 1. Let inputString be ToString(string).
@MattMcDonald That's creepy. But I guess it kinda makes sense.
It's nice to see how there's ToString, and something.toString
@Zirak I think toString is part of the window object?
toString is a method on most, if not all types IIRC
like valueOf
function toString() { [native code] }
window.toString() returns [object DOMWindow] (IIRC). ToString is a special function the interpreter has - it converts anything (including null and undefined) into a string
Maybe something like this:
function ToString(something) {
    return "" + something;
@MattMcDonald Oh, sorry I mean't the global tostring, I think that's just a window specific implementation to band-aid coders who aren't doing it right.
RT @adrianba: Microsoft submitted tests to W3C WebApps for WebSockets API, Indexed DB, and Web Workers. http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2011JulSep/1406.html #ie10 #w3c
I feel like people need to see what invoking a regex actually involves.... so, linke: code.google.com/p/v8/source/browse/branches/3.5/src/ia32/…
challenge: re-implement regex in js?
Regular expressions were made in Perl. I'm not suicidal enough to try and reimplement something that was made in Perl
@Zirak Don't like state machines? :P
If you look at the first comment of the perl source code for how a regex works, you'll laugh, you'll laugh hard. github.com/mirrors/perl/blob/blead/regexec.c
You can actually FEEL the madness brewing inside the author.
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

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