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@Ryan maybe someday we won't have to put up with this kinda of thing...
@AdamLynch We can dream.
A: PHP Security - GET Variables, URL safe?

kkszysiuIf it will look like that then you dont need to secure anything. Everything should be secured by that side by your web server configuration and that's all!

Actually, we're quickly moving toward that point. Web developers have taken standards to heart, and want browsers to support them correctly. Even Microsoft realizes this, and the newest versions of all browsers are very standards compliant.
Are they? Is IE9?
lol turns out the female dev was one I interviewed before... she didn't know the diff between java/javascript.
@Loktar "I know java/javascript "on a resume is the point where you shred the thing.
yeah exactly
man its just ridiculous how much these gov contractors are recycled
I keep seeing the same names I saw last time we had an opening :?
i added worked with flash
but removed it
as experiance was just a few flash menus
whats wrong in saying i know some basic javascript?????
nothing wrong with that, I just like our career field because you can "show" if you know it or not.
@Loktar So I'm Canadian, what're the chances of me getting a job? :p
I give them my portfolio page generally.
I was thinking of moving to NYC or SF.
haha @Incognito I think pretty low.
Ah I am in Nebraska :?
No kidding :P.
saying i know js would be hiding the truth
@PD24 Do you know java/javascript?
i know basic logic
i probably couldnt code something if you asked me
@RyanKinal So no then? :P
@AdamLynch ;-)
I know java/javascript so well its ridiculous! I ride in my car rolling carpet.
@PD24 Then your answer is no. Java and JavaScript have nothing to do with eachother, like, even at all, zero, zilch. Not the same thing.
@Loktar Took me a minute to get that. Funny ;).
it was a stretch at humor :P
Surfing through questions, I hold back the rage. just never ending wtf.
I had a HUGE wtf moment today
A: Matching a link's fragment with the url's fragment with jquery?

LoktarElegant shortest solution Live Demo fragment = '#/story/article-3/'; $('.item a[href$="' + fragment + '"]').parent().css({background:'red'}); Another less elegant option but an example of why your code wasn't working as expected. Live Demo 2 Without using .each you will only get the href fo...

the 2nd portion was my initial answer
and then I was like omg.. thats terrible jason wth.
Ugh, why can't people use example.com like they're supposed to?
@AdamLynch Really, the thing about IE is that it doesn't implement the bleeding edge. And, as far as I'm concerned, it doesn't really have to - it's implementing the standards, not the proposed standards.
ie is crap
i can have poor css standards and it will still look great on FF but IE is a no no
IE is annoying definitely. But without it how many billed hours would of been lost!
@PD24 Everybody loves to pick on IE. I know I do, but it's more of a problem with the fact that there are legacy versions of IE that still hold a prominent position.
yeah IE used to actually push the envelope.
And those versions of IE will hold a prominent position until there are no more installations of Windows XP
@Loktar Not even that bad, I'm talking about dynamically writing JS with server-side code.
ah yeah that gets ugly fast
with .net Ive had to do it twice, just to get the reference to the root path, it feels icky every time.
> with .net
Well there's your problem.
lol yeah :? we have no other options here it sucks.
and its 2.0 at that.
I'm going to make software called hookers and blackjack one day, it'll be MIT licence and free, and the best software for everything ever. And I'll just re-release it under another licence, and name. It'll be called Enterprise Business Glass Envelope Abstraction Factory Layer or EGEABFL, and I'll release a new major version every 5 months, changes or not, and the price for the new version will grow by 5% each time.
My logo will be post-modern minimalst abstract art. (some kind of square, but REALLY avant-garde).
Basically, I'll be the richest man in the universe.
If there's one thing coders like, it's free stuff that's awesome. If there's one thing organizations like, it's really expensive stuff that sounds impressive.
And I'll trollolololol all the way to the bank.
name one thing customers do that gets on your nerves
@PD24 Buy stuff.
or say,
Because I feel guilty like I can't tell them to screw off now.
"I don't like it, I don't really know why, I just don't"
"its just a small change, its easy"
LOL I had one who got a $5 refund from one of my old school screensavers because it didn't have a wind sound.
RT @miketaylr: Very happy to see full ES5.1 support landing in an Opera desktop snapshot: http://t.co/GDr8bfE
RT @silviapfeiffer: had an awesome weekend at #ovc2011 open video conference - was most surprised to learn about the webkitSourceAppend ...
"Oh well if theres no wind sound I dont really want it"
well wtf? Thats why theres a demo...
No wind in your screen saver? Serious business.
Remember when screen savers were all the rage?
@PD24 "I want a simple website"
Oooooo something cool is happening on that monitor.
"with 7 pages"
"can we have a video clip playing with sound that loops and starts automatically?"
"on the home page"
yeah @Incognito sucks they arent now
I loved making them
^ my favs
Those are pretty classy.
site is oldschool havent updated in forever.
thanks, the snow one sold like mad back in 2005
or 2006 forget when I released it
Yeah there's a few rusty edges but it's sweet.
yeah I made that at least 3-4 years ago, the site that is
haha I wonder how the js looks actually
ah looks like that was back before I knew anything really.
my eyes hurt
Oh man, that was a long time back. <script src="http://www.google-analytics.com/urchin.js" type="text/javascript">
hello, does someone know how to choose the picture displayed on facebook embeded sharing ?
Uli Hect’s box2dweb is a JavaScript port of the Box2D open-source 2D physics engine for games http://t.co/gR5jCxT
Wow @Feeds old.
@Incognito I'm finding that when I see an example of an XSS or Injection vulnerability, I think "Why would you do that!?!?'. This makes me feel a little better about my security knowledge.
I just worry about catching all of them.
jQuery 1.6.4, a maintenance release, is now available! http://t.co/gGnmpa2
@RyanKinal Pokemon, it's me and you.
@Incognito "Vulnerabilities, gotta catch 'em all"?
Pokemon for programmers should be funny
heh that would be pretty cool actually. "Buffer Overflow is evolving!"
Gym leader 7 Goto Master
Pikachu uses Syntax Error!
Charamander uses Null Pointer Exception! Instant-kill
You use Auto-Completion, +4 Speed
Awh snap. I smack talked someone in this chat months back, now I wish I hadn't. What do?
whys that?
@Loktar I named names, now the person in question is evidently a prospective customer.
I hate how small the world is.
ah crap :?
But the code is so bad!
heh if the devs I work with ever looked at my chat history lol
I would actually be like wow grats you use a site centered around development!
Le remove face from internet. * plausible deniability.*
No, he's one of those "my name is me" people, like kawaza snaipakeke, there's only one.
ah see Jason Brown is a great internet anonymous name.
@Incognito I don't know anybody like that
@Loktar I have three first names.
I'm not even ON google.
Ugh. Looking at my Google results makes me realize exactly how much I need to improve my website.
@ErrorErrorError What are you wooting about?
Welp it was fun while it lasted. /exits room.
@Incognito bwahahah
im saying hi :P
havent been in here for a while :P
raynos still not here
var translateFromErrorErrorError = {
    'wooot': 'hi'
i cant believe i still am banned from questions even though my rep has gone up
i used to have -1 or -2 or even -6 on my questions now they r 1+ n still no question authority
yeh but most there were when i was new here, like really new
after that when i started learning more n asking different questions i didnt get -rep so much
anyhow im just happy to be out of the 200 rep range
lol, only 2/19 of your answers have plus votes
some people just should not try to "help"
i used to answer questions in the very beginning, afterwards i got tired....the only questions i could answer were by people new to SO, the rest of questions were hard o.O
that's certainly one way for looking at it
yeh well atleast i try :P
"it's not because of me .. " always works so well
well i acknowledge the fact that i dont know as much about developing, but i dont feel bad about it because then again I havent spent as much time developing
I am doing computer engineering which consists of both hardware and software, I wouldnt expect to be better than people here at software because this IS a developers forum
@Raynos , stop spitting on the screen
@Incognito wait you mocked someone for shit code
and now they are going to hold a grudge?
despite my lack of knowledge ive built a sentry and working on wall climbing robot, something i doubt most people can do
Well, some of your questions are the equivalent of "How do I build a wall climbing robot?" at the wall-climbing robot builders forums. If you need help figuring out where to get started, ask more specifically about that. Nuking you on the form question was kind of petty though.
@ErrorErrorError were you not perma banned?
o.O no i wasnt i just didnt come on much
problem with me or atleast recently has gotten worse is i have trouble communicating my thoughts....
i kind of just assume the other person can read my mind
No last I remember of you
your real problem is your an idiot o/
dont be sad, i wouldnt get me banned because i know you miss me :P
@Raynos , i recall when you told me that i was overreacting
@tereško ?
@Raynos what now?
@ErrorErrorError s/miss/frustated
@MattMcDonald I just decided that I hate jQuery slightly more today
What happened with JQ?
Like how you can do $(someXml).find("someXmlNode")
I thought this might have something to do with the T-Mobile comment stripping faux pas
And I was like ._. I can use jQuery to manipulate xml? Why.
i still think that worst part of jquery are the people who worship it .. they are ignorant and convinced that jquery is best thing since fire
because John Resig believes that "valid HTML is simply a subset of XML"
(quoted from Pro JavaScript Techniques)
speaking of worship i remember long ago a thread that related computer languages to religons
trolls o/
The DOM API works on both. Why not? You can build web docs with your own XML if you want.
Epic trolls
@ErikReppen I've never dealt with xml & xslt.
I try to avoid it
@MattMcDonald i hope you ritually burned that book
lol, I got the quote from comp.lang.javascript
I'd never buy anything from that hack
Me too, but it's an option. And all the standard document.getWhateverBySomethigns work on XML docs too. That's not JQ's call necessarily.
> Since valid HTML is simply a subset of XML, having an efficient way to parse and browse DOM documents is absolutely essential for making JavaScript development easier.
I just find it a violation of API design to have a set of methods work on HTML & XML
That was the direction everybody thought we were going. You could have your HTML and XML cake too all in one doc.
With the DOM its not that bad because your only doing one at a time
no, this is all XHTML's fault
@MattMcDonald Isn't XML a subset of valid html?
HTML and XML are both SGML
@Zirak no
the ritualistic use of XHTML (I was taught it in school) is the reason why the perceived need was met
<trolls></trolls> is valid XML
Q: Difference between Javascript and Python

AkashRecently in a job interview I was asked what is the difference between Python and Javascript. The interviewer had framed the question as: "Javascript is an interpreted language which runs in a web browser and Python runs in its own interpreter, but how are they different?" I tried givin...

^ lol
Best question ever
"There are plenty of differences (too many to list here). I suspect the answer they were asking for is Javascript is object oriented wheras Python is procedural"
whoops, someone's got the roles reversed
Oh my google. This is a goldmine.
@Raynos would you consider JS object oriented
“MediaSource Extensions” proposal enables video/audio to be streamed into HTML media elements from JavaScript http://t.co/A8HSaSy
RT @jsgoodies: Aardwolf; remote debugger and inspector (for mobile), using node as proxy: http://js.gd/20t
I mean it seems drilled in my head its not in the classical sense
js is definitely OO
the language is built on objects
however, it's not "class oriented"
ah I guess thats a better way of putting it.
(which is what most people expect)
.. wouldnt the answer the interviewer was looking for "python is a server side language JS is client side (generally speaking)"
yeah theres so much gray now with Node
Urm, the difference is the language, actually
blech, poorly worded
cant really get away with saying that anymore
the APIs would dictate that difference
JS is object-oriented. Not class-based OOP but definitely OOP.
Python is very general use. JS is becoming general use.
It's like asking "What's the difference between Russian and Sanskrit. " It's the words that make out the sentences that make out the paragraphs that make out the articles.
@Loktar no
It's a stupid interview question.
JavaScript has prototypical OO
well python has the whitespace-based structure and much more literal operators
no,it is a good interview question
When someone says "is it OO" I assume they mean "is it classicaly OO" and my default answer is "no"
yeah exactly @Raynos thats what I was thinking as well.
@tereško it's a solid question, problem is the interview said he was "incorrect"
The biggest difference would be the degree to which JS is a functional language but Python supports lambdas which might make it arguably functional depending on whose definition you care about.
I would say, "Python is all kinds of crazy with its tabbed crazy syntax, Javascript is just cooler" :P
The biggset difference is that python was designed
and javascript was hacked together as an interpreter in a few weeks for netscape
@ErikReppen , stupid question would be if you were asked "why manhole covers are round ?"
.. which once was asked to me in an interview
ah @tereško I have a shirt for that question.
A: What to do with obsolete code?

I generally use c# for my code and what I do is I comment out the code and put them in #region tags. This way, you can minimize the code you aren't using so that It doesn't take up valuable screen space.

I love it when someone accepts a stupid answer o/
@tereško falcon punch?
well .. almost
I would love to wear it to a development interview one day, but its a tshirt.
Python is my next favorite language to JS.
actually that was last of the stupid question in that interview , i had no energy left to dispense punishment
I sadly have never done anything with Python.
I hear good things about it.
Python has significant whitespace :(
it's a very cool language
The Python community is badass. Those guys will have Python code written to interface with hardware on flying saucers from Regulon 6 a week after the first one lands.
Yeah that seems so weird to me, would be hard for me to get used to at first.
@Raynos got a question for you... do you think it is good idea to come up with Function.prototype.force - function? point of that function is to repeat all calls until empty err is returned.
@KamilTomšík give me a use case
function foo(){

def foo():
JS is basically scheme in C-clothing is my understanding of it. Haven't tried Scheme yet but Dean Edwards was a big fan before he turned into a JS-nerd apparently.
@Raynos in the sense of:
var request = require("request").force();
request("http://failing-server", function(err, res, body){}); //in which case err would never contain anything because force would intercept that call and repeat request forever...
So unless err === null it will repeat itself?
Automatic error handling like that is ridiculious
@Raynos yeah, that's the idea
gah, now I must go make something random in python
python doesn't do === either
Check IDLE out. It's like writing JS in a firebug console.
I make that mistake constantly in c# now
I'm not saying it's entirely good idea, but err handling makes code ugly and other than timeout errors shouldn't ever happen
Function.prototype.logError = function() {
  var that = this;
  return function(err) {
    if (err != null) {
      console.log("error : " + err);
    that.apply(this, arguments);
@KamilTomšík there are better solutions to error handling
@Raynos not sure if I made it clear - I would repeat that request anyway, so only difference is that I'll make this on function level
I see a return without a semicolon
@Loktar Make shitty console games
Why would you repeat the request if it failed :\
My pet-peeve is try/catch used to hide errors.
@Raynos because I need that response :)
But the request should fail for un-recoverable reasons
The main difference between JavaScript and Python is the syntax. JavaScript is a C-style language, whereas Python is... well... a Python-style language.
@Raynos time-out is recoverable (by repeating request)
Then handle that.
@Zirak lol funny enough I was looking at pygame
@Raynos :)
request(url, function(err, res, body){
  if (err){
    request(url, arguments.callee);



request.force(url, function(err, res, body){
  //no err, handling code here, because it's already in force()
which one would you prefer?
@KamilTomšík I hate your assumption that err is always a timeout error
even if it weren't it doesn't make difference
My hugest JS peeve is bad Java devs trying to build bad Java paradigms into JS frameworks. There is absolutely nothing useful to be gained from cascade inheritance over 16 class-layers before you arrive at an object in any language. Such nonsense completely flies in the face of using any OOP-oriented system in the first-place.
@KamilTomšík sure it does, bloody infinite loops
also arguments.callee is BANNED.
@KamilTomšík you've used express right?
@Raynos I could employ some limit, but I really need to get that response if it's possible... that repeated request will be pooled anyway so it won't happen instantly
I'm still on the fence about arguments.callee. Seems like any language where funcs can get passed as params should allow func internals to have access to a "You are here" button.
@Raynos no, I didn't employ any mid-level framework
@ErikReppen they do
function you_are_here() {
@Raynos what about closures?
@KamilTomšík closures :S
ok, so lambdas?
I wouldn't jump head first into lambdas while still learning Python.
<-- is still just learning Python really.
Passing funcs around like candy comes naturally to me but I'm still not sure how to use lambdas particularly well in Python.
that's a big plus for JS
github.com is down
404 Not Found

@KamilTomšík works fine for me
huh... strange
works in opera, doesn't in chrome
gist: 1214356, 2011-09-13 17:10:48Z
var request = require("request-middleware");

var errorFunction = function(err, res, body, next) {
  if (err.type === "timeout") {
  } else {

var errorStack = middleware(errorFunction);

// either use middleware on the request

request("http://failing-server", errorStack, function(res, body) {
  // do things

// or use it globally 

Personally I would augment request to allow injection of middleware into it's api
Alternatively you can wrap a middleware stack around request completely without extending it
Q: What's the syntax difference of JavaScript between node.js and browsers?

FreewindBrowsers support JavaScript, and Node.js supports it too. I want to know if there any syntax difference between them?

@Raynos you have a point there...
github is down
gist: 1214356, 2011-09-13 17:10:48Z
var request = require("request-middleware");

var errorFunction = function(err, res, body, next) {
  if (err.type === "timeout") {
  } else {

var errorStack = middleware(errorFunction);

// either use middleware on the request

request("http://failing-server", errorStack, function(res, body) {
  // do things

// or use it globally 


// or generate a middleware stack with request

var makeRequest = function(options, next) {
  var store = this;
  request(options, function(err, res, body) {
    if (err) return next(err);
    store.set("res", res);
    store.set("body", body);

var repeatOnTimeout = function(stack) {
  return function(err, options, next) {
    if (err === "timeout") {
      return stack.handle(options);

var requestStack = middleware(function() {
  function (err, options, next) {
    // handle errors
  function (options) {
    var res = this.get("res"), body = this.get("body");
    // handle res,body

Apply more DRY.
Problem solved.
A: Difference between Javascript and Python

stackoverflowuser2010Python is a programming language for liberal arts majors who came to realise they picked the wrong career path because they couldn't get a job. JavaScript is for CS majors who came to realise they picked the wrong career path because C/C++/Java was too difficult for them.

^ attack
so, we finally have something topic-worthy to discuss
thoughts on Google's Dart/Dash Java-JS compilation project?
@Raynos blatantly obvious troll post
Dart/Dash is a useless toy
Unless it has a full Dart->JS compiler and all major browsers are working on implementing dart natively
I think I'm more miffed at how Google thinks JS doesn't cut it
I'd rather purge it with fire
We want all native browsers to focus on implementing ES6
Not waste time toying around with a dart vm
hell, once people start writing proper OOP code in JS, applications can be built
Of course JS doesnt cut it
its not C++
the limit is the browser, not the language
The point is you want C++
Go watch carmacks keynotes

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