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@SomeGuy rlemon is afk: doctors
@Rooster Nice name
In this scenario the presenter decides that "pingStatus: -1" in the model means "make view red, use that danger icon and do some alerting, whatever".
@CapricaSix @rlemon it's probably lupus
@Oleg sure, I'm not sure about what persistable means but ok.
In my case "persistable" is that I can invoke, let's say, .save() and it will invoke some kind of api that will call backend to store the contents of the model.
I think so, yes.
@Zirak @rlemon Heh, I feel like a dummy reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1x34t4/…
It could go through some kind of StorageService that would use the available transport (e.g. sockets or localStorage)
found this in the code..
 var walkTheDom = function walk(node, text) {
     node = getTextFromNode(node, text);
     if (node) {
         node = node.firstChild;
         while (node) {
             walk(node, text);
             node = node.nextSibling;
and they are using jquery
oh noes
is better imo
@Loktar ah, Crockford :D
oooh thats what thats from?
I was thinking it was copied from somewhere because it was odd to find such a large section of vanilla
everything else is jquery..
Oh damn it, 21:00 and I'm still in the office.
Thanks people, I guess I'll sleep on it.
@Loktar they probably didn't know about .children() for text nodes.
man this app is perfect for angular..
its a single page app
but its too late in the cycle to add it I guess
the entire dom is loaded.. and each section is hidden
and then shown based on the page you're on
then in the js there are objects like.. page3 = {} page2 = {lots of stuff} ect
its insanity.
Looking at this nice ol 2950 line js file..
wish it was at least the only one
@Loktar well, refactoring is fun :D
yeah man I have a lot to do
very low stress here too which is cool
@copy waait... you used hastebin to show me an error from haste?
dude, that's deep
well i mean their timelines don't seem insane at least
my last job it was breakneck dude..
like "you should be able to learn angular in two weeks right?"
My job history: Bipolar boss, startup, startup, startup.
umm sure?
@Loktar Pretty much what I'm doing.
s/doing/did/ (ish)
@Loktar Hah, I have two developers building an Angular webapp with little to no experience on building anything that scale and no no Angular from beforehand in two weeks. Beat that!
My boss hates databases, so we're pretty much not allowed to use them.
I dont want to! :P
@Oleg Not fair, you kept the argument going while I was away
will they lose their job if they dont finish in 2 weeks?
lol that was my fear the whole time
this new place also had a 1.5 hour meeting with me
@BenjaminGruenbaum I was hired to work on PHP/MySQL/Joomla with literally no experience in any of those.
@m59 Sorry :( I'll think about it more tonight. Maybe will come up with more stuff in the following days.
going through what agile is to them
@BartekBanachewicz It recognized the code as Coffeescript though
and their whole process
really helpful and awesome
@Oleg what happens when you add another one to the dom?
With angular, you're done
@SomeKittensUx2666 sounds like the average php/mysql/joomla developer to me :P
my other job was like "oh never done agile before, ok whatever BOOOM"
@BenjaminGruenbaum ZING! (It's sad how correct that is....)
@copy well that's not helpful in the fact it doesn't work
@Loktar agile is a buzzword devoid of meaning :D
It was invented to sell people books and software they don't need.
yea, but lord at least show me how to use your dumb tracking software
they did here which was great
We have a bug tracker. That's it :D
No backlog. No user stories, none of that shit.
we were using JIRA
@m59 Do they keep track of dom changes or figure out what to do from events (e.g. element clicked, what are the attributes)?
Oh, we use JIRA
here they use umm
TFS I guess
!!tell BenjaminGruenbaum google Agile Yegge rant
and i am fucking hating TFS source control..
^^ Good writeup on what agile means beyond buzzword
@SomeKittensUx2666 did you just link me to "Good Agile Bad Agile" :D ?
Thanks, I've clearly never read that or linked ot it before :P
@Loktar even Microsoft doesn't use TFS source control :D
They switched to GIT in the new TFS
heh, I'll keep track of every link you/read post now.
I want my git back
@SomeKittensUx2666 damn right
@SomeGuy why thank you sir. I've always relied on the kindness of SomeGuy
@BadgerGirl probably has an API for that.
relying on the kindness of SomeGuy?
No, keeping track of links read
@Loktar You too, eh?
oh, that makes more sense
silly me
@m59 I've just tried adding another one in your example and it didn't work...
var d = document.createElement('div');
d.setAttribute('rotate-on-click', '30');
I did it wrong?
@m59 Explain $q to me in ten seconds.
@Oleg jsbin.com/opogIroN/173/edit replicate that in vanilla js
@SomeKittensUx2666 oh mercy
and 10
it's ok
Here's 255 XP points for trying.
heh, do you need to know something? You've already been using promises..
@BenjaminGruenbaum hm?
"How do I replicate this jQuery feature?" - "you should use encodeURIComponent"
No, he shouldn't you fucktard, it's built in.
@m59 who is?
who is what? I missed something here...
@m59 "already using promises"
@SomeKittensUx2666 can I try?
Oh yeah, Kittens, we've had talks about promises before, so I wasn't sure what he needs to know. @BenjaminGruenbaum
A: How do to cancel an $http request in AngularJS?

lambinatorThis feature was added to the 1.1.5 release via a timeout parameter: var canceler = $q.defer(); $http.get('/someUrl', {timeout: canceler.promise}).success(successCallback); // later... canceler.resolve(); // Aborts the $http request if it isn't finished.

^^ exactly what's going on here
@SomeKittensUx2666 that's an Angular hack. Let's start from a simpler question, can you explain what a promise is to me (no googling!)?
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's like a callback, but makes people on HN happy.
@SomeKittensUx2666 that's your best answer?
Isn't that something politicians do?
Ok, so basically often in code we have calculations we have results that we don't exactly really have.
Like when you make an AJAX call or a timeout in JavaScript, in the AJAX request you have the data, you just don't really have it. It's like you have a kind of 'box' around the data.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Are you really explaining async to me?
And in order to actually get the data, you need to open the box. Which you will be able to maybe do eventually.
@SomeKittensUx2666 bear with me.
@BenjaminGruenbaum AAAAUGH, RUN! THERE'S A BEAR!
And depending on the day there could be a D*&% in the box.
Now, we have a boxed value, and we want to process it and perhaps do other things that might need it later like making other I/O in JS for example, or having a calculation that might succeed and might now.
So, basically, we want to be able to apply a 'boxed' value, and take, do something with it and put it in another 'box'.
@Loktar loll
I like your explanation better
Like, take an XHR, unbox it (wait for it to load), perform some calculation on it (another fetch based on the result) and return that calculation (box it). Then, later on, we want to open that box, do something and box that something too.
@SomeKittensUx2666 so far are you with me?
god dangit @BenjaminGruenbaum you need to be speakign at conferences
and teaching this shit.
I love your explanations.
@Loktar bear with me too!
@BenjaminGruenbaum Sure.
Now, do you know how you call such a 'boxed' value that you can apply 3 things to? Something that takes a value and put it in the box, another that applies a function to it that does what what we described above to it (that is, takes it out of the box, do something to it and then put it in another box), and a function that defines a 'box'?
Basically, I want to be able to pass my box a function that takes my 'xhr' out of the box (let it finish and read it), then process it and put it in another box, that's the important part.
@SomeKittensUx2666 @Loktar can you guess the name of this?
I'm having trouble following your analogy.
@SomeKittensUx2666 ok, let's try again.
Can't tell if the cat's dead or not.
Perhaps you could tell me about a JS concept using JS terms, since I'm not a complete idiot.
@m59 something like this jsbin.com/ziqu/2 ?
@SomeKittensUx2666 It's not a JS concept :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum Huzzah, we've determined that I'm not entirely correct with terminology about something I admittedly don't know much about!
Now I'm going to go do something, instead of sitting here letting you waste my time with pedantic analogies.
I have something I want to do but I can't directly do it ( for example XHR because it takes time), so I put it (that's condition one) in a box (That's condition three), and then apply functions to it that take it out of the box (load the XHR data), process it (for example - send another db request) and put another thing in a box (for example a DB request).
@SomeKittensUx2666 this is not pedantics. Seriously.
Do you want to know how such a thing that you can do these three things on is called?
then apply functions - Is that the clue?
@mikedidthis no, just good naming :D
Or do you want to rant on me talking about abstracts with you assuming you're smart instead of giving you the straight answer?
@BenjaminGruenbaum dang! I want to know!
Promises according to @Loktar

1. Cut a hole in the box and var deferred = $q.defer();
2. Put your junk in that box and return deferred.promise;
3. Make her open the box and deferred.resolve(theContentsOfThatBox);

and that's the way you do it.
@SomeKittensUx2666 did you actually leave -_-?
@Oleg you cheated =D
@Loktar are you still here?
@m59 :(
Where are the original ones?
Well, you don't have them in html either. I can call add to add them.
Right, and then your code is even more verbose.
If you read my post, you would have noticed that I even admitted that there's no reason to use AngularJs for this
this is only the most basic example I could think of
and Angular is still lighter
I have 17 loc without them (and I need just 2 to add). You have 26 loc with them (and 100kb of Angular).
@BenjaminGruenbaum sorry was at a meeting :/
/me reads up
Sorry, I think that the example is not convincing.
@Loktar let me know what was unclear when you're done :)
@m59 Also, in your example with Angular vs jQuery, the Angular code is just 2 loc smaller than jQuery (and jQuery is 30kb lighter).
So, all of your apps are 17 lines of code?
It's a pretty confusing concept, remember, the main theme is having that function that takes a boxed computation (for example an XHR that might resolve), opens the box (gets the XHR value), does something to it (reads the XHR data), and then returns another boxed value (for example, a DB call or something you need to do with that data you just got)
@m59 No, but if I judge by the examples you have provided, my code will grow by a fraction in addition to including Angular.
@m59 17 lines but each line is thousands of characters long
I dont have a huge problem with promises really
@Loktar So, something with those three properties has a very 'big' name. It's called a Monad. That thing that takes a value, takes it out of the box, does a calculation on it and returns a new boxed value is called a monadic bind.
@SomeKittensUx2666 what
Didn't see that coming did you :D ?
nope :p
Let's try something that's not promises and is "monadic". Let's try 'maybe'
> a monad is a structure that represents computations defined as sequences of steps. A type with a monad structure defines what it means to chain operations, or nest functions of that type together. This allows the programmer to build pipelines that process data in steps,
you're exactly right.
@Oleg I guess we should start talking about data-binding.
But I don't care to.
You can read and learn if you want.
Oh, and SRP
Since you have your model and view mixed.
@Loktar Let's say I have a number, maybe, I might have a number or the user did something wrong. So I either have a number, or I have nothing. At each calculation step I deal with it.
So, I have a function(foo) that accepts maybe a number.
or "a number, maybe"
This means that not having a number is acceptable.
It's also sometimes called nullable. That is, something that can be null.
@BartekBanachewicz So, do you have a working example of a function that takes an array and can be exported to JavaScript?
//So, now that I write my method, I can do something like:
    function doCalculation(maybeNum){
         if(maybeNum === Nothing) return dontDoAnything(a);
         else return doCalculation(a.get());

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