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@AbhishekHingnikar USA
@monners no it wasn't me ...
ps i am implementing a virtual file system
for my app
for now i have 2 versions of it
@AbhishekHingnikar Happy to help test when you get to that point
Speciman 1:

It uses something called a node datastructure

node = {
   children: {},
   isDirectory: Boolean,
   name: String
Speciman 2:

It uses 2 seperate data structures a FileItem and a Directory Item

FileItem = {
   width: Number,
   height: Number,
   fullUrl: String,
   created: Date,
   updated: Date,
   meta: {}


DirectoryStructure = {
     subDirectories: {},
     files: {},
     name: String,
     path: String
I wonder which is a better solution
in first case i just add a meta element containing all the information for a file or directory
in the element itself
with the first one i can easily find files and folders using same code
with the second one i have slight optimizations
@BadgerGirl Met Randall yet?
@SomeGuy No, this weekend.
@BadgerGirl have fun :-D
Thanks :) I uploaded zillions of pics to fb
Probably a stupid question, but is it possible to highjack an operator (such as +) in javascript (environment exclusive. Not concerned about the browser, just any environment)?
Don't think so
@monners nope. You could make some sort of DSL
Compile every instance of x + y to x.holyFunction(y)
Operator overloading would be interesting to have in JS
I think they're thinking about it for ES7?
Damn, they are! :D
You guys know Ben's answer about operator overloading in JS ?
Didn't they learn't shit from c++ ?
But what's the goal ? It's possible in certain conditions to intercept a script and change it before it is executed.
@dystroy it's not really operator overloading, it's "creating a new es-based language"
@AbhishekHingnikar C++ people love operator overloading
I have the same feeling than Abhishek. I don't think this will make our life easier. I prefer to be able to read any code without having to know a lot of context, especially if I want to import many modules.
I agree, especially since it can pretty much be arbitrary.
@FlorianMargaine @Bartek do you guys not hate when a noob uses operator overloading like an ass and create mon spheghatti ?
Only reason I ask is I watched a Crockford talk recently in which he described the unfortunate state of +'s behavior, and how it would be much more concise to use an operator that specifically dealt with concatenation of strings
Oh yep, + now means reverse a string.
I mean i see no point in operator overloading but meh i might be being an arse
@phenomnomnominal What?
but knowing javascript imagine what fucking mess stuff like this can end up into
@monners he hates ++ so much, why don't they make that the string concatenation operator :P
@SomeGuy if you can overload it, why not?
@phenomnomnominal LOL! I think you're onto something there :P
Ah, right. It'd get crazy that way
@AbhishekHingnikar I already hate it when somebody adds a method to Array's prototype, especially if it's badly done, without even regards to iterability...
@phenomnomnominal what if they add a polymorphic operator
as in
+ "Hello" for reverse
"Hello" + "World" for ?!?!@#!#@@!_)# ?
"abc"++ => "abd"
ps i wonder how are they gonna handle that
the best way: make + an allowed character in identifiers, and implement the + function in stdlib.
@FlorianMargaine that's a bit over my head, explain?
well how about custom operators aswell then ?
c = A florian B
All I could ever want is that similarly structured objects can be added, I want it to be smart enough to do { x: 1, y: 3 } + { x: 5, y: 3 }; // { x: 6, y: 6 }
@AbhishekHingnikar Would never work. The output would always be false
function + () {
    var args = [].slice(arguments);
    return args.reduce(function(p, n) {
        return p + n;
    }, 0);
@phenomnomnominal Yeah, that'd be interesting to have
function typeof () {
    return 'HEY FUCK YOU';
@FlorianMargaine how about

function +(){
   var args = [].slice(arguments);
   switch( args.length ){
      case 1:

      case 2:

/* because javascript */
that's stupid, but sure go with your way
@FlorianMargaine i am trying to demonstrate something stupid :-|
and my way mostly works when using RPN...
!!s/that's stupid, but sure go with your way/false/
@monners false (source)
function void () {
    return true; // Just tricking
function !!(){
    //that will be so much evil ?
    return true;
@AbhishekHingnikar LOL
@AbhishekHingnikar the proposal doesn't let you override ! or !=
and then we will have bookmarkable
#define TRUE FALSE
@phenomnomnominal i know but it does for !!
@phenomnomnominal did they forgot to type !==
@AbhishekHingnikar !! is not an operator
or they just ignored it ?
how about function !== (){ return (Math.random()* 4 )%2 == 0; }
Function.prototype.bind = function() { return window; }
oh wow == is overloadable :D
I think we're forgetting something important here. You'll most likely only be able to overload operators for objects
Yeah hopefully
@SomeGuy Well, look who's arrived. Mr KillJoy.
this room isn't dead?
@SomeGuy East-asian or Native American? I get confused easily...
@FlorianMargaine It's pretty active, actually
@monners Us Indians who live in India
Surprisingly. Usually when I get home it's the mid-west in this bitch. Sometimes living on the largest island-continent sucks
@SomeGuy U.S. Indians who live in India??? Now I'm more confused!
African Indians from the U.S. who live in India
@SomeGuy In all seriousness, what is an African-Indian?
No idea :D
There are African Americans, so there must be African Indians too, right?
@SomeGuy Fair point
@SomeGuy no, african americans are africans who went to a developped country.
@FlorianMargaine You're incorrect (to say the least)
I thought it was only for Africans who are American residents
that was just a joke to say that nobody immigrates in India.
@FlorianMargaine Oh! Respect.restore()
!!format monners
@FlorianMargaine Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
!!tell monners format
@monners Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
African American these days is a label, the meanings of which vary from group to group (and not always descriptively).
african american means: nigga
that's pretty much it
why so much ceremony?
Probably shouldn't be making offensive jokes here :p
There are two categories of people I hate most: the Chinese and the racists.
meh, eff offensed people
@FlorianMargaine Because it's a poorly constructed label that doesn't mean a consistent thing. What do you call an American-born caucasian that emigrates to Africa?
@Oleg Boublil?
@monners american african
@Oleg he says that in one of his shows
@FlorianMargaine So what do you call a South African caucasian?
... in the only one I've seen
Oh, I'm only watching talks on programming.
@monners south african?
@monners Depends on his name
@SomeGuy hahaha
Fuck it. throws sociology course notes out the window
I keep forgetting this room isn't typically as stupid as the rest of the internetz. My apologies.
Sometimes, when I have lots of tabs open, the reduced tab for this room says "Java". I hesitate to click.
@Oleg Just pretend it's a coffee aficionado blog
Sure, I'll just brew myself a cup of java.
Q: HTML5 request response webservice

YatinI am pretty new to html5 web development I have created a page with login and password on it and have a submit button. On submit , I send a rest request to the server which has a url THE RRQUEST IS SOMETHING LIKE THIS <USERNAME> abc </USERNAME> <PASSWORD>loooik </PASSWORD> which is in js fi...

Hi pls check my query
@Oleg it means you don't have enough open tabs. You should only see the favicon.
or you could, as I do, pin the chat tab.
I've set myself a resolution to live a minimalistic lifestyle this year.
I only have 26 tabs open right now.
It's an achievement in itself.
8 tabs.
+ 7 tabs in another window.
I've always been good at keeping my tabs down
2 pinned tabs + 5 tabs
Yeah, I have 3 pinned in this window at all times
The other window is for study material
down to 2 pinned tabs + 1 tab now
12 tabs (on this space), plus three Dev Tool windows
Hahahaha, that comic
I bet @Zirak would like it too.
@Abhishek do you like when noons abuse lexical scoping? Why should a noob programmer be the GCD?
!!define GCD
@Oleg My pocket dictionary just isn't good enough for you.
In mathematics, the greatest common divisor (gcd), also known as the greatest common factor (gcf), or highest common factor (hcf), of two or more integers (at least one of which is not zero), is the largest positive integer that divides the numbers without a remainder. For example, the GCD of 8 and 12 is 4. This notion can be extended to polynomials, see Polynomial greatest common divisor, or to rational numbers (with integer quotients). Overview Notation In this article we will denote the greatest common divisor of two integers a and b as gcd(a,b). Some older textbooks use (a,b...
!!> isNaN(+"")
@ThiefMaster false
@ThiefMaster false
!!> +""
@ThiefMaster 0
what's wrong @ThiefMaster?
I just didn't expect an empty string to convert to a valid number :p
@Oleg true
even better: $($) (run that in your browser)
!!> isNaN(function(){})
@FlorianMargaine true
I don't get it ^
@Oleg "ReferenceError: $ is not defined"
@FlorianMargaine why?
@JustDon't because function(){} is not NaN
It tries to convert to number.
!!>isNaN(+function () {})
@Oleg true
makes sense, then
@ThiefMaster I think I've seen an SO question about this one
!!> Number(function(){});
@JustDon't "NaN"
@JustDon't "NaN"
!!>isNaN() === isNaN(+undefined)
@Oleg true
@CapricaSix One doesn't simply NaN into Mordor!
@FlorianMargaine From the MDN : "Be careful, this function is broken. "
!!> Number.isNaN(function(){})
@dystroy false
@FlorianMargaine ^
@Oleg "NaN"
This one makes me laught every time:
!!>![] == []
@Miszy true
@dystroy ugh
@AbhishekHingnikar And vice versa. Or rather, ditto. Both apply to JS.
@rlemon I want loremboobs.com
@FlorianMargaine I wonder if I should try this URL...
it doesn't exist, you're safe
Did you try it ? The probability it exists doesn't seem so low...
I tried it :)
well, I didn't check the whois, but the website doesn't have any web server on at least
Damn... Google lists me 3 different sites for loremcats... so much concurrence in easy humor...
... what about lorempussy?
@FlorianMargaine I let you check
lorempussy.com doesn't have a web server started.
> I'm trying to create a stored procedure to produce a Trial Balance report in Microsoft SSRS for the very first time (Yes, its scares me too!)
@SomeGuy Do you get NetFlix where you are?
@monners I don't, I have to use a proxy.
I've used it through a proxy, though
hi all, I really like the way jquery mobile maintains a main shell to load any pages dynamically. However, I am not using jqm in my asp.net mvc app. Is there any existing library for which I can just use this feature of loading views in main shell, maintaining navigation to deal with any ajax operations ? All my views are on the server and I just need to provide a single page application feel to a user.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Me too. But I'll be damned if I'm gonna miss the Colbert Report
holy - crazy - fuck
Did the ability to cancel a vote comment disappear ? It's unfortunate : I clicked the wrong line and upvoted a stupid comment :\
@jAndy meh codegolf
yea he is like Tiger Woods then :p
@jAndy It's painful to have links to video : almost all of them are blocked in my area :(
why would that video get blocked ?
I don't know, it's always "this video is currently unavailable"
(might not be area related)
jsfiddle.net/XGjUb Can you submit the form in internet explorer?
Q: unable to addClass() to <tr>

Rahul DesaionClick on a link, I need to addClass() to the <tr> which contains the link and make its border yellow. I tried to access the <tr> by this.parent, but it did not work. I got an error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'className' of null How do I resolve this? jsFiddle

jsfiddle.net/XGjUb Can somebody test of this form works in internet explorer?
@Arthur You can edit your last comment here if you think it wasn't clear, no need to add another one.
@dystroy I don't understeand what you mean
@jAndy seen the SO question about it?
@BenjaminGruenbaum about what
hmm nope
Although it's much worse than the video in second thought.
Q: How does this obfuscated JavaScript work?

AlexanderHow does the following JavaScript work? I understand that it is minified code, but I have tried de-obfuscating it a little, but I can't get a clear concept of how it achieves this effect. I can see that it is using Strings for iteration of some kind, use of the Date object, strange string manip...

I even pinged the author on GH
Bill Hicks. We miss you.
Thats pretty fucking awesome
except for the world map misses india
@dystroy I don't think we ever had that
How has the day been for you fellas ?
@AbhishekHingnikar Pretty good. Test-drove my company's FED interview test.
@monners wait what ?
Good news: One dev passed.
Bad news: That dev already worked for my company (me!).
I know I'm junior, but shit. there are some sucky devs out there claiming to be frontend devs
@monners dude i have interviewed a so called front & backend dev
who didn't knew what % means
and had shiney wordpress websites to flaunt about his skills
@AbhishekHingnikar Yeah, that's what we're dealing with...
well he claimed his favourite language to be c, for which me and my boss (at that time) grinned looking at each other
so we gave him a simple task of re-implementing % in C :D
45 minutes of attempts and trails and the guy was clueless :-(
In my whole life I have never laughed as much as when he said "its too hard and can't be done in C"
did you laugh in his face?
Are you speaking of the modulo ? If so... that's bad...
@AbhishekHingnikar Hey, I'd respect someone for saying "I don't know", so long as they were clearly motivated. Problem is, so many junior FEDs seem to think that because they've passed some course, they know everything and can't admit they don't.
@dystroy yes.
@BartekBanachewicz with honors
so did he get the job? :D
Hey i wen't to hire interns aswell for the company which was even funnier :D
Task : "Write hello world in your favorite language" [i didn
@AbhishekHingnikar Do tell
Please pay attention guys I didn't even mention programming here.
And i got hello world written in C / C++ / JAVA ...... with syntax errors.
@AbhishekHingnikar Wow. Well, at least they tried to show off. Still, damn....
but man those guys knew how to find nth fibonacci number so well.
like here is their attempt , which comes from some book
@AbhishekHingnikar I don't even get why every programmer should even know what's a Fibonacci number. Apart in code samples, you don't see them so often..
@dystroy I think it's more that mathematical problems pose programming challenges that really test your understanding of the language
Goddamnit I hate soapui. Is there really nothing that can replace it? the interface is horrible when you want to work with multiple windows
int fib(){
   /* Good old fib(n) -> fib(n--) till n = 2 */

int fibonaaciNumberSolution(n){
   int num = 0;
   for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ){
        num = fib(n);
   return num;
// opps i got mixed a lil :D
@BartekBanachewicz yeap :D
imagine my face :D
@AbhishekHingnikar Is that supposed to be in Java?
@AbhishekHingnikar it's an Enterprise solution
dunno about that
but dear christ why can't they just write the fib there is over my head.
Sometimes I count myself lucky that my first language was javascript (well, ok, it was PHP, but I ain't admitting to that!)
oh and a guy i showed the correct way to print n fibonacci numbers was shitting in his pants :D
@AbhishekHingnikar What's your solution?
shit in the toilet
@BartekBanachewicz Fight the power!
(function fib(a,b,n){
   // ps u can add n here
   if( n === 0){
@BartekBanachewicz , @monners whoops i confused the fibonacci and factorial on the fib function :$ sorry
Why no generator ? Use the power of *function !
are we there yet ?
(or are we talking about node?)
@dystroy show me
fibs = 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)
fib n = fibs!!n
there, beat that.
@BartekBanachewicz what !
what language is that ?
the one and only :P
C++ ?
or Haskell ?
or Lua
// u know i can't trust your one and only
I wonder how fibonacci looks in brainfuck
@BartekBanachewicz wget http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=fibonacci+number+50
@AbhishekHingnikar beautiful language
@dystroy clever but how about <? file_get_contents(http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=fibonacci+number+50); ?>

// maybe wrong but u get it ;-)

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