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jquery is the only "script" approved for use... no plugins are allowed so they write their own.. they dont want to introduce vulnerabilities
I was thinking lol wat?!
@JanDvorak Because it's stupid to require scripts in the head and because $(ready) is pointless.
@Loktar haha
jQuery only is still way better than jQuery and plugins
Depends on which plugins
var mess = document.getElementsByClassName('content');
var usersD = [];
var length = mess.length;
for (var i=0; i < length; i++) {
    var cur = mess[i].innerText;
    if (cur.match(/@\w*/)) {
    	user = cur.match(/@\w*/)[0].replace('@', '');
    	if (usersD.indexOf(user) == -1)
    		usersD.push(cur.match(/@\w*/)[0].replace('@', ''));
@copy yeah true, but it turned me off because they think they can write better code than a lot of tried/true stuff out there
Q: Select2 Not Styled

RUJordanI'm trying to implement a select2 multiple box using ajax (the ajax is yet to come). I've looked at multiple Stack questions and I know that AJAX will not fire with a select input, it has to be a hidden input. No big deal, I'll deal with that later. Right now, I have a markup like so <div class...

Works I guess
I'm stumped :(
very NIH
@copy Did you see the post about blog.spiderlabs.com/2014/01/…
@SomeKittensUx2666 yeah but thats because people are dumb and include w/o looking
@Loktar I interviewed to a place that said "there is no way there's a new technology out that they're not using" lol
@Incognito Nice timing
@SomeKittensUx2666 only if you don't read the code you include - now that's stupid
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol wow..
@SomeKittensUx2666 EEEEK
@SomeKittensUx2666 high five!
yeah I mean do people still go to hotscripts.com and just include stuff?
wait... dont answer that
hotscripts.com is a thing?
oh sweet odin.
haha there were a million sites like that man
@BenjaminGruenbaum I still haven't read the complete jQuery source code
need a javascript dropdown? Go there
Angular FTW
this was pre jquery days
@SomeKittensUx2666 I agree
@JanDvorak read Zepto's - it's less 'clever' and easier to read. jQuery's isn't that overly long either.
# mmmmm Good /food
@Loktar dynamicdrive :D
haha yeah that one too
Bah #frustrated#
you had to include the copyright at the top too
well you were supposed to anyway
dhtml ftw lol
god man.. dhtml..
DHTML was so awesome
only cool thing that uses that acronym is dhtml lemmings
\me sets out on a quest to read the whole jQuery code. I mean, it's shorter than the Bible, right?
in early 2000's I was all up in that DHTML
I mean come on, that is still impressive
@JanDvorak well, I wouldn't know about the bible but it's sure shorter than the Torah
@Loktar lol that's sweet.
thats from like 2004 I think, I remember being blown away
@Loktar yeah, it actually is.
I really liked the music in the lemmings - it was all classical music
@RUJordan what about only the greek scriptures?
my son just played lemmings for the first time th other day
It'd be a challenge to do that in modern canvas today.
I felt like a bad parent he wasnt introduced to it soomer
@JanDvorak sorry, I don't know about greek scriptures :(
@Incognito yeah, definitely to recreate the whole thing
imagine doing it with just the dom.. man..
@RUJordan AKA New Testament
I loved that game
Oh. Old, New, Used, same difference lol
Pachelbel's Canon
so got x rays done - got the disc to take to my physio - took a peek at it first
before it was cool with electric guitars and shit :D
bones are cool
!!afk lunch
@BenjaminGruenbaum youd probably like chip tunes
whole genre of music that still exists
@rlemon just make sure they don't stick outside
I love that old music man
@BenjaminGruenbaum That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!afk dinner fuck you caprica
!!> /*STACK USER GETTER LAST 30 PINGS*/ var mess = document.getElementsByClassName('content');var usersD = [];var length = mess.length;for (var i=0; i < length; i++) {var cur = mess[i].innerText;if (cur.match(/@\w*/)) {user = cur.match(/@\w*/)[0].replace('@', '');if (usersD.indexOf(user) == -1) usersD.push(cur.match(/@\w*/)[0].replace('@', ''));}}
@Jhawins "undefined"
@Jhawins "ReferenceError: document is not defined"
Oh yeah...
Dammit. That was stupid.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Quite a variation... But yup. Cool.
@Jhawins BenjaminGruenbaum is afk: dinner fuck you caprica
!!youtube canon rock
oh pachelbel's canon! I'm learning it at the piano
but at the guitar looks so pro!
Haha yeah, learned it a long time ago :P
We have a baby grand at my office. I work in the music industry, and I play solely by ear. So it's fun to hear something on the stereo and then go mirror it and watch everyone here freak the hell out. lol
!!youtube pachelbel rant
!!youtube pachelbel's canon rant
Hahahahahaha double
<3 that video :-)
uugh shit so I just got a crazy email for that job I was telling you guys bout
Also, I need to get depressing songs about death and murder out of my head...
fuck me..
In addition, we could offer you $100,000 for the contract portion of the job and $1,000 reimbursement for relocation expenses.

Will you reconsider? I am available to talk anytime and so is Scott.
UUGHH way to make my decision ridiculously hard
@Loktar WAT
its a 6 month contract
and idk if that means 100k for 6 months of work
that would be INSANE
@Loktar .......Whoa
apparently the interview was a bit of a mixup
they said I would be doing all html5/css3 dev...
the interview they told me all xhtml
so idk thats a bit crazy
lol that would make my decision very, very easy. If it's 6 months anyway haha.
Hell I'd flip for $40K :P
@Loktar well... you can't explain that...
but at least they got you
haha well Ill ask if its 100k over 6 months
if thats the case, ill take it obviously
if not idk Ill have to think about it. 6 months is a huge risk
right now I have a permanent offer here in NE for just shy of that salary
Take it and after 6 months, youtube.com/watch?v=lAN66gojncM
that job is also in Michigan fyi, so yeah id have to get a house ect.
sell my house here
bleh ill email her back and ask, and then think it over for the weekend
Michigan is nice though.
Very nice.
oh yeah I love MI im from there
@Cicada3301 it's like - super easy with a piano :)
I want to go back, but I would prefer a permanent position
if I didnt have fam, 6 months psh no problem
@BenjaminGruenbaum do you take me as someone taking difficult tasks XD? but it impresses people a lot
but what if this one dies out in 6 months and Im left looking for something else for the next 6 you know?
Right on. Yeah I'm from next door in Indiana, but because of the OHV/ARV/UTV trails I ride the enduro up to Michigan sometimes.
@Loktar added bonus, if you move back to MI I can visit you
I do think about that @rlemon!
we could have the strongest bromance ever known
that would be sweet man
@Loktar Then at least you already have the money you would've made over those 6 months haha.
yeah ill see if its 100k for 6 months.. I mean if thats the case I cant turn it down
you could teach me how to shoot automatic weapons... I can teach you how to scalp a man with a hatchet from 100 yards.
id code an anal beads site for that
Both of you escalated quickly...
^ most ridiculous site that came to mind when thinking of what I would do for that price
@rlemon haha
!!coco or coffee
@rlemon Could not process input. Error: unexpected LOGIC on line 8
@rlemon coffee
@Zirak is there any way we can parse the entire message and see if they are trying for a weasel response ?
I play that ^^ youtube.com/watch?v=ZT6vxY9p7yg gonna see if I can get mine to sound the same.
@Jhawins "undefined"
@Jhawins That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!help coffee
@Jhawins Command coffee, created by God, invoked 2 times
@Jhawins coffee: Forwards message to coffeescript code-eval
This is pretty awesome: downworthy.snipe.net
!!coffee [1..10].map (x) => console.log(x)
@BenjaminGruenbaum "ReferenceError: x is not defined"
I'm rusty :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum ["undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undef‌​ined","undefined","undefined","undefined"] Logged: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
There we go
a few times I've been trying to invoke a weasel response but the first option just so happened to be a command
I'm not sure there is a sane (and worth the effort) way of parsing the message to determine accurately which is meant to be run.
does any one know the simplest way to get a node app running continuously?
probably more effort than it is worth
using the forever module is not working for me
@Dave add & after the end
node app.js &
and thatll run even if i exit putty?
not sure about exiting putty
cos i have to keep leaving it open at the moment trying to avoid that :P
For Installing: npm install Forver
For running: forever start yourServer.js
For checking if its running: forever list
did you try that?
I know you said you cannot get it working.. but what did you try
and what isn't working
i installed npm install forever as root in the app directory
then i ran forever start app.js and then i get: -bash: forever: command not found
@Dave Hi, did you use -g for global?
Maybe try disown?
Q: How do I detach a process from Terminal, entirely?

AnCI use Tilda (drop-down terminal) on Ubuntu as my "command central" - pretty much the way others might use GNOME Do, Quicksilver or Launchy. However, I'm struggling with how to completely detach a process (e.g. Firefox) from the terminal it's been launched from - i.e. prevent that such a (non-)ch...

i did not use -g
npm install -g forever
maybe sudo
ah ! that did the trick
what does global mean then ?
Global is for utilities, basically anything you run from the commandline.
Installs globally not in your local project
It means you can use it outside of the directory where it's installed
@Dave I think they're stored at ~/.node_modules maybe I'm wrong
-g also adds it to the path so it can be run.
No, they're store at ~/.npm
is there a way to open a jquery tooltip without having to have the mouse over the element?
ok well thanks for the advice guys :)
the api docs outline it
i tried .tooltip('open ') abd it doesn't work
@Dave I use supervisor
its never died on me
oh nm you got forever working eh?
@Loktar me too ;D
will take a look into it thanks
you must first initialize it with .tooltip(options?)
then call .tooltip("open")
I have gotten used to Vanilla VIM
should I be proud, or sad
@webdesigner Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Also, you need to answer a few questions to get some rep to chat
@MosheK toolTip isn't worth it.
Hold on...
3 mins ago, by rlemon
already got it @Jhawins
!!metal or dubstep
@rlemon metal
you're the boss!
I'll share.
!!tell rlemon youtube fighting trousers
Sunuvabitch. My headset died.
well that wasn't metal.
I want metal!
Fighting Trousers > Symphony of Destruction

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