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You referred me to it though whatever it was.
@Jhawins RocketSpace is the parent company.
Ah. Yeah that's what it was. Worth checking out RocketU now though.
@Jhawins Yeah. Even if you're aware of programming basics, we'll get you through best practices and help you launch your career.
...good Cthulhu, I sound like a sales guy...
Seriously though, it's a great program. I wouldn't teach here if it wasn't.
I would definitely not apply as an instructor. But student? Maybe. I'm eager to learn. I'm not at a beginner level haha but I'm not anything special either.
there are some of my favorites
@Jhawins We should be launching a mid/high level course soonish.
@rlemon I think I got the basis for this from you?
@SomeKittensUx2666 Cool!! How does it work? //If it's explained on the website just wait a minute and I'll read it
yea I love the seas one
been thinking of doing another pen
but i'm running out of ideas
ideas that I can pull off that is
lol I just dont have stupid time
been working on other stuff
Lol damn brah. $1,000/week. I live in Indiana, so that's like 2 months rent haha.
you have a really cool pen.. wtf was it..
you didn tlist it though
/me thinks
oh your most recent one I think, the lines
I really like that one
@Jhawins Not actually public yet, but more details as they come.
codepen.io/loktar00/pen/DlFgw I still love this one
@Loktar thanks, it is on rlemon.ca now
yeah that one, thats my fav I think
idk the tree ones are cool too :P
@rlemon I finally came up with a project for canvas shit, one that I'll absolutely love. So be prepared for a million questions next week lol.
I kind of wish codepen didnt exist
and we made our own :P
you still can
imagine the $$ they get
it came after jsfiddle after all
yeah true
never think that people already in the marketplace is a reason to not try
Dang, $1k a week is almost double what I made a week
no you're right, but they had some good names behind it too
like Chris Coyier
"I wish myspace didn't exist and we made our own" -Twin Earth Zuckerberg
@Loktar we have you
and @SimonSarris would back it
he's a respected author
A circular visualizer for music. Using the same basic design as this. Lower frequencies start at the bottom left and higher frequencies end at the bottom right. I think it could be cool.
fuck yea!
only if it is any good!
I dont really know what would make it much better
there are a few odd things on codepen
@Jhawins I posted a visualization youtube video (to Loktar)
we really should
collab on a project at some point
overall its good though. However Im not a fan of the editor
Well, don't let me see it till I do mine or I'll cheat :P
I still use jsfiddle/tidy button and then port it to codepen
!!afk lunch
@Loktar same
@SimonSarris I mentioned you in my interview :P
before it goes to codepen I use jsbeautifier to make it 2 spaces
looks better in their editor
they asked me whos blogs I follow
I was like Simon Sarris of course, He is a huge name in the canvas world
Do they look down if you don't read a blog?
I follow Loktars, Simons, Nicholas Zakas
haah idk, I mentioned twitter a lot too
and random ones that get linked
I said how really twitter has exclipsed blog reading for me
agh I need to get back to writing
because the data is faster and more relevant a lot of times
its been too long, I have so many articles to write
really tho, food
!!afk food
I've just been too tired at night lately :(
all dat dota!
Are there any good iphone apps for JS that are really good to read everyday?
now I tried to apply it to my website (the sum and prod thingie), didn't work, so I tried a lot untill I decided to jsfiddle only the section that reguarded it... tried to debug, the values that the server got were fine... I didn't touch the code but for some strange reason it doesn't still work :\ jsfiddle.net/yA5Kb/1
Does anyone know how to add custom glyphs to svg text?
Possible seizure inducing JSBin canvas thing //srsly don't be mad if you have epilepsy and you click this
that's pretty cool @Jhawins
Also anything white you look at after a minute or two of that will be all spirally haha.
I'm using d3.js and trying to... selection.enter().text('');
But it simply displays 
@Cicada3301 It's actually a stupid mistake that ended up screwing everything up. But it was still functional haha so I call it a seizure feature.
@Jhawins LOL
Meet.js is on monday
hey bartek!
what were you trying to achieve @Jhawins?
@Oleg It probably uses textContent not innerHTML
@Cicada3301 Cool looking shit.
That was from ~6 months ago I just happened to find the links.
I don't think it "can" use innerHTML. We're talking about svg.
So jsbin allows publishing without any frame, interesting
By the way, base64-encoded data-uri worked.
^ seizure inducing :P
@Jhawins now make it so that every 10 seconds every point creates his own spiral :D
Who would be interested in a scraper that collected all the demos in this room?
lol that was done for the jsbin compo
was copying a gif
@Loktar My monitor makes a sound when that is open
@SomeKittensUx2666 :thumbsup:
haha really?
Really weird
yeah thats crazy, and awesome
I should do a fullscreen one
My monitor is wigging out. You know how when there's gas/oil on the parking lot ground and it does that omnicolored shimmer? That's what seems to be waving over it, in the same fashion as tube TVs used to refresh.
@Jhawins ...do you have a CRT?
@Loktar Put a different colored reference point in the middle, absolute middle. Then stare. Crazy shit.
@SomeKittensUx2666 iMac. I meant during Loktar's jsbin.
@Loktar my poor eyes... you should put that on a website and say that if you've got problems while looking at it they should visit a doctor XD and say that it was an official test or something
(jk obviously)
@Jhawins maybe some fat over the screen? as of... not small quantities... that happends
The problem with recursive descent parsers is that sometimes they're too recursive.
Or too decent
@Jhawins oh! probably your polarized pannels were some mm off, that shouldn't happend on common screens... or you're on LSD
@RyanKinal shouldn't matter if they don't descend much
@Cicada3301 Might be the latter.
@JanDvorak It matters if my stopping condition is broken -_-
:crashes another Chrome tab:
But no, I've seen this happen plenty of times before on screens where they're displaying white=>black=>white etc. . .
When it's really fast sometimes the shimmer happens.
anyway... did anybody look through the jsfiddle? jsfiddle.net/yA5Kb/1
Damn. I read "shimmer" as "someone who writes shims".
@Jhawins couldn't see that in any screen that is almost new (8-9 years)
@Cicada3301 This is a newer iMac haha. And it's happening. And it happened on my old 27" iMac.
So it's fine. I'm not worried about it. :P
@Jhawins check if there's written made in china somewhere XD
So, in your fiddle if I input the number 10 //sum of 5 and 5: then I enter 25, the product of 5X5. The script is supposed to return 5 | 5?
That's your intent anyway?
@Jhawins yes
and it worked in the previous code (parseInt()ing the prompt was the solution if you've missed it)...
Cool. Now I'll check it out. I already know how I'd do it tho, did you look up the formula yet or are you winging it?
I tried alerting a and b after getting their value and it did it without probs...
@Jhawins I used the formula that my teacher told me: check every couple of numbers that multiplied toghether make the first number, then look for the one whose sum is the second number
I know I could make it a lot better performing, but now I'm only looking for code clearness
Has anybody used select2?
@Cicada I found an issue.
@Jhawins as?
But wait...
Hooray! Finished my parser!
lol, indeed I'm an idiot selection.enter().html(''); works just fine in SVG.
That's not how select2 is supposed to look.
No script importing errors.. stylesheet is there...
@Jhawins gave up?
@Cicada Buddy... You suck...
It's perfect.
@Jhawins what did I do this time?
Other than using === while a and b are strings.
are they strings???
So you're comparing numbers, sure, but as string, using === which will ALWAYS return false.
I set up debugging breakpoints on each loop and made the condition soft instead of strict and it came up right. But it didn't meet your validation criteria because they were a different type, not because the values weren't right.
yeah wth??
now it works...
It happens to the best of us :P
And I just said that that's what happened with the prompt...
wow... I'm such an idiot.... thx
console.log(parser('frame= 52 fps= 16 q=31.0 size= 500kB time= 02:04:00.000 bitrate=2007.8kbits/s'));
Object {frame: "52", fps: "16", q: "31.0", size: "500kB", time: "02:04:00.000"…}
I'm pretty sure that dude's not around anymore... but I don't care.
It was fun :-)
now let's get to the relative numbers :D (ironic)yay!! (oh god why did I start this...)
@Cicada here is how I used the debugger with conditional breakpoints to stop the script in the middle of running when my condition was correct. Then you just step over 1 at a time until something doesn't match up, then the previous line is the problem.
oooooh got it!
So I hit "get numbers" and instantly was sitting with a script paused in the middle with the right answer.
before it 'debugging' just opened up the source and had no idea what I should do with it
@Cicada3301 Exactly. I learned breakpoints from OOP stuff, like iOS apps. You really need them then. It was quite awhile before I realized we have the same setup in JS.
That was probably the most eye opening day of my JS development.
Anything is solvable now if you spend the time.
wohoo: I got negative numbers going! completely forgot js had relative numbers... dunnno why...a nd thought I needed to redefine negative numbers... but nope!
@Jhawins yeah! thank you!
and just improved the performance of the code by about 1000%... the loop kept running even after it has found the number... and I presume most of the numbers that people will use it for have more than 10 divisors...
just adding 18 characters
saw a job app today that listed w3schools certification... I got scared.
@Incognito lol
I interviewed yesterday for one where they asked if I still used validators...
they do all of their front end with xhtml
@Incognito mail them :D
@Loktar lol ^^
@BenjaminGruenbaum dude.. it was crazy they asked where I should include js files
I said the end of the body if possible.. they didnt like that asnwer
@Loktar eXtreme Hyper Type Monkey Language
@ThiefMaster you deleted this answer stackoverflow.com/a/21243178/22184 to my question. Could I know why?
so I was like OHHH wait, haha xhtml I guess they all have to be in the head right?
@Loktar what did they expect?
Ah lol.
I needed to make a call to Jason from 2007
Really? XMTML requires scripts in the head :O?
I think so but am not 100% certain
@AdrianoVaroliPiazza probably because it's not an answer ^^
that was the answer I ended up giving them
I turned down the job though
@BenjaminGruenbaum Why not? $(=> ...) doesn't cost much.

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