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!!afk hometime
What's the question?
Merge two lists like in merge sort?
yesterday, by Badger Girl
@Shmiddty If you're curious the first step is solving a code challenge: Write a function that recieves two lists of objects. Each object has two attributes: timestamp and value. The lists are sorted already. Your function must merge the two lists into a new list keeping it sorted. If two or more objects have the same timestamp, merge the objects into one and sum their values. Send your solution to: [email protected]
I need an image (4/500 * 4/500) for testing / demoing with
@BadgerGirl ooh, that's not too hard :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum You should use that for interviews too.
@BadgerGirl nah, we usually ask real questions - thanks though.
Like, things developers would actually do.
> how do you ask a question on StackOverflow.com and get a complete working code answer?
@rlemon That's all you need.
why even learn to code when there is such a great free crowd sourcing tool right in front of us
@BenjaminGruenbaum are you still sick?
Me too, I didn't go to work today because of that :(
is it botulism?
Also, in JS you can get a better solution with underscore :P
Anyway, I'm off the computer - feel well @BadgerGirl
You too.
It's the first time of the day where the 'you too' answer makes sense. And I've said it thrice already. :(
@Zirak I'm sorry to bother you, it was me being dumb! :$ (an old stray file in Git got pulled down to the server, with a duplicate command)
@DannyBeckett heh, it's okay
We'll help anyone who's willing to be helped.
anyone knows why show/hide method resizes things? when i hide and then show it is drastically smaller and .css doesnt seem to affect it either
I have $.ajax call and data type = jsonp, when I call to json api that is on remote domain in browser it loads a valid json but on page it gives me: SyntaxError: missing ; before statement
20 hours ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
@malcolmX when people don't do what I want I usually stab them, try that with your client it's really convincing
is it possible that rest api on server side makes me a problem with jsonp call?
yes and no, but also maybe.
hot hot hot
also not
@rlemon Stop searching Google Images for my name.
that isn't something good abed would say
How bad would it look if I display a message, when someone tries to visit my website on their phone, saying that this website is best viewed on a desktop?
Or that a mobile version is coming soon and presently, it can only be viewed from a desktop?
does jsonp needs to have [] around json content?
needs to be valid json
it is valid
@DušanRadojević it needs to wrap the result in a function
is there some example
how should jsonp answer look like
what are you requesting? Why do you need jsonp as opposed to json?
@DušanRadojević Google "jsonp"
cross domain issue
so I need jsonp
jQuery20208341731212567538_1390524313734 && jQuery20208341731212567538_1390524313734({
  "statusCode": 200,
  "data": [
      "id_str": "426223406673969152",
      "created_at": "Thu Jan 23 05:22:33 +0000 2014",
      "text": "@JonoElkin attention seeking much."
That's the result of the jsonp call I make to get my tweets on my site
JSON wrapped in the callback function that jquery makes
anyone else here watch Heroes?
anyone want to assist me now?
was season 3 incredibly confusing for you as well?
@rlemon yeah it was, but season 4 is awesome
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute Not really.
@SomeKittensUx2666 It'll be quick
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute I want to assist you.
May I please assist you?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Sure.
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute I feel like your request will be unreasonable.
It's like my birthday again.
11 mins ago, by AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute
How bad would it look if I display a message, when someone tries to visit my website on their phone, saying that this website is best viewed on a desktop?
@phenomnomnominal ^
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute very.
Worst user experience imaginable.
Well, that and killing a seal in live video when they enter your site.
And making it responsive is simple. If you have functionality that will be slow (like 3D stuff maybe), just don't run it.
"So, just so you know - you're getting bad user experience - in order to not get that bad user experience, do something you clearly can't do right now anyway"
@phenomnomnominal It's not that simply. trust me. I have been on it for the past hour.
It's very simple.
Start with the smallest screen you think you'll need to support.
But of course it will take more than an hour.
@phenomnomnominal Yup, I am currently on max-width 400px
@SomeKittensUx2666 any comments on why would object be different size before and after show/hide method?
So determine what you think the parts of the site that should be displayed should be. Hide any that shouldn't be. Then style the site.
Then move up to your next size e.g. tablets.
@rodling ...context?
a graph, basically hide it and show loading image and then hide image and show new ajax update graph
Or maybe for the time-being, I can do something like display the full sized version of the website and show an alert box telling that a mobile version is coming soon, but it would be better to use a desktop version for better experience?
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute don't show the alert.
								beforeSend: function() {
								complete: function() {
Just do it.
Just make a mobile site, it's easy.
So indent
wow much indent!
No, that's not how it works
!!doge indent, jquery, bad, format
very indent
                 so  jquery
                         such  bad
much  format
ctrl K didnt solve all my problems like I anticipated :(
Try alcohol
works for me
@AbhishekHingnikar NSFW - is this in India? Who's the guy with the gun? A policeman?
I want this ^
its just enough to allow you not do dishes for a week..
@rlemon Still alive!
@copy Does that merge duplicate timestamps in a single list?
Last two lines
I mean, if the left list has two items with the same timestamp
would those be merged into a single item?
Oh wait
Actually it doesn't
Is this basically how the Haskell one works?
function merge(a, b){
    if (!a.length) return b;
    if (!b.length) return a;

    var left = a[0],
        right = b[0];

    if(left.timestamp < right.timestamp){
        return [left].concat(merge(a.slice(1), b));

    if(left.timestamp > right.timestamp){
        return [right].concat(merge(a, b.slice(1)));

    if(left.timestamp === right.timestamp){
        left.value += right.value;
        return [left].concat(merge(a.slice(1), b.slice(1)));
that's what I'm using for test cases
Yeah, my algorithm isn't correct
There has to be something more elegant than my last (valid) solution
My next thought is first merge and the combine
But I'm not motivated right now
It strikes again
@Luxelin Yes, I'm quite aware. It's also 8 lines of unminified javascript....and you just recommended adding the MASSIVE jquery library to simplify it. — m59 36 secs ago
how to access this in json "og:title"
tried ['og:title'] but it failed
$.findValue(jsonDataObject, 'og:title');
TypeError: $.findValue is not a function
WalletOutOfMoney Exception Thrown :P
function merge(a, b){
    return (function dig(a, b, result){
        if (!a.length) return result.concat(b);
        if (!b.length) return result.concat(a);

        var left = a[0],
            right = b[0],
            last = result[result.length-1];

        if (last){
            if (left.timestamp === last.timestamp){
                last.value += left.value;
                return dig(a.slice(1), b, result);
            if (right.timestamp === last.timestamp){
                last.value += right.value;
@copy ^
@rlemon any idea why it is not working for me?
because it was a sarcastic answer :P sorry
please do not do that I do not understand irony and sarcasm, that is just how I think...
@DušanRadojević You must be a hit at parties.
I dislike parties, well I am married now and have kids so do not think about them at all and in life I just leave irony and sarcasm to float in the air
Please, tell me more about your philosophies.
more, on my language more means sea
I have a question if anyone has time to give me a quick response. I am trying to create a sports statistics website. I have successfully converted my XML to JSON using Fyneworks plugin for this task. What I am needing to do now is to pull individual pieces of this data out. What would be the best method to go about this?
@JonathanBritt parse it
How does one go about that? I know a bit of basic Javascript and have jQuery loaded.
I'm pretty sure Google could have told you that
Google did. But the examples are rather vague and the XML document I am working with is quite complicated.
Are you working with XML or JSON?
I have one last quick question. I appreciate your help. How do you access individual attributes? I am working with JSON.
For example if I have venue - gameid in my JSON how would I access that individual attribute instead of all the venue?
Are you sure? JSON doesn't have "attributes", but XML does.
"venue - gameid" is not valid JSON
I guess I am misunderstanding JSON. I have converted it and it can see the JSON in the Chrome console.
I'll give you an example hold on one second.
"venue": {
"-gameid": "GAME11",
"-visid": "MSU",
"-visname": "MISSOURI STATE",
"-homeid": "LOU",
"-homename": "LOUISVILLE",
"-date": "12/17/2013",
"-location": "KFC Yum! Center, Louisville, KY",
"-time": "9:05PM",
"-attend": "21335",
"-leaguegame": "N",
"-neutralgame": "N",
"-postseason": "N",
"officials": { "-text": "Doug Sirmons, Rick Crawford, Tim Nestor" },
"rules": {
"-prds": "2",
"-minutes": "20",
"-minutesot": "5",
"-fouls": "5",
"-qh": "H"
What the hell is with CMS devs and their obsession with using tables for shopping cart layouts?
This is a portion of the JSON code I am working with. If I want to access for example the "-visid" could you please give me an example of how to do this?
seriously does anybody know how can I access this: "og:title": "Gates: ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ fight was only time Obama showed ‘passion’ for military issues", I can get it's parent object in JSON but that with : character I just can't...
this fail: var title = serp_items[i]['pagemap']['metatags']['og:title'];
Wow thank you. I just couldn't find the proper syntax to access it.
!!google parse json in javascript
you can use dot and/or bracket notation on javascript objects.
sometimes you need to use both with bad apis
this comes from google custom search api :D
Okay thank you all for your help. This website has been a wonderful resource.
@JonathanBritt because - is an operator in js you will need to use bracket notation for those keys when working with your json object.
it looks like they are mixed throughout
if you had:
  "foo" : {
    "-bar": {
      "baz": 1
Okay. Thank you. I have one last question and then I will leave you fellas alone. If I want to output data.venue["-gameid"] into HTML would I just assign a div and then append this to it?
you could do:
Thank you. Very clear example. The tutorial I have found deal with very very simple JSON files.
if it is just text.. give your div an id.
Okay cool. Thank you for all your help.
var elm = document.getElementById('divid');
elm.textContext = foo["-bar"].baz;
Man. These a much better resources that the random things I found on Google.
I don't know if this is frowned upon but I would love to perhaps chat on Skype to get some help with my code sometime if you were willing.
Yes, $250/hr
^ good rates
Just a poor student lol
Haha. Just hang around, you'll do well.
Anyways thank you all for the help. I'm going to look at these resources and try to get a good start. Just began an internship and was assigned to create a website with zero web experience.
Internship? Where?
My university in their athletic department. Trying to create a statistics website.
Ah. Not the easiest thing in the world.
read that
it is free
will cover a lot of what you will need to know for front end
Wonderful. Thank you. I am bookmarking it. I almost ordered a book off of Amazon so this is great.
\o/ free stuff!
What's your major?
great book if you are looking for a paid one
the author @SimonSarris is a regular in this room and glad to answer questions
Computer Information System. I took one C# Programming class with a useless professor and all we did was write Console.Writelines
I will check that book out as well.
So I am learning code on the fly with this internship. Probably the best way to learn I guess.
well welcome to SO JS chat :) i'm sure we'll see you throughout the process
Well hello! I basically need to pull a bunch of data such as player statistics, score, arena, time, out an XML file that is generated in real-time by their stats program. I had a LOT of troubling parse XML and I've been researching and it appears that JSON is a bit easier. So I will be trying to parse my converted JSON file (converted just fine using the Fyneworks plugin) and try to store the data in tables.
json should be much easier to parse
Good I just need to learn how to pull out the data and store it in a table. Once I figure that out it should be pretty easy.
well assuming you are returning valid json. how are you getting it on the client?
^ this
I think I might have arthritis in my left knee.. either that or all of the symptoms and something else.
hurts like a bitch.
I am working with a sample game XML file right now but the actually files are stored on a server at my college's basketball arena. I have talked with the IT guys there and I should be able to access it via my Ajax and convert it to JSON to use in my website.
@rlemon So careers in prostitution have downsides?
very much yes
it is the only one that matches. I've already seen my doctor and have other appointments setup
@JonathanBritt So you're getting XML on the client?
@Shmiddty Yes sir.
@JonathanBritt well then there's probably no point in converting it to JSON. You'd want to parse it into an object.
Ummmmm. Not sure what that means..... : (
My ugly, wonky code so far.
!!tell JonathanBritt format
@JonathanBritt Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
Damn. Sorry!
Nested AJAX? Ouch.
the nested ajax is unnecessary
$(document).ready(function () {
        type: "GET",
        url: "lou.xml",
        datatype: "xml",
        success: function (xml) {
            $.get('lou.xml', function (xml) {
                var json = $.xml2json(xml);
he's just pulling the same file twice
So the ajax function is redundant? Does $.get serve the same purpose?
Also, not certain, but I believe jQuery will parse the XML for you, and return an object in the success method
@JonathanBritt how long do you have to get this done?
$.get is a shortcut, see the docs.
A couple months. Quite a bit of time.
@JonathanBritt $.get is shorthand for $.ajax when the method is GET
@JonathanBritt so is it fair to tell you not to start on a language by using an abstraction of it?
Yes. Very fair.
read that site I gave you

Javascript Resources.

Sep 4 '12 at 13:36, 2 minutes total – 8 messages, 1 user, 1 star

Bookmarked Sep 4 '12 at 13:40 by rlemon

some videos in there for when you are sick of reading
drop jQuery for a couple weeks and focus on learning JavaScript
What would you guys recommend? If I have an XML file and need to parse it. I originally used XSLT and it is working temporarily but I don't like it. I'm struggling to create a "real webpage" with links, etc. Would you recommend learning the basics of Javascript, parsing the XML file and then working with that instead of attempting to learn JSON?
Thank you. That is bookmarked as well. I have a lot of reading to do.
it shouldn't take too long to get the basics if you are willing to sit down and learn it.
it isn't a difficult language
but it is different
Okay. I understand what an object is in programming. If I parse the XML file could I loop through it, say give me the statistics of each player on each team?
forget xml if you can have json
Okay. I have heard that from several people.
you have to understand javascript objects to understand javascript object notation (json)
Very true. Well I am off to go read. Thank you all very much for your help. I'm sure I will pop in here again with some questions.
have fun and we'll see you soon :)
Will do. Thanks again.
any one familiar with nodejs - forever
i installed it but can't work out how to run my js file with it
Undeserved downvote, right?
A: Begginer with javascript, slideshow wont run

m59Remove the href property from the links. href="" is making it reload the current page. I guess someone didn't believe me (I got downvoted), so here's the proof: http://jsbin.com/ObiManeb/1/edit

sigh. I just can't understand bad code I guess.
That just doesn't work.
Yet these scrubs managed to make it.
That's how it is ;)
That's the reason I avoid answering crap questions
How can they use href="" and a return false onclick and make it NOT refresh the page!?
Must be noob magic. This code is really impossible. jsbin.com/ObiManeb/3/editm59 11 secs ago
Yeah, it's noob magic.
onclick="return foo()" function foo() { return false; }
<td rowspan="4" style="width: 25px;">

That's bad.
That's what happens when backend do their own markup. I've yet to come across an out-of-the-box shopping cart that isn't riddled with this shit
holla amigos :)
hola brah
Just completed 3 years here on SO, yayy!
@musaid good morning
Ugh, I just gave an answer and I don't feel happy about it.
Good morning


Have any one find the answer for this question. I want to invite my friend to group in facebook using facebook javascript sdk. Kindly advice
Q: How to handle created Classes in javascript

Mr_GreenIn my project, I have many .js files, I made each js file as a Class using prototype.js. For example, I have the following js files. one.js -- Class name is "One" two.js -- Class name is "Two" three.js -- Class name is "Three" Four.js -- Class name is "Four" Each file depends on other js...

^ Any help?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think you can answer the above post.. please have a look.
This guy is the reason I now look at a user's history before answering their question
no accepted answers ever
Now that's a vamp.
Did you leave him a comment?
Maybe he doesn't know
With a link to the tour.
Sounds like an asshole
Some people are that daft, I wouldn't be surprised if he' still clueless.
@m59 Hey! Don't be using that word! That's our (British subjects) word.
Most Russian name ever
Pretty funny huh? @m59
lil bit.
I have enough money for A. Lunch for three days, or B. A semi-decent bottle of Scotch
!!Lunch or Scotch
@monners Scotch
Damn straight!
@rlemon Sure, we can try!
@rlemon Hahaha
That isn't a common sight
(White dudes getting married that way. The dancing on the road is common)
1 hour later…
Backbone help anyone?
Do you need a massage?
@monners yeah bro what's your issue?
@phenomnomnominal Only just getting started, and I'm trying to figure out model data structures... Lemme put something together real quick
@phenomnomnominal Actually, on second though, I'll do a bit more research. don't wanna waste your time :P
@monners Allgood, but I use backbone everyday, just yell if you need help
Thanks mate. Appreciate it.
I'm trying to write an octave generator algorithm right now, and not making much progress, so I could use the distraction :P
I yelled "I NEED BACKBONE HELP" but only response I got was "SHUT UP!" from neighbours..
So can a model be set with a JSON object as its properties, or is it just responsible for retrieving that object?
I'm trying to set up a really simple plnk.co to play around with getting and setting data, but I'm not exactly sure where the data is supposed to be kept :S
@EnglishMaster Yeah, that was me. I stand by my words.
You can do both, a model can just hold data, or it can be used to go and fetch data and then act as a container for it.
So say I've got my urlRoot pointed at the directory of a .json file, how do I tell my new instance to retrieve that object?
the fetch method
@phenomnomnominal passing it the file name?
it will call the url function of the model
@monners using a flat file will probably screw you
I think it calls
So, you want url not urlRoot.
But I don't use backbone, so didn't listen to me, ever.
I don't even English.
night all
@m59 Noted.
Hmm, might land in ES7:
With value objects, you could do even better:

// something declarative to import suffix px as CSS.px here

let x = 5px;
let y = 10px;
let z = x + y;
// z === 15px
Value Objects, operator overloading and Object-based CSS model (as opposed to current string-based)

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