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Hi everyone.. Can maybe anyone help me with this question? stackoverflow.com/questions/19875801/…
@Cicada3301 that's how every reasonable website does it
I have seen no reasonable website switching fonts on a whole page...
@Cicada3301 Well, if we get to that, no reasonable website switches fonts at all, only their size, perhaps.
that is right...
@BartekBanachewicz I can think of some accessibility issues which could be solved by changing fonts. But then again: Why would anyone use not readable font in the first place?
@Miszy there, back to what we said yesterday.
so if you're not making a book reading web app...
@Cicada3301 have you been outside today or are you all in this room all the time?
maybe not in the day...
But I was out the night...
buying stuff for school... simple bike trip to a close city... took the dog out
well.. 80 km
Sorry I have a little problem.. I'm trying to get the xmlns attribute from a webpage. how can I catch it in js?
i.e <li><span class="literal"><a class="uri" rel="rdf:type" xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" href="http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#Thing"><small>owl</small>:Thing</a></span></li>
in this case it will be this:
@Cicada3301 Bullshit
@user2971827 don't think you can, I've seen this problem before
ok thank you :)
you can look it up on google maps...
It's from Turin to Caselle
@Cicada3301 You did not ride 50 miles on your bike
i did
almost every day
rlemon.ca/new suggestions before I move forward ?
@user2971827 actually you can
aside from the obvious host my own stuff issue
@connorspiracist If you want next time I can film it... it takes 4 hours to get there and back tho..
Make the squiggles fade after a few seconds, it distracts the eye
@user2971827 What do you mean? Just query for the attribute in <a> ?
@user2971827 el.attributes.getNamedItem('xmlns:rdf')
I though there was problems with that :/
I don't have to use the lines on the banner
they are just my newest
Yeah, smart as fuck
@Cicada3301 So you're saying you make 100 miles in 4 hours on your bike? That's over 40km/h.
You have a overflow-x problem though
@connorspiracist and guess when I started using the bike instead of taking the bus and stuff like that? Becouse i studied how it worked and added a lot of friction and traction(dunnno if those are the right terms in english)
yea there is no resize right now I am aware of that
@Miszy 80km is ~50 miles
@Miszy I do 50miles every day
@Cicada3301 Oh, okay. Now that seems correct.
@rlemon No, i see a horizontal scrollbar, i don't like that
I mean... every night... then I go to school by bike... and that is around 4 miles... but with a heavy and sometimes multiple bag/s...
Or you mean, it's not responsive yet?
it is not responsive yet
then I go to rowing lessons... about 10 miles from where I live...
and it is still a WIP
website in progress?
i'm not asking for bug reports :P but style suggestions
work in progress*
I think maybe you shouldn't have the worms at a constant speed, it hurts your eyes after a bit, maybe like every now and then it will go dead, then they come flying out again or something @rlemon
@Cicada3301 if you go 4 and 10 miles it's 14, not 40 :)
@rlemon for me it's really cool... but maybe the worms should slow down and getting at a real low speed after 10 seconds..
@BartekBanachewicz +14+40+40
becouse I have to get back from those..
and the 40 miles is to another place
I was joking, don't worry
oh, no... wait... that was 40km... i meant... 14+14+20+20
@Cicada3301 So kilometres or miles?
@Miszy 40km +40km +10km+10km+14km+14km
Which in miles should be what I stated above,...
not as if they're needed to go to school... but I like waking properly before getting there... so I cycle a bit more...
anyway... this is quite off-topic
@Cicada3301 nothing is on topic here anyway
@rlemon just a curiosity... why do you have so many classes appliying to the same thing (the top menu)? Can't you just have 1 class setting all of those properties?
because it is a modular css framework
Create a calculater which can calculate those.
eg. calculator("40km +40km +10km+10km+14km+14km")
calculator("10km+1mile+1km + 1mile")
The result should be an object containing values in both kilometres and miles.
maybe I simply don't understand that style of working... but... you won't use those classes for anything else... why making the code so big and therefore slowing down the loading of the page
@Miszy shouldn't be hard.... Why are you asking me?
@Cicada3301 Read on some CSS tips&tricks and about OO-CSS
@Cicada3301 Because you said you wanted to improve your programming skills.
@Cicada3301 You're a padawan now.
@Miszy OO-CSS? wathever it is I will..
Anybody play Black Ops 1 Zombies on the PS3? I'm trying to get a JS game going
@Cicada3301 is it slowing down? Can you prove it?
@Miszy o-ho
@BartekBanachewicz I can't prove it... but it takes there is more code to check... even tho it is compiled JIT it will slow down... and if it is not even compiled it's even worse... and we can be sure it's not getting compiled after saving the file...
okay now they die and spawn back
You shouldn't state things you can't backup.
@Cicada3301 having so many classes on a single page on a single project is inefficient of course, but it doesn't matter that much. The technique is not to make your CSS according to your HTML, but to make your CSS generic, and just apply classes. This way you just apply a generic class to build your layout. It pays off.
@FlorianMargaine ok...
@Cicada3301 It's slower for the CSS interpreter to be forced to operate on larger files. If you wanted to have only one class on every element you'd be forced to duplicate the same CSS rules in many places ergo making the file larger.
In the end, it lets you have less CSS code because you reuse the classes
also, if we do want to talk about size. the entire library for purecss is only 4.4KB* minified and gzipped and that is including ALL modules.
which I won't be using in the end.
@Cicada3301 Still - it doesn't really matter for end user as long as you're not aiming for some kickass crazy shit optimizations
@Miszy but you'll never give a class to anything that's not that menu called menu-fixed
@Cicada3301 We're talking miliseconds or even less here.
@Miszy I know... but some people before were complaining about my site doing so...
@Cicada3301 But I can switch that class (add and remove) to change the way my elements behave.
@Cicada3301 why do you trail ellipses after everything you say?
@Cicada3301 the point is I can use pre written (by myself or other) classes instead of having to spend the time to organize it all into the specific elements I want.
@RUJordan trail ellipses?
Besides since he's using a framework, chances are the user already has it in his cache.
Ellipsis (plural ellipses; from the , élleipsis, "omission" or "") is a series of dots that usually indicates an intentional omission of a word, sentence, or whole section from a text without altering its original meaning. Depending on their context and placement in a sentence, ellipses can also indicate an unfinished thought, a slight pause, and nervous or awkward silence. Aposiopesis is the use of an ellipsis to trail off into silence—for example: "But I thought he was When placed at the beginning or end of a sentence, the ellipsis can also inspire a feeling of melancholy or longin...
@rlemon I'm sure you're right... I might just be too young
@Cicada3301 It's not about age, it's about experience.
Having many lines of css is more forgiving than having many lines of js
@RUJordan oh... I never got to write stuff in a different way I speak it
You have to take into account the whole picture when thinking about performance
@Miszy young in terms of experience, yes
And organizing your css to be easier to work with is more important in the first place
@Cicada Until you can show the performance is seriously degrading, use what's more convenient.
OK GUYS; got it
What others said already while I was running for the tram.
It's so hard to find a good 4p game :(
!!afk zombies
@RUJordan Stay safe.
how many of you knew that if you open the mozilla developer website and go to the console a monster will appear?
Prolly on Firefox. I don't use it vOv
I'm on chrome
But I should install some beta of it, I guess
WTH? I have no idea why this is not working...
	var n=true;
	var km=0;
		var a=prompt('Insert your km, if you finish with the km use a letter');
		if(typeof a ==='number'){
			alert('You stopped with the km, let\'s get to the miles');
It should ask you something until you insert a letter
But it only asks you that once...
@Cicada3301 Doesn't prompt always return String?
not if you insert a number... I thought...
oh no... wait...
!!> typeof prompt("test");
@RUJordan Were you bitten!? Strip! Prove you weren't bitten.
@RUJordan "ReferenceError: prompt is not defined"
@Cicada3301 Read prompt function reference. Anyways, don't use prompt. Most users hate this kind of annoying popups. You were supposed to write a function which takes one string as a result.
Ik, but for just making a function between us coders it doesn't really matter
as a result... not as an input
modal inputs are prettier
@Miszy I once wrote this... using the same mechanism:

var P=prompt("What's the price?");
var M=prompt("How much money was given?");
var E=prompt("What monetary system?","euro, pound, lei");
	case "euro"||"€":var E=[500,200,100,50,20,10,5,2,1,0.5,0.2,0.1,0.05,0.02,0.01];
	case "pound"||"£":var E=[100,50,20,10,5,2,1,0.5,0.2,0.1,0.05,0.02,0.01];
	case "lei":var E=[500,200,100,50,10,5,1,0.5,0.1,0.05,0.01];
	default:var J=1;
			var S=[];
			var V=prompt("Which is the biggest value of your monetary system?");
In the default case I check if the result of the prompt is a number
it worked... so I can't see why the simple thing I did now isn't working
This code is full of crap. var E defined 3 times.
@Cicada3301 Actually you don't. You check if it's not NaN.
It was wrote 2 years ago
and I check if that is equal to false
> var derp = prompt("test");
< undefined
> typeof derp;
< "string"
> derp;
< "4"
so if it is a number = true
Not a number
@Cicada3301 Actually you're wrong.
@RUJordan now insert a number...
@Cicada3301 Again: read isNaN function reference.
@Cicada3301 And prompt reference.
I did insert a number. I inserted 4. It's still a string ;)
but then why the hell my function worked??
> var derp = "4";
< undefined
> isNaN(derp)
< false
@Cicada3301 Because isNaN can take string as an arguments. And if that string contains only a number - it will return false. Otherwise it will return true.
It's truthy, not type equivalent I think
so prompt only gives strings... ok, thx!
before i didn't knew about typeof... and I used NaN
Mhm, all you have to do is parseInt() (or float) to convert it to a Number
function km_mil(){
	var n=false;
	var km=0;
		var a=prompt('Insert your km, if you finish with the km use a letter');
		if(isNaN(a) =='false'){
			alert('You stopped with the km, let\'s get to the miles');
now it should work (that part)
@Cicada3301 typeof and isNaN in JavaScript are sh*t
nope... not today
if(isNaN(a) =='false'){
what do you suggest then @Miszy?
@Miszy reasoning?
@RUJordan oh wait... false is not a string
If you used === that would have been a false condition
@RUJordan Plenty of it. isNaN will return the most unexpected results. And don't even ask about typeof operator.
function km_mil(){
	var n=false;
	var km=0;
		var a=prompt('Insert your km, if you finish with the km use a letter');
			alert('You stopped with the km, let\'s get to the miles');
still doesn't work...
@Miszy I did. You made a statement, back it up ;)
Show me reasons
@Miszy that's why I want to build my own XD
@RUJordan I mean you kinda get used to what isNaN and typeof return, but it's not what you'd expect in the first place.
You're beating around the bush here
Show me code that yields unexpected results
@Miszy so you simply don't have experience with them :P
@RUJordan typeof String('a');
returns string
facepalm -_- i didn't set n to true in the first place
how do stackoverflow login work?i deleted cookies still i am login
> typeof String("a");
< "string"
now it works:
function km_mil(){
	var n=true;
	var km=0;
		var a=prompt('Insert your km, if you finish with the km use a letter');
			alert('You stopped with the km, let\'s get to the miles');
let me add the mile part
> x = String('a')
> typeof x
< "string"
> x instanceof String
< false
> x = new String('a')
> typeof x
< "object"
> x instanceof String
< true
That's not what you'd expect in the first place, I guess.
instanceof checks for the prototype chain
since you're not using a constructor, it does not return a string object, thus it is not an instance of the String object
@RUJordan You know it and I know it. I'm saying it's not what you'd expect.
@RUJordan The simplest example: typeof NaN
It's not an issue with typeof, or NaN, or instanceOf then, that's just how the language works
@RUJordan That's what I'm saying. typeof null
Q: Why does typeof NaN return 'number'?

KooiIncJust out of curiosity. It doesn't seem very logical that typeof NaN is number. Just like NaN === NaN or NaN == NaN returning false, by the way. Is this one of the peculiarities of javascript, or would there be a reason for this? Edit: thanks for your answers. It's not an easy thing to get ones...

I don't understand. If you don't know javascript, what would you expect null to be a type of?
or NaN?
@RUJordan typeof null === 'null' (it was actually proposed for ES6 and rejected :( )
Isn't it that null is the absence of an object?
What the fuck is going on
@RUJordan And if we want to talk about isNaN (mind it's not Number.isNaN) - even MDN reference states clearly "This function is broken". Nuff` said.
@cicada the calculator doesn't do what miszy asked for
@SimonSarris why does resizing the canvas element reset the fillStyle :/ that was unexpected :?
@BartekBanachewicz Ik, almost done
@Cicada3301 I don't think you are.
I'm just looking at how to convert miles to km and viceversa
					<div ng-if="media" class="post" data-post-id="{{media.id}}" data-type="embedded">
						<a ng-show="prev" class="prevPhoto" ng-href="{{prev}}">
							<img ng-href="/img/[email protected]" />
						<a ng-show="next" class="nextPhoto" ng-href="{{next}}">
							<img ng-href="/img/[email protected]" />
The link just says since NaN cannot rely on equal or exact comparison, isNaN is necessary.
there it is @Miszy @BartekBanachewicz:

var length={};
	function km_mil(){
		var n=true;
		var km=0;
			var a=prompt('Insert your km, if you finish with the km use a letter. Right now you have '+km+'km.');
				alert('You stopped with'+km+'km, let\'s get to the miles');
		var mil=0;
			var b=prompt('insert your km, if you finish with the miles use a letter. Right now you have '+mil+' miles');
holy indentation
must decrease
@Cicada3301 It was supposed to take a single string as an arguments. It doesn't. Fail.
@Miszy you told me as a result
@Miszy sorry I was at dinner.. I will tray right now.. Thanks :)
@Miszy if you want now I'm gonna change it to only a string
@RUJordan Read on, not only two paragraphs.
I thought it was supposed to parse units in that expression
@BartekBanachewicz It was..
@Miszy it was array_name.map(do something) to do something for every element of an array right?
@Cicada3301 Yes.
@rlemon it changes the state. Anytime you change the canvas size everything is erased, and reset to default (including the state)
and you simply put your something in the ()?
taking only that argument?
:P was doing that
oh you're playing with making a blog again?
@Miszy you mean to do so? ...var a = document.querySelectorAll("a");
for(var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
var link = a[i];
var oldOnClick = link.onclick;
//Function to retrieve the rel attribute from the selected link
link.onclick = function() {
var attr = el.attributes.getNamedItem('xmlns:rdf');
request(this.href, this.rel, this.rev, this.title);
if(oldOnClick != null)
return oldOnClick();
return true;

//Used for message passing. sends a message
//to the extension where this code is injected
@Cicada3301 I believe map() is best used with callback functions
you should go through with it this time lol
/me says the person who hasnt posted anything since Nov
@Loktar well just a personal page there
maybe a blog after
!!> [1,2,3,4,5].map(function(x,y){ console.log(x,y) });
ooh I see
home page will be projects, then i'll have a page for just demos and stuff. and then contact
so a portfolio
@RUJordan ["undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined"] Logged: 1,0,2,1,3,2,4,3,5,4
Hi guys, I'm having problems with the DOM navigation, can you say what's wrong with this? pastebin.com/j6tKL9Sb My target is to toggle an element in same div of the form
ah I see the project names now, cool

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