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@phenomnomnominal how old are you?
Hey guys. I'm using the blueimp file uploader. I'm trying to set a variable from the validation option acceptFileType. Originally it looked like acceptFileType: /(\.|\/)(jpg|jpeg|png)$/i but I'm trying to replace "jpg|jpeg|png" with a variable (the variable is equal to "jpg|jpeg|png"). Any idea on how to do that? I suck with regex :S
@copy fb
Frame Buffer?
Federal Bank?
Freedom Bacon?
Frosty Beer?
@rlemon It was Frosty Beer
You win 0.5 internet points
can I get those in dogecoin?
No, sorry
ohh well.
so I am your senior js dev ;)
I'll recommend you highly for the job if you want it!
plus NZ is awesome
@monners plus NZ isn't awesome (source)
pfft australia.
In before war
Actually I've never been. Want to though
You should
I hear their torrent connection speeds are like the founder's living one block over
our internet speeds are a bit slow
Everytime I'm negating the call of an underscore.js function using an exclamation mark, I feel like being stared at, in a really awkward and disappointed way. I can't handle it anymore guys! What can I do about it?
I used to live practically on top of the North American central hub with a top-tier fiber connection. My speeds were unbelievably fast. Like, literally, people on game servers would not believe my ping was real.
@monners at work we're our own ISP, since we're 70% of NZ's domestic traffic, so here, it's fast.
Battlefield on a Dallas server would clock in with a ping sometimes as low as 8ms
There's a guy claiming that JSON.parse() is returning a string...
what the heck
@phenomnomnominal wish I was my own ISP!
@happy Then you need to pay for a good connection to all other ISPs
@phenomnomnominal The raytracing?
@SomeKittens huh?
Where you work
@copy in Canada is pretty low what we can get. The country is big and there is not much people in it so ISP need to cover big empty nothing.
I work here
I wish I did raytracing at work :)
Well actually no, my job is amazing.
In the region where I live there is like 2 ISP and all the rest is third-party reseller...
@happy I've heard about that situation, and it's like 5 times as expensive as here
@phenomnomnominal that's just stupidly fast
@copy it is. Plus they are charging all kind of administrative fee to earn more money of a crappy connection. Residential have downloading cap...
but I am also doing some streaming
not sure if that effects it
Not bad :P
Is only the Steam/Origin servers would let you use that kinda bandwidth
You could download ALL of their content in a day
it's a commercial grade connectivity woo
yay i'm faster than QC
There is like 2 ISP: Videotron and Bell. Videotron is emerging, compared to Bell. As a comparison table, Videotron use cable and Bell dsl
ohh god Bell is horrible
we are limited to Bell where I work
Rogers is pretty good
IMO Videotron was nicer when it was smaller. Now they pretty much act like Bell does
you will get even more depressed once you ask how much other people pay
we get raped
Do what I did, marry a higher-up at a major telecom :D
I don't know how I didn't know about this before
@rlemon thanks for sharing, it seem interesting, and refreshing :)
who the fuck flagged that?!?!?!
flagged what?
Q: How did the New Zealander find the sheep in the woods?
A: Very satisfying
3 mins ago, by monners
Do what I did, marry a higher-up at a major telecom :D
someone flagged this
like... what the actual fuck man?!
there aren't much possibilities
Yay flaggers the most joyous douchebags in the world
Do flags have consequences?
I don't mind legit flags. issue is 90% of them or more are stupid
They have consequences if enough people do it or the flag is valid
if a message gets flagged enough you get suspended for X amount of time
... am I in trouble....?
@monners no I invalidated it
No, someone's just a douchebag.
10K+ rep gets to see and vote on flags
@rlemon maybe a mechanism sharing same principle as car ticket: make it annoying to flag something
(the only reason I shot for 10K)
Which is why I'm happy to not have 10k.
@happy the issue with flagging stupid stuff is that most people don't understand that when you flag something every use in the stackoverflow chats who has 10K+ rep sees it
it is annoying to see someone going flag happy on stupid messages
@rlemon You callin' my message stupid? flags
no it was a stupid flag
stupid shit === not offensive or spam
Yeah, I get ya. Just being silly
Stupid flags are the ones we receive en masse in the Android room
From stupid people.
That's going to probably get flagged because I called them stupid.
abc is a tool
@rlemon maybe making it clear that people who care about SO are going to review it and provide capacity to people having 10k+ to penalize people abusing flag system
I honestly didn't realize people actually used them in this room
He got a year-long ban, but I'd wager he's already got a new account
@happy but you don't get that. it is a stupid notification with no context. most people don't check the context and either blindly validate or invalidate - it has been brought up on meta and nothing done
just deal with it I suppose
@rlemon exposing stupid flagger then?
I think the problem is that finding out what to do about it and doing it is pretty difficult
unless they admit to it, or it is blatantly obvious we do not see who they are. mods do but they can't tell us.
And SO kind of sucks at gaining momentum on improvements, it seems.
10k! you guys/girls did a lot to help people on SO, it is impressive
use unshift() to add something to the beginning of an array - that's a little misleading outta context, ain't it?
@monners How so?
@monners ... no?
Wait, wait... My stupid filter's tingling....
Yep, I'm an idiot
I was thinking why wouldn't you just use arr[0] = bleh; // because that'd overwrite the first fucking value you mornon!
Note my stupid filter can't spell
arr = [].concat([newValue],arr);
!!s/arr[0] = bleh;/arr = [].concat([newValue],arr);/
@monners No matching message (are you sure we're in the right room?)
!!> var arr = [2,3,4]; arr = [].concat([1],arr);
@rlemon [1,2,3,4]
like I said.
why do my amazon elastic transcoder jobs keep failing when I upload files over 100mb?
Also, what does that have to do with JavaScript?
oh sorry, wrong room
!!should I get more wine or go pee
@rlemon You should get more wine
.... but I hate to go...
Hey guys. I'm using the blueimp file uploader. I'm trying to set a variable from the validation option acceptFileType. Originally it looked like acceptFileType: /(\.|\/)(jpg|jpeg|png)$/i but I'm trying to replace "jpg|jpeg|png" with a variable (the variable is equal to "jpg|jpeg|png"). Any idea on how to do that? I suck with regex :S
I'm sorry SomeKittens, I just thought no one saw the question, that's why I tried again, I'm not a bot :)
howdy everyone
anyone know of any sites where i can get paid to do contract work?
like career 2.0?
i forgot about that
i need to update my profile on that site
@eazimmerman Like ODesk?
Except that's a terrible idea
@eazimmerman freelancer.com/#rac
but yea, just work on your portfolio and get a real job
or make a killer app
like so many said, all you need is 1%
And now to drunkenly apply CSS like I know what I'm doing when it comes to the frontend design-type things
@SomeKittens I like bootstrap cause it make me look good
[Micheal Bay mini meltdown](theverge.com/2014/1/6/5281542/…
formatting blows
almost done season one of Comedians in cars getting coffee
awesome little webshow
Yeah it is
I should finish season 2
i'm on ep7, three more to go then i'm done season 1
it is nice that they are only 10-15 minutes each
@rlemon did you see new community? It's not shit!
not ytet
but I will download it now :)
hrm... but now it is both downloaded but I still have CICGC to watch
College football championship gammeeeee more excited for this over the super bowl lol
Bob Einstein is fucking gold.
"Unusable on the Internet" (actual LOL)
@SomeKittens Doesn't paint a particularly exciting future for either groups
Also, that was made by the company I work for (I helped!)
that was pretty cool
Was it? Seemed kinda superficial... Forecasting a graduate's future based on their knowledge of MS Office?
I mean what did they actually study?
MS Office...
Maybe I just secretly wanted to believe that college football players were also actually... college students
They were.
Ctrl + B === Bold!
@rlemon What if someone asks them to use a Mac?!?
> ... uhh.... they are good in a pie and stuff. but what do you want me to run coach?
Coach: your life!
Dang this Auburn defense his hard hitting and fast, FSU is in trouble
red wine is dangerous
@rlemon Only in small doses
but by the box... wowza
By the box? Wine comes in boxes now?!?
@monners boxes and crates and crates of boxes
I used to do just bottles. but in a box it doesn't spoil as quickly.
* after you open it
Ok, I can see how that might be dangerous
@monners Only the really classy stuff
It's Grunge, baby. - Don't you mean Grange?
shows how much I know
var x = '<?php echo $someVar; ?>';
Is that something that would never be seen in a real script?
@m59 if it fit someone use I don't see why not
Let me rephrase - is that ever professionally acceptable code, and if not, has it ever been an acceptable practice?
@m59 I think there is professionally situation where it would be acceptable
@m59 Wait, how would that even work? The PHP would need to be returned to the server in order to execute
@monners no, it's not that context.
In the php file that generates the requested page:
file is served by the server and then interpreted by the browser. In a certain sense it doesn't hurt me more than <title><?php echo $title; ?></title>
So you're using a js backend to compile a php backend?
  var x = '<?php echo $someVar; ?>';
I'm not using it at all
imo, it's awful.
@monners and no...
I meant you're in the generic sense
it's just php creating a page......
Like...php can output whatever.
but that's not a PHP variable...
Is it?
Dude, you can write a script tag in html
You're lost =D
What I see is a js variable holding a string that's also a php block, right?
I agree it is ugly, I wouldn't do it myself but it happen I did it, just can't remember where. Not that I am proud of it but it is true.
The script can't be evaluated until page load, by which time the php is irrelevant because it's already been interpreted by the server :S Am I missing something?
Oh! I get it.
That's disgusting!
@monners no, when the page is served, php print out the var which is then interpreted by js from within the browser
Yeah, I was thinking about it in reverse
when the page loads, the document reads:
Yeah yeah, I get it
  var x = 'some value';
It's a way for php to share data with js without js then needing to make an ajax call to get it
but it screws maintainability hard.
yes it does, spaghetti time
as you just noticed
that, and every variable you pass would have to be global, no?
You could create an object
var data = '<?php json_encode($data); ?>';
I bet everyone have some junk they are not proud of but did... eheh
I did it before I knew better
I'm blogging about some stuff and don't want to misspeak =D
There's gotta be another way of getting $someVal into the JS environment in the same request without specifically printing it into script tags
when I rework on things I did, there is 2 things I can think of: 1) what horrible code I wrote 2) how great it is that I pursue my experience, learning new stuff and see what was great at the time, horrible now
@monners yep, by making call to the server ask it and parse it back
@happy that's not the same request
@monners no it's not
@happy So you're not actually answering my query
@monners cookies.
Thank you
@monners no, you are correct. See no offense but it make little sense to me to populate a variable from a context without making a request for it. If the variable is already in the file than there is conversation about getting a variable from an external context. However, if the file is not printed with the value in it how to you except to get that value without making a separate request?
@happy you use Cookies.
@happy ^^^
@phenomnomnominal I owned right here
Hell yes!
^ was hard as hell to do
when is the last time anyone made a jsfiddle collaboration?
with everyone in here?
I've never collabed with the JS room
i once was in one
never :(
i was just thinking about how everyone offered something different to someone's fiddle
So tired...
@m59 - thanks again for your help today. i solved the issue using a $watch like you suggested on your first comment :)
@nyl66 heheh, nice!
@nyl66 man I know it's a time consuming process but I hope some of that gave you some ideas about how to isolate issues and maybe some refactoring
it helped a lot!
I still have a feeling that it all could be done more efficiently.
you are probably right...
but it feels less of a hack :)
Did you see that last example?
i did.
Are you using any of angular's filtering?
u mean filters?
have some custom ones too
I can't find it in the code hehe
in my post?
i will upload the entire thing to github - my post was sanitized from lots of other functionality
still wasnt enough i guess ;-)
only 3 weeks of messing with angular and I'm loving it
Anyone know if Skype video calls are logged over a organizations' VPN?
I know that doesn't pertain to JavaScript but I'm just generally wondering.
@W3Geek Yes they are. Not only that, MS scans all video conferences for signs of nudity which, when detected, trigger recording and live streaming to a giant video wall in the Skype department headquarters. Your transgretions have been noted, captured, streamed, and retained for future use. have fun!
They're tracked by the NSA
that too
@monners Haha I'm not doing anything too bad... :D I don't mind Skype taking enjoyment out of them or eben the NSA. I'm just wondering if I have a VPN can I track employee video calls / conferences over Skype?
That's all.
The resultant data is encrypted with a special cypher that can only be decrypted with the value 1984
I have a couple of employees under me doing tutoring sessions away from the office and I want to make sure that's what they're doing.
that's a little paranoid
Just have their cars lojacked
If you don't trust them, why did you hire them?
That sounds like a whole lotta fun! =p Hmm... Skype sessions aren't recorded on the hard drive at all?... Or are they?... I'm not being paranoid, I just have to monitor them for customer satisifaction. Sounds like the NSA to me though.
I didn't hire them. I'm only assigned to watch them through our VPN.
Doing that is a bad idea
Yeah I agree. It sounds like there would be a lot of red tape behind it.
If I found out an employer was doing that to me I'd be pissed, and not because I'm in the habit of doing anything wrong
Doesn't even sound feasible and it should be illegal. :\
That's one of the reasons I left my last job - everything I did was watched. They claimed it was for 'anti-theft' purposes but changed the subject when I asked about it.
I've look everywhere. I don't want to do it but I don't want to get fired either for not coming up with a viable solution. I know conversations are recorded over call centers but I'm not working for a call center.
@W3Geek Viable solution: hire trustworthy people
If you don't have access to the people you're supposed to be supervising then it's not your responsibility, even if your employer tells you it is.
I don't even think it is possible. Maybe I'm wrong... @monners Yup! Said it right down to a t.
You could always ask a few of the people they're supposed to be tutoring to report back to you about their performance
Higher up says its possible but I'm like telling them no, it isn't. Skype sessions are not recorded onto the hard drive and therefore no real way to record these sessions unless you do it in real time and it's unfair to the employees.
@monners That sounds more idea.
Ask 'em to rate the sessions, with details.
those are pretty hard to fake.
You can't really tell via live Skype call whether someone is doing good or bad cause we all learn differently. @SomeKittens I'll sketch that down and see what the higher ups think about it tomorrow.
Thank you guys for the ideas. I want to go about this in a fair way. Fair to the company and fair to the employees.
I have a button and added the following to it: onclick=runTask()
Then in a separate javascript block down below, I put the following code:
I don't think we need "override" keyword in programming langauges
    function runTask() {
    	if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete it all?"))
Innit? It's freaking annoying! And if you have a method with exactly same name in your child class then you are obviously overriding it anyways!
But everytime I click the button, it doesn't work right. It simply refreshes the page and adds a "/?" to the end of the url.
What's wrong?
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute Prevent default action of the button maybe?
event.preventDefault() did the trick, but why? Obviously I need to learn some more, but I though a button with an onclick will execute whatever is in the function that the onclick redirects to?
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute Nah, buttons also have default behaviour
which get executed before your function call
So what is "/?" supposed to be?
that's a forward slash followed by a question mark
I can't remember what the name for it is, but it's the start of a query
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute some browser natural behavior remain
for me it's like using matrix-like tunnel with a spaceship to modify the way it works to fit whatever control to the user. Back then, before javascript exist, html was meant for very basic stuff. Not for what we do with it now. IMO
Guys, could you suggest me the biggest big data solution out there I can possibly choose?
@EnglishMaster json?
@EnglishMaster could you tell me you definition of a data solution?
I just want the biggest big data solution because I like everything big in my life. Such as big yacht and big biceps
@EnglishMaster so? What is your definition of a data solution?
@happy I don't know, I think I can compare it to cosmetic solutions that women tend to use
@happy haha yeah. HTML these days is pretty important to know.
@EnglishMaster still, lol, what is it anyway right?
Could someone help with my Twitter API Question?:
Q: With the Twitter API, how do I get a stream of replies to my authenticated user?

Santa ClausI am attempting to use the twit Twitter API client for node.js, but this question could apply further than that particular client. Using the official Twitter API, how can I get a stream of the replies to my authenticated user? I suspected it was under User Streams, where I found references to r...

Dudes, what the heck?
charAt is returning nothing here
so confused
len -1
Well that was easy :P
Yeah, tired :(
@m59 Now write out Arrays are indexed from 0 1000 times
hehee, I was using 0 to show that it worked when I didn't pass a variable :)
That's why I was especially confused.
Good evening
For some reason, I was looking at the console log saying 1 and not getting it
I was planning on taking a break from answering SO questions at 5k rep
@m59 m59 has 6057 reputation, earned 120 rep today, asked 12 questions, gave 267 answers. avg. rep/post: 21.7. Badges: 3g 10s 36b
!!choose gym at 7pm or gym at 8pm
@EnglishMaster gym at 7pm
ok, thank you bot
@monners monners has 561 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 11 questions, gave 33 answers. avg. rep/post: 12.75. Badges: 0g 2s 9b
@m59 Yeah, you got schooled by a n00b :P
$4b plan to make North Korea even more shitty
@SomeKittens Why are you leaving me!?
@SomeKittens it's like you know all of my weaknesses! The only two things I'm bad at in Angular (AFAIK) is routing and testing. My routes are in the database and I don't think Angular can work with that.
@m59 SomeKittens is afk: cleaning
So, I've never messed with it.
Guys, when you read the following sentence, which verb immediately come to your mind?
The strongest dinosaur ______ the Earth.
Probably a linking verb, that's crazy though.
Maybe even 'is'

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