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You need a better avatar dude
make it your face like @rlemon's
then if people steal it they are promoting you
Robert has such soulful eyes
Anyone know of a fix for bootstrap dropdown v2.3.2 on iOS not working
It works on android and desktop
or a way to inspect websites on an iOS device?
@Loktar that was.. oddly beautiful.
@Loktar what is DayZ? I see it from your twitter a LOT
its a crazy game
you are thrown into an open world with a flashlight and you're thirsty
there are zombies and other players
who can be friendly or kill you on sight (the players)
so you need to loot and scavange to survive
@Loktar ran around for 45 minutes, found nothing, saw no one but two zombies
killed them both
got a nose bleed
you should join my server
I restart it hourly when Im on (sometimes sooner)
and its daytime only
yea I was asking around and apparently a LOT of the servers suck
its a 40 player server
expensive though.. not sure how long ill keep it up, like $93 a month
I joined two different servers... both were basically the same
it sucks because there are only 2 hosting providers to chose from, ones US the other is european
do items respawn in houses after time?
no not yet
they did in the mod, but this is alpha.. so hes still working on that
yea, that is what I suspected. both servers were looted to the nines
you have to restart the server for items to spawn
lol sometimes I cheese :P
> OMG A HOUSE!!!! ... nothing in it...
ill get to a base and restart the server 2 or three times
Castle Story is fun
got that on the sale
I heard good things about that
LOL that sounds fun!
yay i get to photoshop a screenshot
My man
whats good
Steve.... there was questionable discussion about you and pets.
figured i'd come say hey
Welcome @Steve!
@Steve Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
like that?
Who needs @CapricaSix, when we've got @rlemon?
@rlemon google blue waffles
!!google blue waffles
nobody needs that
!!google society of the blue buckets
that is good
am I the only one who gets a small wave of joy every time a legit head hunter contacts them?
Thank god I missed that
@rlemon like an assassin? I've never had one contact me
Any free node.js based hosting. with db ?
@nderscore assassin? I know the term, but not in this context
~one a month or so I get an email for a job offer. they are just 'we want to meet with you and see if you are the right fit' but the last two have offered to fly me out to meet them
nice ego boost.
Headhunting is the practice of taking and preserving a person's head after killing them. Headhunting was practised in historic times in parts of Oceania, South and Southeast Asia, West and Central Africa, and Mesoamerica, as well as among certain tribes of the Celts, the West Germanic tribes, the Vikings and Scythians of ancient Europe. It occurred in Europe until the early 20th century in the Balkan Peninsula and to the end of the Middle Ages in Ireland and the Anglo-Scottish border regions. As a practice, headhunting has been the subject of intense discussion within the anthropologic...
@nderscore ohh you took it the other way :P
haha yea, I'm talking about recruitment
Recruitment refers to the process of attracting, screening, selecting, and onboarding a qualified person for a job. At the strategic level it may involve the development of an employer brand which includes an "employee offering". The stages of the recruitment process include: job analysis and developing some person specification; the sourcing of candidates by networking, advertising, and other search methods; matching candidates to job requirements and screening individuals using testing (skills or personality assessment); assessment of candidates' motivations and their fit with organiza...
I know :P
I just got a linkedin mail a few mins ago. Some morbidly obese recruiting woman trying to get me to interview with a company that's actually a client of my current company lol
bleh I get calls all the time, but they arent for anything I want to do
mostly .net jobs
these are all front end js jobs
a lot of times they're not jobs I'm interested in. :( though sometimes they have tempting salaries
To give you a brief overview they operate in a relatively new innovative sector offering 'reverse auctioneering' to traditional sites like ebay combining fun gaming mechanics with online retail and e-commerce.

Although still just a start up from 2009 the present growth experience is nothing short of phenomenal. In  2011 company revenue was just over 10 million dollars with 20 employees, in 2012, 25 employees, with 45 million dollar revenue and the current forecast is to finish 2013 with 50 employees generating 100 million dollar revenue- so the company certainly has a big future!
she didn't mention the company, says she cannot on the first contact.
^ yeah typical headhunting bs
I hate that
they dont want you to go to the company directly thats why
she has emailed me twice now and remembered the last email (or at least she keeps good notes)
if you do and they hire you, the headhunters miss out on their %
well the last company she gave me direct contacts for them
They're not short of @phenomnomnominal
I imagine she is sending them lists of people she has contacted
I think changing my current job title to CTO has reduced the amount of recruiters that contact me.
I'm not sure, though
they are finding me via github mostly.
Yeah... I don't have a lot of really quality stuff on github
neither do i!
Fair enough :-P
after jsweekly linked Notifier.js .... that is when they really started coming in
Ah, yeah. That would do it.
158 stars
15 forks
@Loktar where do you host your mean.io project ?
I dont have one
no mean io project for me
that is why i'm changing focus and am going to be writing some jQuery plugins in the near future
but I host all my node sites on my colocated server
jQuery plugins === $
I leave for an hour and this room explodes
websites === $ honestly
@Loktar well yea.
but I need stuff to put on it :P
jQuery plugins :P
er no I dont mean portfolio sites
I mean niche sites that earn revenue :P
html5backgrounds.com will hopefully get me that
googleseocertified.com will add to mine
lol not really but that domain cracks me up
html5backgrounds will just be a collection of single script interactive / cool backgrounds for your websites
so hopefully that will see some traffic if I do it right
including the tech in your domain isn't the best idea if you think about it
@Loktar Did I tell you about the project I'm trying to start up?
The video game site?
how much traffic do you think flashbackgrounds.com would get today or int he last 2 yers :P
@RyanKinal no!
already interested
Not for hosting games, but for finding games you might like. Kind of a GoodReads or Pandora for games.
sounds like a good idea
I'm hoping so
not sure how much you've delved in but Giantbomb is an amazing source to pull from
has anyone done an underscore sortBy where you knew what order you wanted them in already?
@RyanKinal good idea indeed
I do not see what the difference is between what I showed in my answer and this one, but whatever :-) — qwertynl 14 secs ago
@Loktar eh, domains are cheap
@Loktar I'll give it a look
yeah but building/changing a brand takes work
in two years once that expires if there is a new tech i'll get that domain
thats why I used zombiegames.net rather than zombieflashgames.com (which I own)
or maybe i'll just buy html6backgrounds and html7backgrounds now :P
even though all the games were flash games back then
Okay using elemantory os for development
i will give it 8/10
I want a good domain name...
@qwertynl .com is good1
@web2students.com is that a thing?
And what is a qwertynl?
Am thinking am thinking, am thinking am thoughtful
@rlemon What makes that good name?
@qwertynl keyboard layouts in NewFoundland
qwerty NL
@rlemon hmmmm but what could I use it for?
talking about keyboard layouts in NewFoundland
@copy also NL for NewFoundland - previously NF
but but but
@rlemon yes?
> qwertyquote.com is available.
three butts
@rlemon I got that.
you have three butts!?!?!
damn dude
ha no. I got what u were saying in your image haha
Tarce? What does "Tarce" mean? — qwertynl 6 secs ago
Qwertydvorak the best name possible :D
or Dvorak Von Qwerty
var colorConverter = function( hex ) {
	hex = hex.replace(/#/,'');
	return {
		r: parseInt(hex.substring(0,2), 16),
		g: parseInt(hex.substring(2,4), 16),
		b: parseInt(hex.substring(4,6), 16)
looks good?
@rlemon Why do u need that 1st line?
Just change the substr numbers...
@qwertynl because I don't know if they are going to include the # or not
@qwertynl because code readability
Also that does not work for hex like #000 or #FE3.. etc
and understandablity :-)
and also that ^ :P
good point, I should check for 3 digit hex codes
var colorConverter = function( hex ) {
	hex = hex.replace(/#/,'');
	if( hex.length === 3 ) {
		hex = hex.split('').map(function(l) {
			return l+l;
	return {
		r: parseInt(hex.substring(0,2), 16),
		g: parseInt(hex.substring(2,4), 16),
		b: parseInt(hex.substring(4,6), 16)
@rlemon hmmm and you also have to check hex.length === 6, no?
well if they enter an invalid hex colour fuck them
throw Error?
it would already
throw Error("Enter an invalid hex colour... fuck you!")
nvm, colours just get NaN
} else if( hex.length !== 6 ) {
	throw Error('You entered an invalid Hexidecimal value for Color');
but in the true nature of jQuery I think I should just let if fail silently no?
@rlemon :-)
Just punish the developer by going into an infinite loop
Or exchange [].push and [].unshift or so
var defaults = { foo: [1,2,3] }
options = $.extend(defaults, options);
// would you do this before or after merging the options.
if( typeof options.color === 'string' ) options.color = colorConverter( options.color );
var parts = hex.match(/../g).map(function(x){
    return parseInt(x, 16);
return {
    r: parts[0],
    g: parts[1],
    b: parts[2]
@nderscore nice
I have an opacity flag, and a color flag which accepts rgba - if you define alpha in the color, should that override the opacity flag? or the other way around?
@nderscore fancy
@qwertynl reminds me of a project I wrote a while back rlemon.github.io/FragBuilder.js
    jQuery = (function(o){
        return function(){
            alert("Fatal color value!");
            return o.apply(this, arguments);
@rlemon What does?
the question you just linked to be closed
looks like he is trying to get my input as his output
I wrote a reverse function for that as well
takes a HTML string and produces the JSON like output
NY folks: How's the snow?
@SomeKittens White
@SomeKittens was ~-25 to -30C here this morning
Doesn't jQuery do something like that now @rlemon ?
@qwertynl don't think so.
bleehhh angularjs you hurt my head
Yeah, it was about 0 to 5F here this morning
but I don't use jQuery all that often
3 hours ago, by qwertynl
user image
@Loktar Meee tooo
> example directive would be cool. Just wrap(inherit) ng-if and call the hasAuthorization inside the linking function.
Im like huh?
@qwertynl looks like Canadian Spring
and I feel like such a dumbass bothering these guys
@qwertynl ....it's beautiful...
I cant find a good approach for wrapping in a directive using ng-transclude + ng-if
@qwertynl currently all of my windows and my patio door are frozen completely shut
@rlemon $('<div>', {test: 'bar', html: $('<span>', {html: ...})})
@qwertynl well that is not the same :P
@rlemon bahh!
It's all the same in the end I am sure :-)
@Loktar I'm just about to tackle that, any suggestions?
no clue dude Im lost as hell
I need to do so much reading
var n = parseInt(hex.substr(1), 16);
return {
  r: n >> 16,
  g: n >> 8 & 0xff,
  b: n & 0xff
@Loktar talk to @RyanKinal
heh I worry I wont have this job long :P
iirc he just recently started on Angular as well and might have some beginners tips
Yeah... my project is ostensibly finished and in testing
Though BenjaminGruenbaum is more likely to have good info for you
dammit you code golfers!
I thought my function was clever!
@Loktar I'm not sure what you mean by that. Code snippet?
dont have one..
thats the code snippet I need to do! lol
So i don't have a saturday :P or weekend :-(
work work work :P
<element my-permission-atr="permission" restofelementattrs></element>
@copy ah, reminds me of C
so basically my-permission-atr needs to act like an ng-if
so in my-permission-atr directive I need to see if they have that permission and hide/show the element
@copy what does this do in lay-mans terms ` & 0xff`
Mask the low byte
is there a way to tell jquery $.each() to stop alphabetizing my keys? :)
okay. cool, thanks.
@Loktar Ah. Interesting.
yeah.. I mean shit I am a beginner
@jbolanos say what ?
this seems like advanced stuff
I'm not sure I know how to do that
Like .substr(-2)
A: Getting upper and lower byte of an integer in C# and putting it as a char array to send to a com port, how?

Jon SkeetYour masking is incorrect - you should be masking against 255 (0xff) instead of 8. Shifting works in terms of "bits to shift by" whereas bitwise and/or work against the value to mask against... so if you want to only keep the bottom 8 bits, you need a mask which just has the bottom 8 bits set - i...

just also read this
haha - my json is in the order I want it but $.each() puts them in alphabetical order - its annoying me
which is crazy, because i've done this before for modbus
@Loktar Maybe look at the angular source, and see if you can find ng-if?
well cant I inherit it somehow?
I tried require: "^ngIf" to no avail
but I read somewhere i can inherit directives.. idk Ill just prob look at ng-if's source like you suggested
@jbolanos the order is not guaranteed by the browser
@Loktar Maybe... haven't tried inheriting directives
wow man.. so little code
@Loktar try yo:angular-fullstack
holy fucking hell !
@AbhishekHingnikar this is a huge app..
I know - its just annoying me - I need them to be in a specific order but haven't figure it out yet
I have really no contrl over it
tens of thousands of lines of code :?
yikes :-/
the guys working on it are fucking wizards
i am just suggesting from next time instead of stuff like mean try this :-/
@Loktar what is a huge project ?
I seriously feel like a noob dude
i wanna see !
its at work not public :P
pixter website's new version is ready for launch :D
I tell Cat everyday.. not sure how long Ill have this job
and i made it (y) ... it has my own custom addon for default router :P
@Loktar why ? they no like a canvas ninja ?
haha they dont use canvas at all
most places dont unfortunately
worry not lord loktar
king of the underworld
lol Im not crazy worried I have a savings and stuff, id just have to get another job
thou shall find a job; [of if i get biz-spark i will just ask u to join me mwahaha jk jk]
these guys dude.. seriously smart
not sure how long theyve been using angular, at least since June
@Loktar you know the wisdom of a man is known by his ability to teach you ?
but I suspect longer, since the app was started in june
@DD. wow up so late ?
yes now i became follower of abhishek... :P @AbhishekHingnikar
I have "123" and I need "112233" is the cleanest way using map?
.split('').map(function(v) { return ''+v+v; }).join('');
sweet thanks @RyanKinal
Don't thank me yet, lol. Might be useless :-P
he ? @AbhishekHingnikar
@rlemon looks nice to me :-)
gist.github.com/rlemon/8244125 well this is what I ended up with
thanks @qwertynl and @copy
@rlemon so no check for length === 6? :-P
@rlemon if(hex.length == 3) hex = hex.replace(/./g,'$&$&')
 *    Does not account for shitty inputs
 *    #f000 will result in some funky RGB
@nderscore golden
I was weary about using map
ninja'd... again
@Jhawins * Does not account for titty inputs
* #f000 will result in some funky RGB [\(source\)](http://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/13857389#13857389)
@nderscore ha. cool!

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