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@stdio I was
@JanDvorak ty :)
It would be nice if you preserve the intent to open in current/new window as well ;-)
I will
Hi, I'm a Computer Science undergraduate and am looking for a job/internship in JavaScript using Node.js etc any pointers?
@Hmm 0x8000000C
@rlemon Didn't you once write a small utility function that lets you create HTML from some object notation?
Is this standard behaviour: <div onchange=alert("changed")><input type=checkbox>
@copy never seen it
onchange gets triggered when you change the checkbox
@FlorianMargaine Nice
quite smart how he did that actually
actually, if onchange didn't propagate, delegation couldn't work
@FlorianMargaine I know, right. Although some parts of that code look really weird
yup, I wouldn't write the code the same way, but the principle is smart
@JanDvorak I didn't know you can do delegation with onchange. Works in Firefox and Chromium, nice
4 hours later…
Hi @JeffRenaud
anyone able to help me with a wierd problem with arrays and while loops? pastebin.com/QaFSY7jZ
That's not a JSON array. (It's a JSON object o_0) — Benjamin Gruenbaum 15 secs ago
Hey guys!
In before what's the difference between an array and an object
inb4 - but arrays are objects in JavaScript
How anyone can get that mixed up is beyond me - and the official RFC looks exactly like that with the same diagrams
@BenjaminGruenbaum Shouldn't you be sleeping?
also why does reassigning the value of an array to the original array you set it equal to not reset the value?
I get up at 6 am usually
nevermind, when i change one array both are changing.
I can get up at 7 but I always eat breakfast at a nice cafe with Orit on Sundays
Sundays are our Mondays here remember? :)
I know, I was just saying that.
So what's your excuse?
how do you set an array equal to annother array, then preserve the original array?
It's not late here.
@copy So what's your excuse?
I'm talking to my girlfriend
@theHeretic we all have no idea what you're talking about though
like if i set array a equal to array b, then modify array a it modifys array b as well.
i want to keep array b like it originally was.
So you want to clone an array? Is that it?
if that is the word for it.
var a = Array.from(b); // es6
var a = b.slice(); // actually what you should probablhy do
thanks, .slice seems to work with my simple test.
did my pastebin (pastebin.com/QaFSY7jZ) make any sense?
or was it all javascript and binary to you?
I wish there was a Chrome plugin that mutes / pauses music that you are listening to right now when you start any youtube videos
and resumes the song when you finish watching the video
or pauses
i wish their was a chrome plugin to chnage the sound level of different tabs.
because sometimes i want to listen to a youtube video while playing a game with no mute button that has ridiculous sound level.
That's actually a nice idea
I would make it, but don't want to learn another language right now, even if it is scripting. Don't eve know what language chrome plugins use.
I think they use Livescript
@theHeretic they use plain javascript
with some fancy APIs
When did livescript change its name?
how easy are the sound api's?
well i'm off, if anyone see's my problem here: pastebin.com/QaFSY7jZ please let me know, shoudl be back in an hour or two.
The sound APIs are available to pages as wel, unless you mean text-to-speech
What's the different between criterion and criteria?
the latter is a plural of the former
cool thx
but why do they have duplicate words with same meaning except for one is plural?
like, "house" and "houses"?
@EnglishMaster That could have been from a Family Guy episode
There's no such word as "criterias"
When you guys say the word "Significant", do you say it like "sig-ni-fi-can-t" or "sig-ni-fi-cunt"
I say it like latter
is it normal?
!!google wiktionary significant
1 hour later…
and i'm back.
Who're you again :)?
the person with the pastebin that might or might not make sense: pastebin.com/QaFSY7jZ
Hi guys
I have a problem im using visual webdeveloper but i havent made any websites in months i forgot how to connect a simple login page with sql any1 know?
Benjamin, have a fast question:
just found this placeholder.getElement(".legend") && placeholder.getElement(".legend").destroy();
mootools code
is this common praxis?
element.get() && element.doSomething()
so its "ok" code, alternative to using if or length
It's a guard, it checks the element exists before it does it.
so its "ok" code, alternative to using if or length
interesting! thanks!
When you google for favicon, you find a very obsolete QA on SO. Users have no way to see it's obsolete and we can't add answers as it's protected. Can we do something ?
@dystroy, if you post a new, better, answer I can vote it up
Open a bounty as obsolete
Or, post a new Q&A answer, and then we can close the old one as duplicate - that's another good alternative
@Rikard That's not possible : it's protected due to its success
aha... then maybe a new Q&A like Benjamin suggested. Post it here after so the other gets closed
Also, the user who asked it is still active - just post a new answer like @Rikard suggested then
I've just a doubt. Is it true that IE8 to IE10 don't support .png as fav icons ?
With the state of IE, it looks better for most users to use .ico. sigh... So I'll just comment the question.
@dystroy I use QR snippets for favicons. Keep those stupid users guessin' I say!
@monners QR in a tab ? That's not really readable, is it ?
@dystroy Exactly!
Bwa ha ha ha haaaaaa.... joking
@dystroy, you can post a new answer there, even if its protected. Users with >10 rep can, I think you qualify for that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Neal I have a friend moving to new york - she does frontend dev here and she is good and trustworthy, can you get her a job?
CC anyone from new york
damn i never thought i'd see a recurrent name on this site
it's like walking around manhattan
sl Displays animations aimed to correct users who accidentally enter sl instead of ls. SL stands for Steam Locomotive.
Ha fun
I just made the most beautiful logo ever drawn with Inkscape, 2 minutes, a crying kid in arms and absolutely no taste or talent.
1 hour later…
!!> var gt=(a,b)=>a>b; var rebate=(op,p,q,a,b)=>op(p,q)?a:b; var customRebate=(p)=>rebate(gt,p,100,10,5); customRebate(100.2)
@ctrl 10
I have facing problem in droppable and sortable.
@Nileshpatel the same as I commented upon already?
@dystroy I like it
So, what autocomplete plugin would you use or would you write your own?
@BenjaminGruenbaum not too hard to write your own
I wrote my own for a special case if it interests you: github.com/Ralt/multiple-select-auto-complete
jquery's one is fine
in fact that's usually the only jquery ui component I use
I don't want to include jQuery UI as a whole just for this :/
jQuery UI is modular. Of course this doesn't make sense if you don't even use jQuery.
anyone using chrome in ios ? it always reload the tab while switching. why don't chrome fix this? this is serious issue
man.. so many games coming out for the PS4 that I already own for PC :/
> if you're having SQL problems I feel bad for you son, SELECT count(*) FROM problems ORDER BY ASC LIMIT 1
i haven't had coffee yet
LIMIT on a select count?
Go drink your coffee
posted on December 29, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} SLICE

BTW, if you guys who know database and related stuff (and psql) could review my table creation sql and tell me if you see something not efficient... github.com/Canop/miaou/blob/master/sql/postgres.creation.sql
@vzhen does the same on android iirc.
@dystrpy weird to see a trigger, otherwise it's pretty small and classic
The weird thing with the trigger is that you're putting business logic in db... It might be fine, but it's either all in code or all in db, mixing is a bad idea IMO (except for perf if needed)
@FlorianMargaine The part I'm a little unsure is the trigger. I don't know if it's the most efficient way to have a score on which querying
At first it was in js, but filtering by score was going to be inefficient
and fix your indentation :(
honestly, did you find it was a bottleneck?
I wouldn't worry about this, go with a clearly normalized and well separated logic
if you see that it's the bottleneck then fix it, but there... it really feels like premature optimization
with the number of messages I have now, I can't have any bottleneck...
I'm trying to improve the number, but you're not there :P
@FlorianMargaine You should have pinged me. Now that pings can cross room boundaries, I would have seen it
@Zirak @OctavianDamian imgur.com/gr6DHuF
anyone with ROR knowledge?
speak out
I am running heroku instance with Sidekiq background worker..
suddenly its giving throwing this error:

Redis::CommandError: ERR not authenticated
from /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/redis-3.0.4/lib/redis/client.rb:85:in `call'
from /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/redis-3.0.4/lib/redis/client.rb:70:in `connect'
from /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/redis-3.0.4/lib/redis/client.rb:290:in `ensure_connected'
it wasn't happening earlier
You might need a password to access redis. Try it with redis-cli (assuming you have shell access)
it happens when I call WorkerClass.perform_async params
the thing is I didn't installed redis, I just configured unicorn, newrelic and sidekiq
everything else is configured via ENV vars
# in Sidekiq.rb I have

    database_url =  URI.parse(ENV["REDISCLOUD_URL"])
    database_url = URI.parse(ENV["REDIS_URL"])
redis_server = { url:  database_url, namespace: "doodle_bug_#{Rails.env}" }

Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
    config.redis = redis_server
    config.poll_interval = 5

Sidekiq.configure_client do |config|
    config.redis = redis_server
please use the "fixed font" button when posting code
Hey guys, not very good with regexps. I need to find anything starting with xyz, but xyz if there's more, it either needs to be followed by an underscore, or a space. This is what I have so far: ^xyz(_.*|( |$))
@ThiefMaster, done :)
^xyz($|[ _]) or, if just an underscore/space without anything after it isn't allowed: ^xyz($|[ _].)
Well, it should match "xyz", "xyz_x", "xyz zyx" but not "xyzX"
yeah, my example should work for that
The one with or without the period?
the first one matches "xyz_" and "xyz ", too, the second one doesn't
Perfect. Thanks.
almost this issue: github.com/codeparty/derby/issues/347 but with ruby on rails
it happened after git push
!!> ['xyz', 'xyz t', 'xyz_t', 'xyzNo'].map((s)=>s.match(/^xyz($|[ _].*)/))
@ctrl [["xyz",""],["xyz t"," t"],["xyz_t","_t"],null]
@vzhen safari does it too, to not keep the whole page in memory all the time probably.
Q: Is there a way to insert html tags with css?

ClaudiuI know it is not a good practice, but when somebody bans tags in html you have to find a solution. So, is there a way to include in html via css the <script> tag? Maybe with :after and content:"" ? Thanks!

@rlemon the answer there just sucks
So does the question
downvoted both, and piled a closevote
I dv'd the answer but what's the problem with the question? @rlemon
2 hours later…
git doesn't like $ in comments
single-quoted him
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm trying to get WebStorm to sync with github. Do I need to download a git application?
@Shmiddty You saw that whore again, didn't you!?
@Shmiddty I use source control from the command line, but I think webstorm will gladly integrate to github as is
@Shmiddty I mean heck, it has a VCS->Import into version control->Share project on GitHub option
I am looking at github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/src/renderers/… and try to find the renderer function, but somehow I cannot find it :(
I just search for function render
With render function I mean this one: ".render( scene, camera, renderTarget, forceClear )" threejs.org/docs/#Reference/Renderers/WebGLRenderer
Search for render =
Gotta love coffeescript: (x,y)=>=>... -- take two parameters and return a function that takes no parameters and returns ...
Sounds like it can easily and quickly understood by someone who reads that code
That's why I like it
Like gotos
That jump between functions
Ruby's syntax is pretty good, too: ->x,y{->{...}}
Typically, you'll probably never actually use that syntax in Ruby
you mean, lambdas?
or, returning lambdas?
You'll use lambdas, but I don't see a lot of people using the arrow syntax for lambdas.
Mostly because of convention.
I like short code
Though a lambda returning a lambda is pretty odd.
I'd say -> do ... end is pretty odd (but it actually works)
@nil I've never returned a function from a function except when explicitly asked to or when trying it out
The only time I do it is when using currying in Scala, since that's sort of implicitly returning a function from a function
sudo apt-get install pacman4console and life feels good again
Yeah.. but bind does the most currying for me in Javascript
most of the time there's nothing to curry as my handlers know what to expect
Hey guys, if I install paper.js on node.js using npm, do I need to do anything special to use it? Like include it in my package.json?
what do you call "install paper.js on node.js using npm"?
paper.js is the library for handling html5 canvas
are you familiar with node.js, Florian?
what do you do to "install paper.js on node.js using npm"
oops. I see that I had to install it locally to the directory. I just installed paper in my home directory
there's a node modules folder there
Using javascript in the modules folder confuses me. I'm used to saying script src="..." in the html
I'm not sure how node.js fits into that..
it's all so confusing
Are people now using npm and thinking that means they're using node.js because they used a script pulled from npm in HTML?
Like, where and why do node.js and npm fit into this?
node.js is client side... it's running server.js I guess
and then there's a directory for the...
okay. Node.js is server side on my computer. Then there's a directory for the user (client)
and node.js is what runs my server.js file
there's a directory for modules and a directory for the user side files
eats a burrito
I don't understand the question
thanks for listening friend
I think I was confused about it 'cause you mentioned the whole <script src='…'> thing and thought you were actually doing that with stuff grabbed from npm.
@TylerLangan how did you install paper in your home directory?
@FlorianMargaine hey
Do you know of a good prepaid sim in France?
hm, hey?
sim? as in the card you put in the phone?
@FlorianMargaine yea
Q: Prepaid mobile sim that will work for Paris and London

qwertynlI will be going to London and Paris for 10 days in the end on January (5 days in each). Is there a sim that I can get with data and calling to the US that will work in both places?

if you go to any tobacco shop they'll give you classic ones... there's no specific brand they're all the same
you can buy 10E ones or 5E ones...
I bought a Tesco one last time I was in the UK. It was the wrong size so I cut it down to micro by hand. Worked a treat :P
@monners Hmmm does it work in France also?
I think so
Can't see why it wouldn't
Wouldnt there be an extra charge?
@qwertynl or in any supermarket
@ctrl hmmmm but will i have to get separate cards for the uk and paris
or use Goog's hangout
This is why I HATE mobile carriers. All this roaming bullshit ripoff...
It's even worse when you are close to the border, and maybe work in country A and live in country B. You'll always get ridiculous data roaming charges...
.... I need data in both places... :-(
And dual sim would somewhat solve the issue but all smartphones with dual sim are "entry-level" crap
!!is google hangout expensive?
@ctrl Definitely
!!is free stuff expensive?
@ctrl Indubitably
peek is when you look at the top element of a stack, right? Is there a correct name for the same thing for a queue?
Yes, you can use peek for queue
@copy peek-a-queue ?
Sounds like something a Japanese battlemonster would say
@ThiefMaster look at wikio
it's a french company, and their phones are dual sim
well you should check.. but the friends who have their phones are satisfied
and it's not just "entry-level" crap
oops, it's wiko
I somehow doubt there's CM available for them ;)
well, looks like CM doesn't support dual sim anyway
yeah :/
Q: Cordova iOS - CANVAS get pixel color does not work properly

KallewallexIn my application the user loads a photo from the library, displays it, and on a tap it gets the tapped pixel's color. I am using a variation of this snippet (first answer) Get pixel color from canvas, on mouseover to get the pixels color. This does work if I use non-retina sizes: var canvas =...

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