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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

!!> var y=()=> {var x=2; 3;}; y(); x;
@ctrl "ReferenceError: x is not defined"
I guess the let is for assigning an array?
!!mdn let
block scope < function scope
!!should I shower and go to bed or watch Gurren Lagann
@Zirak You should shower and go to bed
You suck
Enjoy another week in paradise :)
Two weeks now
Double the fun.
close, dupe
Hu... Last one was for a 6 years old and this one for a 5 years old... very strange suspect...
Too many people don't see the difference between google and SO...
What do you think about my (hopefuly not rude) comment?
@KevinMeredith, it is not required, it is a misuse of the API. This answer demonstrates the problematic nature of stackoverflow, the questioner has no idea what is the best answer but picks one anyway. That answer pops to the top and all the next visitors upvote it without knowing it is wrong. It's incredibly amazing that you knew it is wrong but none the less upvoted it as well. (Sorry Darin it is really really not personally against you.) — gdoron 3 mins ago
Regarding this:
A: JQuery select all options of multi-select select box on click

Darin DimitrovTry this: $('#select_all').click(function() { $('#countries option').prop('selected', 'selected'); }); And here's a live demo.

@gdoron it's needless - you should've just upvoted the comment
@BenjaminGruenbaum, which begins with +1?! no thanks!
Just respond with "it's not..."
It does seem kind of rude and offtopic to be honest
@BenjaminGruenbaum, When I posted my answer back in Marc 2012, I saw the wrong answer was accepted but said shmeh, but that comment is just ridiculous!
I think it's rather the problematic nature of jQuery. It tries to interpret everything as somehow valid parameters instead of being consistent and predictable
@copy, I see your point, though maybe because a non empty string is a truthy value.
i'd say it's the browser interpreting 'selected' as truthy, not jQuery
@JanDvorak, very true.
Oh, it makes some sense in that case
but, for the prime example of consistency in jQuery, check the second argument to jQuery when creating a new element
If the key is a valid jQuery function, it's called with that argument. Otherwise, an attribute with that name is set.
$('#select_all').click(function() {
    $('#countries option').prop('selected', +'selected');
I win :)
But +'selected' is NaN, which is falsy, no?
@gdoron there he fixed it.
@copy I don't think that's the idea - the idea is to predict what people try to do and work there rather than define a strict API.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes, and that is the thing that causes problems
What would you change?
if(typeof value != "boolean") throw new TypeError("...")
@copy I'm a designer, I don't know how to code very well , or what a booean is, heck - I don't even know what the developer tools are. My page just doesn't work. What do? I just wanted to make the options selected.
And get rid of these combined get/set functions, there's absolutely no point in that
$('#countries option').select(); //or unselect() for lazy bastards
You have options: 1) Learn how to program 2) Don't program
@copy Not at all. In fact, I'd say out of sole anecdotal experience that most of the people who work as programmers can't really code very well. jQuery still works for them.
Yes, but that's not a good thing. Gmail is a good thing. Shitty web applications aren't a good thing
You'd be surprised how many great things shitty code powers.
That somehow made me think of Moodle
Moodle is just one example. Wordpress for example powers oh so many things.
Thing a lot of people use and enjoy every day.
Heck, look at CPython's source code ^^
Spidermonkey is awful
I wasn't here
@Zirak oh god go to sleep :)
wait, not that
that's the wrong one
I mean, link to what you find horrible
Octavian and I once tried finding out where _ was declared in the python repl. It was really, really late/early (BadgerGirl was there for some of the time). We didn't succeed.
% python
Python 3.3.3 (default, Nov 26 2013, 13:33:18)
[GCC 4.8.2] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> 4
>>> _
We tried finding out where that ^ is implemented.
@BenjaminGruenbaum goto is good practice in C
no it's not
there's no exception, so it allows to send somewhere to cleanup and keep your code DRY
Just because it's possible to use it to solve some problem doesn't mean you should use it.
how else would you do that cleanly in C?
it's a recommended practice for this problem in C
you mean your imaginary use case? without gotos using other flow control structures :P
No it's not.
Anyway, I have to get some sleep - gnight everyone
quoting Code complete:
> The goto is useful in a routine that allocates resources, performs operations on those resources, and then deallocates the resources. With a goto, you can clean up in one section of the code. The goto reduces the likelihood of your forgetting to deallocate the resources in each place you detect an error.
good night :)
I am on elementary os :D
and coding well on this [:
just installed chrome :] feels so light :D
is it not laggy anymore?
opening the menu felt laggy on my vms
its decently smooth.
on my intel i5 quad core 2.3Ghz , with nvidia propeitrary gpu
yeah dunno, eOS felt "wanna be osx" and just failed :\
I doubt something can feel like osx
!!choose tiara vs fullcoat
@AbhishekHingnikar That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!should i buy her a tiara or a jacket
@AbhishekHingnikar a jacket
and what do my fellow humans say ?
Good Evening
Yeah i too find jacket more worthy :D
tiara if you want sex, jacket if you want her to wear your gift
That almost sounded bad worse.
Hahaha @FlorianMargaine you made my day ..
thats what the doubt is
come on, when would she wear a tiara?
thats point #1
but a point #2 ... buying a tiara will instantenous make her feel aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
specimen #1
speciman #2
I don't know, I'd kind of be concerned about any woman who wants a tiara nowadays
they all do :P ..
but never tell you ps
intugine.com <- my friends startup gets launched by tomorrow @BenjaminGruenbaum @Loktar @SimonSarris and all windows users :D
bought a jacket :D
!!should i choose a or b
@AbhishekHingnikar You should choose a
Thank you caprica my shopping helper #1
Q: In what standard is specified that elements with an id also get a global variable?

joeytje50I've noticed this a really long time ago, but I never found any information as to why this is supported by browsers in the first place. In every major browser, it is possible to refer to elements on the page by using their id as a global variable. This fiddle shows an example of how it works. Yo...

@Zirak Python/sysmodule.c line 120
That wasn't too hard
grep -R '"_"'
Good night folks
Sleep tight
@FlorianMargaine i didn't intended to call you fat... Originally i wanted to call u helpful like santa but then you gave it a new dimension :P
@AbhishekHingnikar like I care
@FlorianMargaine just clearing up :D
Hello guys, a question: If I have a tag <a> with an external link (in href) and I wanna use also the click event in jQuery to send a POST request to a php script, do I need to make "wait" the click() function for a while? Because I seen that if I put for example an alert(something), the POST request arrives to the php script and everything works good, but if I don't put that alert(), the POST request seems hasn't the time to be done.
@stdio yep. More exactly, you should cancel it and then reinstate it.
You can probably change the location as soon as readyState is 2 or 3
Or in the first onprogress event
@JanDvorak What do you mean with 'you should cancel it and then reinstate it'? Can you make an example?
or just (I know, heresy) send a synchronous request and make sure the server side closes it as fast as possible
!!tell stdio mdn event preventdefault
Where's the bot???
@JanDvorak But using preventdefault the user won't be bring to the external link, right? And I want both of them.
@stdio set the location once you know the AJAX has been sent
@JanDvorak Ok, now it's clear, but there isn't a solution when the link already exist?
read the a.href?
@CapricaSix Dear bot, no thanks :)
@stdio your choice :-)
By the way, window.location = "javascript:alert('success')" works just fine :-0
@JanDvorak Oh wait, maybe I can use preventDefault to stop the bringing to external link, then read and save the href location, and use it after the POST request is done. Were you suggesting that?
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