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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

I have added all the mime types, yet I still get this error: [16:31:32.619] HTTP "Content-Type" of "video/mp4" is not supported. Load of media resource edutasc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/… failed. @ edutasc.com
Does anyone know why its happening in Mozilla Firefox only?
The video player just doesn't show up, I don't understand why it only happens in Mozilla Firefox
Mozila Firefox I mean*
@rlemon @JanDvorak @copy @BenjaminGruenbaum
@copy can you please help me..
It doesn't have the codec
Yeah, but I have the mime types added, and it works in other browsers @copy
But it doesn't have the codec
Its just not working in Mozilla Firefox
What doesn't have the Codec @copy
The browser
I am using flash player as a fallback though
And I can play it directly the video
Hello guys, a question: If I have a tag <a> with an external link (in href) and I wanna use the click event in jQuery to send a POST request to a php script, do I need to make "wait" the click() function for a while? Because I seen that if I put for example an alert(something), the POST request arrives to the php script and everything works good, but if I don't put that alert(), the POST request seems hasn't the time to be done.
@BrandonGelfand It plays in VLC
But not in Firefox
As expected
@copy why though? Thats not what I am understanding..
Because VLC is a media player. And Firefox is a web browser
So it is playing the video in the browser using like an embed of vlc?
@copy So then is the problem that the flash fallback is not working?
No, it is offering me to download the file and play it in my favourite media player
Ok, so do you think that the flash player is not working? That is why it won't work? Or can it just not get the file and won't ever be able to @copy
I think it should work in a flash player
Hmmm, ok, it has a flash player fallback, so I don't know why it isn't going..
I will look into this a bit more
Hey guys. I need to detect if browsers support HTML5 audio. Is it safe to assume that if(typeof(Audio) == "function") ... will always tell me if the browser supports the audio element? (I'm creating the audio via new Audio()
A: Trolling homework questions - sorting

Felipe Miosso(jPL) jQuery Programming Language You must use jQuery for that. A simple solution to this problem is the following one: function jSort() { var a = 0.0; // position 1 var b = 0.0; // position 2 var c = 0.0; // position 3 var arr = []; var nArr = []; // don't forget to v...

Yeah saw that :)
@David === , typeof Audio and not typeof() it's an operator. Also no
@BenjaminGruenbaum is there no other way then? I have been checking after I created it, but Opera Mini isn't liking that.
@BenjaminGruenbaum does it really matter?
I feel like a gave a great answer here, not so?
Q: Angular Directive to Directive call

jadentIf you have a directive that you're using multiple times on a page how can 1 directive communicate with another? I'm trying to chain directives together in a parent child relationship. When directive A is clicked i want to filter Directive B to only have the children of the selected item in Dire...

or at least decent..
I wish you had to comment to downvote.
eh nm. I see how that could be bad.
1 hour later…
Steam is drunk once again
> Price of individual games: 1,65
Bundle cost: 5,49
guys is it possible to call modules in node interactive mode?
hello everybody
like to compile less file I use: node node_modules\less\bing\lessc myfile.less myfile.less.css
@JanDvorak hi
with -I (interactive) mode, how can i run the same?
Speaking of Steam, Civ 5 needs to download faster.
any one experienced in css?
One time I set a man on fire using CSS.
@nil do you hate man?
That's quite the philosophical question.
This could take some time to dissect.
@nil please see this
In the users tab
There are some scrollbars
The looks are not good
How can I make the look better
Fire. Fire would be a good start.
I can use jscrollpane.kelvinluck.com for scrollbar styling but am not sure whether it will look good in mobiles and will it support in mobiles
@nil what?
Apply more.
i have a problem with .mouseup() in jquery.
And I have a problem with fonts.
Wanna trade?
i have two dialog in same page and i want to display just one of them in same time.
every body can help me?
@Zirak you can solve my problem?
!!welcome Dinamit92
@Dinamit92 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
We can't help you solve your problem if we don't know what the problem is.
But if you use fire, you'll probably solve it yourself.
@Zirak We can't? Someone better tell the commenters on YouTube that...
i have 2 same component in one page and i want in click on one of them ,the other component be hide. and inverse.
@Zirak you got it?
And the problem is...?
this function don't work correctly.
What's correct?
What works and what doesn't work?
Here is the information we have so far:
* You want to do something.
* What you have isn't working.
We don't know what you have, what you tried, whether there are error messages, nothing.
When stepping through it, where did it explode?
$(document).mouseup(function (e) {
if ($(this.jqId).css("display") != 'none' && $(e.target).parents(this.jqId).length == 0 ) {
I'm often struck by the grammatical accuracy and syntactical inaccuracy of non-native English speakers. It's like HAL2000 trying to compose a poem.
excuse me ,my English language isn't good.
@Dinamit92 It wasn't a criticism. I have nothing but respect for people that can speak more than one language. Just an observation is all :D
Problem: Only my fonts looked like poop. Root looks fine.
Solution: Backup important shit, delete user, and add him again.
I'm so pro.
Hey, it works though.
If anyone asks, I blame Terminus.
Someone made me aware of the current Humble Bundle. I'm on the verge of buying it. Shit.
I stopped buying 'em when I realized I wasn't playing most of the games
Hey ladies.
@Dinamit92 Your English language is unforgivable
Russian guy: "Hold my vodka, my friend"
What the fuck
how can u do that fuck.. wtfh
Maybe he's a Airbender
Or doing some classic Russian coxk push ups
@Zirak Do you read V8 source code and stuff? haha, that's funny man. I'd rather go and spend that time at gym
@EnglishMaster there is a difference between the wise and the knuckle head.
@Zirak what game you interested in?
I wish I had a wise-head too. Should I change my gym (with better facility) to a different location to get it? I hate my knucklehead
draggable, sortable, drop not working proper.
can you check what problem is there?
@Nileshpatel My guess is once you connectToSortable it doesn't accept any other droppable. I'd look for a way to tell it to.
@JanDvorak i want to make .file as dropable
@Nileshpatel I'm not sure it's even possible; how do you distinguish a sort intent from a drag-into intent?
@JanDvorak i think it is possible. we set file as droabble as well as draggable.
can you look into this but not working propper.
sure, but its container is droppable (resp sortable) as well; how do you define which droppable is the desired one during a drop?
by use of event find out which droppable is define
from the UX perspective
i am not sure may be yes.
i also using dnd html5 for file uploading in #holder tag
i want to make .file as droppable but it always check holder drop event.
1 message moved to recycle bin
!!tell nilesh format
@nilesh Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
(and, of course, use jsfiddle)
@AbhishekHingnikar movie relationships only
I hope
i m kinda going through
so, you admit to having a hoe?
or, you're the one friend watching your friend's relationship with sadistic enthusiasm?
There is one hoe who wants to be with me --, so keeps on trying to hit on me *seductively* -- and i know her personally face to face so can't completely block her x_x , happens to be the one who is hoping it ends.
so, your friend is a hoe?
Is she also your ex?
ho ho ho, Christmas is over guys
@JanDvorak thankfully NOT
Ladies and gentlemen I announce my girlfriend as the perfect one for me .... SHE IS LOVING STUFF FROM THINKGEEK :3 wohoo !
1 hour later…
> What happens in open source becomes public,
What happens in Microsoft ... never happened ;D
actually its better to say
What happens at apple, Stays at apple,
What happens at Microsoft ... never happened ! :D
@SomeGuy Without forcing me to read the bloody thing, WTF is Dat?
A story written like a movie
It's amazing because of how well-written it is
The story itself isn't all that great
@SomeGuy I think you need to broaden your horizons...
Ok ok, I'll read it. Ugh! You owe me
@monners Broaden my horizons?
broaden -> expand, widen, discover beyond
I can't make it past the second paragraph. Sorry.
@monners I know what the phrase means. Why do you think I need to broaden my horizons?
Because of your Reddit reference
That being said I'm drunk and impatient.
Too much character development!
@SomeGuy damn, that is an excellent name!
Though iirc, his middle name should be Malory.
reddit is a tight horizon?
But he is drunk :p
Not yet
if someone needs a hammer on the moon
@Zirak Yeah, The Stanley Parable looks great. Played the demo, and watched partial playthroughs and all :p
@Zirak The Penny Arcade one?
The game feels like playing Portal 2 with only the narrative
Anyone like odd plotted graphs? wolframalpha.com/input/?i=e%5Exy%5E2%3Dx-y
posted on December 28, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} KERPOW

@EnglishMaster You're weird.
@mikedidthis Solar 2 looks awesome
@SomeGuy Indie Bundle, looks neat.
It's decent, yeah
I own the major ones, so I didn't really bother with it
@BenjaminGruenbaum Done but still 30 votes needed... We need a mod here...
What ? Are you a hidden mod ?
30 votes? I think you only need about 3 delete votes
wait, what, 10?
oh, it's a function of the question's activity.
@dystroy I beat @ThiefMaster in a game of Edward Fortyhands and gained his abilities.
!!/google Edward Fortyhands
What's the best DOM manipulate Js library (AJAX supported ) ?
I now fed up with JQUERY
Your own
Wrong person, I don't follow these kind libraries. And angular is definitely not a library
@samitha If you don't say what you don't like in jQuery dom manipulation, it will be hard to propose you something better for you. But you might try vanilla JS.
It's hard to reset data when using ajax
in Jquery
Let's cry a little
adeneo, its good and working fine and thanks... all others who asked me about why i am not using looping ,comparing all the stuff because my project manger and code reviewer dont want to see some old coding style . because both these peoples state that ' we are living in a modern world where few good frameworks are available to solve issues' and i like this statements very much — Binson Eldhose 3 mins ago
Hey everyone
Get a new job, the people you work with are tools. — adeneo 11 mins ago
i have problem with draggable and droppable
While registering, people should be allowed to register with certain email example only "@gmail.com" should be allowed. If they enter any other email it should notify them to use gmail.com alone
I need regular expression
@rlemon I fixed the "in a few seconds" bug
@Zirak nice!
@BenjaminGruenbaum HI MAN!
I'm creating a Application Update script.I almost done it with PHP side.Now i want to achieve when After updated the content of my APP the browser should be restart manually using a CLICK event.Is there any function we can do it with `JAVASCRIPT` ?

NOTE : I want to do it with FIREFOX ONLY
one of the best domain names ^
@dystroy Could you provide non-Google login methods?
@Zirak In the future, yes. But is that so important ?
And what would you find acceptable ?
MyOpenID for instance. I'm just not comfortable tying my google account with almost anything.
We have made the decision to end of life myOpenID. We will keep the service up and running until February 1, 2014, at which point it will no longer be available.
Well that sucks
Amazingly enough, there's still an AOL front page...
Login with link that you send via email
@copy What you suggest isn't clear to me. You just want to tie the account with an email account and store a password in my db ?
No password, just email (and nickname …). Then, when someone wants to log in, you send them a link (that has a one-time password) via email
Isn't SE also an OpenID provider or something?
That way you have a normal login method without the pressure of storing passwords
@Zirak Regarding your "my google account" : I have many ones, and almost always 3 open browsers with three different accounts...
@Zirak SE is
@dystroy Well, I don't, and there's the remembering which login you're on, etc. It'd be awesome to just use our SO accounts.
@BenjaminGruenbaum were the answers actually wrong/bad? even as an off-topic question it looks like a somewhat useful resource
i wouldn't have deleted it btw, that's exactly the kind of stuff where community deletions are ok but mod "votes" are somewhat questionable: it's nothing that needs to go away NOW (like spam, trolling, etc.) so it's something the community should deal with
Aren't they rebuilding ARC in the first point ?
@Zirak @ctrl Extract of my TODO list :
☐ SE Open ID login
☐ mail/token based login
nodejs SE openid works at least
is there a good ide for node these days apart from webstorm?
IDEs suck, use Emacs/Vim.
that's rather irrelevant, i'm asking about ide's not text editors
You're irrelevant
@simonzack cloud9 for quick and dirty cloud programming
And I'm saying that you don't have to use IDEs.
!!afk facing the cloud real rain
@ctrl Nobody cares.
guess the situation hasnt changed so much then, just webstorm and the eclipse family
I've seen people use monstrosities like Aptana and Netbeans
@Zirak blunt lie.
You're a blunt lie
Editors suck. They give you no insight about your code.
Try editing a 100K LoC project without an editor that understand what's from where and does decent static analysis.
Seriously, that was flagged?
@ThiefMaster all the resources there don't work :P
@Zirak I flagged that (not really)
Anyway, yeah, woop de droop. IDEs offer some advantages, but they don't even go near in raw editing power to tools like Emacs or Vim.
Yeah they do. The hard part when writing code isn't typing things in.
And I've seen 100k projects, Emacs tackled that
I wish they integrated better, having editors inside ide's would be awesome
@Zirak - I think you guys just flag stuff to drive traffic here :P
Opening a project does not quality as being a good editor for a project
Not to mention emacs is an ide...
and an os combined
What? Writing things? Emacs has keys that let you type in letters, that's that. The extra functionality is navigation, it's alteration, it's the expressive window management and extensibility and so many things.
Emacs can definitely be an IDE
@BenjaminGruenbaum - Visual Studio can do 100k LoC js project with intellisense
@TravisJ I know :P
@Zirak it's just nowhere as good at it.
@TravisJ Our dear Benji is a MS fanboy
I guess it isn't available on all platforms though
4 mins ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
@Zirak blunt lie.
Anyway, I just came by to wave hello. Happy holidays :)
Whether it's good at it is subjective
@Zirak seriously, work on a 100LoC with emacs, I dare you.
I did
Even C# isn't really available, mono is much slower than microsoft's implementation
greping things does not qualify as find usages.
If you say so
@Zirak I didn't say so, I just typed it. Does that still qualify?
You know what sucks?
Pizza with fungi.
Wait, no, I confused that with a Russian prostitute.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ah I give in! What sucks?
@Zirak vacuums.
@Zirak you know what sucks in a metaphorical sense?
Black holes
You know what just isn't cool :)?
The bash.org is strong here
Haha ^^
Tumblr theming :(
@mikedidthis is a winner today.
Oh wait
I thought the last line said "Java"
!!should I buy the Humble Bundle?
@Zirak All signs point to no
You know what's sad? The top comment says "nautilus shell", and I immediately zoomed in and thought "he's not using nautilus, that's windows"
yeah it doesn't look shitty enough :)
oh, you
@Zirak Hi zirak How are you?
I'm quite alive, thank you very much
Although I'm buried under 10 feet of snow
@Zirak where at?
Snow Fort
Q: How use droppable inner sortable or draggable in Jquery UI

Nilesh patelI'm having a problem with sortable, draggable item when I drop it on a Droppable object inside sortable. How to drop milk in "Cheese" in "oranges". when i Drag box from sortable and drop in "file" class area it read as html5 drag n drop. i want to call droppable instead of readfile function. J...

Damn it, game complains about shit that's installed.
I blame .net
ah, lib32...how horrible.
@Zirak, you are literally in a snow fort?
Under a snow fort
The snow fort is above me. And it's 10 feet tall.
@Zirak, dayumn.... send pics
@Zirak and you still get wifi?
I'm a bit worried about the computer melting some of it
@Zirak, but not about water getting in the computer?
The fort is more important than anything.
@Zirak riiiight
You will sacrifice yourself for the fort.
@Zirak I still want photo evidence
I only brought a computer and hot chocolate
Those are the tools of survival
@Zirak no cam on the pc?
I'm not another of your cheesy whores!
@Zirak i beg to differ =P
As a Canadian I can confirm that putting your laptop on ice does help cooling. But make sure you put down a plastic bag or something first. Also find a moose to plug it into, they are a cheap source of power up here eh.
@rlemon @Loktar Have you guys tried Spelunky?
It's so much fun
yea it is fun. annoyingly difficult but fun
one of those if you die you start back at the beginning
@Zirak I'm going to ask people to solve your jsquestions in the interviews :P
@Zirak Which game?
@BenjaminGruenbaum hah, neat, tell me how it goes (and any improvements which can be made)\
@SomeGuy Solar 2
That and the algorithms design manual
Someone told me that I should put in some mechanism which remembers what level you're on if you don't finish.
naa, if I solved the first few levels I can solve them again.
His claim that it's just annoying, and that "if I solved them I shouldn't have to solve them again"
@Zirak meh, it's easy enough to cheat go to the level you want anyway
@rlemon if the plural of goose is geese, the plural of moose is...?
That famous canuck sense of humor
!!> var isUpperCase =(x)=>x.match(/[A-Z]/); isUpperCase('0') //better?
@ctrl null
gah.. x == x.toUpperCase() ..
wait do => work here?
!!> var f = (x)=>3; f()
@BenjaminGruenbaum 3
cool ^^ when did that happen?
since a bit of time
!!> var x=()=>()=>1; x()()
!!> var f = (x)=>3; f()
@eazimmerman "SyntaxError: syntax error"
@eazimmerman 3
Hi friends, want to share my small application with you:
A small application that uses the web speech api
!!> Y = (F)=>((x)=>F((y)=>(x(x))(y))(x=>F(y)=>(x(x))(y);
@BenjaminGruenbaum "SyntaxError: invalid arrow-function arguments (parentheses around the arrow-function may help)"
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hi! :-D
!!> Y = (F) => ((x) => F( (y) => (x(x))(y)))((x) => F((y) => (x(x))(y)))
@BenjaminGruenbaum "(F) => ((x) => F( (y) => (x(x))(y)))((x) => F((y) => (x(x))(y)))"
Y combinator!
You're clever :)
I honestly though that would be rather ungoogleable (the code)
It's always a beauty
didn't count on anyone actually recognizing it :)
wiki.ecmascript.org/… <- why the need for a let keyword? difference with var there?
@ctrl var x;x=5;var x;console.log(x); //perfectly legal JS
Also, block scoping which a lot of other languages don't have but some people wanted it
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