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!!> isNaN('a')
@rlemon true
seems like native implementation agrees
Something seems... off... here...
\o/ money back!
Good place to earn some cash
probably missing dash
No, it's actually bad data
or a decimal, hehe
4-28% OFF makes more sense grammatically as well.
I don't know, I'd get rid of the "from" then
This is on one of my in-development interfaces :-D
since 4-28 is already "from 4 to 28"
Meh. I'll bring it up with UX* people.
@RUJordan "NaN"
* By UX, I mean "pretty pictures"
@RUJordan 1290
So parseInt only parses numbers first. Hmm
!!> parseInt("1290derp", 16);
@RyanKinal 1216734
is that just base 16?
Save 123% OFF
Savings upto 50% (never give the lower bar, sheesh)
Save between 5-25% OFF
lol yep
123%? Are they paying me?!
@rlemon Option #2 is probably the best, IMO...
Here's a question for you guys. If I have the following html

<div id="getMe1">
<div id="ignoreMe"></div>
<div Id="getMe2"></div>

what is a jQuery expression I could use to find getMe1 and getMe2 but not ignoreMe?
RUJordan See here
Well that was some fail
Basically I want to get all elements with a particular attribute but not if they are children of an object with that attribute.
@SpencerRuport $('#getMe1, #getMe2') // commas are fun!

$("#getMe1, #getMe2)
@RyanKinal - I can't identify them by the attribute values.
Why? ^
your requirements make no sense
@SpencerRuport By what can you identify them?
@rlemon - So? Is it possible or not?
> I want to get all elements with a particular attribute but not if they are children of an object with that attribute.
Possible, sure. Good? Seems unlikely.
Of course it's possible, you're just going about it a difficult and odd manner
I could take 20 minutes to explain my use case.
question, how do i rotate the whole scene in three js?
Q: Open source angularjs pouchdb model persistence layer - release ready?

marfarmaI'm considering releasing a library as a bower module. Are there issues with code quality, missing test cases, that need to be addressed first? Perhaps it's not a good candidate for public release. If so, why not? What level of documentation would you want for something like this? I've seen ...

scene.rotation.y += 0.01 doesnt work
$("[rel='foo']").filter(function(elm) {
    return elm.parentNode.rel !== 'bar';
maybe something like this ^^
^ seems reasonable (for jQuery versions of reasonable)
I saw other jQuery versions so I went with it
[].filter.call(document.querySelectorAll("[rel='foo']"), function(elm) {
    return elm.parentNode.rel !== 'bar';
Oh, yeah. This is a jQuery question. I'm just saying that the whole problem has a very jQuery smell about it.
!!google what is the origin of foo bar
@SpencerRuport Do all the elements you want share a common, immediate parent?
It doesn't matter how far down the children are. If any parent has the attribute don't include any children that have the attribute.
@deep Are you sure you want to rotate the scene itself, rather than just the camera?
I just want the first element of each branch where the attribute is present.
Either. I need the effect though. I'm assuming scene is easier, if not, what do you suggest?
well there is no parent/backwards lookup in css, and that is what the selectors are.
so you will need to use a callback function to filter the results out
a single selector cannot do this afaik
unless one of the jQuery proprietary ones does it, but i'm unaware of such a selector
@deep typically you would move/rotate the camera to change how you view the scene, while the scene is stationary
Ah okay. I figured not but I figured I'd ask you guys first.
Thanks. :)
@rlemon Is that Robert Denero?
how do i do circular movement
@codehorse no, that is actually @RyanKinal.
he's a stud
I'm obviously a silver fox, and not a long-haired, bearded, hippie programmer.
!!urban hippie
Server error (status 500) occured (message probably too long)
@deep are you trying to do something like this? threejs.org/examples/#misc_controls_orbit
!!urban hippy
@RyanKinal [hippy](http://hippy.urbanup.com/358069) someone who has a bright outlook on life and cares about the world instead of trying to ruin it. they are often member of groups such as greenpeace and antiwar groups that care about the environment.
they reject the established culture and are a subculture originating in San Francisco in the 1960s who advocated universal love and peace, usually had long hair and used soft drugs, usually listen to acid rock and progressive rock music, reggae music such as that of bob marley.
There we go.
@RUJordan The origin of foo bar came about when a programmer working for Steve Jobs was forced to work for 34 hours straight without even allowed to leave for a food break. He was dreaming of food soo much that he though he was writing food, but he was so out of it he was only really writing foo.
@deep start walking forward, but with each step turn distance/time * ((2*PI*radius of your circle)/stepTime)
@Egor, no, i dont need user interaction. it would be nice, but it is not necessary
@codehorse not according to wikipedia
Unless that was a joke?
Does anybody else have code-tourettes? Sometimes, when I can't figure out what to type (thinking too much or not thinking enough or just got distracted), I just start typing curse words.
I just made it up, but it could've happened
No? Nobody else?
I've been having nightmares about code, well I think they are nightmares. I don't ever remember them, I just wake up trying to finish my code. Then I realize I'm not at a computer.
I guess I have semi-code-tourettes
It's not common. But I do cuss a lot in my code
@nderscore lol
I write xxx for most my local variables
^ the sign of a porn addict
do girls ever come in this room?
So I just got a picture from my cousin.. it's a picture of my business card that I gave (after the pic) to a waitress when I was tanked on saturday night. it said..

var single = [user input];
if (single) callMe(XXX-XXX-XXXX); <-- my phone number
else callMe(XXX-XXX-XXXX);
Think she'll call? =x
I don't remember doing that lol
how would I find what is preventing a submit button from submitting a form?
@RUJordan lol
I like how both conditions result in a call to callMe
@RUJordan no.
can a function and variable have the same name?
When I get drunk I typically lose all fucks to give
@RUJordan That's... awesome
But unless she's super-geek, she won't call
yes deep, but it depends sometimes
@deep Not in the same scope. You'll end up overwriting one or the other.
@Shmiddty check for event listeners on the button, check for onsubmit events on the form, look for return false and preventDefault?
var hasBoyfriend = [user input];
if(!hasBoyfriend) ask("Would you like one?");
else ask("Want another?");
@nderscore way to do that in the console?
console only or is using other dev tools okay? :)
@deep Remember, functions are just another value
@Shmiddty well...
Well, assuming I was most likely rude and insinuated I would prompt her to cheat, I wouldn't call me either. I just find it hilarious I wrote that
so hey since a bunch of people are here.. rddle me this
@nderscore I'd prefer not to have to install anything.
Better than the code I usually write xD
how could I be awarded a badge.. and then have it removed like 5 days later
function foo() {}
var foo = function() {};
w/o seeing a decrease in rep
@deep What lemon said
@Loktar I KNOW!
I had the canvas silver badge and 401 points in the canvas tag.. now I have like 380-something
someone removed the tag from the Q :P It just came to me
@Shmiddty chrome dev tools has an event listeners sub-tab in the elements tab
@rlemon son of a bitch, that may be it
literally JUST clicked that could be the case
Im going to! It must have been one worth a ton of points
like 20 points
How do you safely end up with a private key that the client and server both know about?
if the event is bound with jQuery, you'll have to look at the jQuery event cache ($('someElement')._data('events') or $._data(someElement, 'events') depending on the version )
another probably stupid question, can i do this:

function foo(n){
n = new fruit()

foo(banana) //-> defines a fruit called banana
there is so much garbage going on in this page... a messy amalgamation of backbone and jquery binding....
whenever you have a problem, call the Lemon Detectives!
@Incognito yeah hey updated 2 days ago or so
looks nice, much cleaner imo
I've almost caught up my javascript tag points to my PHP. I want to get the JS bronze badge before PHP
@Shmiddty you might find this bookmarklet useful: sprymedia.co.uk/article/Visual+Event+2
@Shmiddty show us
So, strange story. I was out at a concert the other night, and a friend brought her (super cute) friend along. So, I was chatting with said super-cute friend (drunk), and somehow we got on the subject of fashion. Now, she's taken on the "challenge" of helping me dress better.
@Loktar I mean the uneval specifically.
function Fruit(name) {
  this.name = name;
function foo(n) {
  return new Fruit(n);
var b = foo('banana');
I'm not sure how to feel about this.
ooh oops :P
@RyanKinal it is an excuse to get you into your bedroom without pants. go for it!
@RyanKinal bad, and friendzoned.
@RyanKinal do you lift?
Like, are you strong?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'd have to make some sort of example.
I'm not weak, but I don't lift.
accidentally linked to visual event 1, not 2. fixed. lol
flabby or toned?
Sorry, bad and friendzoned it is.
lulz flabby
did she at any point in the night ask to touch your beard?
Q: exec JavaScript using add_action when publish_post

Luis Felipe BarnettHow can I execute some Javascript code when an user publish a post add_action ( 'publish_post', 'custom_links' ); function custom_links() { echo "<script>Hello world</script>"; } I want to manually check and edit the permanent link of the future publish post.

@RyanKinal Depends on how bold you want to be about the whole thing. fyi: be really bold.
She did not
hrm, tough call.
you could have this play out in your favor, but like Incognito said, you have to be bold about it
@RyanKinal We have an expression here that translates poorly - cut it while there's still meat.
@Incognito lol, yeah. It's tough to tell if she's interested... or even single. I'm not the "bold move" type.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Wow, yeah. That translates quite poorly.
@RyanKinal yeah :P
Clearly the only way to solve this situation is to pull the naked man.
No idea what that means
@RyanKinal Just typecast yourself to bold, or you'll lose
@RUJordan Yes!
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined Three.js:148

@deep you should probably define it
It roughly means - go for it - if it works if works and if it doesn't it wouldn't have worked anyway most likely
@deep There's something that's supposed to be an array, but it wasn't passed correctly.
@deep Use the trace, luke.
@deep you're doing something.length where something is declared but not assigned into.
^ Ha!
But its in the original Three.js file
@Incognito So sayeth Master Incognito
@deep Right, and it's probably something you had to pass into a Three.js function.
@RyanKinal well, after seeing a little bit of your pictures, I can understand that.
Whenever I see or hear the word Incognito, I now always reference Family Guy where they say "We're TRYING to be incognetus here"
@FlorianMargaine Yeah. Me too, actually.
no offense, but you don't seem to care about how you look
Not really, nope. I've had little reason to. Haven't really wanted to date. I get by on my dancing and music, lol.
let her make you look like how she wants, then be assertive about how sexy you think she is. The best part: you have already let her doll you up how she thinks you look good.
you have one foot in the door.
Please post a video of you dancing
I bet @FlorianMargaine gets all the girls. French men are such romancers
@deep scene.add(cube); - "cube" is probably undefined
plays guitar: check
dances: check
cooks: check
smart: check
= sexy to the modern woman who isn't a shallow whore.
@RUJordan I'm married, my wife doesn't let me "get all the girls"
@FlorianMargaine work in it, she'll come through
@rlemon Good point!
@FlorianMargaine hypothetical situation: If you were single (say back before you got married), was it easy to woo the girls?
I bet you dress well too
@RUJordan at a certain age - at least from my friends - it stops being a big challenge to woo girls here and the focus is actually meeting girls you see yourself with for more than a night.
when I did purse women, it was very easy to "get them" in the sense I think you are talking about... however almost none of those women were quality GF material. just hot.
^ I'm not there yet unfortunately
!!afk a lawyer needs me!
@RUJordan Nobody cares.
    function getData() {
                    x = xcord.value;
                    y = ycord.value;
                    z = zcord.value;
                    c = col.value;
                    plot(x, y, z, c)

                function plot(n, x, y, z, c) {
                    new cube(x, y, z, 10, 10, 10, c)
                    plotted.innerHTML = plotted.innerHTML + "Point: (" + x + "," + y + "," + z + ")"

what is wrong with this.
(note, if i start vamping, tell me)
@deep you are vamping
hey anyone here use sourcetree?
nothing looks wrong to me
@deep this is me telling you - you've got to learn to use the stack trace and debug properly
@deep new cube isn't assigned to a variable?
Otherwise you'll just keep being stuck at these problems.
function cube(xp, yp, zp, w, h, d, c) {
                this = new THREE.Mesh(
                    new THREE.CubeGeometry(w, h, d),
                    new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
                        color: c
                this.position = new THREE.Vector3(xp, yp, zp)
It just kinda... happens... and then is collected...
Nothing looks wrong
@deep did you check the error console?
ReferenceError: Invalid left-hand side in assignment
@deep That's horrible - constructors should never have such unpredicted side effects (yes, I'm looking at you Microsoft - took you long enough to fix that with EntityFramework)
which line?
doesnt say a line
don't be inconsistent with your semi-colons
^ thats the rul of life
ALWAYS be consistent with your colon, and semi colons is what mother always said
Always mind your P's and Q's as well
How @deep is your love?
And when you P if you QQ see a DR
I really need to learn
What @BenjaminGruenbaum?
@BenjaminGruenbaum depends on how broken in she is
@deep Cause were living in a world of fools
Breaking us down
When they all should let us be
We belong to you and me
OMG I effing LOVE the inline youtube videos
@RyanKinal have you installed this yet: gist.github.com/rlemon/7914903 ??
I can't tell you how amazing it is to have no more stupid youtube new windows from the chat
and I can't believe it took someone asking me to make this for me to think about it
Oh, nice
the image/link isn't replaced until you click it, so there is no deadly loading times
will contiue tommorrow, gtg night
@rlemon That is pretty sweet
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm not quite at the "looking to be settled" stage in my life. I live with my bro and his gf, and to be honest, they're obviously in love but they bicker over the smallest shit. 1. I have a hard time trusting girls (long story) and 2. I don't think I could handle bickering over small things
@RUJordan I already told you, nobody cares.
@deep What?
@Loktar briefly, but I'm more of a CLI guy...
On the other hand, I do miss having somebody there to randomly hug at night..
@FlorianMargaine its confusing me man
I really need to learn git
@RUJordan How is having trouble trusting girls a long story? Every second guy I know doesn't trust girls.
Also, we don't bicker.
@Loktar just use the basic commands (git add -p, git commit, git push/pull)
If my wife hugs me at night when I'm sleeping and I wake up I'm pissed.
and google when you need more
well today they said "do a fetch on the branch"
Do they have an experienced reason?
and im like crap.. idk what a fetch is
I use branch and merge frequently
but here goes!
@Loktar pull is fetch + merge fyi
ahh ok ty
I almost only use pull,push commit and add.
usually they mean pull though
@BenjaminGruenbaum what if I woke you up with a hug? Would you be pissed then?
well there is a fetch button :?
@BenjaminGruenbaum and checkout/merge
idk I need to spend time with it this weekend on my own repo
so I dont jack anything up
@RUJordan not at all.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm not
D'awww! <3
also WHY isnt f5 refresh on the mac????
@FlorianMargaine Yeah, those, but not nearly as much.
my life has been altered by this
@Loktar command r brah
@Loktar hahaha
and f12 isnt the dev console wtff
@FlorianMargaine I'm married way longer than you, I still love my wife very much but I also love my sleep :)
poor you
Command option C brah
@RUJordan HAH thanks man
it had some weird symbol.. not the command symbol
I was like wtf is this key combo even?
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah I guess. Dunno I'll see in a few years but I think sex will never piss me off
@FlorianMargaine oh, sex doesn't piss me off ^^
Sure thing! I think the console varies on hotkeys but I can't remember
yeah looks like command + option(?) + i/j/c
@BenjaminGruenbaum I've had a fiance clean me out (100% of possessions and left me with debt), and the other two longest term gf cheated on me and stole from me. However I still trust my gf more than anyone else :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum oh, I thought that's what you meant.
The thing I'm mostly conflicted about: I can never tell if I just miss the sex or miss the feelings lol
so is option represented by the weird curly ass symbols..
Which symbol?
@Loktar dude, the symbol is on the keyboard
@rlemon DAMNNN WTF
command is the inverted square thing I know with the sqirls on each corner
@RUJordan you probably miss both. The question you need to ask yourself is, with her or in general.
@rlemon I have not heard those stories before [just being an ass here :P]
I cant find this one symbol..
my bet is: in general.
Looking for a job starting Feb. 1. Done here.
@Loktar this one? ⌥
@rlemon 100% correct. She is a cheating whore and I haven't spoken to her since the day I found out.
yes @FlorianMargaine
@Jhawins actively look.
I was just trying to figure out how to print screen so I could show it
@Loktar Chrome Screen Capture
@Loktar cmd + shift + 3
or 4 if you want region screenshot
She has cheated on her fiance twice (she got engaged a week after we broke up after cheating on me and him with another guy, who she cheated on with me and her new fiance), broken up with him twice, and gotten back together. I feel bad for the kid.. he doesn't have a clue
It was literally a love square minus the love LOL
cmd + shift + 3?? wtf
@RUJordan walk away man
lol so crazy
@Loktar he's a Mac user
silly Mac users have silly commands
oooh for a screenshot ok
Don't worry, I've been away from her for 4 month now.
@rlemon yeah man.. its so weird like why isnt f5 refresh?! WHY! :P
the matching symbols
ah thanks man
@RUJordan or bang her mom, either works.
@RUJordan what @rlemon said
Her mom is gross though =x
@Loktar yeah for a screenshot, cmd + shift + 4 is area screenshot
@RUJordan still counts
and her dad is a biker gang president (he loved me though)
ok cool
@RUJordan ever heard the term "take one for the team"?
@BenjaminGruenbaum For sure. I get paid shit and my work is valued right around the same level to a guy who has no idea what I do. The worst kind of boss has got to be the kind that's only even capable of seeing the end result of your work, instead of the effort it takes.
put a mattress in her mother's vaginal cavity and bang her sister on it
heh they said if I still hate mac in a week let them know theyll get me a machine for linux
See I'm usually the one who tells the other guy to take it for the team cause taking it for the team sucks
@Jhawins that's a solid boss - a boss shouldn't care about your effort - just the business value.
but ill be like, I want wndows.
@Loktar at least you are done with IE8 amitire?
Im not even hiding it anymore Im a windows guy
I see the typo, i'm leaving it
@Jhawins not being a dick here - why would your boss being rational care about anything but results?
@BenjaminGruenbaum that's a solid boss, not a solid manager :)
Last time I "took one for the team" I had hickeys on my neck like a dirtbike ran over me
@rlemon psh no.. they have to support 8 here
Never again brah
> amitire

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