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The ignorant, the lazy, or the assholes
/me doesn't drink scotch
but if someone took all my beer out of the fridge... there would be hell to pay
@rlemon imagine someone replaced all your beer with beer with no taste or alcohol
so American beer...
I would kill them
although in honesty, Murican beer being piss water has changed. more and more states carry stronger beers now it seems. Still doesn't taste the same, but it gets you drunk!
Craft beers/microbrews are all the rage these days
@SomeGuy .... I just realized the power of that video. 3 million plus views in < one month.
I'm surprised Budweiser is legally allowed to call itself beer
so I can spend $1000 and buy three peoples groceries and get my website a few hundred thousand hits easily..... fuck... how have I not thought of this before...
@rlemon Yeah, this is just another form of marketing
@Loktar ^^
And there's even Bud Light, right?
it's not beer, it's piss for broke college students to binge drink
Czech Republic produces some great beers
lol nice
all light beers are pisswater
@Shmiddty You taste just like raisin.
my favorites are Creemore and Tyskie
@Loktar I have already suggested it to the boss.
fuck. how much do people spend on ad words in a year... this is making you look like a bauce AND getting you mad traffic
@rlemon You have to note, though, that this channel would get a bunch of views anyway
and for three peoples groceries + the filming you are looking at like what? $1500??
Probably about that much, yeah
@SomeGuy yea but if it is a good video like that, and you got it out on social media... Viral over night.
Not sure about it going viral, but it'd get more hits than a silly advert, yeah
if that were shot amateur like, I don't think it would get as much positive feedback. The professional filming is important
yeah the right people need to see something for it to go viral imo
def luck is involved and a large beginning audience
and if you do your job right, social media can give you those large numbers.
heck, for $1500 it is worth it imo. We spend probably around that on ad words each year
@Loktar I wonder how much it costs to have Takei post something on facebook.
sure they are more qualified leads... but hell for 200K+ hits unqualified i'd be happy
if we can get a Samuel Jackson voice actor in here... 5 million views.. easy...
!!google what does the L in Samuel L Jackson stand for?
What does "B" stand for in "Benoit B. Mandelbrot"?

It stands for "Benoit B. Mandelbrot"
It's funny because recursion.
!!wiki mandelbrot
The Mandelbrot set is a mathematical set of points whose boundary is a distinctive and easily recognizable two-dimensional fractal shape. The set is closely related to Julia sets (which include similarly complex shapes), and is named after the mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot, who studied and popularized it. Mandelbrot set images are made by sampling complex numbers and determining for each whether the result tends towards infinity when a particular mathematical operation is iterated on it. Treating the real and imaginary parts of each number as image coordinates, pixels are colored a...
Not sure if this belongs here but javascript is involved so :
Q: Verify the length of a Label after executing Javascript in UIWebView

ge0rgesTo make this clear I'm going to divide my question. Goal: After executing some Javascript check the a element on the page ONCE. What I've tried: -(IBAction)signin { loginRequest = YES; NSURL *url=[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://www.tapgram.com/login"]; NSURLRequest *request=...

@ge0rges You'd probably have more luck here: chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/26424/ios-android-devs
Socket.io: Is it normal that the client library will give me an error when I don't have a server running?
@Schoening yes? Would you prefer silent failure?
@Schoening it makes some sense
I just found it confusing..
It looked for a long time like it could not find the client library
How is it supposed to work without a server to connect to?
to my anyways
Well, what if I don't connect to the server immediately, then it throws an error. My ocd would dislike that
I just found it odd because Chrome sometimes said: "Failed to load resource"
But nvm
The browser will wait a certain period of time before a request times out.
> Sign in to see more about this product
More than just the picture? Smh
\o/ Graduating won't be as hard as I thought!
step 1) goto class
step 2) buy notes off smart kid
step 3) barely pass exams
step 4) ??? was too drunk
step 5) toss little hat and scream "YaY!"
step 6) pay off student loans until you are 58
I was homeschooled.. And I didn't go to college. Play by play?
step 1: Wake up at 10:30 and go to my desk
step 2: Parents are at work, time to move school into my bed.
step 3: Holy shit I've been sleeping since 11? It's 3pm!
step 4: Guess school time is over ;D
step 5: Fuck. I've skipped the last 2 years of school
step 6: School every day from 9-5, year-round
step 7: Don't even get a real diploma :/
I moved to SF before I finished my degree, turns out some the remaining classes can be done through independent stuff (instead of class schedule)
I suppose I'll have to buy a diploma before I get a new job? Do they ask for your diploma? I've always wondered how it's possible to not be able to get a job because you don't have a diploma.
Yeah.. I had one of those years last year
@Jhawins Nope. Never heard of rejection due to lack of actual paper. Have heard of people faking it and getting fired when found out but that's a bit different
I know my buddy didn't get on at a factory around here because of it. But I don't remember the details. If someone asked for it even if I did have it I'd probably respond with "why?"
I can have it in 3 days if I need it. So I'm not worried about it. Basically all I have to do is call the homeschool organization in my area (used to play ball with the pres/principle's kid) and pay $25.
Homeschooling can get you pretty far honestly. I've basically never actually showed any proof of my schooling, ever. The only standardized tests you have to take are SATs if you go to college and if the university doesn't have there own placement program.
Q: isStraight evaluation function

tomdemuytThe context is the weekend challenge ( poker hand ). Hand.prototype.isStraight = function() { for( var i = 1 ; i < this.cards.length ; i++ ) if( this.cards[i].value + 1 != this.cards[i-1].value ) return false; return true; } cards is a an array with card objects { suit : "x" , va...

I was homeschooled for a little over a year and then my mother couldn't handle me anymore.
about the diploma
I do not have it yet work 7 years as web developer
a month ago I applied for some jobs since I got tired of workign for 4 years at same company
and nobody at the interview asked me about the diploma
I got 3 jobs and had to choose one :)
@SomeKittens My Mom had 10 kids O.o
All between 2-19. Basically 1 every 2 years.
Oldest of 6 here @Jhawins
where do you guys live? 6 and 10 kids wow :) my parents have us 3 brothers and I thought it is not a small number of children :D
@DušanRadojević Long Island, NY for me.
Why is that great?
10 kids in NY
No. 6.
sorry 6
that is great
I do not see why that is "great"
I do not know what to say to that :D
it is for me
ahhh haaa...
anybody worked with phonegap?
Sweet, Hannibal is on netflix
"old dog" here looking to pick up some new tricks, been talking to alot of people about different frameworks, new languages, different web tech, mobile stuff. im sorta interested in the trends, something worth learning that might still be around in 5 minutes. anyone got any favorites? there's no right answer ill probably check all of this stuff out
@Joe Check out Vanilla JS, it is pretty awesome :-D
I'm so frustrated with the quality of code that is being put out here.
@Joe A slightly more serious answer (though qwertynl's answer has some merit), Node.JS is pretty cool and is definitely the "biggest thing in Javascript" in the past few years, in my opinion at least
@Retsam ha your username is master backwards :-) (I just noticed that)
@Joe Try to figure out what your "magic" tolerance is. Some people are turned off by (for example) Rails because it has so much "magic" hidden from the developer. You may feel the same way about Backbone, Angular, Ember, etc. Get a feel for where they lie on that scale.
backbone doesn't do a whole lot for you...
And as such, it would lie on one end of the scale.
@JoeFrambach Part of the "etc." of that list: I really like knockout, and it's fairly low-magic.
Q: Jquery Mobile Logout wrong url

Josh C.So I'm using jQuery mobile and PHP to log out of my website via this code session_start(); session_destroy(); header('location: login.php'); It works in logging me out and taking me to login page, but the url is mysite.com/logout.php instead of mysite.com/login.php and because its a di...

@qwertynl Yeah, funny enough that was sort of accidental. I originally reversed the word "chessmaster" (because I play chess and 'younger me' didn't realize how arrogant that username sounded), and ended up just taking "Retsam" as it was the readable part of Retsamssehc
It wasn't until I had used the name for awhile that I realized that I ended up taking "master spelled backwards"
@Retsam lol. That is pretty funny
mcahsetsesr may have been a good choice as well
Also, Retsam apparently means "aggrivating" in Swedish; so occasionally get people start talking to me in Swedish.
It looks like gibberish
@Retsam id definately agree on the node.js - its on my radar ive done a bit of the hello world stuff very cool
@JoeFrambach interesting way to look at it - ive actually got 0 exposure to Ruby but alot of my coworkers have a very negative feel for it. and as such its never gotten to my plate.. yet but i think ill be changing that
Rails, not Ruby itself.
Ruby is a cool language, and Rails shouldn't give you a distaste for Ruby
Is passing more than one parameter to window.alert an error in the syntax of alert?
It's not a syntax error. alert is a function, functions can accept any number of arguments. alert just only uses arguments [0]. It's not like if (arguments.length > 1) throw new SyntaxError ("...")C5H8NNaO4 20 mins ago
@C5H8NNaO4 Hey, MSG. I'll stand by syntax error, since I explained why it's not throwing one. It is still an error in the syntax of alert, even if the browser's compiler doesn't catch it. — Scott Mermelstein 8 mins ago
Maybe he refers to a JIT compiler?
Learning node.js - I'm wary of these tutorials though. What's the best tutorial I should follow in terms of not just copy and pasting what they say, but actually learn what and why is happening?
I wouldn't call that an error at all TBH
[1,2,3].map(parseInt) does exactly what it's told to do.
(for example)
@RUJordan any chance you have access to Lynda.com account? havent checked specifically for node.js - but they have some great programming content. and if you could some how find a way to get access id say it would be worth checking out
Yes, thats what i would say too. I just commented the steps described at w3.org
Hey :) Still, the only points the WebAPI specification describes are 1. If the event loop's termination nesting level is non-zero, optionally abort these steps. 2. Release the storage mutex. 3. Optionally, abort these steps 4. Show the given message to the user. 5.Optionally, pause while waiting for the user to acknowledge the message. I don't see where this should be an error in the syntax of alert. — C5H8NNaO4 6 mins ago
I have an account through work but the credentials are stored on a local server so at the moment I have no access
I am not used to the new MDN design...
Too bright.
@qwertynl, just came here to complain about the very same thing... LOL
@gdoron haha It is terrible.
I have just encountered with the new HTML 5 <time> element. Is it useful for something at the moment?
@gdoron I do not get what it is supposed to do
Ewww. When did my Chrome update? The Dev Tools are a bit confusing now...
I like some of the features of HTML 5 but some are just foolish.
@gdoron That may be
@qwe what version? what was changed?
Actually I think the same for <aside> <header> and all those <div>ish elements... What do you think?
@gdoron Google Chrome 31.0.1650.57 (Official Build 235101) m
They changed the right side of the window when viewing an element
It now has tabs.
It used to be all in one place
O.K. Cool, I like it! where is the damn button when you really need it!!!
@gdoron The what button?
What is the "damn button"?
I am confused. But ok.
@Shmiddty 75 :)
@qwe God bless your management!
@gdoron I do not have access to that site @ my office
@gdoron eh?
I love when HB adds more games after I already purchased the bundle. Those emails are like surprise presents.
@nderscore regexp?
Something went wrong with my browser
BRB, it started doing what it wants.
When I run node main.js on my terminal and open up localhost:8080, nothing loads. What causes that?
@gdoron FYI, I misread your name wrong the first time.. So from now on you are just "Gordon"
@rlemon, You're not the first... nor the last I believe.
@Shmiddty same method. threw it all in one loop. then, I changed one small piece that saved a byte. (hint: xor the variable where you're storing the current index at the end of the loop)
@rlemon, but it is fine, I have a twin brother, I got used to "Hey <my brother name>" shouts long time ago... :)
If g is your first initial, you should totes change it to Gordon. Gordon doron
@rlemon Doron is his first name.
Yay hebrew!
Yea.. Well.. Then don't put it last. Rlemon === robert lemon. My name (f u mobile)
Loktar === Larry Oktar
qwertyn l
Figure that one out @rlemon
@rlemon, Mister, that's my nickname since I was like 8-9, I'm not gonna change that just because a lemon dude.
Quinton Wertynl
@rlemon Israeli's read right to left, So: Doron G
!!> "123123".match(new RegExp("123","g")).length
@JoeFrambach 2
!!> "1111".match(new RegExp("111","g")).length
@JoeFrambach 1
Gordon Gordon Gordon... Do you even lift?
O.K. Second time now, my screen goes white and then slide top to bottom. Is this a new feature or what?!
@Q I'm not in israel
@gdoron on mobile?
@rlemon but he is, maybe he just doesn't know any better
@gdoron I'm assuming you're running OSX?
And I'm not spelling your name on mobile. F that.
Nope PC
No, he's on the internet!
haha. Which is nowhere, and EVERYWHERE, right @rlemon ?
I had the same issue but it seemed only replicatible on OSX
It is the lamas pyjamas
@gdoron You have any random SO plugins running?
Adblock if it counts
Go incognito and see if it happens
How can I get javascript to give me the correct number of occurrences of a substring in a string? "111" occurs in "1111" twice, not once.
dunno then. Sorry
@rlemon, I wanted to show your loading CSS3 animation to a friend today but I lost track of the link, can you give the URL again please?
@Joe, what's the need for that?
Hrm... No
Anyways good night people!
That's wrong
@qwertynl, good night bro.
@JoeFrambach If possible, I'd say avoid built-in Javascript Regex...
Gdoron codepen.io/rlemon
Sorry I'm on mobile. Links are hurd
It just seems like there's too many random pitfalls.
@gdoron I'm working on golf.shinh.org/p.rb?Bit+Grid Trying some different approaches
Damn it happen again!
oh shit people beat my score on that one!?
!!>re = /12/g; string="123"; console.log(re.test(string)); console.log(re.test(string))
@Retsam "undefined" Logged: true,false
oh, clock already was beating me. nevermind. XD
Yay for hidden states on method calls for seemingly static objects...
for(c=0;r=c?r:readline(i=0);putstr(c||'\n'))c=r[i=1+(r+r).indexOf(c,++i)%52] is what I have
neither of the two solutions I have saved is my best solution o_0
@Shmiddty Did you get my message for the other problem?
See, I'm already sketched on this tutorial.. my page was blank because I needed to put request.resume() and the tutorial didn't cover that =x
@JoeFrambach I don't think so
For Jump Letters hastebin.com/lekiyahahe.rb
I think you just posted your solution for that one
this was my 76 solution: for(c=0;a=c?a:readline(b=0);putstr(c||'\n'))b=(a+a).indexOf(c=a[b++],b)%52+1
@rlemon, I mailed it to a friend bragging he knows CSS 3 animation... :)
I took an entirely different approach than both of you for 78 chars
looks familiar :p
5th time noW
With a capital W!
@JoeFrambach that doesn't work :p
It just did
oh I was looking at the wrong problem
If I wanted to show y'all my node project, would I just give you the URL [my ip address]:[port]?
@RUJordan yes
That's so cool, much easier than running a PHP server
@RUJordan Some people host their websites by running node in screen or tmux with the server pointing at :80
Those people are asking for trouble.
Go on?
Doesn't php also have a built-in server?
alrighty, freedom time
I just accidentally bananas
Why are they asking for trouble by hosting on point 80?
oh shit
good job
No they're asking for trouble by running it as a normal user in a long-running session, rather than running it as a disabled-login user with no permissions
Ah, I'm not sure what that means
I am new to phonegap and have some project where need to build frontend gui so I have imported the project (it is based on angularjs btw) and tried to run it but it say project.apk is missing how can I build .apk I really do not know eclipse much...
how did this get an upvote???
@Shmiddty yum
@Doorknob, Downvote squad, go go go!
@gdoron :P Now two upvotes???
Well... SO is rotten, we all know it...
@Doorknob, I flagged the answer.

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