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you lost me there
someMethod.fetch ({some: "property"}).then (function () {
   //Some synchronous success function, returning nothing
}).then (function () {
   //Another synchronouse success function, returning an object
   return {a:"b"}
}).then (
    someMethod.later({some: "property"})    //Asynchronous promise returning function
).then ( function () {
    console.log (arguments); //What arguments am i supposed to pass to the fulfill functions of chained promises?
    //1. [previousResult, currentResult]
    //2. [currentResult]
@FlorianMargaine I don't know of a way to do requestAnimationFrame every 80ms (explicitly) without using setTimeout()
why are you using rAF then?
for smoothing
just use setTimeout since your delay is 80ms, not anything else
(Whoops, deleted) What combination of arguments am I supposed to pass to chained promises onFulfill functions?
rAF is when you want to draw for 60 fps -- or the best the computer can do
you just want to draw every 80ms, use setTimeout
someMethod.fetch ({some: "property"}).then (function () {
   //Some synchronous success function, returning nothing
}).then (function () {
   //Another synchronouse success function, returning an object
   return {a:"b"}
}).then (
    someMethod.later({some: "property"})    //Asynchronous promise returning function
).then ( function () {
    console.log (arguments); //What arguments am i supposed to pass to the fulfill functions of chained promises?
    //1. [previousResult, currentResult]
    //2. [currentResult]
oh dear :-/
@AbhishekHingnikar :P What's the matter ?
if all your functions are synchronous why cant u just do
someMethod.fetch({ some:"property" }).then(function(){
    firstFunction(); // see returns nothing
    var value = secondFunction(); // see returns something
    thirdFunction(); // see returns nothing still !
That's not the point, i'm not using the promises, i'm just implementing them, and i don't know what combination of arguments to pass to the chained success functions

You could imagine them to be asynchronous functions too, that was just a stupid example

@balpha care commenting on this?
@C5H8NNaO4 then just gives the result of the previous promise, nothing else
why don't u read the docs of bluebird then ? iirc @Esliaja documented it amazingly
@C5H8NNaO4 arguments is [undefined] here (not an array but an arguments object with length 1 containing undefined only.
Since the last .then does not explicitly return anything.
@FlorianMargaine @connorspiracist This works :
<!DOCTYPE html>
	<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
	<meta charset="UTF-8"/>
  	<link rel="icon"  type="image/png" href="../favicon.png"/>
	<link type="text/css" href="lib/jquery/smoothness/jquery-ui-1.9.2.custom.css" rel="stylesheet" />
	<script charset="UTF-8" src="myApp_skin.js?v=5"></script>
    <title>my title</title>
	<div id=splash></div>
	window.onload = function(){
		var scripts = [
@C5H8NNaO4 you're probably looking for functions like spread()
@dystroy Glad you've got it sorted :)
@connorspiracist It doesn't even seem to be slowing the page, but including this in my production tool chain (with minifcation and so on) will be a little painful...
Cool, thanks, that's what i wanted to now. @FlorianMargaine @AbhishekHingnikar

@Benjamin, the last .then returns a promise, ain't I'm supposed to pass the result of that promise to the fulfill function?
github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/blob/master/API.md read the whole page... it will teach you a lot about promises
@dystroy img.onload won't work?
@C5H8NNaO4 when you return a promise from .then it continues when that promise resolves. Otherwise it resolves immediately with the return value.
@connorspiracist The image is set in css. Why would I use img.onload ? By the way, there's nothing else in my page apart the splash and the scripts
@BenjaminGruenbaum out of context but which phone do you use ?
@AbhishekHingnikar iPhone quite ovbiously
Hey, I am using KinecticJS to make a mspaint like application, but when I am trying to switch tools(Lines, Rectangles, etc) it calls the start method of that tool without clicking the canvas. I use a switch to determine what tool is used when clicking on the canvas.
@dystroy Did you try setting the image inline?
@AbhishekHingnikar hate the company - love the phone.
@connorspiracist Yes, I had tried. The scripts were still loaded before the page was rendered.
@Benjamin, Right, and when it continues, it passes the result from the resolved promise to the next .then's onFulfill function?
@dystroy does it have to be set in css?
@C5H8NNaO4 unless it throws in which case it passes to onReject - there is also progress which we ignore here but meh.
@connorspiracist It's the same if the image is directly in the page (I tried). It looks like the browser really wants to load the script before it renders the page.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Cool, thanks!
That's actually pretty straightforward :)
Yeah it is.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hahaha
I switched away :-( my 4s died
which was a shocker ! ... i didn't expect it to die in ~ 2 years of usage :-/
hiii everyone ..i m facing problem in jquery $.ajax() method..can anyone help..??
@AbhishekHingnikar lol 2 years of usage is a lot
!!wellcome W00di
thanks @connorspiracist
!!welcome W00di
@W00di Just ask your question
@rlemon plz fix teh bot.
Hello @BenjaminGruenbaum
@BenjaminGruenbaum What tool are you using to scrape multiple web pages?
@Joe Usually C# + CsQuery or Node+Request+Cheerio. Or Selenium if shit is real.
@BenjaminGruenbaum So you write a single piece of code that can scrape thousands of web pages at once?
Usually you can't because you're I/O bound, you can if you're behind a botnet though
@BenjaminGruenbaum I've managed to navigate my way to get to the raw data being shown from the API, now i would like to fetch that data (which is displayed as "per page" URLs).
how to get the response json string from $.ajax() method
You look it up in the documentation
@copy problem solved..
Thanks for the info. Keep us up-to-date
I just brushed my teeth. Next I'll do my laundry
Why does the KineticJS .on() method calls it self when I assign it to the shape?
@W00di I answered a question about that in SO and the ohter answer there is even better - check out my answers.
Now we can't delete it for a while :/
Hii, I have problem .... here i have used tinyscrollbar for following code. so here i write scroll event for the tinyscrollbar but it is not working . can you help me ?
plz see the example
Q: Socket.io listener with many categorized events

Lame-up-duckGood day to all of you. I'm here to ask an hint from you. I wrote a web application in a RHOK event but I want to know if the way I done, is the best one. My question is about server side and here's the point. Each client that connects, causes this: client = new RestClient(socket, function(clie...

@Loktar how much does zg.net earn you per month?
hello guys
anybody with mac OS?
I need CMD key keycode in Safari...
since I am using jquery I have tried that universal keycode for CTRL but it looks like it does not work.
@DušanRadojević CMD is metaKey
@FlorianMargaine More than $300/mo, evidently
@SomeGuy thanks captain
@DušanRadojević Doesn't if (e.ctrlKey) { work ?
this is why I'm asking :P
@dystroy no, it's e.metaKey
the resource for this stuff: unixpapa.com/js/key.html
e.ctrlKey failed
I will try this
if(e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey || e.keyCode == 17 || e.keyCode == 81){
hope it will not cause some conflict
since in windows CTRL is 17
and I have found CMD on mac is 81
you're doing something wrong
anyway, metaKey is the windows key on windows
I just need to make it catch both CTRL on win and CMD on mac
that will not do any damage
I am making multi select on CTRL + click
so it will not hurt if it works on also windows key + click :D
but it looks like 81 on win is letter "q"
@DušanRadojević read this unixpapa.com/js/key.html
need some assistance about activex in Javascript
How do I find the no of used rows in an excel sheet which is opened using activex object
Oh, there's a new room?
@PavanKumar wouldn't using activex seriously limit your options to IE only?
room topic changed to JavaScript: Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules(rules.javascriptroom.com). Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. [angry-rainbow-unicorns] [consistency-of-suckiness] [ecmascript] [javascript] [ptsd-slides]
@kanuj : Yes, I use this only on IE..
Its a specific purpose.
Btw, anyone here able to recommend a good (free) 3-way merge tool? Was using semanticmerge, but I'm too much of a cheapskate to register it.
@Kippie meld perhaps?
@kanuj I thought meld had some issues on Windows. Also, doesn't it require a python interpreter to be installed?
@Kippie used it on ubuntu, was shipped by default..
it's not much of a feature monster but it's free and gets the job done
True, but as I'm currently on a windows-machine, I'm afraid it's probably not the best option for me. Thanks, though
Excess of "funny" tags and verbose description take the place of starred chat messages on the right. This isn't friendly to small screens.
I can only see 4 stars...
Yes, I'm only able to see 3 stars
Can we at least clean the "funny" tags out ?
(or all of them, the other ones are obvious)
@dystroy why?
That causes some slides to suffer from PTSD and if they want to come and talk about it I'm all for it.
room topic changed to JavaScript: Please review the room pseudo-rules. Don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. (no tags)
Fine, a sec
I saved the old info, I can revert if necessary
oh, you already did it.
Let's just add JavaScript?
room topic changed to JavaScript: Please review the room pseudo-rules. (rules.javascriptroom.com). Don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. (no tags)
room topic changed to JavaScript: Please review the room pseudo-rules :rules.javascriptroom.com. Don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. (no tags)
I was ok with the rules link being a link - I think it was better off
It's not possible to add named markdown style links in the description ?
room topic changed to JavaScript: Please review the room pseudo-rules: rules.javascriptroom.com. Don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. (no tags)
What are the tags useful for ?
People who search, I'd guess?
Like for ecmascript or jQuery or something
Don't think we really need them, though
@dystroy gives a vague description of what the room is about
@FlorianMargaine Do we really need a tag to let people know that the "JavaScript" chatroom is about JavaScript?
@Kippie they may not know it's about ecmascript.
but I'm not especially defending them.
I'm sure that any developer who knows what ecmascript is will realize he could just as well ask his questions here
the ecmascript tag also means that people can talk about AS3/4
Yeah, I know. I can see how they serve a purpose for obscure rooms like "♦ Smart Developers'", but here they don't really serve a purpose
They can?
well shit.
well, AS is an ecmascript language...
so is JScript
Okay, but seeing as javascript is a superset of ecmascript, it's logical that a room named javascript would also include ecmascript. AS isn't the same link, though.
Though I haven't really done any flash development in at least 8 years, so I can't really say how much it deviates from it now.
posted on December 09, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Christmas store deadline approaches!

posted on December 09, 2013 by addyosmani

How to access a complete terminal from inside the Chrome Developer Tools

@Kippie JS is a superset of EcmaScript?
Ecmascript includes the following: JavaScript, JScript, ActionScript
EcmaScriptis a standard?
> While both JavaScript and JScript aim to be compatible with ECMAScript, they also provide additional features not described in the ECMA specifications
and javascript implements it, right?
but even wikipedia says "citation needed" on that
@RonniSkansing kinda
i have always understood it that way
each comp with own shitty api
make standard
inforce in native
@RonniSkansing Yep, that's how it is
@SomeGuy yea, thanks for confirming it
@SomeGuy how is JavaScript not a superset?
!!define superset
Where the heck is C6?
!!You there?
> superset: a set that includes another set or sets.
exactly. It includes ecmascript, which is the base
Furthermore, it expands on it.
ECMAScript is the language, in the whole, JavaScript is an implementation with additions
Well, that's a fair point
@SomeGuy so JS is a superset kinda
Just like how TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript
Yeah, makes sense that way. Feels wrong, though
Feels good, man.
Anyway, the point I was trying to make earlier was that, given that this room is about JavaScript, and ecma is basically contained within JS, it would also serve as a platform for questions about it.
However, seeing as how AS is a different implementation of ecma, but isn't directly included inside JavaScript, it seemed odd to me that it would also be served here
When saying ECMA, you could talk about any of the implementations, including JScript and ActionScript
JScript may be on-topic here, kind of
AS, not really
it specifically was when I got there though
mostly because mattmcdonald knew quite a lot about it I guess
i'm dutch so sorry for my english
i have a question

This is the JS code i'm using:

var nav = $('#menu2');

$(window).scroll(function () {
if ($(this).scrollTop() > 90) {
} else {

But i can't seem to get this into my code.

function checkWidth(init){
/*If browser resized, check width again */
if ($(window).width() < 514) {
else {
if (!init) {
}}}$(document).ready(function() {
Q: Jquery, Remove class when width screen is 1050px

DionohThis is the JS code i'm using: $("document").ready(function($){ var nav = $('#menu2'); $(window).scroll(function () { if ($(this).scrollTop() > 90) { nav.addClass("f-nav"); } else { nav.removeClass("f-nav"); } }); But i can't seem to get this into my code. functio...

i cant use Meadia query cause desktop and responsive menu are in the same div #menu2
you can not use media queries because what?
Because what i want is this:
Well i want this: when i am at the top and screen is bigger than 1050px f-nav is not added but when i am scrolled down and screen is bigger than 1050px it has to bee added. and when the screen is scrolled down en made smaller than 1050px is has to be removed. but wjhen screen is at top and made smaller than 1050px nothing will be removed cause nothing is added.
that's my problem
@SomeKittens You never finished making this! twitter.com/SOJSChat
@rlemon The bot is ded.
RIP Caprica
May she and her awesome boobs rest in peace
!!awsm boobs
But no one can help me with this?
@Dionoh if they scroll down, and resize, you want it to change?
@Dionoh in which user case does such a thing happen?
@Ronni Skansing none but i want to make a menu for desktop that is fixed to the top. but when i resize the screen it has to be removed.
okay, but what does this has to do with scrolling?
@AbhishekHingnikar Link? Or are you not allowed to share the work?
it sounds like you are doing something that aint quite a nice solution
!!you up? BABY NO!!
@Ronni Skansing

top not scrolled, screen width >1050= no class added
scrolled 90px down screen >1050 = class added

when screen is<1050 class wont be add cause that's not neccesary

You now what i mean?
Is there a reason Caprica is dead?
@Dionoh formatting please. Press CTRL+K before sending or use a copy/paste service
@BadgerGirl werkin
sorry first time here
and instead of pasting your code (im not going to go trough it) tell me what error you have or what did not go as expected.
@RyanKinal I can only imagine what @rlemon has her doing instead....
@Ronni Skansing

there is no error but i have the problem that i have found two types of effects but i want to make them work together
@Jhawins lol
Ugh. 4224 files in this repository. I wonder what the "actually used" ratio is.
This is no laughing matter. Haven't you heard of the abomination of Robo-Sexuality?
!!youtube robosexuality Oh yeah...
@RonniSkansing this is the title of my question on stack overflow:

Different than Jquery, Remove class when width screen is 1050px
It's amazing how much we depend on Caprica.
We've gotten too dependent Y U SO FAST?
Yes. Now I have no idea how to show you that video.
I can't think of a way either
Maybe we can keep pinging rlemon till her brings Caprica back
her absence needs to stop (hammer time)
She's in the room, she's just... dead
@rlemon @rlemon @rlemon @rlemon @rlemon @rlemon
Don't do that
We'll just have to do without for a while
I will do that
I don't like @rlemon, and he doesn't like me.
Yeah someone of us has to respond to all commands manually
Except now I can talk about my eyes
Wasn't the eyes listener taken out anyway?
Or did nobody get around to it?
Only temporarily
!!s/.?*/@rlemon ping spam - stop touching her!/g
I would totally do that if I could..
.?* isn't valid, is it?
I can't even remember if it's .*? or .?* right now. Thankfully it doesn't matter.
Something in there has to be escaped...
well, your mom can't.
Nah. It will work.
Just . would do it
.*? any amount of characters, as few as possible
It will work!! If you believe!
I believe I can fly
.?* is invalid regex
@JanDvorak oh, that means infinite loop, right?
Oh! Heh... I forgot about the alternate use of the question mark
it's /.*?/
Where is the difference between .* and .*? does it make it non greedy ?
I was reading it as "0 or 1"
Yes. It's .*? but no one is actually worried about it. It was ajoke :P
@FlorianMargaine Now try believing that you're rich and can get a flight ticket whenever you want to fly.
@Shmiddty She dead. Or being taken advantage of. We're not sure yet.
googling "I believe I can fly" leads to bizarre results.
hi there
can ask you guys some JS question regarding data structures?
!!welcome eran
oh wait
@Jhawins Or.... BOTH!?!?
Yeah we're having issues.
!!brb way home
@RyanKinal Hopefully.
so... can I?
@EranBetzalel Yes.
(I miss Caprica... and the auto-welcome)
say I want to represent a Room in a chat of some sort...
@EranBetzalel Don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@C5H8NNaO4 ok, got it
I can represent it with and without a name
var rooms = { lobby: {...} };


var rooms = [ {name: 'Lobby'} ];
How would I know which data structure is suitable for the job?
Well, the big difference is array vs. object.
I'm a well expirienced programmer when it comes to C# but I understood that JS is working differently... so..
The first being an object, the second being an array
@RyanKinal right, for me, one is an array and the other is dictionary
are there any standard thumb rules for that?
I guess it depends on use-case. Access will be easier (and faster) with an object (access by name, at least).
@RyanKinal "faster" depends on a lot of things
Well, true. But it will be faster than iterating over the array to find the room with the name you need.
If you need to sort the rooms, the array will be preferable - arrays are ordered, objects are not
@RyanKinal good point taken, ok.
For a chat room, I'd probably go with the object.
the issue here is how to get its name.
You could use the name as the key, as well as a property of the object.
String[] myStringArray = new String[3];
But what kind of issue are you having getting the name?
@RyanKinal hmmm... is this a standard and acceptable use?
@EranBetzalel There aren't many standards honestly.
"Acceptable" in JavaScript is often a matter of opinion.
Basically, if it works, and there's not another clearly better solution, it's probably ok.
hmmm.... ok
Which is why I love JS compared to other languages. Just make it work and don't be stupid, those are the rules of a JS developer.
JavaScript is like the wild west of programming languages.
(Said by a lowClass JS developer, don't take advice from me) :P
@EranBetzalel Well, you've used that way to start with
var rooms = { lobby: {...} };
@connorspiracist He was asking about the advantages of each method.
He mentioned both.
@connorspiracist so I'm thinking of changing it to: var rooms = { lobby: { name:'lobby', ...} };
!!should I spend $180/each on tires and be happy/go mudding or spend $130 and buy something else with the extra money?
@EranBetzalel Well, you could do, but you will always have the name of the room in hand anyway, to be able to get it.
With no bot to answer my question... I'll be stuck in limbo indefinitely.
@EranBetzalel What, exactly, is the difficulty you're having with getting names?
@RyanKinal Yeah, look at the reply message
@EranBetzalel rooms.lobby === { name: 'lobby', ...} // true
Sometimes I give a room object ref to other objects...
so the property name will be lost in that case
So, I got it, I'll use a "data duplication" for that one.
@EranBetzalel Ah. Yeah.
well then, thank you very much for your help :)
have a good one.
No problem.
You too
@EranBetzalel Thanks for a decent question and good manners, very unusual i must say
Q: Compose in Javascript - Go ahead with this example?

Luiz FernandoI'm trying to use the good parts of Javascript and dont follow the classical inheritance. I studied and created this example of compose in Javascript, https://gist.github.com/fernandoperigolo/7789866. My question is. You think this example have a good implementations of composition? Can i go ahe...

@connorspiracist sure, thanks
@Shea I think this whole "racism" thing has gone way to far, it seems every single race on the planet use it to their own advantages.
Hey, just because your name is "connor spi racist"...
You misspelled "spy", btw
@RyanKinal I think that was supposed to be a combination of words "conspiracy" and "racist". Like "breakfast" and "lunch", except not.
I'm curious if any of this is applicable to V8 or SpiderMonkey gameprogrammingpatterns.com/…
@RyanKinal No, you misread it. It's "connor's pi racist"
Ooooh! That makes more sense.
@RyanKinal @KendallFrey @Neil thefreedictionary.com/conspiracists
I don't know, man. Still a little suspicious.

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