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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

@zirak @somekittens @rlemon @octavien artzub.com/ghv/#repo=SO-ChatBot&climit=100&user=Zirak
@Shmiddty Zirak is afk: flying meatballs
@Shmiddty Where were you?
So I'm looking at a stylesheet with a declaration like this:
`padding: 20px\9;`
What's with the \9?
\9 is a css hack to target msie789
padding 20px will be applied only to those 3
@Wesabi Figured as much, just never seen it done like that before
the good way today is to have ie-specific css files
or ie-specific classes
@FlorianMargaine Yeah, that's how I usually do it
1 hour later…
!!afk messing with monads
@Qantas94Heavy Just go already!
1 hour later…
table tennis
Q: How can I change neighbor ip address?

Kubilay KanlıI am using now dial up connection (3G+). How can I change neighbor ip address on windows. capture here: http://s2.postimg.org/9yp8rr50n/dgdfvb.jpg

@copy sex?
@m59 You can actually force a new IP address by disconnecting someone with his ISP
@BadgerGirl Pizza?
@copy lolzzzzz
@Jandy you bought a 5s ?
1 hour later…
@Qantas94Heavy Why would anyone be "messing with monads" :P?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Qantas94Heavy is afk: messing with monads
Replying to an afk message should not show the afk message again - that's teh silly.
What does "assogaling" mean?
1 hour later…
@BenjaminGruenbaum \o
@mikedidthis Bet you didn't know about this en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy_of_Thailand
They have a king!
@SomeGuy Zirak is afk: flying meatballs
Is he afk because of flying meatballs, or is he out flying meatballs? I just don't know.
Q: Trying to procedurally create a universe

CaimenBasically I'm trying to do something like Dwarf Fortress style world generation and compute a history of a small universe as an experiment all in javascript. I have some of the basics setup now and would like to know if anyone has any tips on what I should re-do or think about for the future. I...

Hi Guys
I need a help
$5 a help
$free a help :)
you are not in a commercial room
all of us working on help each other
@uzaky sorry bro, gave away my last help only 5 minutes ago.
Q: Choosing the correct project structure

n0ideaI might be asking some broad questions about the different approaches to deal with the below mentioned issue but until now I'm not sure which approach I should go on with. Basically, we are going to work on something like stackexchange network but for a different purpose (not QA). We have a mai...

Q: read a file and write it in matrix form

rami want to read a file which contains data given below and write some values in the matrix form 0 1 1 2 3 4 i want to write the last 3 values in each line as a 1*4 matrix like given below: 1 2 3 4 i also want to name the matrix as R and use it for matrix multiplications

Why is webstorm suggesting me to split declaration and initialization of variables?
Because Murica
is this fine is you replace all ; with line returns, chrome wouldn't complain at least
While that is likely to work in most cases, please don't use the horrible ASI.
There are cases where the code will break without semicolons
A: Do you recommend using semicolons after every statement in JavaScript?

anonAn ambiguous case that breaks in the absence of a semicolon: // define a function var fn = function () { //... } // semicolon missing at this line // then execute some code inside a closure (function () { //... })(); This will be interpreted as: var fn = function () { //... }(fun...

@ThiefMaster "it's not a bug, it's a feature", huh
posted on December 08, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Last day to get a Gulpo decal!

!!> "Hey, it's me. Have you arrived safely" or "Hey, it's me ^_^ Are you home yet?"
@EnglishMaster "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
Son of a
!!> "Hey_It's_me._Wasn't_it_cold_outside?" or "Hey,_it's_me_^_^_Are_you_home_yet?"
@EnglishMaster "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
Phucking 'a'
!!> Hi or Hello
@EnglishMaster "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
You are breaking my balls
!!choose hi or hey
@EnglishMaster "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
@EnglishMaster Deprecated command - use the weasel (should I ... or ...)
(The Big Bang Theory's character Raj may very well have that, as opposed to simple anxiety issues as most people believe)
(They are correlated, but the cause isn't necessarily that)
Phuck, it's already been 2 years since I've become a member of SO
!!should I "Pick up trashes on train" or "Answer a question on SO"
@EnglishMaster You should "Pick up trashes on train"
!!should I "let elders sit on my chair" or "Answer a question on SO"
@EnglishMaster You should "let elders sit on my chair"
Any git gurus here? I'm working on a group project at uni and I'm the only person that has any version control knowledge but I'm kinda stuck. I made some massive code file structure changes (moved to MVC style) so decided to force push the changes I made as I thought all the old files would be removed. I was wrong so we now we have older file versions on the remote (GitHub) as well as the new ones. How do I remove these? My local repo is the exact version that I want pushed online.
@JoelMurphy git commit accepts a flag to commit deletions as well. Please check the manual for git commit.
You should be on Skype with everyone else while they are working and tell them "Yo mate, I'm about to push, so don't do anything for 5 minutes"
And he will be like "K mate, just do it quickly"
!!should I "In 15 minutes" or "In 30 minutes"
@EnglishMaster You should "In 15 minutes"
Ok, thx
you are good at reading my mind
or you are always choosing left ones
@JanDvorak That's just what I wanted to hear. Thanks for the heads up, I will read the docs now.
You should use BitBucket
And write cool Wikiepedia page on your on then whenever people tease you for doing less work, you can tell them "I wrote Wikipedia page, you know?"
Your team member: "You've commited only once in a month, what happened?"
You: "I wrote an extremely useful Wikipedia page for the team"
Team members: "Ohhh"
@EnglishMaster Yeah you're right about the skype thing. It's hard to communicate with everyone though. Thing is, nobody really knows git that well atm. I'm gonna try teach them the basics next time we have a meeting. I decided to just lead the role of setting up our project code structure as everyone was just pushing stuff into master and things were getting messy. Now we're following an MVC pattern it should be easier to work on the entire project as we can all push to separate branches :)
@EnglishMaster You mean a Wiki, not a Wikipedia page
What's wrong with just pushing stuff into master?
A wiki ( ) is usually a web application which allows people to add, modify, or delete content in a collaboration with others. Text is usually written using a simplified markup language or a rich-text editor. While a wiki is a type of content management system, it differs from a blog or most other such systems in that the content is created without any defined owner or leader, and wikis have little implicit structure, allowing structure to emerge according to the needs of the users. The encyclopedia project Wikipedia is the most popular wiki on the public web in terms of page view...
Yeah, Wiki
If your teacher asked you to write a report about your MVC architecutre. Make sure to put a diagram. Make it look slightly complicated but understandable (Don't just put 3 squares, which are Model View Controller and a stick connecting them)
Yes fixed the repo with git add -u . :) Thanks guys!
I will write a wiki now ;)
Yeah I'm planning on doing that later on
It's a bit strange as we've had no guidance with any of this stuff yet, I just know a bit about it from previous experiences with working on my own projects
My school taught us how to use SVN and I felt like they've been living under a rock. So I told my team to use Git
and introduced them to Bitbucket because it's free
!!should I "Forget everything and wait" or "kill myself because I sounded like a stalker or hoxxny guy"
@EnglishMaster You should "Forget everything and wait"
@EnglishMaster "kill myself because I sounded like a stalker
What mistake did you make?
@SomeGuy he's stalking someone, apparently
Gosh, I am not. Ok?
@EnglishMaster that's what all stalkers say
That does sound creepy
Unless she's mentioned that she'll be out late or something specific
In that case you can just pretend like you know because she told you, and not because you're stalking her
Phuck, it was calculated time, ok?
And you're calculating the time so you know not to waste time stalking her when she's not around
Ok, I should've said something much simpler like "Hey"
Or "Hi
Hahaha, why are you doomed?
Phucking 'a'
I need to sleep
Afternoon All
I'm just more convinced you're a stalker now, you know
She doesn't even have your phone number stored
Also, quit deleting everything you say
Make a different anonymous account if you don't want it connected with your current account
Hello everyone,
I was wondering if someone can help me with an issue I am having with PhantomJS and Javascript
phuck, Some guy, do you even.. gosh. How old are you anyways?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Time is up.
Anyone ?
@EnglishMaster I turn 92 next month
@victory Depends on the issue. What's the problem?
@victory ask
@EnglishMaster Was that a tic?
@SomeGuy @connorspiracist I need to View Sourcepage. but it gives me the page with Iframes. I need the source page to have the source of the Iframe too. I am using JS on PhantomJS engine
Do you see the source of iframes in the source of a page?
You're not going to see it there either
Unless you modify the source yourself
You probably could do that
I dont have access to page. I making a Script that take Info from page and save it to a text file
I can see it normally when I open it from browser
but in Source, I see Iframe
so I need to get the source of Iframe so I make my JS code to Capture what i need and save it
the problem is I cant access the page directly its protected. the only way is to view it by the hosting page itself
so there is no way I can open the Iframe myself and See the code. I will get "Unauthorised User"
You can most likely send the apt HTTP headers to pretend like you're from that website
well i need Referer and Cookies, I am looking for more easy way
to get Source from Iframe
like in Chrome I can see all elements for eample
That's because Chrome built the page by getting the source from the iframe
You can't get the source from the iframe without getting the source!
in PhantomJS I Can render the Page as a Picture. when I open the page with Iframe. I can see all elements loaded. but when I view source I see the Iframe
so basically phantomJS see the code already, but there is no function that can give me the option to view the Code in PhantomJS API
In that case, you can try getting the source after the page is done loading and editing itself, maybe?
get source from Phantom ? I get the Iframe. which is not what I want. Even if you try to get Source on any browser like chrome. you will see Iframe
Unless you expect Element
Inspect Element*
there is no Inspect element option in Phantom. so I need a JS code to get all elements loaded. I wont Execute any Function or Inject JS. All i need is to read text in Webpage
Q: Spying activities of another user

user3080085I want to write page, which enables spying activity of another user. Two users watches the same page, which is very simple (vertical scrollbar, inputs, buttons, checboxes...). Each actions performed by first user on his page is immediately seen for second user. For example, if first user clicks ...

@victory Yeah, that makes sense. Not sure what you can do
@rlemon Hahahaha
> (My friend asked similar question, but there are only few answers)
a.k.a the account I used before this which was question banned
So I happened to see one of the related questions, and well, SO is insane
Q: How can I check if one string contains another substring in JavaScript?

grammHow can I check if one string contains another substring in JavaScript? Usually I would expect a String.contains() method, but there doesn't seem to be one.

This is back from 2009
Is that so far behind for that to be a legit question?
@rlemon I just answered your question for you
@JoelMurphy That's not his question
Oh now I realise this :')
Haha sorry
We often make fun of the horrible questions that get asked here. That was one of them
@victory I think you should try using a setTimeout to show the source of the page
Q: Rendering a javascript webpage page with phantomjs

TanviI am trying to render a a javascript evaluated source code from a website using phantomjs. But every time I try i only get the source code as is (similar to view source from the browser). What I actually want is the javascript evaluated code (what we see from inspect element from google chrome br...

That's the creator's answer, so he's pretty darned likely to be correct
And I believe that there is an event that fires when the page has been loaded, so you can probably just use that too
@SomeGuy I am already having a Function that waits untill page is Loaded "if page.onload = False THEN get source"
so as i told you 3 times already
I have the sourc
what I need is the Source of the Iframe
if page.onload = false?
Source I get : <html><iframe> somecode <iframe></html>
thats what I get
what I need
is the Source of the page that is in the iframe itself
get it now ?
ever seen this before: ekisto.sq.ro
SO as a city
did some body use jqgrid with grouping ?
<body> does
but I haven't seen him talking since a while
@SomeGuy Zirak is afk: flying meatballs
Anyone have any tips on testing apps on andriod the emulator is crap
Testing what apps?
I just use Chrome
what do u mean?
Given the movement towards mobile, would it be wise to build a mobile app first and then expand to a website (like instagram) or would it be better to build a website first and then transition to a mobile app (like facebook, twitter)?
Yeah, well i have an app that doesn't load on andriod
@SomeGuy that's just user agent stuff? won't help
It's not just user agent stuff. Includes touch emulation, and viewports. I didn't seem to require much else because if it works on Chrome desktop, it works on Chrome for Android too
@SomeGuy Well, this app works on everything but my andriod phone
What's up?
I have an iframe without src. I set it's HTML from js side. The problem is that if I do $("body").html() it returns the body's html of the parent document. How can I avoid such a behavior?
Is this already asked?
Ok, decided to ask:
Q: How to avoid an iframe without src to read it's parent HTML?

イオニカ ビザウI have an iframe without src attribute. I set it's HTML from JavaScript side. The problem is that if I load a script that contains $("body").html() it returns the body's html of the parent document. How can I avoid such a behaviour? I set the iframe HTML using: $(".myResult").contents().find(...

@SomeGuy o/
What's up?
Starting to think Rebecca Black is racist
Everyone in this video is white, except for the black guy getting arrested at the end.
@Shea nah there's a black guy dancing at some point
at 0:21
Okay, there's two black people, and half of them get arrested.
Do you have any solution for my question?
Q: How to avoid an iframe without src to read it's parent HTML?

イオニカ ビザウI have an iframe without src attribute. I set it's HTML from JavaScript side. The problem is that if I load a script that contains $("body").html() it returns the body's html of the parent document while I am expecting to get the iframe's body html. How can I avoid such a behaviour? I set the ...

Am I crazy or is he?
This sounds insane. It's pointless to declare a variable yourself and sanitize it. You're not going to perform an XSS attack on yourself using a session variable you declared. The thing that should be sanitized is everything the user input touched and preferably in one place. Not what you did yourself. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 1 min ago
@イオニカビザウ I have a question about JSONP and sanitizing it with an iframe.
Oh wait, I never did that sorry - thought I have example code for you :/
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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