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Anything that doesn't have its value tied to a tangible good is bound to collapse IMO
@monners Yeah, I'd have to agree
@monners It's not enough. In many countries, real estate was the support of a bubble. The fact it grew too fast made many people join, either by building or by buying at irrational prices. It worked partly because it was hard to know what part was irrational and what part was right.
@dystroy Right, but when the market settled everyone that over-extended themselves got caught, unless they were smart/lucky enough to offload while the gettin' was good
@monners yes.
That's why I love poker. It's just money. Plain and simple. The most complicated market played out in one of the most simple environments
In fact it's so big it didn't really collapse (other reasons being that there's not a lot of sane ways to invest in the today's economy and the fact that real estate has value, even when overpriced).
@monners so... money?
Goddamn sunburn...
@FlorianMargaine Money ain't goin' anywhere
money only has value because people say it does. Much like Bitcoin.
current money was invented after WW2, what prevents a new money to be? Like bitcoin?
It's not like money is backed up by a whole bunch of gold somewhere...
@FlorianMargaine well, the first major cavaleries were made when fiduciary money was introduced
@phenomnomnominal Not exactly. Money has to be backed by gold
@phenomnomnominal That's not true any more
of course it's not.
I'm not gonna pretend to understand how the system works, but there is a material promise behind the symbol
@monners absolutely not...
@monners except federal banks just make money when necessary now..
gold doesn't reproduce, so how would inflation work?
@monners not today. It's "fiduciary", meaning it works because you trust it to works (and you don't really have choice... which is why many people, including me, made real estate climb because even overpriced it looked more reliable)
Ok ok, but I still put more trust in it than I would in bitcoin
Why? As long as I say I'll take your bitcoin for my money or vice versa, it's just as valuable.
This is the whole point of speculation
@phenomnomnominal Sure, as long as you say that. But what about when you stop saying that?
@phenomnomnominal many people are interested in bitcoin because they heard their value was climbing. That's when it starts to be "interesting". Because they'll hope other people will join and make it climb.
@dystroy yeah and that's when the other smaller coins start to climb
@monners what you're suggesting is that every single person is going to decide that it has no value at the same time.
@phenomnomnominal Well. That happened often in the past. Most money introductions, in fact.
Which is just as likely to happen with "real" currencies as it with real money
@dystroy yep, and it's why I spent 80 euros on litecoin yesterday, because why the fuck not?
@phenomnomnominal At that time, it's probably still a reasonnable investment.
I'm not going to make tonnes of money, but I might make some, and if I don't who gives a shit it was hardly anything and it's fun watching :)
@phenomnomnominal Not at all. What I'm saying is that the support base is too small to be invulnerable against market influences. Same thing happens with regular money, but it's got a lot more trust behind it to weather the downturns
@FlorianMargaine Ah, all bit coins have been created?
What backs "real" moneys today is a strong political (and militaristic) system. People who have the money also have the power, and will defend both.
@phenomnomnominal I'm not criticising. It looks like fun! I just prefer to keep my uncertainties on the poker table :P
@monners This is true, but stories about the guys who are making mega-bucks are sure helping inflate it :P
@dystroy That has always worked with gold
@Neil not yet, but it takes a long time to create new ones now
@phenomnomnominal Yep, and it's great to have a few extra units when the demand is up :D
@FlorianMargaine They did it like this to prevent inflation?
Did you see that article on hacker news today about the guy who bought 250k bitcoins in 2011?
for $3000
Yeah, and I'm not planning to sell them really. I mean if I lose it all, who really cares, but if I don't, woot, money.
@monners hot damn, good effort
@phenomnomnominal Well, he didn't get to keep them
Did he also throw it away?
@Neil Look at gold/copper/real estate. When the increase starts to be impressive enough, all media say you just have to buy to get rich, common people invest, some get rich, some come too late...
Good read
I feel sorry for the guy
Right place, right time, wrong community
@dystroy That's the thing about gold is that it does well when the economy goes sour
you could get in late, but the fact that people want it makes the value of gold go up
that's why people who have gold want people to buy gold for that matter
Until states decide they need to sell their gold
@Neil "that's why people who have gold want people to buy gold for that matter" : that how all bubbles work
Schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment, sometimes described as a paradox, devised by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935. It illustrates what he saw as the problem of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics applied to everyday objects. The scenario presents a cat that may be both alive and dead, depending on an earlier random event. Although the original "experiment" was imaginary, similar principles have been researched and used in practical applications. The thought experiment is also often featured in theoretical discussions of the interpretations of quantum mec...
@mikedidthis What about it?
@SomeGuy I was just sharing the last wiki article I read :D
Oh, wow, you must be lagging behind a lot :P
Nov 19 at 22:12, by Some Guy
@mikedidthis I'm assuming you know about Schrodinger's experiments?
@dystroy Not desputin'
@SomeGuy dang!
@SomeGuy How did you find that quote so quickly?
@mikedidthis But you already knew about the most iconic and most cited piece of pop science in history, right ?
@monners Search for "Schrodinger". There isn't much talk about that on here
@dystroy nope.
!!/google desputin
@CapricaSix Hahaha
I'm confused...
Yeah me too. @SomeGuy has inadvertently become my tutor.
Are you genuinely confused, or are you being pedantic?
@Neil I genuinely didn't understand "desputin". Sorry.
@mikedidthis What's the subject, psychology?
@monners what ever he throws at me. Psychology, serial killers, cats...
@mikedidthis I'm not your tutor in any way. All I do is share Wikipedia articles that I read or am reminded of
All three of those things are related!
@Neil That's the problem with cultural differences. Some things that may be obvious to all native English speakers might be confusing to French people :\
@SomeGuy haha, I know, I was joking, but I appreciate all the links.
Psychopathic serial killer cats
@dystroy Sorry, I wasn't trying to be subtle to French people
@mikedidthis 10 years ago, I learnt a lot of things by simply repetitively hitting "random link" in Wikipedia. I don't know if it would still work today or if the part of triviality as grown too much.
best link ever: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random (purposely not a link.)
@FlorianMargaine It's a bit too random, though
Most of the stuff ends up being boring
Wikipedia's featured articles are usually better
@FlorianMargaine That's what I got : the kind of triviality which makes it boring today : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarv_Mittra_Sikri
that's why you prefer tvtropes?
Damnit wikipedia, I gave you $50, quit with the begging!
!!/google tvtropes
@SomeGuy link?
}} Stanislav Yevgrafovich Petrov (; born c. 1939) is a retired lieutenant colonel of the Soviet Air Defence Forces. On September 26, 1983, he was the duty officer at the command center for the Oko nuclear early-warning system when the system reported that a missile was being launched from the United States. Petrov judged the report to be a false alarm, and his decision is credited with having prevented an erroneous retaliatory nuclear attack on the United States and its NATO allies that could have resulted in large-scale nuclear war. Investigation later confirmed that the satellite warni...
{| id="mp-topbanner" style="width:100%; background:#f9f9f9; margin:1.2em 0 6px 0; border:1px solid #ddd;" | style="width:61%; color:#000;" | {| style="width:280px; border:none; background:none;" | style="width:280px; text-align:center; white-space:nowrap; color:#000;" | Welcome to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that . articles in English |} | style="width:13%; font-size:95%;" | * * * | style="width:13%; font-size:95%;" | * * * | style="width:13%; font-size:95%;" | * * * |} {| id="mp-upper" style="width: 100%; margin:4px 0 0 0; background:none; border-spacing: 0px;" | clas...
Random, I watched a documentary on that guy, such a good story.
@SomeGuy ah thanks
@mikedidthis Yeah?
I think I never went on the main page before
Watching 'Slither'. Horror comedy at its best (other than Cabin In The Woods of course)
Yep. The guy stuck with his gut, stopped a nuclear war, got fired.
@dystroy it's the kinda website where you fall on some interesting article, and it has many links to other interesting stuff in it. So you read them. And you end up with 50 open tabs.
oh btw, this is a very interesting and nicely explained serie of blog posts altdevblogaday.com/author/alex-darby
which helps you learn assembly, and how C/C++ maps to it
@mikedidthis Wow
@AbhishekHingnikar What bug?
@Zirak I am a banana!
...things have changed
@SomeGuy yep. It was on TV randomly, such a good watch.
@Zirak HI!
@Zirak Nothing, Abhishek was being a dummy
We did find a strange bug where using !!welcome XX in another room welcomed the user in here, though
@SomeGuy @rlemon fixed it.
yeah, the whole /welcome charade is explicitly based on this room.
@Jimbo Most welcome.
Hey everyone! It's Zirak!
What's up?
@BenjaminGruenbaum It was another nice week.
Learned cool stuff.
@Zirak You're back!!!
Good to hear :)
I missed you... :'(
@monners he's here every weekend you know.
Cool, cool. uh, who are you, again?
> //you will see it ass
Are you the lady with the fat hips?
@SomeGuy I regret nothing.
@Zirak He's the guy with the clown degree!
@Zirak You're biggest fan. I have a whole shrine; locks of hair, nail clippings, the whole works
your *
So you're the bastard who took my armpit hair?
@phenomnomnominal It's Friday night. I'm weak
Sure, among other things
I was making a collection!
Did you also take my armpit hair-brush!?!?
@Zirak No, just a casting. The replica looks great btw
@mikedidthis This seems interesting: blogs.exeter.ac.uk/stoicismtoday/stoic-week-2013/…
And in case you haven't read about Stoicism: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stoicism
@SomeGuy you never have school?
Attendance isn't compulsory
We just have a minimum attendance requirement
That is from 10th grade to 12th grade. I think it's this way only in Mumbai
Damn, not even College was that lax for me. Stupid professors and their stupid assessments based on attendance.
hello there!
@monners Mwhahahaa! Benefits of being in a 3rd world country!
No one cares!
@AreWojciechowski Hello!
Way to see the good in the bad :P
There's lots of good in this bad, really
But again, that's most likely only in Mumbai
At least you're motivated. I bet there are lots of people flunking because of that attitude toward attendance
some guy you are school guy?
@web2students.com Maybe. Is a janitor at a school a school guy?
Someone here who is woring with Socket.IO?
!!working or whoring
@monners Both!
:P worKing*
some guy, being school guy i mean, student
@Duikboot I am whoring with socket.io!
I want to create a realtime application for table football where 'admins' can fill in youth houses and teams with 2 players that's it
Q: bind video list in one player

user243200I want to bind a list of youtube/other video in to one html5/mediaelment.js player Like this Description of image video list : consist of list of video from youtube. player : html5 player/ mediaelement.js player video list What i have done is hard-coded the video URL which are from youtu...

Should that be hard to create with Socket.IO?
@web2students.com Yeah
@Duikboot I don't know if it makes sense to use socket.io
but you can, of course
and it wouldn't be hard
socket.io is very easy.
About the server side
Is it hard to install on an external server?
I am now logged in on my online webserver
via SHS
You will have to use node.kjs
Socket is websockets?
node js is via server?
But socket.io can't communicate with (ie.) php
The best solution is node.
@Duikboot what's SHS?
SSH I ment.
and we need more information about the project architecture if you want a better answer.
@FlorianMargaine exactly.
also, about the project requirements such as browser support.
just the most recent version.
Socket.io is supported even by mobile IE.
And projct require ment is : register/login for admin
Create : Youth hous : text
Craete : Fussball Team : text
Create : 2 players : text
When the adminn fills in the form they should appear in a table
that's it
The requirement is that everything worksout realtime
To be honest I don't get the look of it.
But as I said ealier, node.js would be good. (because I'm a node fanboy, that's why)
Ok node JS it will be
Its a bit new to me
Im looking to install it on my webserer.
because when 'offline' you receive a installer
In the code: var elem = document.getElementById('out);var rtn = [elem.clientWidth, elem.clientHeight]; the variable rtn === [0,0] no matter what element I select, any idea why?
'out) is this mistake this should be like 'out') ? it's difficult to tell what's wrong without code
Yes, that explains the error. >.>, but I still get [0,0].
@Lugia101101 create a file, and then it's more likely someone will help you jsfiddle.net
write code there and give link here
@web2students.com jsfiddle.net/VKGk5/2 A little school project.
@Guys i made something that requires shared workers
is it wise to ship it with dedicated worker fallback ?
!!google caniuse webworkers
@JanDvorak That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@JanDvorak not web-workers
@AbhishekHingnikar #3?
it falls to a dedic worker based and idb storage powered fallback but that ish slowsky
hi @Lugia101101
i would like to use e? return : callMe(); but hot told that the expression may be only an assignment or call. why can't i just do nothing?
i just change from span to div and it's working, i don't know why it was not working but as soon as i changed, from span to div it's working now
@JanDvorak ps you see only chrome & family supports them and thats mostly because of chrome / safari extension model
@Sprottenwels return is a statement, not an expression.
condition ? ifTrue : ifFalse only works on expressions.
yeah i got that. but i do not understand why that is. if i want to simply do nothing based on a condition, i could do that easily in a 'normal' if- notation. Here i would have to call another function which won't do anything
@web2students.com Yea, I eventually got it by setting the display to inline-block.
@Lugia101101 you in school?
@web2students.com Not currently, no.
It's Friday afternoon at 11pm.
@Lugia101101 which grade?and which country you from?
Year 9, Australia.
Why do you ask?
ah, took a shower. Awesome.
@Ujjwal Your profile picture scares me...
@Sprottenwels Why it only accepts an expression, or why return is a statement?
@Lugia101101 nice, i was not getting that javascript properly..it was tough and you are in school
But in here you can also use an if
if (condition) {
@Lugia101101 :P
@web2students.com Sorry about that, I generally make my code in a way that only I can understand it, a habit I need to break.
@Lugia101101 i don't mean your coding is bad but i rarely create element in javascript, i generally use other way so it was tough for me...i mean your standard of javascript is good even you are in 9th
@web2students.com Ah, learnt most of my element creation and DOM manipulation working on a community wikia. Thanks. :)
@Zirak Hahahaha wow
Q: How to wait for asynchronous function result?

Muneem HabibFollowing is my piece of code which read file from the path specified for (var i in e.target.files) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function (e) { alert("File loaded successfully"); ...

please help
mmmmm moose
Really great game
I mean, the demo was really great :P
yea I was thinking about it
@SomeGuy store.steampowered.com/app/211420 I believe this is really good as well.
And hard as hell
i don't know about FileReader
Papers, Please is a brilliant game too
@mikedidthis I haven't seen any playthroughs so I don't know personally, but it's supposed to be really good
@SomeGuy seems like I could get the girl to play it with me.
Though that maybe a bad idea. I never finished portal 2 because of her.
If I have a values between x and y where x < y, is there any way to get a dynamic amount of points between or above those two points that are multiples of five ?
Although, this is more of a math question.
You guys should keep a lookout for The Stanley Parable during this sale. Seems like one of the most amusing games recently
@SomeGuy she doesn't like challenging games, by the end I was using two controllers. Got to the last level and I rage quit.
@Lugia101101: what's this for?
@mikedidthis Doh! I could play with you if it's on the PC!
@Qantas94Heavy Make a dynamic graph height and width using values between two points.
@SomeGuy xbox 360 sadly.
I've been harassing @Octavian to finish Portal so we can play some co-op on it, but he's too busy not doing stuff, I think :p
@Lugia101101 "Multiples of five" meaning "each x, y values are in jumps of 5"?
Unless I misunderstand your question, it seems rather easy.
@SomeGuy I wanted to play a game with him forever.
@Zirak Jump of values where n % 5 === 0.
@mikedidthis Battlefield?
@Lugia101101 you can use library like developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/barchart but if you want to learn/fun do your own coding
@Lugia101101 But you have points, points can't be divided by 5.
@SomeGuy Blacklight / CoD / Left4Dead
I have x and y values of many points.
And I have found the highest and lowest values.
oh, so you want to make a polynomial?
To fit all these points?
@Lugia101101 you want something like this? while(maxValue>minVal){ minVal+=5; }
Pretty much, but it has a fixed height and width, and there need to be Math.floor(e.clientHeight / 10) points on the graph.
That's pretty tough.
Let me try to rephrase.
I have the value x=100, If I were to have a canvas of height 150px I would need Math.floor(canvas.clientHeight/10) = 15 points to display between 0 and x. I can do this easily but getting all of the values to be multiples of 5 is where I am stuck. It is fine if the highest point exceeds x but it cannot go lower than 0.
So you don't have points, you have a number - the y is fixed.
I will convert this to do both x and y axis' later.
For now one axis is fine.
What's more important - the number of points, or that they be in a multiple-of-5 distance?
Because you know you can't always satisfy both properties.
multiple of 5.
Actually, Number.
Because, if need be, I can round to the nearest 5.
I dunno, maybe something like this jsbin.com/ELOmeNE/1/edit

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