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I switched to Chrome
Same. I was testing something earlier and forgot. It's just been sitting on the Google homepage with 1 tab open for 29 minutes and that caused it to eat my processor.
Home time for awhile
@SomeGuy pfft, and you haven't replied yet
@dystroy is it on github?
@Zirak Can I use the "I'm sick!" excuse? Because I'm sick.
You're sick because of lack of replying
@Abhishek where are you
you love doing css crap for free
@SomeGuy use your powers to summon him
I sacrificed a few goats. He'll be here soon.
I just needs ttree interfaces
login/register -> user bio page -> table styles
I always see him posting funky login / register pages
Is there any point in me commenting on the auto-greet? It's a shame to see it go away.
well they are still 'deciding'
but lets face it, I've never seen a question about chat go anywhere but to the black hole that is unanswered meta q's
apparently we can't talk to random strangers before they start speaking
I've been making a point to do more of that
my view is: if you join the chat, you are opting in for me to ping you
@rlemon ilu
@SimonSarris <3u2
room topic changed to JavaScript: Pizza Friday! [love-4-all] [nom-nom-nom] [pie] [pizza] [pizzascript]
it has been pizza friday since like 9am EST
where have you been?
@Zirak Hahaha, that's awesome!
just ragequit the other chat room I frequented
@SomeKittens which room was that??
I mean, I can go look but it is easier if you just tell us
#techendo on IRC. Logged in, guy who ran it was making fun of one of my best friends from college for disagreeing with him. Called him out on it, and he criticizes me for being 'negative.' Not the first time something like this has happened....
There were some cool people there too. Oh well.
!! google "pizza 33309"
the bot has pleased me
she's back for good now?
!! die
@canon Registered; need 0 more to execute
@SomeKittens she's immortal!
!!pizza 1920 1080
I want Pizza so badly.
Fuck you, Lemon.
+1 from me. The girl veto'd my pizza demand and has ordered Chinese.
Well, I don't really have a choice. It's 1am here.
everyone love me on g+
First world problems, I know.
@SomeGuy win tomorrows raffle and get yourself a pizza on the lemon
get Abhishek in here to design my page and you get an extra topping!
speaking of the devil!
also holy shit that was well timed
was i needed ?
@SimonSarris pinged me i ws o_O
@AbhishekHingnikar I need you to design a few things for me with your uber css skills
@rlemon Makes you wonder if I'm actually him, huh?
sorry man am in a hospital
login./ register widget and then a profile page and some table css
uhr, I'm not sure where to comment on saying "hey, auto-welcome is pretty okay in some places."
@AbhishekHingnikar What happened?
@SomeGuy whole body numb
i wanna find out too what is happening*
i can feel temperature
american chinese food is so awful... and I always manage to forget that
But which question
i can feel pain
but i cant sense touch
Q: Some issues with a recent action that was taken regarding the Root Access chat bot

allquixoticI would like to discuss with some civility a recent action that has occurred in the Root Access chatroom. First, allow me to catch everyone up on the facts of the situation: Overview Q: What happened? A: Please see this message in Root Access chat. This decision is the primary reason for askin...

4th down
hell it'd be impossible to have sex like this
@mikedidthis ^
@SomeGuy i can sense pain
I know, I read that.
@AbhishekHingnikar no it wouldn't if you are all numb you will be like a marathon runner
@rlemon well i will be home in an hour can u wait ?
Just reminded me of that
@AbhishekHingnikar sure can
to give you an idea. I loved the style of your chat interface.
and this will be for raffle system (prize give-aways)
@canon British Chinese ain't so great, but at least the place we ordered from are Chinese. (I think)
@rlemon which one ?
Indian Chinese food is really just spicy Indian food.
> which is a tiny bit like getting a telegram delivered through the roof by a swat team.
@SomeGuy its shit ... shit mixed with more shit.
-6 to Gilles' metasu answer. Nice.
-- after eating real chinese food
can you use this syntax in JS? for(var i : arr) { ... }
indian chinese food is made by adding japanese spices to indain food !
@SomeGuy sounds difficult to life with.
Yeah? I haven't eaten authentic Chinese food, but I like spices.
but that reminds me of something that food was made in china
@Crowz that doesn't work
@AbhishekHingnikar the recent one you did
@Crowz it's easy to try out
okay gimme an hour :-)
@mikedidthis As an Indian, it's cool. For you guys, yeah, probably not.
simple, clean. reminded me of purecss.io
well 20 mins i will be home
I really like that style of interface
so +1 to you
@SomeGuy i can feel pain btw
4 mins ago, by Some Guy
I know, I read that.
@SomeGuy Congenital insensitivity?
i guess my vision is also going
Should I even ask why it is cool?
Well, Indian food isn't spicy to us.
So when we want spicy food, it's uber-spicy to you guys.
I like spicy food.
ha! so you think
@SomeGuy the simplest way i can explain this is
I eat spicy food like it is going out of style.
:eagerly awaits @Zirak's response to bot snafu:
@SomeKittens hehe you too eh?
Oh right. I was on about in general. Like shaving etc.
i've been refreshing the page waiting for it
@mikedidthis I saw a documentary on that. It is incredibly dangerous for the person. they can injure themselves and not know it, going about their day, all the while making it worse.
the documentary was about a little girl, and her parents were concerned because if she banged her head or something on a coffee table she didn't seem to notice it
by yesterday night i was able to tickle myself successfully !
dude, we don't need to know that
@rlemon yeah, I could imagine it sucks. Even for internal things. Like a sore stomach or alike.
because my hand never sensed
@mikedidthis Oh, crap, I was replying to the wrong thing! I thought you were talking about spicy food! Yeah, congenital insensitivity sounds crazy to live with. Someone who had it did an AMA. They have to check stuff everyday and stuff
its touching my leg :P
my leg did realized an object :P
Even their eyes and stuff
kind of scary :-/
I can't feel any of my finger tips but my left thumb
@rlemon get yourself checked
@SomeGuy I thought it was odd. If I had Congenital insensitivity I could handle your spicy food, but life would suck.
Did someone win the pizza yet?
@rlemon Because you burned yourself as a kid, I'm guessing?
@AbhishekHingnikar nahh, I cut em off many years ago. they put em back but no sensation in them anymore
Damn, I knew you'd told us about this before. Wasn't sure which it was
@rlemon my dad has last all sensation in his left thumb. He can't feel / move it at all. He has adapted so well, but he is like this all the time: daddybloggers.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Thumbs-Up.jpg
@AbhishekHingnikar Command nofingers learned
I was very careless with knives. I cut myself a lot
@rlemon cut them off?
just the tip*
@rlemon imagine that with whole had :-/
perhaps now with my whole body
/me is in car getting dropped home /me happy
left pinky, full last knucle and up. ring and middle finger, half way into the nail bed. index finger was camping, took off the pad down to the bone (that had to grow back, they wouldnt glue it back on because they said it wouldn't have attached anyways)
@AbhishekHingnikar In the nicest way, get off chat and rest up.
@mikedidthis duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu‌​uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude
my whole body is functional
just the touch is gone
i guess my body was manufactured by Asus :-(
but still...
faulty hardware :-/
right hand, thumb was actually almost fully severed while cutting some chicken.
three middle fingers were just the tips while chopping celery, pinky was taken off again at the last knuckle... I was trying to cut an ice cube in half :/
@mikedidthis i have been wasting time for 3 days no more !'
@rlemon How did you manage to be careless so many times?
ugh, you aren't doing to listen.
Also, three middle fingers confused the hell out of me at first
well I can recount all of them. The cooking ones were just me trying to work fast.
the camping one was widdling wood.
the thumb was also cutting some rope outside.
make me not want to burn my eye balls please.
@rlemon wow i starred knowing you'd replace it with awesomeness
I've tried to get into the habbit of replacing the message with the reason I moved it
@BenjaminGruenbaum gave me the idea
@rlemon BenjaminGruenbaum is afk: friends and stuff
That's a nice courtesy
What? Friends?
We can have those? Where do I get them?
Jack and Daniel.
and STUFF !
stuffing friends?
that sounds sinister
... or sexy
... or delicious
@canon be a pervert please
good job canon
the possibilites
In HS there was a guy who always asked "Can I bring my GF to the party?" for every get together. Ofc he was told OK and when he showed up with a case of Crystal under his arm he introduced himself and his GF Crystal.
my mind went to taxidermy first
always made me laugh.
!!choose design chat or port giftosheet to javascript
@AbhishekHingnikar design
@rlemon so what should i design master
@eazimmerman lose
!!choose win or lose
@james as a note: that wasn't meant to be "don't ask questions here", but please separate your code and text, and paste your code (formatted) into a paste service. make reading your question / code as easy as possible for us and we will be much more likely to look at it
@AbhishekHingnikar well a login/register widget, center page.
then two screens. a bio screen (i'll give info needed)
and just a screen where I can list stuff in a grid (so some sexy table css)
do you understand the concept of a 'raffle' ??
(not sure if you guys call it that)
Guy at our workspace just brought in a Rift, said I could try it out later.
see I like what you designed for the chat (the one you submitted the other day)
I wanna try a rift :(
mm okay that style
is there any way you can tweak that to be closer to that style?
I want to loop through the table columns and exclude some columns. Instead of using table.innerhtml property i want to loop through the table and exclude last td in my table ..how could i achieve this?
var tableToExcel = (function() {
  var uri = 'data:application/vnd.ms-excel;base64,'
    , template = '<html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40"><head><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml><x:ExcelWorkbook><x:ExcelWorksheets><x:ExcelWorksheet><x:Name>{worksheet}</x:Name><x:WorksheetOptions><x:DisplayGridlines/></x:WorksheetOptions></x:ExcelWorksheet></x:ExcelWorksheets></x:ExcelWorkbook></xml><![endif]--></head><body><table>{table}</table></body></html>'
still a tad bit sloppy, but html in your js will always look sloppy ;)
Oculus Rift + Novint Falcon + Tenga Egg = youtube.com/watch?v=nLXVinyXjgA (NSFW)
@rlemon i found this script here..gist.github.com/insin/1031969
@james well html in your js as strings like that is hard to maintain. just keep that in mind for the future
What's the deal with the chat project? Did you reach a consensus regarding libraries?
@rlemon okay i will take care of it.
That was the best General Tso's chicken I've ever had
also you can use tableElement.rows which returns a HTMLCollectionObject you can loop over
@rlemon sorry didn't get your point..:(
jsfiddle.net/rlemon/R459X this should explain it
@rlemon whats a raffle
@AbhishekHingnikar anything I can purchase online and direct ship to the location of the winner
so will be different every time
i thought this is for the chat but ooooookay
@rlemon you are great thanks..:)
@AbhishekHingnikar it will be used probably primarily for the chat users
I will be purchasing things and raffling them off for fun.
pizza, rubber ducks, maybe a few rc toys, etc.
ohh and video games
I have tonnes of duplicate keys :/
@james np, good luck.
we gonna have credential based login ?
<username, password> ?
username/email, password
thought so :P
I was going to do openAuth but I would still require a full profile so yea.
i really don't understand goph :D but again its not up and u most likely wont wait :P
if you win I need your personal information to ship to
why not openid so we can use stackexchange accounts? :P
@nderscore I could. but it would be a two step signup still. you would have to grant access for your openid and then fill out your bio
@nderscore stackexchange has oauth2.0
so it will still work :P duh !
Task for the rest of the day == not much
bios will not be public right away. but may be at one point. minimally if you want to participate in anything but the key give-a-ways you will be required to provide me with a shipping address, full name, and phone number (I don't want a courrier service calling me from another country because they can't find your house)
@rlemon funny thing i am doing all this exactly in goph.me just alone :-(
He wants to make a list of where we all live
i wish you could just make a raffle app on it ... but i am outspeed :-( lol
well i'm doing the entire backend. I just suck at actually designing websites
I want to study a simple password based encryption. Can somebody please guide me?
@rlemon funny aint it we both are doing same thing xD
once I get the backend working @AbhishekHingnikar I will share the source
Use responsive design!
most likely using the same tech !
I warn you however, for speed of development I'm writing it in PHP
@rlemon hurr hurr hurr !
wtf dude !
Aren't you not so god with PHP? Someone decided it was worth learning? ;)
a chat in php ?
this isn't a chat dude
it is a raffle.
a prize give-a-way
oh okay :D
sorry i am on some medication
@Jhawins i'm actually pretty descent with PHP
I suck at node.js
Oh. Sorry, I thought you had bitched in the past about not being good at it. My mistake :P
probably bitching about having to use it because i'm not good with node
@AbhishekHingnikar Hahahaha best explanation
I would totally like to ditch my php dependency and move to a better server side language. :/ Python probably.
Would it be frowned upon in here to post ColdFusion code despite my question being about jQuery?
@rlemon I'm learning python on code academy right now.
Do it in Java. It's all up to chance in a raffle, with Java it will be up to chance whether or not it works too.
Disregard the CFM. In jQuery, how can I get the closest div that has the class "hvrimg"? I've tried next(), closest(), and find() but I got no results or errors from any.

        $("[id*='custom_package']").on("hover", function() {
            $(this).next(".hvrimg").text("herp derp");

        <cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(materials)#" index="xxx">
            <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
                    <td style="width: 30px;">
                        <input type="checkbox" id="custom_package#xxx#" name="custom_package" value="
@Loktar How long did it take to get your Rift?
I want one
you want the jerk-rift?
@RUJordan next searchest for the next sibling
So how would I find the "closest" div with that class?
and afaik having that div slapped into your table outside of a row and cell is invalid
Before I post my answer, RFC
Yeah I need to move that
@Zirak tl;dr
I'm trying to make it float right of the table but that ain't working
@Zirak You might enjoy that thread ^
@rlemon why u no C# ?
...for lack of response, I'll just post it and hope for the best.
inb4 shitstorm
@Zirak sounds good
@SomeKittens forever
I was curious where you were going with that grand parents things
2 months or so
Ordered August 7th got it like October 20th
A: Some issues with a recent action that was taken regarding the Root Access chat bot

ZirakThis may not be the proper place to post this, but because of traction, we were pretty much ordered to disable the bot's auto-welcome in the javascript chat, which makes it kind of a big deal to me. Since most participants in this discussion are seeing the auto-welcome as one finished unit, I'd l...

@AbhishekHingnikar because mono isn't fun and i'm not hosting on windows
@Loktar Sure you meant to ping me?
Are you talking about the Oculus Rift?
@Zirak it is a long post dude, with cross links to the chat and such. takes a little while to read it all
idk about everyone else but I was reading it :P
Hopefully we can deprecate the issue.
I had no idea the master.js file was over 7000 lines of code..
my god
@Zirak have you re-built the source yet?
@Zirak nice answer
I was discussing this with @SomeKittens and apparently he had already started on something like this. just posting it for some more formal feedback.
room mode changed to Public: anyone may enter and talk
@rlemon the register page
is different ?
what do you mean?
i mean u dont have that login/signup button
[ enter anything u get in... if u are new we ask u confirmation later ? ]
w/e you think looks kick ass.
u want two seperate forms for login and register right ?
i'd have 2 different ones :3
I was thinking a login / register button that would slide the forms around but w/e works right
looks more creative xD
@rlemon i am thinking of tabs on top :P
make it look uber and you'll have full credit for design in the end :P
same way the ones in chat :-)
@AbhishekHingnikar Morning.! Is there any easy way to find admin of a site?
@JuzzCoding which site you want doomed
and when did you shift to united states ?
anyone got a warez link to get chrome os, auto updating et al?
I'd like to install it on my mbp, but not having auto updating is pointless :|
@AbhishekHingnikar I'm asking that in general.. is there any way??
and btw, i just woke up.. so morn! :)
@JuzzCoding often there will be an [email protected]
you can try emailing and see if it bounces back
otherwise you can check the whois data and if the register lists his information you can get it there
assume the person buying the domain is the admin, or at least has contact with the admin
@SomeGuy that is wonderful
@rlemon isn't there any software kindaa for finding it?
@JuzzCoding cool
@JuzzCoding whois is a software*
@JuzzCoding and how would that software work in your mind?
you just who-is query a website with a 30% chance of finding it
you can look up the registration for the domain, and you can randomly start emailing common emails at that domain
otherwise if they don't list it, you are sol
for instance hingnikar.com has [email protected] :P as admin
@AbhishekHingnikar nice, looks great.
@AbhishekHingnikar you are the apple in the bag of oranges.
@rlemon whats that supposed to mean ?
oddball out
could be xD
i bought hingnikar.com only to own [email protected]

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