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screeeech... SMASH... Loktar jumps out of jeep and takes off badass aviators. Pulls close the hot secretary, plants one on her and tosses her aside. "I'm here for my interview!" while in a total Captain America pose. (queue american flag backdrop and wind)
Then the cops show up....
I know this isn't directly javascript related, but has there been any word on Sublime Text 3's progress?
but he is Loktar so they don't stop him. They only cheer
no new builds since July
:narrated by morgan freeman:
if we can't get him, we may as well just put a stop to this entire movie idea now.
ohh I wish @Zirak was here. He would love this: reddit.com/r/myfriendwantstoknow/comments/1qnjaj/…
@rlemon Zirak is afk: hurricane
@CapricaSix yes I know I know.
just shush
Anyone want to share a screenshot of their colour schemes? I need a new one...
posted on November 14, 2013 by Victor Rodriguez

International Space Station attacked by ‘virus epidemics’ In May, the United Space Alliance, which oversees the running of if the ISS in orbit, migrated all the computer systems related to the ISS over to Linux for security, stability and reliability reasons. The Linux kernel community learns how to grow more penguins So the Linux Foundation, and others in the Linux communi

What's up with the top bar?
It's fucked
that's what
Looks like a new top bar with a bg color that isn't what it's supposed to be.
I do like the dropdown's very much...
For the amount of shit that is in the right sidebar of this room, this is an excellent idea.
Q: Chat room stars, personal vs. room

Dan LuggContinuing with the frustration from this question, I'm wondering if a distinction between personal stars and room stars would help manage the way we mark content as "interesting". While there aren't any specific guidelines on star etiquette (please correct and link accordingly if I'm wrong), t...

@connor.js I don't like it.
Room owners can unstar things, we're just very unrestrictive. It's something we can do but not care about.
Stuff we want to make everyone aware of we can pin anyway.
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol
5 hours ago, by rlemon
var fuckable = function() { return 'This joke is funny because I\'m 12!'; };
It's not very interesting...
@connor.js well look at mr big shot
@rlemon however, this is
21 hours ago, by rlemon
@anyone who cares https://gist.github.com/rlemon/7460953
@connor.js Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
works like a charm
I might have to get it, just to take the piss.
@BenjaminGruenbaum You happen to know anything about using quaternions?
@twiz I do :)
I can't seem to figure out how to rotate around a local axis
I do, but I have to go to sleep. @phenomnomnominal will help you ^^
Can I get back to you in 5 mins, just have to fix a weird live bug
Its all good, I just knew you were a math person
@phenomnomnominal yes, believe it or not, this is not an urgent quaternion. haha
Messy answers from 40k,70k rep?
Q: saving image to localstorage from form and storing/loading it

Jeroenmy code looks like this; <form> <input type="text" /> <input type="file"> </form> <div id="notes"></div> i got the text variables to work, however, i cannot get this silly image thing to work, i've looked at loads of tutorials but i simply cannot manage to do it i know i have to do something...

*scratching my head*
What the heck is "Loyalty from the cloud" supposed to mean?
Reminds me of this: theonion.com/video/…
Loyalty as a Service
Does anyone use Webstorm?
@twiz But doesn't the cloud part sound like a buzzword to you?
Cloud = the internet
so yes
Fits the company. They are doing terrible where I work haha
You work for them? haha
FYI: This chatroom is public.
And google index'd
@twiz Nah. I am working at a bar right now that is using that service. No worries lmao. I aint THAT dumb
Also I'm pretty sure the NSA is watching us.
don't tell conner that
Of course they're watching us. Are you suggesting there are people they aren't watching?
There is no reason to think they are not. After silk road and all
Google index'd?
Q: Fucking help me please

Ceramic PotI'm having problems trying to figure out why you all are fucking assholes. Can someone please explain to me why is this? I'm trying to understand since a long time, but I just can't. Why are you all fucking assholes?

Plus, like I said earlier, there are people from a lot of different countries in here.
@RUJordan hahaha :D
yea google indexes the chat transcript
Also that haha
That literally made my night
I almost upvoted it
Has to be trolling :D ?
that was pretty funny
haha I like how its tagged 'Java'
Somehow I think he got hacked.
But the Java tag is funny too lol xD
Doubtful - I've seen a few accounts lose their shit because they can't handle SO rules.
for anyone who missed it
Partypooper .. Question is gone.
I looked at his profile and he has plenty of upvoted answers though :o ?
Never hand out your passwords, even if it is to a prince from Nigeria
no I think he just had a question deleted or something
then went all butthurt
it happens
It's funny when people snap on the internetz
@rlemon how did you see the locked/deleted by community?
It does kind piss me off how people on SO seem really eager close questions.
Stupid asshole. — Ceramic Pot Nov 7 at 0:02
@RUJordan 10k+ rep
Oh you think you're SOOOO special
I did break 1500 rep today, I'm proud :)
There are multiple times google has brought me to closed questions that might have gotten good answers if they hadn't been closed...
@rlemon You really think he would change his profile to "Why am I retarded" if he was annoyed at SO ?
his attitude started on nov 7th
before that his activity was normal
dealt with
That's weird lol
and yes. because someone probably called him retarded and now he's throwing a temper tantrum. It happens on SO more often than you would guess
@ThiefMaster thanks
@ThiefMaster mah hero
Wow, phpmyadmin is going so freaking slow..
@ThiefMaster can you also do anything about clearly offensive profile bios? not that I am offended by his, but I can see that it is directed at someone or some people
(also i'm wondering what all powers you have)
I guess his one is one of the cases where it won't hurt to nuke it, too..
Ehrm.. I would like to keep a Socket.io chat open throughout a whole website that is done in a CMS. Would it be a Sin against God to build the chat on my front page and load the CMS page into an iframe ?
So I don't have to deal with reloads.. am I way of the mark ? quietly sobbing
i don't believe in god but that solution would be ugly a s fuck
I think socket.io makes it somewhat easy to deal with shortly-interrupted connections
@BadgerGirl Cat
or you could use AJAX to load all your pages (and use the history api to keep the address bar up to date)
Why would the iframe be ugly ? Can't I scale it to fit the site it is loaded in ?
it would break bookmarking any page but the front page for example
Is it really a big deal to reload the chat anyway?
Nah.. I am just being odd
page reloads when a chat is open are somewhat annoying for sure
i think the ajax solution is pretty easy - and when done properly it would easily fall back to non-ajax if necessary
I was about to say, ajax chats are much less annoying.
Alright :) I try that out.
Whoops! Gtg! Thx for info
Totally agree, the amount of #@#! that is usually in the Javascript sidebar is unbelievable — Pinocchio 58 mins ago
Let's put some more in the sidebar. U+1F4A9 sounds like a good choice :)
We cuss too much?
For a chat I think we are pretty civilised in here :p
I'd love to see this instead of the current flag-as-offensive icon :D
Things only go downhill when people decide to talk about how awful they think Javascript is.
Or some such stupidity.
well connor.js, the truth is the sidebar banter is a conspiracy hatched by the NSA to control your mind through smut and sarcasm with the occasional hint of Javascript or room related topics.
Of the people who complain.. I barely see any of them actually here.
I think it fills up with a good even split of humorous nonsense and useful/interesting links
That meta question brings up a good point though.
tee hee hee
I had to google U+1F4A9 because it doesn't show for me
"pile of poo"
Oh I was wondering what U+1F4A9 meant
!!afk smoke
@RUJordan Why are you leaving me!?
much better
@RUJordan Where were you!?
Q: First ever unit test. Am I headed in the right direction?

user2202911I'm learning backbone.js in parallel with unit testing. I've just made a simple model and wanted to unit test it. Do I have the right idea? I am simply making a model with some default values. Person = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults: { name: "fetus", age: 0, child: '' }, initi...

Another know how to force a page to load in Quirks mode?
digit :: Int -> Int -> Maybe(Int, Int)
digit n 0 = Nothing
digit n x = Just (x `mod` n, x `div` n)

base :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
base n x = reverse $ unfoldr (digit n) x
whats that?
@copy Thanks, that worked a treat!
@Teddy That, my dear friend, is Haskell
:D thats cool
Does anyone have a good resource for learning/mastering regex?
Kind of a guided tutorial that starts extremely basic then increases in complexity with little quizzes for each level would be sweet.
wikipedia ?
@m59 I do, one sec lemme find it
I just found this regexone.com
not sure if it's good
@zirak was kind enough to share this one a while back.
@monners Zirak is afk: hurricane
Isn't that just a tester? @monners
Well, tester plus huge cheatsheet. Good learning tool either way
Give it a go
I'm making my way through this regexone and it's looking decent. Hopefully it gets me through the advanced stuff.
@rlemon lol @the jeep comment
I was hoping for a lol and not a restraining order
so good
(my humor is off, disregard)
@rlemon Oh god, people actually read my profile description?
I am not mean
Anyhow "cut my teeth" is a fairly common expression for "had my first experience with".
hi.... can I ask a random stack overflow question in here?
@user623952 Go ahead; if it's more appropriate for stackoverflow or meta we'll let you know
@user623952 Im not mean. So I guess so
why do people post questions and then not reply to comments
like... when more info is needed... and OP is just silent. it happens a lot. what are they doing? they just posted a question...
@user623952 Some people have very short attention spans
@user623952 maybe they went to sleep? Or they forgot about it.
shouldn't they be watching that question? for an answer, at least?
Maybe they solved the problem themselves.
in like 20 seconds?
Maybe they're not familiar with how stackoverflow works, and don't notice the notifications that they have replies.
It's hard to speak for why other people do what they do.
You would have to ask them, but since they don't respond to comments, they may not answer.
lol... I did..... yeah, no response
okay. i guess that's an acceptable answer.
@user623952 Is there a particular question you're asking about, or just a general trend?
general trend
that's it, i guess
I just don't understand how people expect an answer... like I'm magic and can read minds or something.
I don't generally sit there and wait for an answer...
So it might take me a day or so to reply to comments.
Yeah, hard to say. I'd guess some combination of short attention span, solved the problem themselves or worked around it, not familiar with SO, not good with asking questions and providing more detail.
no... well... yeah, I might. If I already know the answer but it depends on what DB they're using or something...
I've found it's not good to worry too much about what other people do.
"Don't be mean." ??? Don't be average?
If they don't want to help you give them an answer, OK, just move on to someone else.
i know. it's fine. it just happens a lot. and i start to wonder about these people and if they're okay...
hey, so I've never really chatted before and little icons keep floating away on the right side of my screen. it seems unnecessary but kinda cool, I guess..,
I've seen questions where the person obviously created the account to ask the question or doesn't use SO very often.
Then they never accept an answer.
thanks, though.
Do you all wanna here something i think is insane?
ok. dont forget.
@connor.js Are you going to insult women again?
@BadgerGirl I didn't insult women, I wasn't even invited into the conversation
Ok, I'm working on a App for some Java dude and using the rest api, there's one method where i have to send data to the server, then the server will send me back a response which is just a id (integer) and then i have to do another ajax request and send the id to get the response I'm after....
Is it just me, or is that dumb?
I smell the blood of a vamp......
@BadgerGirl Women are insert insult! Consider yourself insulted
This room is so sexist.
@BadgerGirl Yet, the room is just code and has no preference. Thus, you must be referring to the human members of the room, one of which is you. Therefore, you are sexist.
@m59 A group can be sexist without every individual being sexist.
You mean that many members of a group can be sexist without every individual being sexist.
@m59 No, I mean there can be qualities of a group itself, outside of the qualities of the individuals. Particular groups, due to their dynamics, can sometimes promote behaviors that the individuals would not otherwise engage in.
It was meant to be a logical fallacy for the sake of humor, but I beg to differ on what that fallacy is. I believe you have poorly defined "group".
You're abstracting the meaning of "group" into something that isn't reliant on individuals.
@m59 A group is more than a particular collection of individuals. It is a set of individuals with a particular shared experience, shared purpose, social norms and rules.
So, you're highly educated in the field of Sociology?
Well clearly this is a productive conversation... haha
Yeah, I don't care to debate it. I was just making a joke =D
Sorry @twiz big bad bug stole my day from me
haha its all good
who here familiar with moodle
So can I rotate around a global axis instead of a local axis?
Basically, if I have a quaternion representing an object orientation how do I rotate it based on the global axis rather than its own local axis?
I think that's the problem I'm having anyway... ha
@twiz reorder the rotations
That's what I keep reading, but it doesn't seem to change anything.
it should do. Rotations normally don't commute
student submit the assigment
around 15 student
but when i try to view
its say nothing to display
PLayers always get so excited when I release a new item.
And I am mortified by my old crafting engine code.. I want to rip it apart and do it again.. but it's like.. 1500 lines I don't have time for
hi @All
function update( newQuaternion ){
	currentQuaternion = multiplyQuaternions( newQuaternion, currentQuaternion );
@JanDvorak So basically, if I switched the parameters in multiplyQuaternions, it should do that?
@twiz wait, so you can't reorder the multiplications?
Yea, swapping the parameters should do that, I'm just saying the result doesn't seem to work.
Not sure I know what you mean.
you should do t3*t2*t1*x instead of t1*t2*t3*x
at least that's how it works with transformation matrices; I'm not familiar with quaternion algebra
hello everyone
What axiom doesn't apply; commutativity?
having issue with gmap with jquery tab
@vivekmodi hello
Hello @vivekmodi
I'm calling the initialize() method on click event of tab
@JanDvorak Quaternion multiplication is supposedly non-commutative, but for some reason reversing the order doesn't solve the problem
@twiz you could keep the transformation separately, then multiply the next transformation to it destructively, then the preimage non-destructively
first time map loads fine but when I click again it doesn't
what do you mean by "destructively"?
@twiz IIRC, quaternion multiplication is anti-commutative in the vector component and commutative in the scalar component.
@twiz replace the old transformation with the product
wait, transformations on the outer side should use world coordinates, not object coordinates. Are your quaternions correct?
outer side?
IIRC, rotations are {cos(angle), [axis unity vector]*sin(angle)}
@twiz as in, newest*...*oldest*preimage
and translations are {scale, [0,0,0]}
Multiplying 2 quaternions does the rotation
hmm. don't you have to reset the scalar component after each rotation?
What in the world is a quaternion?
uh... I don't really remember quaternion algebra
!!tell ruj wiki quaternion
hhmmm, not sure. I guess it has to be "normalized" after a while, but I don't think it needs reset
That's crazy confusing.
if you multiply [0, vector] (preimage) with [scalar, vector], you get [scalar, vector]
Unit quaternions, also known as versors, provide a convenient mathematical notation for representing orientations and rotations of objects in three dimensions. Compared to Euler angles they are simpler to compose and avoid the problem of gimbal lock. Compared to rotation matrices they are more numerically stable and may be more efficient. Quaternions have found their way into applications in computer graphics, computer vision, robotics, navigation, molecular dynamics, flight dynamics, and orbital mechanics of satellites. When used to represent rotation, unit quaternions are also called ro...
So calculating quaterions yields an orbital rotation or a spherical rotation?
so where are you saying the scalar needs reset?
After the multiplication?
oh, you rotate as (transformation * preimage * inverse of transformation)
is that what you were doing?
nope ha
I'll try that out
then you were composing rotations
instead of applying them
Yep, sounds about right. haha
Hopefully this will work
You guys are wicked smart
blah... it didn't fix it, but I think I just did something stupid.
It sounds like you're right though.
@RUJordan just reading wikipedia
I've been messing with this too long though, and I'm losing my mind. ha
@JanDvorak I'm really hate trying to read math formulas on wikipedia though
I'm really bad with all the symbols
@twiz I think I'll stick to matrices
But the gimbal lock... :-(
or whatever its called
that applies to euler angles, not to matrices
@JanDvorak regardless, you understand it. I'm really impressed
hmmm really? haha
I swear there was a reason I was using quaternions....
@RUJordan some memories and three lines on wiki
Yea, where did you find that part on the wiki?
@twiz en.wikipedia.org/wiki/… and scanned for formulas
I mean the '(transformation * preimage * inverse of transformation)' part. Or did you just figure that out?
> It can be shown that this rotation can be applied to an ordinary vector \mathbf{p} = (p_x, p_y, p_z) = p_x\mathbf{i} + p_y\mathbf{j} + p_z\mathbf{k} in 3-dimensional space, considered as a quaternion with a real coordinate equal to zero, by evaluating the conjugation of p by q:
\mathbf{p'} = \mathbf{q} \mathbf{p} \mathbf{q}^{-1}
haha like 3 paragraphs in... I kind of feel like an idiot...
Well, I think I need to escape my screen for a while.
@JanDvorak Thanks for the help.
Oh. riffle shuffle = alternate cards from each half; the algorithm should be obvious; as for the syntax, look up a tutorial on Java. Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. — Jan Dvorak 50 secs ago
I'm trying to recreate this component: casetagram.com/design (uploading an image from some arbitrary source, having a thumbnail of said image somewhere on the page, and the ability to drag it on to some layout where the picture is automatically cropped based on the shape of the layout.) Can anyone help guide me to the right direction by pointing me to a tutorial or library that has this information?
anyone pls?
for file upload, there's a jQuery plugin. As for the cropping, look into what canvas can do
@JanDvorak thanks alot, ill check it out
wtf, chrome has removed the uncaught exceptions button....
the one next to pretty print
oh, I'm updating. hold on
they moved it
it's in the top right now
I am trying to solve a puzzle which was an assignment for people who interviewed with facebook...
found it interesting so was trying to solve it
I am a bit stuck in the problem... would be awesome if someone could point out my mistake in the code
Given a set of events, render the events on a single day calendar (similar to Outlook, Calendar.app, and Google Calendar). There are several properties of the layout:

No events may visually overlap.
If two events collide in time, they must have the same width.
An event should utilize the maximum width available, but constraint 2) takes precedence over this constraint.
Each event is represented by a JS object with a start and end attribute. The value of these attributes is the number of minutes since 9am. So {start:30, end:90) represents an event from 9:30am to 10:30am. The events should be
this is the puzzle
let me know if someone would like to help and get me through this code...
Q: how to get a specific data from json/jsonp result?

RamI have a json response from an Weather API. I want to get a particular property's data, here is the response: { "response": { "version": "0.1", "termsofService": "http://www.wunderground.com/weather/api/d/terms.html", "features": { "forecast": 1 } }, "forecast": { "txt_forecast": { "date": "2:00...

please help me
I'm working on a chrome extension and i'm given some data that looks like this pastebin.com/XCxB8bRT how would i go about making the value more easy to ready?
@Mr.1.0 try decodeURI(url);
you should get something like this
Q: Simple in-page word-search via HTML/ JS

NishantI have a webpage with a list of words in it. (It is basically an English to Spanish word-list http://culturealley.com/spanishDictionary.jsp ) I want to apply a simple word-search box on top that filters out everything but the words searched. Is there a function/plug-in I can use?

@connor.js thank you
hi all
I also want to be part of gist.github.com/benjamingr/7437587
how can i?
just participate :)
sure but what i have to learn, how to, etc
Q: Should there be a answer count threshold for tag top users?

EsailijaThe all-time top users list for tags seem to only count absolute vote values. But if the tag is not super popular, it seems many times people who are not actually experts on the tag or actively answering questions of the tag will be top users because one of their answers most likely on a mainstre...

why u downvote :P
because I don't agree :P
that's how meta works
yeah but why don't you agree
dunno, feeling
I don't like your suggestion
you think it's fair that you get 6000 votes on 1 answer and then you are top user for all the tags in that question
couldn't express why though
you mean there is no problem or the solution is bad?
@Esailija I like google search engine, ranking should be like google search engine, which is ever changing, improving itself but it would be most tough too
@web2students.com I likes ask jeeves i do
It's good for when i need to finds web3schools :)
ang google is not improving
lol conor
@FlorianMargaine I have added another solution
web3schools looks like w3school and web2students mixture
@web2students.com Yes, i like the ultimate web offal
it's really new site of w3school i thought you wrote spell mistake
i didn't know that
Does reward-topanel really mean my bug gets nominated for chromes vulnerability rewards program o.O
@Esailija removed my downvote, but I don't really think it's a feature we need
nyone in here who can briefly explain to me what it means when i pass a scope attribute with a value of '=' or '@' in angularjs? i would have looked in the docs, but they're down
Hi!!! and uff because I write the thesis
and my difficult choose the title and I not know how to create this
God damn it
I am drunk as fuck. Someone guide me please.
@connor.js You seem promising.
You're awesome. Tell me everything.
@Shea Yeah, well you should tell him that because I'm not getting involved, FS

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