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One of the guys here is pushing for coffeescript - outside of RoR
Nevermind. I thought it said expert, not intermediate. I'm in the middle of something...
@jbolanos could be good , could be bad
if lemon sess this , he'll be mad
and then post this on the coffeescript compiler which
In that case, I am a 3. Cool.
I'm trying to get them to stop using jQuery for basic JS and only use it for dom manipulation
I'm obligated to my current company for the next 2 years anyway, so it doesn't really matter haha.
I only promised a year here - its 18 months to get hired - I've been here 7 months - about to lose lots of money when the holidays swing around and I don't get paid for short weeks - grrr
Volunteer to work during Xmas and get paid overtime then :-)
@jbolanos 2 week paid vacation starts the 19th of next month for me. No worries in the short weeks ;)
@vogomatix My plan.
I think I can get away with working a full week during my vacation and getting (basically) double time.
no can do - zero overtime - they literally lock down the building for holiday closures :)
Remote working FTW
I've worked for myself/contract for the last 2.5 years. What's a paid vacation?
Trying to get a primo job in SF for $120k FTE
A paid vacation is when you're sitting programming on the beach and getting paid for it
This is my first development gig, I'm 19. I've been here since <18 though and they just offered me a sweet deal last weekend if I'll stay for 2 years. Don't know if I will.. I do want to move on to someplace bigger, but I'll stay a year at least.
haha - My parents got rid of their internet to keep me from working when I go down for visits :) Starbucks FTW
@Jhawins Get your degree in CS
I am feeling very ill ****FUCK*****
I'm too lazy to go consultant...
@Jhawins yeah get a degree
They offered a pretty damn good incentive if I stay though... It's just the short term future I'm worried about. Raise at the first of the year might fix it.
i almost got mine ... so i am on this side now (Y). getting a degree helps
the best incentive will be when people start turning you down for future positions because you don't have a degree
I'm not convinced that spending 3 years not working is worthwhile
get it early in life - going back sucks
But if I get a degree I'm not going to major in computer science. I can learn to program without school, I know that now. If I go it will be for some type of physical engineering.
@Jhawins dah ? friken ? you will leave us ?
Majoring in Computer Science sucks - when I did it there were only 5 women in over 100 people that year
@vogomatix you should off done it in India
what you know and that stupid piece of paper that says what you know are different things. Hiring managers will always want to interview the college degrees first.
@JuzzCoding will confirm we have more girls then guys in Computer Science :P
bahhhh npmjs.org is down :(
but they never make it to industry
@IvoWetzel fall off the universe has begun
India wasn't on the IT map 25 years ago :-)
Bartek mus have been attacking ups now !
Plus, I was homeschooled all my life, I've never gone to school other than a few classes I took on religion (for the philosophical aspect)
@vogomatix its still tagged as slave market with rare diamonds i guess ?
@AbhishekHingnikar something like that.
:-) yeah i know :-(
@jbolanos BUT, I already have a dev job. I have the experience, in another year or so I'll have this companies shit sorted out and have something nice to show for myself. Shouldn't be too big of a problem. I've scored some SF interviews, each time I learned something new I needed to work on.
blame our government for it.
anyone know much about videoJs?
opening a startup - almost impossible hard
being a corporate house and just expanding - even tax benifits and tax reductions
@Jhawins \o/
@AbhishekHingnikar Probably. I want to work in R/D somewhere. My passion (obsession) is with creating things, not specifically programming, and physically designing/creating things gives me more satisfaction.
I am working R/D but with computer science :D ... from january
(By the way, the offer of roommateship is kinda over. Nothing against you, I'm just getting married and I'm sure you don't want to share a studio with a newly married couple)
@Jhawins I've been doing UI Development for 16 years for companies ranging from established companies like Restoration Hardware, Stubhub, and Apple. On top of that various startups too many to list. I don't have a CS Degree and have been turned away from submitting my resume to Yahoo (though they keep calling me), Google (they keep calling too - rude), and GE to name a few. It matters.
@SomeKittens Congratulations (y)
@SomeKittens I didn't get job over there :P
@Jhawins Though I will buy you an alcoholic beverage of your choice if/when you do make it out here
@jbolanos Aww man
why don't you go treehouse get something to cover you ?
or some sort of dummy-college ?
which is what i did, for past 3 semesters i havent gone to college except for a few days
@SomeKittens Looks like I'll be 21 by the time I can move there. Everything is on paper now, I get a borderline 6 figure bonus at the end of the +-2 years I'm putting in here. That's how they're buying me into not leaving yet haha. Plus 10% equity.
writing exams sucks is a pita but i deal with it :D .. i get my degree cheap :D
Because you can't get a CS degree at night around here unless you want to go to University of Phoenix (blah)
@jbolanos i don't have a cs-degree at night
viva la corruption
they put my attendance :P , they use me as advertisment with decent pay
I've got no degree and I'm doing okay
Q: Node http.request not working

aMotherI am trying to create a simple server and a simple client with node.js using http module. Server is working fine but client is not. Please help me to find the bug... Server Is : var server = require('http').createServer(); server.on('request', function(req, res){ res.end("hello, world"); });...

@aMother holy moma !
I'm doing well too - but I could do better if I had a CS degree - by means of the companies I could interview for :)
Oh, by the way, I will be in the Netherlands for a week, and France for a week it looks like in February. If anyone is over there and wants to meet up let me know.
@SomeKittens will you by me that one? ^
any company who values a worthless diploma over working experience and skill isn't worth working for in my eyes, though I feel ya. Having a degree makes it easier to score interviews :(
@copy oooook, within reason.
npm pleeease work I need to deploy this things
Tell that to Google and Microsoft who claim there is no talent in the US and want to hire more foreign workers because American programmers are too stupid.
US companies should start giving out a proper amount of vacation days...
@copy no top shelf lol
i'm sure as hell not going to work in the US if the company gives me maybe 15 or 20 days when i can get 30+ here
Ow, 15 days?
isn't that the average in the US?
@ThiefMaster I got 14 this year, but I was part time 90% of the year.
the company I'm interviewing with gives 4 weeks at the start with unlimited sick days
I get 15 days + 3 floating holidays and that's considered better than most. :(
In Germany, 25 is the standard, but most companies give out more.
in tech - I think the new average is 3 weeks
I've got unlimited sick days though unofficially
I get 30, and I just started working here.
i think 25 is even required by law, isn't it?
speaking of being hired etc... i got my confirmation for a CERN fellowship today :)
@nderscore Same here. Love it.
@ThiefMaster Yeah, I think so to.
@ThiefMaster I got 11
@R.MartinhoFernandes that's more than a month off!
which means.. 30 days per year plus 2 weeks over christmas :D
28 + home office (germany)
@IvoWetzel you rock !
I think I get 12 vacation days, 6 sick days, all federal holidays, and christmas -> new years off
Walmart (yes I used to work at Walmart) gives you 1 week a year, which doubles the 3rd year you work there, don't know anything further than that. But if you work there 3 years, you'll have 28 days total vacation. Being sick more than 4 times in 8 months automatically gets you fired. no exceptions (in Indiana)
Funemployment! Unlimited vacation days!
but limited money :P
@Jhawins Firing people for being sick?
STARS!! wtf guys.
stars for everyone!
@SomeKittens Actuall it would be limited unless you year has unlimited days
@ThiefMaster you forgot two
now they are gone :D
@IvoWetzel Unlimited days, limited opportunities to take them.
@IvoWetzel Yeah, walmart guves you 1 "point" per day you miss, does not matter what for. My buddy is currently unemployed because he took 4 days off to be with his dying mother, he even told them a week in advance. They ended up firing him because he was gone for 4 days when they only told him he could be gone for 3. She died on the 4th day, so he doesn't give a single shit what they said.
He may/may not sue.
@RUJordan Actually, new job's all lined up, just said I'd start January so I can have time over the holidays to spend with family.
@Jhawins so cold :(
@Jhawins He should
I straight up quit over there on December 27th, 2012. The books say I was fired January 7th for "Abandoning your job without notice"
@SomeKittens very cool, congratulations man!
I just like CAPSing at you. Dunno why. It's with <3 though.
@SomeKittens That's cool I also had about 2 months worth of free time this year after being "released" by Zynga
@SomeKittens Missed this. Engaged? Nice!
anybody here uses dvorak ?
@RUJordan 2.9 you too!
@IvoWetzel Oh Zynga... What's their latest thing? Running with friends?
@Jhawins Yep, 38 days until I unlock co-op mode!
D'aww shucks man..
@SomeKittens That was actually released and nearly "out of date" when we were let go
No idea, not following the company
@イオニカビザウ Zirak is afk: hurricane
That hurricane has been going on for like 3 weeks lol..
@FlorianMargaine Nice, though the indentation's too nice on the hackathon code.
@RUJordan Why does Caprica Six throw this error when we run NaN === NaN?
!!> NaN === NaN
@イオニカビザウ [object WorkerErrorEvent]
@イオニカビザウ [object WorkerErrorEvent]
I don't know, foreign letter guy. I'm not sure how Caprica evals things.
@ThiefMaster nice, congratz
@RUJordan no, zirak came back last weekend, he then set the afk back
@イオニカビザウ [object WorkerErrorEvent]
!!> NaN === NaN
@nderscore [object WorkerErrorEvent]
@FlorianMargaine [object WorkerErrorEvent]
!!> true
@nderscore [object WorkerErrorEvent]
yeah, there's a bug.
@rlemon fix it ^
!!> @rlemon broke everything
@nderscore [object WorkerErrorEvent]
!!> If you are happy and you know it, throw worker error event!
@イオニカビザウ [object WorkerErrorEvent]
So, I want to create a new version of this part on my website. Here's the page.

I want to create a more "interactive" and cleaner version of that. So, like a widget or the video player on TWC online TV thing. I think that's done with SilverLight though.
I'm not sure how to go about this. I've tried bootstrap, but it won't work right. :/
Anyone able to help?
@FlorianMargaine I hope it wasn't a real hurricane? If so, I hope all was well?
Absolutely you would write !!/afk hurricane when there is one outside
before Zirak left, he implanted a copy of his memory into Caprica Six
@nderscore So... what, 6kb?
@copy when hurricanes come, it's usually known before it's at your window
Did Zirak leave the Stackoverflow? :-(
where has @OctavianDamiean been?
This pink tie is really.. tying together my outfit. Aha, gettit?
@FlorianMargaine Been wondering the same myself. Hopefully he's taking a good break.
@FlorianMargaine , @SomeKittens i just can't decide so asking


personal preference question :P
mhm i am thinking of going that way aswell
Bleh, this OSX JS Chat issue is driving me nuts.
but then if i need dynamic pages all the url's become ugly api.goph.me ones
or well i can use multiple servers ... hmm
@RuJ what issue?
@AbhishekHingnikar what are you talking about?
@Florian as in login will become api.goph.me/login
and how is that ugly?
and, no.
that'd be api.goph.me/users/login
hm. maybe not
that's an API, not a website...
@RUJordan It only happened once or twice a day for me.
someone please explain..
@FlorianMargaine i am doing a very minimalistic server
@AbhishekHingnikar API !== website
@FlorianMargaine because ... idiots
@FlorianMargaine i don't wanna make api endpoints for login ... but mhm
@somekittens Co-op mode! Haha
i should just create OAuth2.0 like login in the app and use grant-type password
@florian maybe we shake the earth too much during extracurricular activities.... Maybe that guy is nuts.
they didn't have the soup I wanted :(
omfg I love thai food
ugh. Caprica is broken ??
Oh cool! The house I was supposed to go check out doesn't exist!
!!are you alive?
@RyanKinal Nope
Okay then
@RyanKinal she was just trolling u
O RLY!?!?
Need good station for pandora. Suggest.
could someone answer my question from earlier? Just wondering.
!!> 1+1
@rlemon [object WorkerErrorEvent]
Cake might work. I'll try it
ok it wasn't one of my changes
@MatthewH ... some of us weren't here when you asked. Please retry.
I just reverted my changes and it is still borked. but I did Just take a FF update as well
@RyanKinal Let me retype it so it's clearer and more descriptive
@rlemon That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: fuckable
@Ryan I used cake. I'm not listening to a terrible cover of "I will survive".
it kinda works
@Jhawins lol, fair enough
and I think the greeting message is off. if anyone sees it ping me
!!> eval
@SomeKittens [object WorkerErrorEvent]
however the eval is not something I broke so I have no clue why it isn't working
I like the error message you got
i.e. I didn't change anything to that plugin
but it could have been caused by my recent FF update
1 hour ago, by ThiefMaster
> I've only been using w3schools because that's what the Professor has been teaching from
Awww, starred for sadness
@SomeKittens you know more about the bots internals that I do.
wanna look at the eval?
@rlemon ifyouknowwhatimean
@rlemon than*
How is everyone in the evil room?
@RyanKinal here. So, I want to create a new version of this part on my website. Here's the page.

I want to create a more "interactive" and cleaner version of that. So, like a widget or the video player on TWC online TV thing. I think that's done with SilverLight though.
I'm not sure how to go about this. I've tried bootstrap, but it won't work right. :/
I obviously can't use SilverLight because I'm not on a Windows server.

What I mean by cleaner is it looks more professional and not so boxy, I guess you could say it like that.
@rlemon that was a spelling
@rlemon *spelling
Does that explain it enough?
it was a typo actually
I don't know how i find it that some website could be constantly filling my clipboard with some nonse as soon as i start typing into my Chrome console (I do that quite often)
A spelling mistake is a typographic error, often shortened as typo
so your point is ?
that you don't need to call it out
@SomeKittens it's starting to happen like.. every 10 minutes. It's ridiculously annoying
the person the message was intended for understood it
bu bu bu i was just having fun man
:'( sorry i hate u
@C5H8NNaO4 nice
!!c> true
@MatthewH Ooh, I thought you had a specific, answerable question, rather than a project you want help with.
@nderscore [object WorkerErrorEvent]
Ugh. I got something in my eye and now I looked stoned as hell.
Eval (bot command) is broken. No I don't know why, and no I cannot fix it right now. I am a horrible maintainer :(
@rlemon run it on Chrome
I had this problem with my bot earlier
but then I have to port over the memory
@Shea that would break much more things
I would rather fix the issue than just bandage it

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