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(by population, not by area)
@JanDvorak *partly
I din't know that.
most of the population is in Europe
They also have tons of snow-man's land with a railway through the middle
What is your national language ? Is it Romania ?
!!tell thelit wiki czech republic
@TheLittleNaruto Transylvanian i guess
its romanian dude :P
Hey guys, views on the wizpert community ??
@JuzzCoding sucks
hi all
@JuzzCoding I wanted to sign up once, and I couldn't, I think because of my age.
So I spurned em
can anyone help me with @Url.Action?
@JuzzCoding why do you find it so bad?
I am try to add new element to treetable, Once I added new element it's not accepting the drag and drop item to folder, If anyone worked before in jquery tree table and jquery ui drag and drop please give me your hand on it .... jsfiddle.net/gchoken/EVw9a/9
i signed in there.. i liked it!!
Oops! You taught me well :P @AbhishekHingnikar
@FlorianMargaine she was trying to write a chat server iirc
doesn't tell me why she thinks it's bad...
I type in parts
@FlorianMargaine, @AbhishekHingnikar is right!
last i heard her she was messing with having to do too much .
@RyanKinal hey! I have a link for you
@JuzzCoding hes asking about why do you hate Java :P
36 secs ago, by Florian Margaine
doesn't tell me why she thinks it's bad...
@FlorianMargaine ninja'd ^
@RyanKinal pedals.io
if you havent already seen it
except if you tell me you're doing IO heavy stuff in haskell.. then yeah I understand. Otherwise it doesn't really tell me much
plug your guitar into your pc
and web api distorts it
pretty cool idea
Czech ?? @JanDvorak
Yeah, that's pretty awesome
@TheLittleNaruto correct
I wish I had this like 10-15 years ago
@JuzzCoding explain your experience :P
heh i remember paying 50-150 for pedals
and now i am gonna be gone :P
@Loktar lol
would have been nice to at least test them first
I should get to work...
I only got up to about... 6 or 7 pedals
iirc this was the guy who created a big fuss about webRTC not having audio
I only had like 4 I believe
Maybe only 4 or 5
I was a poor college kid
@AbhishekHingnikar oh really?
Yeah, I asked for them for birthdays and such
I'll check the pronunciations for greeting someone and will tell you if I am able to pronounce:) @JanDvorak :)
@FlorianMargaine coz i have to write everything for just creating a simple server ...too many lines, which was much easier when i did the same using node.!
his app uses RTC specs getMediaStream iirc
@TheLittleNaruto hi :)
and back then google guys were like lets make video every developer is a cat let them follow the lazer pointer, we will add audio later
so you were able to get video working but not audio :P
which was pretty fucking dumb cause at the same time if you made a RTC call the audio and video worked both
@JuzzCoding Heya! :)
Q: Keeping two YouTube videos in sync with each other

Ben EverardI've got two identical YouTube videos embedded on the same page. I'd like them to both be in sync, here are my requirements / notes: Both videos must start at the same time When a video is played / paused by the user the other video does the same This is quite easy via the API When one video ...

@JanDvorak I got it .. Wish you could hear me too and could correct if I wrong. But I hope I pronounced it well. dobré odpoledne
@TheLittleNaruto correct :-)
@mikedidthis hell simple
@AbhishekHingnikar do it :D
I like to know other languages too, at least I can learn how to greet .
nope :P i am going to let him find the api himself
@AbhishekHingnikar urm ok.
I only need audio from one video
why can't he just fucking visibility:hidden
(rlemon) I hate my isp
the redraw won't happen :P so it will save the resources
I dunno. I saw it on my twitter feed, thought it was an interesting challenge and that some one here maybe alboe to do it.
however it is funny when this connection persists while I can't ping google
@mikedidthis hes asking for too much
Anyone familar with mobify.js?
Q: How do I target a specific image in mobify.js?

PurifyI'm playing about with mobify.js as it initially looks like a pretty good platform to save me some memory on my website. After doing so I noticed that it has changed my PNG images to WebP which has ultimately made the quality of the image terrible. I noticed that if I change the URL from WebP to...

@rlemon I'm not dead! Honest!
@rlemon I'm not dead! Honest!
@Shea kill your bot
13 mins ago, by Hanady
can anyone help me with @Url.Action?
is that your question ? @Hanady
@TheLittleNaruto yes this is it
Don't spam and don't beg.
You killed me!
I need to know how can i send parameters from @Url.Action in the view when this calls the function defined in the controller
@rlemon And on this day, you shall paint eggs for a giant bunny.
!!weather kitchener ontario
@rlemon Kitchener: -3.33C (269.82K), scattered clouds
ok cool.
also I removed the property for the userregister event
what's the current state of affairs around greetings? We won't autogreet?
hopefullt that does it
@JanDvorak we've been asked to disable it until further notice
Hi guys...
@rlemon and no further notice had happened despite us winnning the meta post on votes?
@Hanady hello
@TheLittleNaruto but my value is an integer not a string
it will probably be a bit before we hear anything
@Gamex hey
@Hanady hi
@Hanady whats going there ?
I am working with tracking browser back button... I'm using the following code to do that,  window.onbeforeunload = function(evt) {
    if(confirm('logout ?'))
        alert('Dont use browser navigations');
        return false;
@Gamex I need to send an integer value from the view to the controller using @Url.Action
i did this
user image
@SomeKittens you should like this ^
var url = '@Url.Action("Details", "District", new { districtID = DistrictID })';
window.location.href = url.replace('DistrictID', encodeUriComponent(DistrictID));
top of the morning bros
@FlorianMargaine old
never saw it
but i should add .. Code written by florian
but i am receiving an error DistrictID does not exist in the current context
@Hanady what did u get in DistrictID ?
the CS101 student code
you arent that stupid
@Gamex var DistrictID = tr.find("#DistrictID").html();
@AbhishekHingnikar uh?
@Hanady do u get val in DistrictID ?
yes i'm getting a number
@Gamex i put this: alert(DistrictID);
and it's showing the correct value
@Hanady u are assign to districtID ?
@FlorianMargaine you won't do it in JAVA :3 :3 jk jk
java is not that bad...
@Gamex what do you mean?
java is very verbose
yeah but just running that code will require tons of stuff
for instance ... well hello world in java :P
hello world just suck
I am working with tracking browser back button... I'm using the following code to do that, window.onbeforeunload = function(evt) {
if(confirm('logout ?'))
alert('Dont use browser navigations');
return false;
} If I use "return false" here It shows the default dialog box of onbeforeunload event. I should prevent that dialog box. In else part I should set stay user on the same page. Is there is any option here?
@Hanady after get value in DistrictID ,u were assigned to districtID ?
write a hello world in assembly, it's way shorter than writing a hello world in C!
@FlorianMargaine an java ?
@FlorianMargaine demonstrate please ?
... you don't get my point, do you?
@Hanady please declare globally districtID
nvm got it now
@FlorianMargaine direct video buffer access?
but java is too much addition to attain very small stuff
@JuzzCoding doing
@AbhishekHingnikar Agreed!!
Q: "Hello World" in less than 20 bytes

xelurgWe have had an interesting competition once, where everyone would write their implementation of hello world program. One requirement was that is should be less than 20 bytes in compiled form. the winner would be the one whose version is the smallest... What would be your solution? :) Platform: ...

though its an amazing language
for very specific stuff
like Slavery :P
@Gamex what?
@Gamex but districtID is the parameter of a function
@JuzzCoding worked well ?
@rlemon thanks for making the changes to the bot. :D
@mikedidthis Were you bitten!? Strip! Prove you weren't bitten.
@Gamex sorry, din't gt you.. do you mean Java?
Please response guys...
If I am not wrong, you changed your profile pic's dimension a little. @JuzzCoding :P (Or it's new one ?)
@Hanady ok wait ..please assign var globally on which u have passed value
@JuzzCoding yes
@Hanady I see.
Q: Solution for Browser back button tracking

CJ RamkiI want to track browser back button. If the user click on the browser back button, It should ask user to logout in pop-up confirm box. If the user press "ok", user account should log out. If user press "cancel", user should stay on the same page. I already visited: Confirm browser back button e...

Javascript is being weird
@deep I already told you, nobody cares.
@Gamex nope.. i have to waste time writing a lot for small things!!
@TheLittleNaruto it's a new one!

Why doesn't it alert ("Gravity is on") ? i cant see the console, does it throw any errors?
@gamex let me know on which js var you store value ?
@JuzzCoding on which platform ?
guys could you give solution for this problem...?stackoverflow.com/questions/19951004/…
@Gamex Writing here doesn't means, to * type* but to Write.. that's platform independent!!
@JuzzCoding really ?
@JuzzCoding it's cool BTW. :D
@JuzzCoding there are diff ways to use js on diff platform
@TheLittleNaruto nope.. i din't found it so..
@JuzzCoding . :P
@Gamex actually javascript is platform agnostic
its lightweight* (Terms and conditions applied)
@TheLittleNaruto Better suits you! :P
     window.alert("Gravity is on.")

have you accidently installed Don't run crap code ?
@deep it does for me
@JuzzCoding hehe :D
@AbhishekHingnikar what does that even mean
Joking man
@deep it could be that you accidently disabled script executation on that page
15 secs ago, by Abhishek Hingnikar
@deep it could be that you accidently script executation on that page
@AbhishekHingnikar you can use javascript any where in any tech on client side
you might have enabled don't show any more popups
@Gamex not really
@FlorianMargaine Really?? I was hoping it does!
@FlorianMargaine how ?
@JuzzCoding most of your demographic clients will have javascript though
and it should run if you have a web-browser
@AbhishekHingnikar I don't think that I have disabled scripts, as there are still scripts running on the page.
@deep then most likely you ticked the dont show more popups from this page
and why are you even using alert ? use console.log ? or a js based dialog
This question encourages me daily :D
Q: What is your best programmer joke?

hmasonWhen I teach introductory computer science courses, I like to lighten the mood with some humor. Having a sense of fun about the material makes it less frustrating and more memorable, and it's even motivating if the joke requires some technical understanding to 'get it'! I'll start off with a cou...

Cant access the console inschool
alert will pause your game ... i guess u know that
@deep fuck your school
and use firebug lite
@AbhishekHingnikar but u can use to make it game
yh i know, and were on chrome
How do i undo the popup block?
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://getfirebug.com/firebug-lite.js"></script>
@Hanady what happen it's working or not
@deep add that to the top of your page and you will get firebug :P
what will i do with firebug
@deep its basically firefox's old developer tools
u get a console , dom inspection, css inspection other cool stuff
@Gamex actually i'm not getting what do you mean
@deep go to console and check the errors
Q: javascript parameter in localisation string

user2987883We are using strings for localisation support. 1) Some of these have parameters for eg. "My name is {0} and I am version {1}.0." 2) Another scenario is we have broken strings like "My blah blah is "+ "Yada Yada ..."+ "Tom, Harry ... are all pals" Would these cause problems if we have to transl...

I'm not sure how to feel about this issue
@deep If dont forgot to enable script tab
@Gamex I would never write a proper game in javascript not for the next 2-3 years atleast
just because it runs everywhere
@handy first store what value u get in js global var
though it really depends on the game though :P if its among those social games then yes i might
but javascript for Apple and Android is still way slow
@AbhishekHingnikar everyone is using js dear now
Don't spam
@Gamex EA , Ubisoft , Microsoft Games , Bloodshed ?
But I did get any reply...sorry guys...
not getting a reply instantly doesn't excuse spamming
@AbhishekHingnikar for that reason you should... no?
How do i activate firebug?
@JuzzCoding never for a game .. never
@deep google firebug-lite
@JuzzCoding js is language that runs on every client side platform
there is tutorial
@Gamex not on palm , symbian , iOS <yes thanks to fucking apple javascript out of safari is a myth for iPhone>
@AbhishekHingnikar coco2d unity3d udk all
@AbhishekHingnikar @Gamex okie
@Gamex Unity != HTML5
Bubye guys Cya tomorrow. @ALL :D
besides apples javascriptcore sucks ass in execution speed
which is what you get..
now titanium is a different story cause they bundle v8 and tell apple to shove an iPhone up their ass
@TheLittleNaruto cya!
@AbhishekHingnikar unity code is written in js and C#
@Gamex unity javascript compiles to something middleware
not c# sorry my bad
For a game i'd rather use Mature C++ engines or Panda3d (python) or some python engine
@AbhishekHingnikar ya i know
and trust me i used to be a javascript enthusiast but the execution speed on iPhone made me dipressed
even on iPhone 5s its wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy slow
@rlemon heh
and apple fanboy developers say Oh weee its apple trying to secure stuff
@AbhishekHingnikar but it's cross platform
@Gamex doesnt matter if your app lags , stutters
its bad UX
even google had to start building native apps for iOS ... its that bad
thanks to peice of fucking shit ass super lords apple
/me cancels iphone 5s booking in rage. I am get a nexus 5
@AbhishekHingnikar it's all depend on requirement and budget
@Gamex trust me if you wanna go with apple do in Objective C
@AbhishekHingnikar ya
you have to lick their ass in one precise way, they rejected our app once because . It sent users to Safari for signin via 3rd party services ... So we had to implement web-views which bug like hell user has to type username and password everytime hes obv not logged in as he might be in safari
@CJRamki html5doctor.com/history-api thats what you are looking for and use history.js for abstracting it x-browser thx in advance
Q: lines between the list elements but not on first and last elements

Mr_GreenI have some list items to which I need to show lines between the list elements but not on the first and last elements. According to many posts here on SO, this can be done using .list-item { border-top: 1px solid black; } .list-item:first-child{ border: none; } But I just realized ...

@AbhishekHingnikar i have used phonegap for ios but my app nvr rejected by apple ..
@Gamex link me the app :D
our app was native btw :P
@Mr_Green either add a .first and .last class
@AbhishekHingnikar Thanks for your response
@AbhishekHingnikar it's not native ,it's cross platform phonegap app
or :first-of-type and :last-of-type
@Gamex link me the app :P
i will tell you why i hate apple lol
wth did I do
run your app in safari ... light speed !
@AbhishekHingnikar I am asking why not the second approach there..
run your app in UIWebView the aps shot with a magazine of kalashnikov at point blank range
@Mr_Green which one is the second approach ?
the one with sibling selector
ah don't
just don't
Q: Is there any value for what x === x returns false without NaN?

イオニカ ビザウIs there any value for what x === x returns false without NaN? For example: > x = 1 1 > x === x true > x = {} {} > x === x true > x = new Date() Wed Nov 13 2013 15:44:22 GMT+0200 (EET) > x === x true > x = NaN NaN > x === x false I see that the only value where x === x returns false is when i...

imagine what will that do :P
1. browser selects every list element
!!> NaN === NaN
@イオニカビザウ [object WorkerErrorEvent]
2. checks for the existence of sibling everytime
@CapricaSix okay, WTF?

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