Ah, I never figured out people from this chat read this :S It's the Israeli JS group. I ended up having a discussion about riot with another guy (Gil) for an hour over the phone. I think I convinced him too.
(For the protocol, when I say in one of our conversations - Resig has said that to me again after he said that to the room, following a "There's a quote of you I like", and we have talked several times so I was not being an a-hole there :P)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Correct. But this is the internet. Most people have an opinion and like to force it (myself included sometimes) so it was refreshing to see.
I felt like it slowed me down, a lot. Like switching from a dynamic language to a static language. It has lot of interesting cool stuff but it also lacks. I'm less rapid with it.
@JanDvorak I completely disagree with that PoV, and the arguments people raise for it. Then again - I only read Torvalds defend it, haven't really went deep.
If people really care about their typing they should use Haskell. Other languages just lie in their typing :P
I love interfaces, they're the one feature I like about TypeScript
I am making a game like this :
Yellow Smiley has to escape from red smileys, when yellow smiley hits the boundary game is over, when red smileys hit the boundary they should bounce back with the same angle they came, like shown below:
Every 10 seconds a new red smiley comes in the big circl...
ok, it's not as much strong typing I want as it's a place where I can officially define my types. I love ducktyping when writing algorithms, but I'd like to be able to have (not neccessarily use) explicit types.
@Esailija JS Arrays aren't arrays, they're lists, stacks and queues and using them for any of those data types is legit IMO. JS Objects are just objects, they're useful for describing types. TBH I'd love to have map and set literals like in Python - it's super useful there.
If you need bigger data types you need to implement them anyway - there is no way to make an object literal or an array to represent a heap, or a red-black tree.
yes it is good if you recgonize a data structure and implement it -- but the point was that you don't recognize and instead create hack work-around code with arrays
I have a really unpopular opinion where I think the browser should precache (and possibly pre-compile and optimize) popular libraries from CDNs, so popular libraries come for free and developers are more willing to use them since they don't have a time cost.
For example, there is no reason for jQuery being loaded from the CDN and then being susceptible to hard refreshes etc if 20% of the sites I use use it.
@Esailija A sorted set seems like an abomination to me in the first place, most use cases I've seen for a sorted set were people not knowing how to use better data structures. It's surprising how everyone knows sets and binary trees but not heaps. They're as simple.
@AbhishekHingnikar You know @Esailija wrote a Q clone that gives real stack traces and is faster right?
@Esailija Oh, in databases it makes much more sense than in most algorithms I see them used. I'm not saying it's not useful, I'm saying it's more abused than used correctly from my experience.
Anybody have much experience trying to write HTML5 games using cordova? I think I'm expecting way too much of Android's web view canvas implementation.
Well not anymore I'm not. Now I'm expecting it make me sad and regret having wasted time trying to mix HTML/CSS for UI and canvas for animation and stuff.
Anyone know how to deal with a node.js terminal that isn't "responding". When you type something it will show up but it will not run and the typical username@nodejs: doesn't show up either. Ideas?
Guys, I need help making a SQL query that displays the time since the last answer... For example," the last answer was 24 minutes ago". The current output for 'lastreply' column is "2013-11-07 17:51:50".. Someone knows any tutorial to do this?
@SomeKittens Using Cloud9 and the built in console is doing this. If I open up another console it works fine. But since its the main one in a nice position I would like to get it working again. Built in console: i.imgur.com/Jgsqj0I.png
@MarcinGawel Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AbhishekHingnikar Wrench icon --> Options --> Personal Stuff --> Autofill --> uncheck "Enable Autofill to fill out web forms in a single click" Credit: Google
@FlavienBert Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Benjamin Nailed down in the spec. If I remember correctly I don't think it's hyper-explicit about what you're supposed to do with toString for every object. Or at least it wasn't at one point.
I have a script that I use to find the user's screen resolution. After getting that resolution, I then send it to PHP. In PHP I then determine how to layout the page using the resolution.
Here is the JavaScript used to get the resolution which is the 1st thing in the <body> tag.