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I mean... OMG BRO NSFW!
flag flag flag
you said the p word
@Kasper yeah
@rlemon the bonus: The Christian Science Society Church :D
flag flag flag. mod flag "this user is offensive to all"
They plan to cover it in a giant 'leaf'.
The question is written up; for anyone interested: stackoverflow.com/questions/19870583/…
!!afk resetting computer
@SomeKittens Why are you leaving me!?
Yes, I've tried that. I now have a solution so that one can write math expressions in `$...$`. But my director still thinks this is not good enough :P Because in this way you can't use `...` in the normal way, and you still learning bad habits in his opinion.
this is me
not literally
@Kasper it's markdown. Either you rewrite markdown-js, or you use markdown. Using markdown means marking code with `` or 4 lines indentation
get ready to cringe.
i.imgur.com/vIsutfL.gif flintch ... every damn time
and why can't you use `` in the normal way?
I remember my first "belly flop" as a kid. holy shit! wth! it is water! fuck that felt like I hit a pile of bricks!
@rlemon hurts
god Movember is itchy!
:( seriously.
I can't remember my first belly flop, but watching that gif reminds me of how it feels.
@FlorianMargaine So this solutions work like this. Instead of typing math like $...$, you need to type math in `$...$`. In this way the math code doesn't get converterd by markdown. But also the math doesn't get converted by mathjax. So I configured mathjax so that math code is converted in code tags. And after I restyled the code blocks so that it just looks like a regular div or span. But therefore I can't use `...` in the normal way again. As the code and pre tag are restyled.
#1 comment on reddit: "Like the British space program!"
@Kasper ah..
@wtfzdotnet Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Kasper use js, get pre tags, see first chars to check if it's mathjax, add class if it is and style accordingly
Is anyone familliar with .bat scripts? I've tried my hardest to find the appropriate room but failed :(... Have a wierd problem with loops
@Kasper just use a div. Markdown won't parse
use python or powershell or ANYTHING that's not a .bat script
@DejoDekic Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
(really, they are that horrible)
@ThiefMaster ... hold your horses ... It's just to do the old man here a favor
so dumb question, what is templating?
ok time to play terraria whilst watching Dr Who
night folks
@rlemon: playing games while watching doctor who is heresy!
it is Terraria
so i'm basically farming
just need a click here and there
@ThiefMaster I've almost got everything fixed, pastebin.com/xf2p62Zc , just the weird things is the directories " array " gets prefixed with < , except for key[1]
there are really people writing more than 2 lines in bat scripts?
@echo off
format c: /y
all I know ^
@FlorianMargaine har har
@Crowz templates are markup that you inject variables into.
@FlorianMargaine I just want to give the old man an easy way to backup his files
@wtfzdotnet write it in C, gonna be easier
@Shea as cute as someone torturing kittens :p
@FlorianMargaine you can bash all you want ... I don't care how it works just it should backup savegames to his NAS
Actually, I think I see the resemblance
a small python script would do the same job, but it would be easy to modify later
@FlorianMargaine bat script is killing me here aswell but I just want it to work and be done
@mikedidthis windows makes me puke :( I just booted in a VM to test this crap
@wtfzdotnet urm.. ok
@mikedidthis thanks for the suggestion but i just need a "new" instance of an backup of specific folder within a root folder
not an constant sync
No problem at all.
for some reason the for loop prefixes < to the directories
I love hard links in linux
except the Saves directory
posted on November 09, 2013

Thursday was an unusual day. I thought I’d describe it, so that you know what one of my unusual-but-not-ultra-weird days looks like. When I woke up my aim was to continue writing my viewport chapter. After coffee and minor administrative chores I re-read what I’d written on Wednesday and made a few edits — more to get in the writing mood than for anything else. Then I swit

@FlorianMargaine across filesystems? :p
For the first needle i see "Starting to copy all files from "D:\test(Downloads""
downloads doesn't sync, saves does, and then the latter being Screenshots isn't getting anywhere :(
should be a slash \ between test and (
dunno why that is ignored in chat...
just dont understand why this failes
@ThiefMaster on a single filesystem
do you know rsnapshot?
it uses rsync + hard links
it's pure awesome
and at work, I've started using hard links to deploy new releases
this way I only deploy diff files, and makes hard links before copying the new files. Tons of disk space saved. Literally, tons.
guess everyone is as much as a fanatic about bat files as I am :-) screw you loop
I always keep multiple releases so that I can simply change a symbolic link on which apache points to, to "switch" to a new release. It allows for quick rollback if necessary.
@FlorianMargaine ever heard of capistrano?
hell yeah fuck arrays and go noobstyle
at least it works
that was my biggest wtf for the day
crappy windows shit
@FlorianMargaine if your not using capistrano with that strategy... your killing yourself trying to work harder than you should :D
@wtfzdotnet we're using Fabric :)
but anyway, you have to define what exactly you're doing, even if you're using this kind of helper
I love it when you refactor something massive, like way too big, without any tests to fall back on, and it just works.
@phenomnomnominal I agree but... it's way nicer to have tests back you up for every possible situation though
if it's really big and you have no regression tests, you can't know that it just works. If you do know without regression tests, it means it's not big enough.
@FlorianMargaine why would you choose Fabric over Capistrano out of curiousity? :-)
@GolmoteKinoko Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hi guys
@FlorianMargaine I don't have any expierence with Fabric, and little with Capistrano
@GolmoteKinoko ola
Could one of you answer a quick Web Audio API question ?
@wtfzdotnet my company chose it, so I went with it. No special reason. From what I know, both are similar though.
@GolmoteKinoko possibly
@FlorianMargaine it was a big canvas thing, and it still looks the same, so I'm counting it as a win!
@GolmoteKinoko but I'm boarding a plane in 3 minutes, so be quick!
var source = context.createMediaElementSource(audio);
var analyser = context.createAnalyser();
if I pause the audio element, the analyser keeps giving me data
why is that ?
@GolmoteKinoko is the data changing?
The code that give data is :

setInterval(function() {
var freqDomain = new Float32Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount);
shouldn't you be using onaudioprocess?
Oh no
Sorry gotta run, someone else can help
thx anyway :)
@Domecraft seriously?
Yes seriously
Anybody else can help me ?
I thought getFloatFrequencyData would give me the current data... I mean the data of the sound that can be heard at the moment it's called
Never mind... I created a post. stackoverflow.com/questions/19871294/…
Good night ! ;)
Q: Javascript as a first language

user2970898I heard you can get away with a lot in Javascript and there are a lot of inconsistencies. Is it really a bad idea to use it as a first programming language? I think most of my work at first will be in javascript, would it be hard to switch over later? Or is starting with Javascript fine(I don't h...

it looks like English is probably his first language
@FlorianMargaine alright thanks, I'll be digging into it for a bit this weekend :-) just to make sure we got our eyes peeled on the right solution
1 hour later…
Q: i need a js Fonction that can sort state from Dropbox and gave me a phone number to call

User584AL West AR West CT EAST DC EAST Il West MN East player one groupe A player tow Groupe B player zero Groupe D If the Groupe is A and The State is AL then Phone = 0762154852 if the Groupe is B and the States is AR then phone = 2145632541 if the groupe is D and the states is MN then phone = 2...

Anyone have good book recommendations for web development in general, but for people with significant programming experience? As in, I have significant programming experience, but not in web development. Many of the books that I've looked at are either for complete beginners or assume a decent amount of web development knowledge already...
Learning by doing
Hey, have you JavaScript people seen that fancy new <1KB framework?
No we haven't!
this lil guy right here? github.com/moot/riotjs
moot? The founder of 4chan?
> In November 2012, Poole sent a cease and desist letter to Moot.It, an internet startup.
I guess not
Yep, that’s the one!
Hello Guys
I found a bit of genius in it, anyways.
Any PhoneGap dev is here
in PHP, 20 secs ago, by chintan khetiya
Question: Different between this & this
@minitech Irony, I presume?
@copy Yes.
That is the first time I’ve seen the var x = "foo"; switch (x) { case "foo": obj.foo = function() { … }; } pattern.
@SteveP. I think it depends on which part of web development you are interested in. Since you were mentioning about programming, I'd recommend you to look into design patterns (latest trend) and such. I don't really recommend a book of 200 pages to just learn about design pattern but reading a well written blog post will be suffice.
and get used to it while developing
@EdCottrell Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Good morning
Execuse me, is that really you in the photo?
Yes, but I'm not your granddad! :)
Ha, or that
Q: Please check my example about jquery autocomple with servlet

MrNghiaPlease check my code, did i get some things wrong I'm a newbie in jquery and ajax, please check and show me how to fix this In jsp page : <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> <title>AJAX calls using Jquery in Servlet</title> <link rel="styleshe...

we should put a peripheral called "dice" inside our computer to generate true random numbers and stop arguing about it forever
@EnglishMaster there already exist USB keychain TRNGs
except they use noisy gates instead of physical dice and webcams
lol Geforce Dice 640 - $240
dice card ^_^
> No results found for "Geforce Dice 640".
@BryanP Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
In this sample code learn.jquery.com/javascript-101/conditional-code under Switch Statements, line 19 of the second block of code comments "// This code won't run.". Why won't it run?
what's foo? If it's either "foo" or true, then no such property exists in stuffToDo and undefined is falsy
I assume they meant to add var foo = "foo" at the beginning
was assuming that too, but if it's assigned "bar" that code does run, right?
1 hour later…
Q: Hover menu closes child when I try to move my mouse to it... Why? [JsFiddle]

Lucas BThe fiddle and the code speaks for themselves. I have a hover menu, and when the div opens and I try to move my mouse to it, it closes. <html> <head> <script src="http://cherne.net/brian/resources/jquery.hoverIntent.minified.js"></script> <script> $...

2 hours later…
Bitcoin - borrow money from someone and tell the police you haven't borrowed any money. He can't sue you because there's not enough evidence to support his argument
@SomeGuy SomeKittens is afk: resetting computer
@FlorianMargaine Hehe, thanks! Saw it on HN
@rlemon smartphones.findthebest.com/compare/386-390/… I think I'll go with the S3 mini
Guys, don't support bitcoin. It's almost crap as adblock
Fits all the requirements (but I'll have to see about removing all the crap Samsung puts in), has a lower price, and may actually not explode in a pocket.
@EnglishMaster adblock isn't crap
@Zirak That's what my mom uses!
@EnglishMaster Sure. If you say so.
It's an okay phone.
@SomeGuy Well since I also use your mom...
That wasn't a good one
You're losing it, Zirak
Is that a challenge?
Look at this guy saying "I love the Internet without advertisement hehe"
with smile on his face
"I think everyone does", no I dont.
@SomeGuy But you're right...I haven't used my humour muscles as much in two damn weeks.
They're getting to me, man! The system's breaking me
@EnglishMaster Wow, extraordinary.
Do you mean the Adblock?
Everything you say excites me. Do go on.
They are high off weed
uh. No, thanks
Is that... a RAINBOW PONY CAKE?!?
@EnglishMaster > that face
"please help us to raise money to advertise adblock" < huh?
@rlemon Well...seeing as the nexus 4 isn't being sold anymore (at least not in US, where I hoped a relative could get me one)...heard anything about the 5?
He bought the Nexus 5
That bastard
The cheapest sealed nexus 4 I could find is $315 on Craigslist, so...
I might go for the s3 mini after all
Why no N5?
Price and availability
@Kippie I can get the s3 mini now for ~$280, or the n5 next month for $350
And yeah...it looks like the battery is a bit lacking.
grr, but maybe not. I dunno. Damn you, conflict.
Anyone familiar with d3.js?
!!welcome Lugia101101
@Lugia101101 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Oh, you're the person everyone was excited about yesterday.
@TheLittleNaruto The most handsome guy in this universe
> tfw laptop speakers don't work
> using headphones as loudspeakers
I do that sometimes.
@Zirak I like your profile pic :D
@TheLittleNaruto Everybody does
@Ale That's the coolest pic.
@Ale Mine prof pic is also cool. Isn't it ? :P :D
Errr... Well, I'm not really into Naruto
Although I don't mind some anime here
Ahh! Man I am just asking if my prof pic looks cool.
Start watching Naruto, you'll like it
Maybe if the head was intact it would look good. :P
Oops. you caught that part.
@Lugia101101 It is called chibi
@TheLittleNaruto So do I
@Ale I know, but the head is still cut off.
@Ale you're right, it is called chibi.
@Zirak What about mine ?
Needs a moustache
Really o-O?
@parthkhatri Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
That's a reference to the curly-brace moustache @Zirak has as their avatar.
how to send id of particular row inn ajax.?
That's a very vague question.
@Ale That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: mustache
but here everytime row of first id goes
@Ale Please try once again
i also put question in site i add link here please show it and give me answer
Q: I Want to send id of respective textfield when respective dropdown is select in ajax

parth khatrii want to send id by ajax while selecting respective dropdown. my code is here. here i have dropdown for all row and when i choose any dropdown id of that particular row will go but here only first row's id goes everytime. <?php include('adodb/adodb.inc.php'); include('inc/config.php'); ...

and all rows come in foreach loop
Maybe you mean the PHP chat?
Q: Showing tooltip on contact form 7

user41549I want to display tooltip on the form. I am using contact form 7. how to show tooltip in contact form 7?

!!/mustache i.imgur.com/UXoTDQb.png
@TheLittleNaruto User -1 was not found (if the user is not in room 17, pass a user-id instead of a username).
Ahh! I am not good at executing commands
!!mustache i.imgur.com/UXoTDQb.png
@Lugia101101 User -1 was not found (if the user is not in room 17, pass a user-id instead of a username).
It worked for Ale...
@Zirak @Ale Do something , I am begging you :D :D
yeah, but why not for us ??
!!mustache TheLittleNaruto
!!mustache doesn't work with 2Ds :(
:( :(
How can I find 3D image of my Avatar
thank you Ale
:D :D
mustachified.com is a good fallback
That's awesome. they have list of moustache
Someone find a clever use for Object.observe in Node
Do it nao
Check if a pedo is watching?
Sometimes when no regs are around very strange things happen in this room :/
Object.observe(beingWatched, pedoAlert);
function pedoAlert(){alert("GTFO")}
@Ale @Lugia101101 I changed my prof pic :P
Not updated yet.
wait let me re-enter
Uh oh
it'll take more time, I guess
Works on your profile.
Yeah but not in chat room
Yes. Right. I think it'll update when I re-logged in
Does EVERYONE get exclusive write access?
@Ale @Lugia101101 @Zirak Bubye guys Cya tomorrow. :) :)
Nighty night, sweet dreams.
Thanks, you too :D
@Feeds Does a moderator gain anything new with room ownership?
Q: Edit value of n number of <td> using jquery or javascript

YousafHello Guys I am trying to edit the value of n number of td but i am onlt able to edit 1 value how can edit n number of tds i dont know how many rows could be in table here is my current code i want to do it dynamically HTML <input type="text" name="editValue" id="editValue" value="" /> <br> <t...

@BenjaminGruenbaum I'd say, and Wikipedia agrees with me, that it's about the instruction execution, not memory management; computer program source code that requires and will execute only under the management of a Common Language Runtime virtual machine (resulting in bytecode).
So instead of direct CPU assembly, managed code is compiled to some intermediate form (such as MS IL)
One of the process of compilation via LLVM is compilation to LLVM IR, but main difference here is that in the next step regular native binary is produced; however, when using emscripten, one could say LLVM IR code acts as a bytecode for JS virtual machine. All in all, there's no such thing as "unmanaged" code.
XD 99 rep.
@Lugia101101 what's so "XD" about it?
Just a nice number.
XD is my reaction to everything.
Unless it's D:
sounds like you have very developed personality then
I guess?
posted on November 09, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Oh man. Desktop ballista kickstarter.

xD i don't just do an XD its a small xD its different =D
if I push an object on an array in JS do I push a reference or value?
You never ever deal with references in js
@Zirak so everything is passed by value?
I can't create a reference by any means?
You can be fooled into thinking you have a reference, but you're always dealing with values.
that sounds limiting.
Never bothered me
so would be storing ids to objects (instead of references to them) in some sort of collection a good solution?
A good solution to what problem?
@Zirak Let's say I have a "manager" (don't like the word obviously) that has objects inside, and I want to get all objects based on some kind of filter. In Lua I can return a table with references to these objects.
Just because they're not references doesn't mean they're copies
wait what
var arr = [0, 1, 2];
var map = { foo : arr };
map.foo === arr;
They're just not references. They're not the blocks in memory (not to us, anyway)
so what are they?
if they are neither objects nor references to objects
Objects, rather
They're definitely objects
ahem, and one object can exist in two places at once?
Several identifiers can result in the same object.
But the thing is, if you overwrite map.foo, then arr doesn't change.
map.foo = [9];
arr; //will not be [9]
@Zirak so map.foo stored a reference to an object that was also referenced by arr?
If you want to think of it like that, sure
well I don't see why I should not, I mean neither arr nor foo is the object itself actually
If you do map.foo.puh(3) both will change. But the important part is that assignment doesn't work like you think it would in references.
well if you mean non-reassignability of C++ references then yeah, I see the difference
Doesn't global declaration screw things up?
@Lugia101101 you shouldn't be using globals anyway, huh?
But what if a variable need to carry over multiple functions?
@Lugia101101 State Monad
or Reader/Writer obviously
Alright, still new to this stuff.
Morning everyone :)
Afternoon I mean XD
Good evening.
Technically, night.
@Lugia101101 well Monads aren't very popular inside JS community yet, I guess
O.o Doesnt that depend on how you right your code?
@BartekBanachewicz Sure they are, people use them all the time without understanding them
@Cool2beblue how you what?
Also, will reply to your other message, but later.
(busy right now :()
@BenjaminGruenbaum sure np.
@BenjaminGruenbaum looks very interesting, pocketed.
@SomeGuy You obviously saw the WB humblebundle

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