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You would only ever see .three some
@Dan Also, feel free to not constantly be complaining about how much better you think PHP is.
@Retsam Not better, but comparing foreach() with each() and how I'd use a variable, this is VERY confusing.
@Dan lol, you think PHP is better?
That's hilarious ^^
Better than what?
In this instance, it's more logical.
a jquery collection / object is a cached reference to a dom element ( be it going into the dom or there already). so using clone makes sense. Or, just don't use a jquery collection / object.
Goodbye callback hell! Promises have shipped in Chrome 32. http://src.chromium.org/viewvc/blink?view=revision&revision=160850 Asynchronous web development just got easier.
@Dan What are you trying to do here, conceptually?
@Dan Note this isn't a "foreach vs each" issue, this is a "jQuery collections do weird things" issue.
@phenomnomnominal @Esailija benchmarks, now
@BenjaminGruenbaum Loop on something, calling an "outside" value over and over on each iteration
@BenjaminGruenbaum he is trying to define a jquery object and then insert it into more than one point.
@Dan What's "calling an outside value"?
Would you mind writing code the way you'd want it, even if you use made up syntax?
@Dan you aren't calling an outside value, your calling a specific jquery object. Massive difference.
@mikedidthis Hey, I'm not criticising JS as such, I just think there must be something closer to what I would like to do?
GUYZ. I need to start following web dev things on twitter. gimme good accounts to follow plz
1 min ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
Would you mind writing code the way you'd want it, even if you use made up syntax?
that's just dom promises, it's not in v8
@Dan its not js. Its jQuery.
@Esailija benchmark them in the browser.
@mikedidthis So. Does jQuery or JS have a way of looping through my three elements and using my variable on each iteration?
@Dan Please give us an example of imaginary (or PHP) syntax you'd like to use.
the benchmarks are written for node
Q: Domain model integration using JSON capable DTOs

g-makulikI'm a bit confused about architectural choices for the java/web-applications world. The background is I have a system with certain hardware components (that introduce system immanent active behavior) and a configuration database for system meta and HW-components configuration data (these are eve...

@BenjaminGruenbaum Will do, just a sec.
@Esailija Might be easier to port the Promises code from the DOM to run on V8 or something,.
@BenjaminGruenbaum VERY basic idea.
var variable = 'some value';

var object //with three elements passed to my plugin

	var $this = $(this);
	console.log($this + variable);
@Dan So you want to iterate the values/keys of an object? Is that it?
In reality, I need this;
I still don't understand.
uh... that isn't what you had, but nvm
What are you trying to acocmplish?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Have you seen the fiddle?
@BenjaminGruenbaum he wants a to insert one defined element to the dom multiple times
@Dan The problem is that variable.insertAfter($this) has side-effects on object
@mikedidthis yes.
@Dan You want to add an element to the dom multiple times one after the other?
he was trying to use $('<div>') which, as its jquery gets moved, on each iteration, rather than added.
@BenjaminGruenbaum This should show you : jsfiddle.net/9jpxJ ?
like if you have a div you want div,div,div,div,div...,div ?
Hahaha, we're going round in circles.
I appreciate the patience though.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Nope.
Q: Building jQuery like controls

wootscootinboogieI'm a beginner at JavaScript and I'm working on building a mini-framework just to become familiar with what good code looks like. In my application I often have the need for the user to enter in a list of things they want to send to the server for querying purposes. So currently I have this fid...

@Dan Can you come up with an example without the DOM or elements?
Q: jQuery each only outputting code once

Dan this is driving me nuts. Not sure if it's a problem with scope, but I'm stuck with this one. The idea is, jQuery creates a div elements and gives it a class. Then, inside an .each() function, this is inserted after each matched element. I should get this three times, but only get it once. Any ide...

You want to append an element after each instance of another element?
Yep ^
Oh, ok. Like "select all divs with class "rank" and add a small ranking icon after them" ?
Yes, or in this case, everything passed to my plugin.
Something like $("p").my_function();
@Dan I think the solution is to find all of the elements in one pass, and then append after them in another pass.
@Retsam the solution is to create the element he wanted to append inside the each statement :D
@Infested Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
angular.js rocks
@CapricaSix are you a bot? anyway - does anyone know any chatrooms about eclipse?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I lolled so hard.
angular sucks
@BenjaminGruenbaum Maybe like this? jsfiddle.net/XZyFW/1
What about $this.clone().each(function(index, value){ ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I need to get to bed. It's 22:17 and I started at 08:00. I'm beyond tired.
@Dan I would look at the jQuery API when you get a good nights sleep.
@Dan There you go :P
Good night :)
I will look over this chat again tomorrow.
You've all been helpful, and patient. Thank you.
just write this.... it's enuf
@Dan You're welcome :)
No problem.
Thanks, see you.
@oswebdesign Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@HasanAlaca Dan has gone to bed.
wake up Dan
the house is burning, wake up
@HasanAlaca that is mean :D
@mikedidthis Waking someone up because their house is on fire is mean?
@Retsam lul
did w3schools update itself?
No, someone updated it
the owner must be angry with w3fools.com
@copy So what have you been up to lately? Are you still taking classes? What are you working on other than the emulator?
Mostly homeworks and the emulator and some codegolf, that combined takes most of my free time
But looking for something new
is jsfiddle slow nowadays?
yeah past couple of days
(especially the last 2 days)
nice to hear that, I thought it was only me
oh wow
w3schools did update eh
their "design"
Q: Generalized is() type-checking function for JavaScript

Fuzzical LogicIn a complex library I've been working on, I got pretty tired of all of the individual type functions and operators to determine whether I was working with an object or piece of data of a given type. This was especially true when I was checking for inherited prototypes between classes. In an effo...

still, it means the owner is alive
@ThiefMaster yeah thats a pretty bad practice
@HasanAlaca no
@BenjaminGruenbaum nice
Hey, put down the stones. w3schools is better for beginners than nothing.
unless by 'good' you mean 'damaging'
@Retsam why?
do you compare it to nothing?
@Retsam Im with you tbh
I'd actually argue that devs who know nothing are better than devs who learnt from w3schools. They don't have to unlearn anything.
There are some bad practices on there for sure, but as a reference, meh
why do you think w3schools is bad for beginners?
give an example
I honestly learned a lot of my basic web coding from w3schools.
if they just got rid of their fucking certification shit...
@twiz It's also easy to take one off and throw it.
@SomeKittens Were you bitten!? Strip! Prove you weren't bitten.
@phenomnomnominal why though?
They are a company, and if people pay them and actually take the certs then who cares
I really wonder how many take the certs..
@Esailija LOL
Just because you can make money from idiots, doesn't mean you should
phenomenon: why is w3school bad for beginners*
@phenomnomnominal thats how the world works man
look at Windows Vista
Windows ME anyone?
no but in fairness, there are a shitload of certification programs out there
@Loktar haha I know, which is why I'm such a fucking cynic. It shouldn't work like that.
@Loktar [Insert shot at pretty much any company here]
if they want to have theirs whatevs
@HasanAlaca because they teach you how to write crappy insecure code.
These guys should market all Microsoft products:
@phenomnomnominal no you're right, I wish it wasnt like that
@ThiefMaster Yeah, but very beginning web programmers don't really need to know about insecure code.
lol I just think since w3fools w3schools gets bad rap for everything
ok I admit... I am the owner of w3schools
like.. "omfg do you see the font they use? Fucking idiots"
I am here to listen
@HasanAlaca hire me
function delay(timeout){
    return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){

Works in chrome :) (smallest example I could think of )
Loktar: no. I like to update things myself
@HasanAlaca you are an evil person.
I am , indeed
@Retsam They do! Especially them. Nobody will review their code and they'll dump it on cheap webspace with poor security measures.
Morning peeps
lol theres no way hes the actual owner of it
Here is why they are bad:
Use the "Try it yourself" examples !!!

Experiment with the code examples !!!

Learn a lot about JavaScript in a very short time !!!
^ fuck that sideways
@ThiefMaster They need to know about it -eventually-
I think they are nice
you should prove it if you really are, do an AMA on reddit
I was joking, I am not the owner ROFL
Id love to see the owner do a reddit iama
2. What is the correct JavaScript syntax to write "Hello World"?

document.write("Hello World");
("Hello World");
response.write("Hello World");
echo "Hello World";
phenomenom: it's for beginners !
@phenomnomnominal what should they put?
So it should be absolutely correct!
im honestly curious in that instance
@Loktar that shouldn't even be a fucking question
@ThiefMaster I guess in my mind, "beginning web programmer" means "not creating and publishing websites"
@HasanAlaca: if you go to elementary school you also won't learn to talk like this "hey watsup nigga how r u 2day bebiiiii"?
haha ok you got me there
Question doesn't really make sense
@monners you're up early
phenomeom: do you sit in front of TV and watch Kids channels and curse the broadcaster for teaching 2+ 2 ? :))))
but every language has a Hello World
@SomeKittens Am I? Work
Id do a hello name example tbh
I normally don't see you until I get home
@Loktar alert('hello world');
anyone here like Super Crate Box?
@HasanAlaca do not support poor education
I'm actually in late today, maybe I just don't typically say hello until after lunch
console.log('hello world');
@HasanAlaca no, unless they say it equals 5.
if w3schools is wrong, how come their demos are working?
What exactly is wrong with document.write('Hello world') ?
@phenomnomnominal isn't alert not technically part of JS
.eval('hello world') // BAAAAA HA HA HA HA HAAAAA
but a browser api?
l = function(l) { console,log(l) }
@HasanAlaca I would be annoyed if they decided to teach 4 * 8 as 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 instead of multiplication tables.
and document.write is?
@HasanAlaca I can push my car down a hill, doesn't mean its running correctly.
Q: Why is document.write considered a "bad practice"?

FlySwatI know document.write is considered bad practice; and I'm hoping to compile a list of reasons to submit to a 3rd party vendor as to why they shouldn't use document.write in implementations of their analytics code. Please include your reason for claiming document.write as a bad practice below.

there is no alternative to w3schools
@HasanAlaca MDN
@HasanAlaca urm...
@HasanAlaca What?
@HasanAlaca gr..
Oh, jokes!
Why are you all feeding the troll -_-?
15.	What is the correct way to write a JavaScript array?

	var txt = new Array(1:"tim",2:"kim",3:"jim")
	var txt = new Array="tim","kim","jim"
	var txt = new Array("tim","kim","jim")
	var txt = new Array:1=("tim")2=("kim")3=("jim")
Let me rephrase. What exactly is wrong with document.write, for a hello world example?
Benjamin: don't wake them up!
@HasanAlaca you have a w3school cert, don't ya? ;)
@phenomnomnominal var myArr = [];
should be What is *a* correct way to create an array in js
@monners o rly?
I stand by my decision
I also prefer arr = []
Better question, why are they calling an array txt?
@Loktar gasp but that's global!
when it clearly is a list of names...
haha, well so is yours @monners :P
@Loktar Touché
> document.write (henceforth DW) does not work in XHTML
oh no not the XHTML!!!
ah I remember back when that was the thing
f*ck XTML. w3school rocks
Meanwhile in SO Javascript chat:
@Retsam Hosted on WordPress? The horror!
I know all of you critizers are visiting w3schools 5 times a day
The main thing about w3schools is it ranks so high on google
@HasanAlaca I specifically block it from google.
its hard not to friggin use it
@phenomnomnominal can you still?
@Loktar because it's great
I had mine blocked thought google got rid of that
Well it doesn't come up?
A: Could a C for loop operating this way? `for (n = ___; n _____; n= ____)`

Constantin#define ___ 0 #define ____ n+1 #define _____ <10 int main(int argc, const char * argv[]){ int n; for (n = ___; n _____; n= ____){ } return 0; }

@SomeKittens You criticize for wordpress and not for it being from "findreallove.wordpress"?
@Retsam That too.
> "The Blocked Sites feature is no longer available," according to Google. "To block particular sites from your search results, we recommend the Personal Blocklist Chrome extension from Google. You may also download your existing blocked sites list as a text file."
@Loktar huh, it does come up
I hate when I find the perfect image on google image search and it's from a really awkward source.
Yeah apparently they stopped in March this year :(
so lame that they did
they probably bent to advertisers
I guess I don't google that much because SO + MDN
@BenjaminGruenbaum brilliant.
are you guys from USA?
@SomeKittens That's what I said.
yeah I have to prefix searches with MDN a lot
You can probably still filter keywords, so I'm guessing "-w3schools" probably still works.
@HasanAlaca some of us. I am
in PHP, 4 mins ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
@HamZa Brilliant
@BenjaminGruenbaum I guess I must continue the cycle.
22:46 <- please join so I can see if the ping calculation works correctly :)
@Retsam yeah that seems to work
@IvoWetzel done, I'm top left
works :))
[Emblem #1] [Network #3] [Remote Version 13] (Ping 1ms, Offset 1ms)
[Emblem #1] [Network #3] [Remote Version 13] (Ping 39ms, Offset -168ms)
[Emblem #1] [Network #3] [Remote Version 13] (Ping 22ms, Offset 11888ms)
[Emblem #1] [Network #3] [Remote Version 13] (Ping 67ms, Offset 16758ms)
[Emblem #1] [Network #3] [Remote Version 13] (Ping 41ms, Offset -6368ms)
[Emblem #1] [Network #3] [Remote Version 13] (Ping 93ms, Offset 37ms)
do you guys think anybody who uses node.js is an idiot?
omg my ipppp
@IvoWetzel is the rotation handled by the server?
@HasanAlaca I'm an idiot indeed
@HasanAlaca Only if they also happen to be an idiot.
Bottom left is all mine, back off!
@HasanAlaca Why would I draw that conclusion?
this guy says you are
heh @IvoWetzel you are far from an idiot saddens me you are always making kickass stuff instead of hanging out here
@Loktar It basically works like this: Do everything on the client, send update to server, validate and replicate to other clients, interpolate their
@HasanAlaca pffft event-driven, non-blocking I/O? Who do they think they are.
Um, also
!!mute HasanAlaca 1000 fuck off?
@IvoWetzel ah ok, only reason I asked is because I noticed this time around the rotation seemed a bit slow
@phenomnomnominal Muted user 2925837 for 1000m
I saw that video awhile back @HasanAlaca . It's pretty bad.
like it takes time to update, as if the server was handling that fully
Retsam why
Anyone mind? I'm over it
@phenomnomnominal He's just trying to fit in and he's a noob.
eh I guess its just not instant eh?
so nm, works well
pretty cool man
I don't think he is trying to troll
@phenomnomnominal +1
@BenjaminGruenbaum reaaaalllly?
should I go away?
@HasanAlaca are you trying to troll?
@HasanAlaca Well, mostly because that guy has no sense of how to persuade people on the internet. I could have hated Node.JS, and i'd want to defend it after watching that guy attack it.
@HasanAlaca sure
8 mins ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
Why are you all feeding the troll -_-?
Benjamin. no I want your opinion about the video
do people care about videos that old?
@HasanAlaca would you agree that Java is a lot better than JavaScript?
@SomeKittens oh yeah! LOL
at least troll with something less than 2 years ago
Oh well
room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
@Loktar I think the "NodeJS is badass rockstar tech" is a much better troll.
Purely for getting badass and rockstar in there.
@Loktar The degrees per second are limited
I'd horse-whip you if I had a horse!
Guys, I love gallery mode
It's not nearly as good as the Mongo one but it's pretty funny.
bestest colour
@IvoWetzel ah ok
you need to make them shoot soon :P
I just went with what @SomeKittens said because he's the king
I'm loving native promises. Too bad it'll take IE 5 more years to implement.
I read that as IE5 and was like, what?
@Loktar I hope to have it in tomorrow :)
hah awesome
lol man what is with youtube comments?
> There is nothing wrong with the idea of communism, the problem has always been with the species employing the idea. Humans in our current psychological and sociological state are really bad candidates for communism.
^ comment on that video wtf?
@phenomnomnominal Thank you. You get two crusts of bread tonight!
@SomeKittens I'll die for you bro
Can I have some land now?
@phenomnomnominal Sure! Just make sure the rabble doesn't revolt.
Also, marry one of my daughters.
May I now be known as sirnomnomnominal?
@Loktar I either love or hate YouTube comments. I'm not sure which.
@phenomnomnominal Yes. Rise, knight!
@SomeKittens just to be clear, it's about 50/50 on me attempting a coup
@Retsam they remind me of Jeremy Kyle and QI. So dumb, so clever.
@phenomnomnominal Which is why I retain control of both the armies and the sleevies.
@mikedidthis Best comment feature is pretty good.
@Retsam depends on what it is
@SomeKittens damn. Ok, I'll just take the daughter then.
Also this is on the same level as some youtube comments. I apologise in advance: telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/10429642/…
@mikedidthis No, see, it's a great barometer. If the top comment is good, you can consider panning for more gold in the comments below. If the comment is crap, move along.
@Retsam That is a great rule, consider it stolen.
If the top comment is a part of an argument? Run for your life.
@mikedidthis Jesus. Kids these days.

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