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maybe chasing the ducks would be fun
and by lake I mean big pond
Maybe you should attach tazers to your boat...
that would make duck chasing pretty fun
@twiz exactly how i feel
soundcloud < grooveshark [[mainstream]]
grooveshark kicks ass (if you can actually use it)
Yea, like I said I don't know what you want to do with it. You just asked for a large music API.
@twiz a music listening app :D
Mainstream music haha
@rlemon I once decided to use it for something, so I applied for an API key. They approved it like a month later when I had forgotten the idea, and then I never bothered with it.
@twiz i definitely can't wait a month xD
maybe i should use soundcloud's api for now and keep the end product api agnostic
algorithm (noun):
Word used by programmers when they don't want to admit that the math they used was selected randomly until it worked.
@AbhishekHingnikar I should mention that I did that 2-3 years ago, so it might not be so bad anymore.
@twiz i did in that time aswell
and they refused :P
algorithm: Former US VP drum corps.
but that was for a friend and we were making a grooveshark clone using grooveshark api's
Interestingly, I was creating a "Power Hour" player and then the day they approved my request I noticed that Grooveshark actually had that feature built in. Haha
They seem to have removed that feature now...
hahaha so fun
dx.com/p/… so useful
doesn't work if you already have glasses :(
Algorithim: another thing Al Gore didn't invent, regardless of what he might claim.
no politics pls
.... now who am I kidding
I don't think I'd even consider that political. I'm pretty sure people on both sides found the "I invented the internet" claim funny.
aw, Retsam, I'm still lost on how to get it to remove the li instead of the a-tag from last evening :/ jsfiddle.net/KzRB2/1 :/
Hi! I was wondering if anyone would be willing to help me with a small bug in my JQuery code? I've been stuck on this bug for more than a day and it's driving me nuts. Pretty much everything is working A-OK except this one little thing.
Problem: The hover() at line 13 of my code won't activate because of some JQuery animate() conflict I can't figure out.
Code: http://jsfiddle.net/justinled/32mPL/1/
Thank you so much!
Is there a way to auto-generate jasmine specrunner.html files with grunt?
It seems to only let you run it through phantom...
@inquisitiveIdiot Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Good lunch
@RUJordan You taste just like raisin.
@Justin01 the line does execute. Now to find out why it has no effect
I ate no such thing
Is there any convention to how you should delimit names for nested class elements? Like I have id that I want to be bookchapterpage how should I delimit?
Is it ok to do it with spaces?
@Justin01 umm... you kill any animation whenever the mouse moves. When do you think hover events happen?
@Max7K Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Anyone seen this before? github.com/airbnb/javascript
@Jacta parent.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(parent.parentNode)
@JanDvorak Yes, I do kill it with the use of stop(), but in an ideal situation, I'd like to have both the animate() in the hover(), and the animate() in on the mousemove() to keep things smooth (instead of having to resort to css()).
@JanDvorak Do you think that would be possible?
@Justin01 so don't kill it. Maybe you want to execute it without the event queue?
!!tell justin jquery animate
@JanDvorak I might have tried that in many ways, unless I'm not sure what you're saying?
@Jacta that assumes that the <li> node is the direct ancestor of the <a> node, as it currently is, if that changes you might have to do some searching.
@Incognito It's a fork of another repo iirc. It's solid though if that's what's bothering you.
My guess is that if the animation happens outside the queue, it won't be stopped either
@Incognito Nice. Its like a summarized version of "The Good Parts"
that does look good
@Justin01 queue:false in the option argument
@JanDvorak When you say "outside the queue", where would that be approximately in my code?
@Justin01 try passing queue:false as an option in the hover animation
@JanDvorak Will do right now.
@JanDvorak Should I keep the stop() in the hover()?
no need to stop existing animations
unless you want that
Gotcha. Will do.
@Incognito I thought single quotes / double quotes didn't really matter
and double quotes were actually preferred for typical text due to apostrophes
It depends on how much detail you want to get into with explaining what "doesn't really matter" means.
@JanDvorak Holy frak this is extremely close to what I want. Thank you so much! I just need to sort a little CSS bug and I'll be good.
@Incognito I'd recommend double quotes as default
@JanDvorak Thanks again man.
With syntax highlighting. who cares about quotes....
Lots of people care, especially when they disagree with you. This is the Internet.
To what i did to my code in past 3-4 days

How many times did I ask myself
How many times did i try
Now i am going to fucking
delete all of this
And throw my laptop in the sky
having to change the quote type when you change 'do not' to "don't" doesn't feel nice
@JanDvorak but what if you include a quote?
Anyone know ember?
@Incognito there's a school of thought saying square brackets with literals should be preferred for hashmap-type objects, and dot notation should only be used for properties (as in, those that you find in a documentation)
I know an Amber
I'm trying to make a fiddle to demonstrate my problem, but even it won't work lol. jsfiddle.net/vsQuR
@twiz then yeah, you may use single quotes. But I'd be happy with "\"", too
@JanDvorak Why? So 10 people in the world will be able to slightly better comprehend the code and everyone else will wonder why someone chose to be inconsistent? haha
"Use one var declaration for multiple variables and declare each variable on a newline." -- I'm not sure. Why?
What would you do? objective?
multiple-var option is easier to cut&paste
Yea, that's definitely true. That's why I usually do that
it's a toggle dropdown, if user click anywhere but the child div and the toggle element it should close
i'm totally noob at javascript, the original script uses a single var
But again, I don't really care either way.
i was reading about || and stuff and came up with that, but now I'm stuck
Seriously, why is it so difficult to figure out how to use Jasmine.js outside of PhantomJS?
Seems you just have to make your own file...
Quiz: Define x (a String) such that parseInt(x, 10) <= 0 && x > 0
!!> "-1" > 0
@JanDvorak false
@copy parseInt("0.1", 10) <= 0 && "0.1" > 0
Now parseInt(x, 10) < 0 && x > 0
it's almost 9pm
I should go home :|
lol, the coding was right?
I change only Frameworks & Extensions
@LarryAasen Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@copy x = (function(){ window.parseInt = function(){return -1}; return 1;}())
There might not be a solution
Kobayashi Maru
Basically you need to feed parseInt with "-5[garbage here]"
And the string needs to be a positive floating point number
Yeah I figured it was using something to do was garbage data
but I still like my answer
What if we start x with a non-breaking space?
!!>parseInt(" 5")
@JanDvorak 5
@MirkoCianfarani, now that the fiddle is working you can see the bug itself, click on Menu1 and then click out of it
(menu2 will open, wich shouldn't happen)
@copy overflow?
Wait, that won't work in JS

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