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that is a good deal
oooooo @Bikers of the room : deals.dx.com/team.php?id=3194
3000lm bike light for $45
A bike light is usually more than $45 ?
3k lm is a lot
Damn... I'll go on running with my small dynamo based light...
!!/google cree
lol amazing
dx.com/p/… omg do want
@Loktar @dystroy remind you of your first phones?
The lack of mention of "Dragon Ball" makes me think this is a huge knock-off product
I was just past the age for these
@Kippie ofc it is
Q: How clicking on an image anchor does NOT update my page history buttons?

naxaSometimes when on a webpage I click on a link it takes me somewhere but the history for back/forward buttons in the browser aren't updated. I understand this with AJAX however on several this doesn't seem to be the case. For example on this page the first img is anchored and when I click it the ...

Only yesterday watched the "abridged" version of Dragonball: Dead Zone. It was amazing
What's everyone's preferred method of converting strings to numbers?
@rlemon My first phone was like this :
@Retsam I call a web service for that
@dystroy i meant mobile. but mine was also like that, but black and hung on the wall.
but could be sat no the table as well
it was fancy
Well, mine wasn't hung, so it was mobile, I could move it a few meters.
I could too if I pulled it off the wall
just hung on a screw, you could lift it off and walk from the dining room to the kitchen.
if you put the base on the side table in the hallway, the headset reached to the front door
@rlemon Disadvantage of that is when you're doing addition. +x + +y is pretty ugly.
depends on the situation ofc.
parseInt /Float is bulky if you ask me
Yeah. I'm tempted to do +x + 1.0*y but I might make my code reviewers cry.
who needs that extra space? +x+ +y
@nderscore My linter.
(+x) + (+y) for clarity?
any jsperf for the difference between +x and parseInt(x) ?
or is there none?
@Kippie It's probably minimal enough that you shouldn't worry about it.
In that case I'd personally go for parseInt/float, just for readability
function add() {
var sum = 0,
args = arguments.slice(0);
while(var arg = args.shift()) sum+= parseFloat(arg);

return sum;

just like you shouldn't use !~indexOf()
I use !~indexOf() all the time :(
We all do, but we shouldn't
@RodMedina Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I don't understand... you took my solution from the comment (which is unreliable by the way) and then post it as your own answer 10 minutes later. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 1 min ago
Well, depending on circumstances.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I already told you, nobody cares.
I wouldn't recommend !~indexOf for code other people are going to need to read.
my god !!~arr.indexOf(test) is amazing!!!!
code *cleverness*++
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol your SO profile text is genius :D
lol our first phone was a rotary like @dystroy posted @rlemon
ugh, clearly I was talking cellphones you pedants :P
@Esailija I'm disappointed at the lack of responses to my esdiscuss email
@BenjaminGruenbaum it seems mailing list is just inactive
Everyone is in convention
ooo @Loktar dx.com/p/…
btw.. http://jsperf.com/number-vs-parseint-vs-plus/23
Apparantly, bitwise shift is our overlord.
I shouldn't be on dx.com
1/4 scale bullets!
this is madness
Where can I learn server side scripting as I have to learn how can I move mouse movements and clicks to my friends web browser?
10/10 would be randomly spot checked by the TSA
@JaakkoSeppälä connect.io and node.js
ooo and just for everyones christmas / anything ideas - daughters and wives would love these dx.com/p/…
@rlemon DUDE those are badass!
Is there any selector to get all the nodes with the same high level on the dom tree
and for only $10!
@rlemon no they wouldn't.
I know it is slow from dx.com which is why i'm doing my christmas shopping on dx now :P
TSA would love you for this: fasttech.com/products/0/10000548/…
@Kippie You got bitwise shift as fastest?
yeah, right before multiplication
bitwise shift was 100M, multiplication was 96M
I got parseInt (which is good) followed by Number, followed by OR
Bitwise shift was second slowest, only beating out bitwise NOT
@rlemon dx.com/p/…
theres more!
haha "rave gloves"
those change and are even a bit cheaper
@Retsam what browser did you test in?
@Loktar I got really confused when it pinged and I didn't see a message.
@Kippie Chrome
Retsam lol sorry
Ah, I tested in FF. Probably explains the differences
What would be a suitable learning curve to learn JavaScript from basics to connect.io and node.js?
@rlemon thanks man, ordered the black gloves
my daughter will be pleased
@JaakkoSeppälä It's not clear what kind of answer you expect. Would a quadratic curve suit you ?
didn't see the black.
I think the GF will like those
you daughter is what? 9? my gf is 29 and has the same taste in winter wear
7 :P
yeah that is funny
anybody knows of an api
to stream songs ?
grooveshark is a bitch :-(
and i want access to a huge collection of music :-\
itunes wont let me hear it fore-eva
@GNi33 I can just imagine that guy at home cussing at all the shirts he has to wash on a washboard in order to look clean for his demos
@dystroy I just want to learn JavaScript from the beginning to the point where I can write multiuser scripts where people can use programs collaboratively at the same time like in this chat
@JaakkoSeppälä I'm using outlook right now while in this chat. That's how good at javascript I am.
@JaakkoSeppälä My answer to anybody wanting to learn language X is "Write a game in X". Don't try the simpler steps before, just write your game. And write another better one after that. I don't know if it's a good answer but I learnt many languages this way.
(and if you're more interested in comparing rock hat collections than in games, then write a rock hat collections comparator)
@Neil but he's not washing anything anymore :'(
And by the way, writing a "multiuser scripts where people can use programs collaboratively at the same time like in this chat" is very simple. What's hard is to make it feature complete and good enough.
@AbhishekHingnikar Not sure what you need it for, but Soundcloud has an API.
And you don't have to go through any approval nonsense...
@twiz can soundcloud allow me to stream into a <audio> tag ?
i mean can i get a Link out of sound clouds api ?
i don't want an api which injects loads of shit into my page to play music :-( its just bad
I can't remember, but I think that's how I used it.
Either way, I know it wasn't cluttery.
SC.stream(trackPath, [options], [callback])
Prepares and returns a soundManager2 sound object.
@GNi33 Oh he died?
soundManager2 is a flash backed library :-/
@AbhishekHingnikar doesnt it just fallback to flash?
@Loktar flash === bad for me atm but for now i will just use it
Anyone remember Ron Popeil?
@Loktar its a huge lib :-) i have used it in past and dislike it too much
@Loktar video? :P
i'd rather have jPlayer then soundManager
for the simple reason that soundManager sucks ass :-/
@FlorianMargaine not yet I guess
its one of those libs that have Flash only retarded features
who is Brian Graham? I think he's from there
Im embarrased for you guys to see it lol
Brian Graham? Thats @incognito isnt it?
ah yeah maybe
@AbhishekHingnikar flash has basically become DRM for the web...
@twiz i know what flash is
The other talks werent bad either
but when u use a lib like soundCloud u can't use webAudio
and that means no sexy features :-(
some were a bit complex for a fast 5 min presentation though
like processing audio on chrome and resending it back to device for playback with < 20 ms latency :'( :'(
Yea, exactly. Flash is awful mostly because people use it for awful reasons
the obvious abstraction will become hacky with webAudio :-\
but i will try :D
what? You can still access the raw audio from a flash object in javascript?
@Loktar did you train the day before?
@FlorianMargaine yes it is
@FlorianMargaine a bit
I dont think I stumbled too much
just talked really fast
did you do it at least 3 times with a timer?
@Loktar Yep.
ugh, I knew it was low, but the linux market share is depressing
I wish more people used linux
I thought android was taking over the cellphone market
And FoxOS is adding to that
@rlemon I hear it went up like .03%!
The usage share of operating systems is the percentage market share of the operating systems used in computers. Different categories of computers use a wide variety of operating systems, so the total usage share varies enormously from one category to another. In certain categories, one family of operating systems dominates, for example, most desktop and laptop computers use Microsoft Windows, while most supercomputers use Linux. In other categories, such as smartphones and servers, there is more diversity and competition. Data about operating system share is difficult to obtain, since i...
lol every year is the year of linux
> This year guys, its our year!
@rlemon How bad is it that I recognized the computer in the picture as an IBM system i ?
why is direct memory access faster than CPU when it comes to transferring large amount of data?
I have that computer on a tshirt. Three of them, howling at the moon.
heh nice
@Loktar It's getting old then.
wait, is that systemz? damn I haven't touched mainframes in YEARS.
It's easy to share an OS, just install a same copy of OS on multiple machines
*that's not me in the photo
Something I noticed with FreeBSD is that everyone who uses FreeBSD is like "Performance is superior! In your face, Linux!" and everyone who uses Linux is like, "Good for you! Glad you got that going for ya.."
That's so geeky and cool. Much better than one with "No I'm not going to fix your computer"
@Loktar Every year is the year of Linux... if you're looking at servers.
@Neil My thing with FreeBSD isn't perf, it's about the philosophy of it is kind of nice. You have a "base system" and some specific POSIX stuff that's stable. I also use Arch and you really feel the pain in the ass of having system architecture change every day with that OS.
@RyanKinal lol yea
granted, arch does cool stuff too.
@RyanKinal Heck, even Microsoft uses Linux on their servers
That should say something
Girls: "Omg this guy must know all about computers"
Linux needs a breakthrough in usability for the avg user
Its just not that easy
I'm going to a PHP conference at Microsoft this week, I might wear my IBM Mainframe shirt
That would somewhat defeat the purpose of linux ha
@Incognito Yeah, I hear that's kind of a pain :)
yeah linux still sucks for desktop
@rlemon I want!
@rlemon sweet
I've been using linux mint though, and I'm not missing windows.
@twiz yeah, and if it did get too popular lots of people would be pissed
here is the list of t-shirts I asked for christmas/birthday
first one
Girls: "His brain is so hot"
@twiz Mint's an OS designed specifically to appeal to the masses, but I'm so deep into the world of linux I find myself pained to use it.
last one is fun too
@FlorianMargaine the rock paper scissors lizard spock t doesn't look as nice on
not geek, but fun.
my buddy has it
@rlemon "I too cube some pie" ? Est-ce que quelqu'un qui parle Anglais peut m'expliquer ?
@rlemon oh? damn :(
could just be him
@Incognito Its the only one I've found that doesn't break from me doing absolutely nothing... haha
@dystroy I 8 sum pi
I ate some pie
oh... thanks...
That might be an issue with my hardware though...
Dammit @rlemon you just made me buy the dragonballs...
they are super cheap
@dystroy look at the logo of my nodejs framework github.com/Ralt/tartempion :P
also @RUJordan did you see your first ever pen + canvas work made a pick
(last updated: a year ago)
No way!
it is buried now
but it was picked.
heh yeah I saw that too
300 views and 2 lovers!
way to be man!
I don't know what to say.. that's so cool!
Who knew people loved line light so much? lol
I remember how I felt the first time I got picked. it was a good day
@twiz Eventually you get to a point where you kind of "get" all the stuff and it doesn't really matter too much if you just want to run a desktop
@rlemon I was confused my first time lol
made a random demo and saw it on the front page
I was like wait are all new ones on here?
haha yea that also happens.
it was the first demo I ever made on codepen
Well, I couldn't have been picked without y'all help, so I appreciate that a lot guys :)
however for me is it like "I made this pen, but then I walked away for an hour and came back and added 3X the stuff to it" first pen gets picked.
@Incognito I just wanted a good middle ground for random desktop usage and development
And I'm very excited for these dragonballs :3
that was my first pen created and picked
ha yea I remember that!
@copy no luck?
so random
@Shmiddty Look at what the cat dragged in...
yeah you suggested the data-
@twiz I don't know what middle ground is. I use xmonad as a window manager and I generally like it but I've been thinking of trying something else.
dmenu is sweet.
Windows is awful as a dev system...
first pen: http://codepen.io/rlemon/pen/asBtC
second pen was picked: http://codepen.io/rlemon/pen/kIiDE
I remember that one, the 2nd one
@Loktar Kinda mesmerizing...
lol did we join the same day?
@RyanKinal haha yeah
and with barely any code
we did! and it was my birthday!
woot woot!
woah nice list man
I knew I hit that list view once
couldnt remember how to get back to it
wow I have a lot of shit In there I should clean out
Heh... your Ubuntu Keyboard reminds me of young, stupid Ryan... because within my first couple months of HTML, I thought <kbd> would do what I now know <input type="text"> does.
wait... you calling me young and stupid?
I quickly figured out that was not the case, but it made sense to me at the time
Nope. Just reminded me of my mixup :-)
dx.com/p/… @Loktar
@rlemon I'm diggin that coffee in ur pic.
@rlemon lol
thats where I keep my printed vs of the constitution
@littlerobbielemon, your tree thing should allow branches to move independently
for $13 bucks... you can't go wrong
@Shmiddty eh, I will go back to that one day soon
I have had a few more ideas on how to increase performance as well
omg @OctavianDamiean dx.com/p/… these would complete the 'look' you are going for
Octie LaDamiean
that is what I shall call you
Hmm, shot in the dark here.. does anybody know why when importing an excel document into a database, I have to subtract 3 from the row count because there are 3 random, blank rows that don't actually exist on the sheet but they appear in the code?
@rlemon The clasp/lock looks like a creepy little person
non-smart phones are so cheap
like $20
@RUJordan use a library to handle excel files
Well, I'm using the coldfusion <cfspreadsheet> tag. It works 100%, but those 3 magical rows are chopping down the tree of my OCD
@rlemon heh, the first part is what the kids called me back in school. That and DocOc.
I liked the last one most.
yea Doc Oc is a good nick name
I was just "lemon"
or beans.
robbie === raw beans
I was just "Kinal"
@rlemon Canadians mate, they're weird, eh.
ohh don't choo worry boot a ting eh?
I was always "Jordan" but those who tried to make fun of it for being a unisex name were usually too stupid to make it funny
@RUJordan Oh yea there were guys that tried to make fun of mine as well. They used to call me Octopus.
there is a LOT of cycling stuff on dx.com
lemon is a fruit. you can see where the teasing took a direction in school
@OctavianDamiean did you tell them that Octopi have multiple brains, camouflage expertise and the ability to learn at exponential rates?
Yeah, I watch a lot of animal documentaries. Crocodiles are my favorite.
@rlemon I was teased a little in highschool because I was short and fat. Then suddenly I was 6'3 and fat and they stopped cause they thought I was strong. I wasn't :3 Now I'm skinny-ish and strong and nobody fucks with Jordan. Nobody >=(
@RUJordan Oh I knew that, but obviously bullies won't care. :D
It didn't really bother me either.
I found names for them as well.
@RUJordan I would still fuck with you. but that is only because I like fucking with people and know I can take a punch
lets face it, I've probably taken more punches than most people have given :(
@OctavianDamiean bullies didn't bother me either. I wasn't scared of the people who teased me, I more or less flicked them off, rolled my eyes or went back to reading. I'm too calm to get a rise out of
I was a lippy kid
@rlemon I'm lippy when I'm drunk around my buddy from school. Something about him just brings out the asshole in me xD
People who don't know us think we hate each other because all we do is take personal shots at each other back and forth. THe thing is we never take offense and it just makes us laugh so hard
I say what is on my mind.
I say what is on my feet.
@Shmiddty dx.com/p/…
not that you would ever shave..
but that would be classy as fuck sitting on your counter
Q: menu traversing on next and prev button click up and down

sarathcan any one optimize this code i am new to jquery . i want add class on next and previous button click.any way i wrote this code it's working for me but if any one optimize this code using jquery predefined methods .then it will more helpful.. Thanks in advance $(document).ready(function () { ...

man, do you know how hard it is to find a good blaireau?
What's blaireau
That's what google just said.. lol whut
Badgers kill man
Hell I bet @BadgerGirl has a body count!
@rlemon raw bean lemon
interesting name :D
@DannyBackett need ya on whatsapp ... sumi
look at the url vs title on the page
a blaireau as in there: dx.com/p/…
lol pineapple
!!urban blaireau
@SomeKittens No definition found for blaireau
Razor: acrylic + steel; Brush: Plastic + artificial blaireau; Cloth: PU + canvas
Anybody know any funny iphone 4s cases? I want a good laugh
where can I buy gallium
can anyone help me with this? i was going to ask this in a new question thread, but apparently I ask too many dumb questions so it's blocked. I created a javascript bookmarklet to open a window to webpage and log me in (i already know my password is in plain text and open to mailicious threats)

my code is here: http://jsfiddle.net/kgB6x/

and it works, but only if i hold Ctrl while I click the bookmark..
how can i change it so that it works if I don't hold Ctrl?
Do you want Gallium just to melt it?
@iamde_coder ahem
@SomeKitten yes?
@rlemon so? you can't buy on .com?
@Shmiddty I think I have the right idea

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