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/me puts on shades
ok, lemme just try
@Loktar: oops
Hi, Iam going to design a percentage bar for two items,
one is Book % and another is %of chapters.
so I want to show progress of two items in one block. so user can show the progress bar of chapter read and book read in percentage
"The Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades" is a song by Timbuk3. It is opening track from their debut album, Greetings from Timbuk3. Released as the album's first single in 1986, it was the band's only significant mainstream hit. Background The inspiration for the song, and the title specifically, came when Barbara MacDonald said to her husband singer/songwriter Pat MacDonald, "The future is looking so bright, we'll have to wear sunglasses!" But, while Barbara had made the comment in earnest – it was the early '80s, the two had met and married and were starting a family, their first E...
lol anyway im out guys going to eat lunch and play bf4
hi @Sunny can you pls help me on this.
Oh, it's a different @Abhishek
@Shmiddty haha yea
I thought it was Darkyen
I noticed that right away
I was like wtf his hair looks way diff
@Loktar: nope... didn't work. not calculating the future time also in accurate.
PS teh fiddle
I want to show two progess bar using jquery
idk whats going on in this room all of a suddenly time to head out
!!afk lunch
@Shmiddty Apricots are people too!
@Sunny did you get my point?
@Abhishek: hope i could be able to help you as I've less time here... so what have you tried so far?
@PauloDiogo Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
var select = Math.floor(Math.random() * bag.length)
var selected = bag.splice(select, 1)[0]
client and server JavaScript
Nicer way to do that? ^
ok @Sunny thnkx
how to write: client- and server-side JavaScript?
no problem
@rlemon grammar pls
@PauloDiogo hi
@Esailija how do you do that without generators?
@Abhishek: lemme see what have you tried so far?
Hi @ab
how are you?
Hi @abhishek
@Abhishek any fiddle?
fine and u?
yes @Sunny
not yet designed @Sunny
I m fine @PauloDiogo
var a = somethingAsync();
var b = somethingAsync();
var c = somethingAsync();

Promise.join(a, b, c).spread(function(a, b, c){
    //use a, b, c results
like then except it takes multiple arguments
@Sunny not yet , actually I am trying to design. but no idea .. we discuss later. let me search in google.
@PauloDiogo are going to out.
@FlorianMargaine .join resolves the promise with an array .. .spread spreads that array as arguments like .apply would
somebody please help me here: http://jsfiddle.net/sunnykumar08/Kw6rJ/
stuck with timeago.js, not getting the proper timestamp.
Yay coffeescript.
@Abhishek: ok, all the best !!
@Sunny thnx
@FlorianMargaine without .spread sugar you would write instead:
var a = somethingAsync();
var b = somethingAsync();
var c = somethingAsync();

Promise.join(a, b, c).then(function(result){
    var a = result[0];
    var b = result[1];
    var c = result[2];
Hello @FlorianMargaine do you remember me?
how are you?
@Esailija ah get it
@phenomnomnominal your coffeescript answers on SO have been very helpful :D
What the hell, there's actually multiple people called Abhishek?
select = Math.floor(Math.random() * bag.length)
[selected] = bag.splice(select, 1)
@mikedidthis isn't that so much nicer?
@phenomnomnominal If anyone tries to copy you, you can add another nom
@phenomnomnominal yep. This as well: [first,second,third] = places
As the collective will of multiple kittens, I'm always in favor of more noms.
i only get two 'nom's on twitter :( username character limits are stupid.
@Esailija iirc, fs.exists is a special case?
also, you got some map facility?
@Esailija sorry I'm all out of grammar, can I interest you in a spelling?
instead of doing Promise.join(arr.map(...))?
@SomeKittens: can you please help : http://jsfiddle.net/sunnykumar08/Kw6rJ/
still not able to get it right.
@FlorianMargaine yea just do Promise.join().map
@Sunny No. Stop pinging me.
tl;dr - man claims "I am a 2m tall American living in Japan" - top comment:
"I'm suspicious of a so-called American describing their height with the Metric system..."
@Esailija where is arr there? :-)
err what are you trying to do
        return Promise.join(requireds.map(function(required) {
            return dirExists(required);

function dirExists(r) {
    return fs.existsAsync(r, function(exists) {
        if (!exists) {
            throw new Error('The ' + r +
                ' directory is required.');
if you have an array of e.g. strings that you want to convert to promises
fs.exists doesn't conform to node style
and that dirExists is huge anti pattern
just remove that code
it will automatically propagate the exception later when you try to use some directory
so basically you don't need any of that code at all
but let's imagine that you did
return Promise.map(requireds, function(required) {
     return dirExists(required);
ah, that works?
and Promise.join cannot be used with arrays
You wanted Promise.all there
yes it works but it's very useless code -- directory can be deleted after the check
huh, yeah, I started using Promise.join.apply(this, required.map...)
and that causes exception later anyway
Promise.join is like Promise.all except it works on separate arguments instead of array
so there is no need for .apply :D
yeah it's like call and apply :P
unfortunately node doesn't throw typed errors so you need to check for ENOENT in the error
anybody have any problems using the hosted jquery from jquery's site?
or am I having a really really dumb moment?
the latter is possible, after all it is friday
god dammit Cafe Press
@FlorianMargaine just don't use .exists
spend 20 minutes designing something and they failed to load the next page
and ofc it is flash so everything is lost
cp: function(source, target) {
    var targetdir = target.split(path.sep);
    targetdir = targetdir.join(path.sep);

    copyFile(source, target).error(function(err) {
        if (err.cause.code === 'ENOENT') {

@Esailija ^
I want to mkdirp if the folder doesn't exist
how do I return the right promise?
@zigzackattack Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I want to handle the error in this function
and then cp must return a promise too
@rlemon @SomeGuy @Loktar (and anyone else who's interested) git, you git!
Angular is stupid
@SomeKittens first levels should be commits and pushes... basic stuff
ohh @SomeKittens I can find someone to do the voice work :P
Adding remote, creating branch, etc
how bad will it be when we create this game and none of us can pass it :P
@rlemon I was planning on doing it, can you find someone with a better Microphone?
@SomeKittens I'm going to politely ask reddit.com/user/your_text_spoken
@FlorianMargaine Done.
!!youtube Captain America Winter Soldier
Watched that about six times so far.
@MarianoG Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
haha, that's awesome
You know, that mic was added to the top there just seconds before the image, I mean, come on
@SomeKittens The odd thing about "You can't git under pressure" is that the whole point of "You can't X under pressure" is that X is rather simple. Git is fairly complex.
Which is why it's not timer based
There is pressure (boss meter)
Ah. Yeah, I maybe haven't looked at the details close enough; but I skimmed it.
jsfiddle.net/rlemon/DPRRb the beginning of my css sundial
what chu tink
@rlemon I see javascript.
@Shmiddty You taste just like raisin.
I got called a script kiddie, and idk why
Thank you. Your order has been placed, and you will receive an email shortly with the details of your purchase.
yay, congratulations
pays to write a userscript to reload the page every 30 seconds
@rlemon Impressive.
@rlemon 44 pages
over two thousand!
I'm a trucker :(
hm where is the page where you can see the numbers of messages in the chat?
Fuck, you say fuck a lot
@FlorianMargaine the info page
I can only see the ones for this week or something
bottom right of that box
per day
this week
last week
per week
> 1481619
oh, 63815 ?
hover over it to see what the number is
I'm far far behind you :(
and I've posted ~132000 of them
still impressive
@rlemon compared to 1 million? :D
@FlorianMargaine nono, that is for the room all together
@SomeKittens overall, it does show the general involvement of people
@Shmiddty 1.6434519303557908
(Also stupid: SO anti-flooding a room owner)
1.64% of @rlemon's messages contain the word "fuck"
ah yeah 132k for this room
but where are all your other messages?
Caprica has more messages than me.
Caprica will soon have more messages than me
you have barely 4k in html/css
oh it's 150k, not 1 million
my bad
1.5k this week
1.6k last week
1.8k per week

damn I need to get a life.
It's all the intro messages
!!> 2000/7
@rlemon 285.7142857142857
:( 285 messages/day
397 this week
346 last week
516 per week
I'm a lot less active since a few months
started to work at work...
heh, I'm only getting more active
that's usually a sign that you have to change your job :P
@FlorianMargaine Funny you should say that.
!!nudge 15m leave for 'lunch'
@SomeKittens Nudge #1 registered.
@SomeKittens Awesome
@Esailija I love bluebird!
yup so 3-4 weeks and I'll have my new phone :)
this is such an awesome day
Why so long?
@theporchrat Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
also I imagine backorders
I was F5ing all day to get this
32gb black
sooooo who wants to make a sweet sundial element for me :P jsfiddle.net/rlemon/DPRRb/1
@rlemon what's your period? 24 hours?
12 on the right, 12 on the left
!!afk 'lunch'
@SomeKittens Apricots are people too!
I suppose I could just use this picture..
Q: Javascript/Canvas EFF themed shooter game

dylanI wrote an Asteroids/Smash-TV inspired game with Javascript and Canvas. The codebase is getting a bit large and tangled, and I was wondering if I could get some advice on what to refactor/ anything that's silly before I tack on more features. I have several classes that all inherit from a Moving...

!!> 2*Math.PI / 24 / 60
@Shmiddty "undefined"
@Shmiddty 0.004363323129985824
@SomeKittens nudge leave for lunch
yea that isn't accurate (my angle calculation)
@rlemon I don't like you.
I'm still using my Galaxy Nexus!
@SomeGuy hahaha
I still have my galaxy nexus, and probably would still be using it had I not dropped it and cracked the glass
What'll you do with the Nexus 4?
Drop it? :p
but that is wrong time :P
this is correct time
@SomeGuy one is a work phone, one is a personal phone.
i really hate old people who don't understand new technologies AKA my boss
@rlemon But your interval doesn't do anything...
@stewbydoo how old and how new?
he is 60 and new as in web development
like js, html,....
in what respect is this man 'boss'?
i want to just quit and be like here you finish the project you old fuck
he owns the company
what does the company do?
what sort of IT?
Everybody has the right to be ignorant
if the guy knows, like, COBOL
he knows something. Listen.
if he knows nothing, as some businesspeople do, well, you're on your own
yea true your right but it's not that I need help
he is just annoying and never seems satisfied with my work
which is fine I guess but hard to stay motivated soemtimes
I'm sure he does a lot more than you think, even if just on the business side of things
@Shmiddty sure it does
You should try really hard to find out what he actually has a problem with
why-why-why-why isn't just for small children
    setInterval(function () {
        var angle = ((date.getHours()*60)+date.getMinutes())*apm;
 generateShadow(post, 100, angle-90, {
            r: 50,
            g: 50,
            b: 50,
            a: .45
    }, 1000);
how does this do nothing?
@rlemon Your date never changes
omg I fucking hate this formatting BS
@Shmiddty because it's looking at the minutes and the resolution for the shadow doesn't allow it
no... you declare date outside of the interval
it always has the same value
date = new Date();
ok i'll update my bad
well @TomW good news is...it's FRIDAY FRIDAY
for whatever reason I wanted that date object to always give me current times
@stewbydoo I'm taking this as an exercise in dealing with difficult people, work with me here
@Shmiddty Nice catch though
lol well I mean what would you do if you were in my situation?
tell your boss to piss off or try and have him understand what you do so he can appreciate it more?
setInterval(function () {
  var date = new Date(),
    angle = ((date.getHours() * 60) + date.getMinutes()) * apm;
  generateShadow(post, 100, angle - 90, {
    r: 50,
    g: 50,
    b: 50,
    a: .45
}, 1000);
fixed :P thanks @Shmiddty
I wouldn't have noticed until I went back to the tab at 5pm and saw no change
I just assumed I wasn't seeing it because it was so small / slow
@stewbydoo you haven't really told us what the problem is yet
only that this guy is apparently a jerk
the problem is I told him I finished what he asked me to do and did it pretty quickly. I told him I was done, he says okay I'll check it later. he comes to my cubicle, says I just tried typing in the address and it doesn't work.
long story short
he didn't follow the instructions I sent him and got all pissy and mad at me for no reason
you should make your instructions / interfaces idiot boss proof.
next thing I ask him to give it a test run, and tell me if this is what he was looking for...
Q: Building a simple web app with database?

ZooceI'm building a simple airline reservation system (web app) for a class. I'm trying to find out where to start learning about implementing and integrating a sql database. User's should be able to search for available flights based on destination and departure cities and the like. A good example wo...

before he does that he looks at the page and says well where is this part(I told him in the email I was working on that part)
I just made my first email w/ attachment script <3
well tell him again
does it cost you anything?
@rlemon so there are a couple of things to keep in mind when working with the coordinate system in the DOM/Canvas
i did
You say you got done pretty quick, that just means you had extra time to spiff it up a bit. It's not like you don't get paid by the hour.
Talk of an idiot boss reminds me of this: thecodelesscode.com/case/116
no it didn't, it's just annoying
and instead of him testing it, he says well I'm gonna wait til that parts done
@Shmiddty there sure are
98% of the thing is done but he won't touch it
the origin (0, 0) is at the top left, and the y-axis is flipped (grows downward)
yea, but translate can set your origin to whereever the fuck you want
@stewbydoo well explain why testing it now and bypassing that part is a good idea
sure, but you're doing a box shadow
the sooner you know his opinion the sooner you can act on it
not worth it at this point its 4:30 and he is gone for the weekend
which is just measured in offsets
so, what is your point?
well, in principle. Assuming today might well have been monday
The angles are reflected along the x-axis
I mean, I know those things, I'm just asking why you are telling me. there is a reason
I'm gonna let time fix this one. When he finds time to test it then I will answer his questions, until then I will work on other shit
@rlemon because I am a banana
lol, I was about to say, there is nothing wrong with my angles :P
first post, yea I forgot to -90deg
but that was quickly realized.
@rlemon how fast do you think you can make a particle generator?
depends on what you want it to do
lets keep it simple
just something basic
function Particle(x,y) {
  this.x = x;
  this.y = y;
  this.vx = 0;
  this.vy = 0;
Paritcle.prototype = {
  constructor: Particle,
  update: function() {
    this.x += this.vx;
    this.y += this.vy;

    // check bounds here

    // modify the velocities if need be
  render: function(context) {
    // render it to the passed in context.

function Emitter(x,y) {
  this.particles = [];
Emitter.prototype = {
  constructor: Emitter,
  create: function(options) {
    particles.push(Object.extend(new Particle, options)); // needs Object.extend polyfill
what was my time???
also I did that all in the fucking chat input
how painful is that
yea man
i wasn't counting but I went and pissed and came back and you were done lol
the basics is easy. you have a object with an x and y
then a velocity modifier for each
yea the velocity part always fucks me though
if you want gravity....

this.vy += settings.gravity;
@shelly Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I need to do this
@stewbydoo ok I took an old demo and commented it jsfiddle.net/rlemon/k2eSR
have fun!
I'm gonna fork this guy
posted on November 01, 2013 by Victor Rodriguez

A tribute to Albert Einstein From left: astronauts Sergey Ryazansky, Oleg Kotov, Luca Parmitano, Karen Nyberg, Fyodor Yurchikhin and Mike Hopkins pay tribute to Albert Einstein from the International Space Station shortly after ESA’s Automated Transfer Vehicle Albert Einstein undocked. The Expedition 37 crew are imitating the photo taken on Einstein’s 72nd birthday in 19

we're back!
@SomeKittens My spoon is too big!
@CapricaSix It certainly is, dear.
@MirkoCianfarani Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
/me is not good with canvas-y type things.
I think this is a interesting question
Q: How to submit 2 Forms w/ 1 Submit using Javascript? 1 Form uses "GET" & other uses "POST"

user1824806How can I submit 2 forms that are on the same page if 1 Form uses "GET" method & the other uses the "POST". Each form has the same action and goes to the same next page. Need Help. Thanks for everyones help. How could i get these 2 forms below that use different methods submitted with one but...

@SomeKittens no canvas :P
@SomeKittens iz longShadow for html elements jsfiddle.net/rlemon/EUJMU
just generates the css for them

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