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@RyanKinal Doubtful
Part of the reason I called it a horror story... it's not entirely believable
@LewisGoddard Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
someone refresh me because i'm too lazy to try it
@Andersonneo Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
within a constructor function, if there is a method on the prototype, this.method() or this.method.call(this); the method needs the object as its thisarg
A Fortune 500 company (Groupon) just migrated their entire infrastructure from Rails to Node. This sets a very nice precedent.
lol man codepens front page kicks ass right now, so much halloween
so many dark colors
oh yes, Groupon. Renowned for making smart business decisions.
(Have they made a profit yet?)
@Loktar And you're on it!
@SomeGuy well yeah that too
Twice at that lol
I just love how designers are so good at picking colors man
Hahaha, that's so awesome
like that css pumpkin
looks so cool
@TomW wow so much anger
@Loktar wat?
lol actually they made a profit in august
@dievardump I would have sold my little brother for this
Hi there
Can any one please explain this to me: bit.ly/HuMpMy
@Karem that requires I have facebook, so that's a no go for me.
i dont understand why facebook scrapes that url ? And if its cache, researches said that it refreshes when you use the debugging tool
@Karem why is it minified?
@RUJordan Oh it does? Or it requires knowledge of facebook api
@JanDvorak The url ?
Because I dont want the url to save here in the history
bit.ly links are persistent
I understand
I dont like them too
Anyone who can help me here? Just en explanation, why it does not refresh cache / grabs wrong url to scrape...
speaking of codepen, I just got an email from someone attempting to learn canvas and who wants me to teach them based on what he's seen from my codepen
if I invite him into the JS room (later) you guys promise to play nice?
Why wouldn't we?
because we're the rudest bastards alive
When people try to learn, we are nice. When people try to "gimme the codzeee" we are the rudest bastards alive.
jsfiddle.net/rlemon/pDmVz/1/show too much background land?
no, just needs stars, the land needs to scroll, and some shooting stars with tree sillhouettes cdpn.io/uEJKl
a visual template :P
I was going to use my generated trees - foliage for the trees
and just paint them black
and using quadraticLineTo I can make birds! or bats!
animated ;) ohh if I get this working in the next 30 minutes I'll be so happy :P
@Loktar i'm too lazy to look at the code, is your land generated on the fly, or are you just looping two images? or one image?
I dont remember tbh
I'm thinking I can render sections of the land, so it is always unique
this one (old one) just paints the same scape twice and loops it
somehow I missed that before
thats really damn cool
Haha, yeah, he made that for someone's 404 page, IIRC
Bakemono === A monster in Japanese apparently.
A triple ===? Dayumm
Q: Best way to do "cutscenes"

Jordan FitzI'm curious about the best way to display cutscenes in canvas. When I say cutscene I mean something like a static image fading from one to the other. Would it be best to use a timeout for a certain amount of seconds then go to the next image? Alternatively, would it be better to somehow use the m...

=== = == but better
That's like.. a riddle among riddles.
!!afk smoke
@RUJordan Nobody cares.
@Loktar link @Feeds to your screen swipe demo + tutorial
I have feeds ignored
Q: Best way to do "cutscenes"

Jordan FitzI'm curious about the best way to display cutscenes in canvas. When I say cutscene I mean something like a static image fading from one to the other. Would it be best to use a timeout for a certain amount of seconds then go to the next image? Alternatively, would it be better to somehow use the m...

oh hah nice
yeah mine effect isnt what hes looking for though
still. hits be hits
I'd link it as a comment with an "I'll just leave this here: link"
how does your blog do with hits?
depends, 500-600 visitors daily on avg
nowhere near zg.nets visitor count though
Should one still use unparsable crufts in JSON APIs? I know that modern browsers do not allow overriding the Array constructor, so is it advisable not to use unparsable crufts anymore?
games get more hits than reading about developing them
I can see that
well its not like my blog is at all popular either, I imagine david walshes gets a ton of traffic
OMG 130euros more than on Google website
That's just crazy
@dievardump It's all that money spent on incredible design work
@Loktar does better than my pizza site
@Loktar That's pretty good for a personal blog
that has trickled down to like 5-10 hits a day
yeah but sites like that always do
they get a decent influx in the beginning and die off fast
i wonder what placekittens gets?
what pizza website ?
retroships.com gets like 20 or so a day
@Loktar I have that much too. After being on HN once …
Aha nice !
@copy nice, most of my traffic is organic
i need to setup rlemon.ca
then I will start to post my demos under a blog with some sort of tutorial, however shitty
I'm addicted to page views :/ doesn't matter the site / service
be addicted to the content and youll get more
@brunops Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon ditto for rkoutnik.com
Same for whatthedude.com
And amaancheval.com
i prefer someguy.com
I'd never get that :/
haha I didnt check that btw
The new Goatse
alright im out gotta trick or treat soon
@Loktar Have fun!
Are you dressed up as an old man? :p
@Loktar what are you dressing up as?!
parents always should dress up
@Loktar Don't be lazy!
like troll face troll or like bridge troll
You wouldn't have to do anything for that!
no giant troll head
Hahaha, awesome
I'm going out as a drunk programmer
done and done
people took pics with me last year
I'm going out as Caprica Six in dev mode. I'm not responding to anything unless it's prepended with beer!
[comment was removed, user was banned and fired for sexist comments involving technical terms]
@RUJordan I already told you, nobody cares.
How do people in New York go trick or treating? Do they go up the buildings from apartment to apartment?
@SomeGuy they hop in a cab and go corner to corner.
just stick the bag out the window
just don't go into Queens
Five times
The victim chose not to reveal his name since the attacker is still at large.
Tom, who is in stable condition, said he sensed something was wrong just seconds before the attack.
Is Tom a fake name..?
> "Tom," the victim, told ABC's Eyewitness News. The victim chose not to reveal his name since the attacker is still at large.
I imagine so yes
omg the video...
what.. who does that?
That must have hurt
some people are just fucking disturbed
Serial butt stabbers are the worst. Parallel butt stabbing is much better
Have a star for you bad joke
Wait, if you throw a grenade into a crowded area, do you become a serial killer, or a parallel killer?
@rlemon I was at that mall when that happened. I live maybe 4 miles from there.
watch your ass man
all I gotta say
He was arrested in Peru and targetted women. I'm gravy there haha
serial butt stabbers are such a pain in the ass
So many buttpuns.
OMG OMG OMG OMG .... my work just said they would buy me a N5...... :D
@rlemon A what?
Nexus 5
@rlemon so jelly
or is it kitkat?
it does run kitkat
@rlemon I got a Lumia 925 :(
sold out :(
@BenjaminGruenbaum still better than o back pat
@JanDvorak It's a decent phone, but we mainly use it for development and testing.
I will have to continuously check back for it I suppose
I still use my iPhone because it's still the better alternative.
im the new owner
want my lorempizza code
you can make is naked dude image placeholder site!
My work just makes fun of me for using Android
lol that thought did cross my mind
@SomeKittens must suck to work with so many stupid people man :?
@Loktar well it is there if you want it
very VERY simple
@SomeKittens Is it like "work humor" make fun of or for real?
whats it written in?
you just fill the directory with the images you want to pull from. and change the names on the views.
:( php
I've been obsessed with making node sites lately
I needed to get that working without headaches
I have that colo server that I rarely use
so I've been making random sites on it now lol
node has always given me headaches. and I don't know why, seems so easy for everyone else.
do you use express?
I tried vanilla and with express
Because despite what people say, it's not the holy grail
tbh it has been some time since I looked back into it
I imagine it is much easier to deploy / setup now
express --anyswitches directory
crazy easy to setup now
After Android Zulu, what will the next version code name be?
@copy lol true its almost like Node's jQuery
you don't need all that functionality.. yet still install/use it
> Yeah man my site is just one static page
@SomeKittens @KendallFrey @OctavianDamien docs.google.com/document/d/…
"I've never used non-Apple because I like Apple" <- Perfectly fine.
"You're stupid for not using Apple because that's all I've ever used" <- You are a waste of oxygen
Heart Lanterns are now craftable out of Life Crystals
> Fart in a Balloon is now craftable at the Tinkerer’s Workshop
@BenjaminGruenbaum Mostly just fanboying
@rlemon Nice!
@BenjaminGruenbaum 1. It's hyped very much 2. Python (and Django) is better for general purpose 3. Async only has a point for special purposes
Is there anyway to change the indent size of nested lists/detail tags with javascript(Or css that I haven't found yet)?
@Loktar I've heard that comparison, but it fails beyond anything but surface-level stuff
express is incredibly lightweight
ul ul {
   padding-left: 10px;
So who's interested in making git, you git! into reality?
@copy I like Python but Django is pretty bad imo, it's bad architecturally and its modules (like the ORM) are weak (and it's not modular enough). Mainly, no one says node is the holy grail. Node works well when you're doing a single page application or/and you need to use sockets and/or you need to do lots of excessive I/O. I wouldn't use it for a website, or an application with special demands. Not to mention there are big problems with node servers in certain areas.
Mainly the grail thing, no one says it's the holy grail - it solves a very specific problem.
@SomeKittens sure
@rlemon ty
@rlemon Alright, I'll spend my personal dev time tonight planning that out
and i'll spend mine playing the new update :)
or working on that scene
@BenjaminGruenbaum Agreed, although I don't see the single page part and there are definitely people who think it's the holy grail (the same goes for Go, what the fuck?)
@copy I'm not really sure what's the point of Go at all - especially given other promising "low high level languages" like Rust and the speed of "high general purpose" like C# and Java. The single page part is incredibly easy with NodeJS - when you start having a lot of application logic, in practice being able to share a lot of code between the client and server is awesome.
Oh, that. Yeah, makes some sense for some applications
@Loktar you should allow the people in your zombie simulator mate.
Give each dot a gender
haha yeah someone on reddit said something like that too
if a male and female meet, they have a, let's say, 1% chance of mating
but what if one mates with a zombie?
so that's where zombie children in minecraft come from
I think 1% is generous for most humans..
or if theres a random 'celebrity' spawn - who mates with 100% of people he interacts with and dies crazy easily to stupid things
... just sayin
> the more dead from outside intervention, the higher chance of random zombie occurrence? or random death due to disease. With the piles of dead laying around I can't imagine how healthy that last survivor would be.
@Loktar ^^
Not to mention the mental strain of it all
and the other senses straining
ohh yea! give them personalities!
that smell..
the diarrhea...
but make like three, the runners, the heroes and the sluts.
> whatever you want to do, usually it's faster to wait for Gimp to fire up than to just do it in MSpaint.
sluts have a higher chance to reproduce, runners always run away from zombies, and fighters always try to fight them
gamers / programmers - who will sit in front of a pc node oblivious to the zombies running around eating people
How would you set an attribute in a tag without a name in jquery? EX: <details open><summary>Foo</summary>Foo oof ofo</details> <-- Would want to chane the "open" in the base details tag to closed.
I think that if zombies can't run, most people will be ok. I've played enough CODZombs to know that you can run in wide circles and you'll be aight
Hooray I finally beat candybox2!
yeah if zombies dont run we're good for sure
lol. I just imagined some dude moon walking away from a horde and being alright.
@DDR Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
How would you set an attribute in a tag without a name in jquery? EX: <details open><summary>Foo</summary>Foo oof ofo</details> <-- Would want to chane the "open" in the base details tag to closed.
apparently you can use an empty string for the value
@NoahHuppert Why would you do that in the first place?
That sounds like a bad solution to a problem that shouldn't exist in the first place :/
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm creating a responsive design and on mobile I'm making it so just the post titles show which means collapsing everything else... not really a problem.
@NoahHuppert You can use a class since your'e classifying it based on that state but mainly because you need different CSS for it anyway.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I do not think you understand what I am trying to do. In a <details> tag you can put <details open> and the details list will automatically be open. I am trying to using javascript(Or something) to make is so that open changes to closed. So <details open> --> <details closed>
@NoahHuppert What's a <details> tag?
Hmm, lemme consult the great shaman (the spec)
Yeah, just found it
@NoahHuppert so you want to add or remove an attribute without assigning a value to it?
details is not really well supported
only chrome implements it
I think the whatwg removed it from their spec
@FlorianMargaine If its nots supported than it shows as a list so its ok.
@FlorianMargaine nope still there.
@NoahHuppert You sure you need an attribute and not a property?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I do not believe open is something that you can make open="true" its either open or closed, maybe called a property. Don't know the name for it.
@NoahHuppert You can use an empty string for the value like @ThiefMaster suggested, but I really don't see why anyone would use a details tag anyway :)
semantics.. just like <address>
@BenjaminGruenbaum If you are displaying an outline. Which is what I am doing...
Yeah, but I don't see why tags like <details> should be in the specification. They should be extensions, then again adding tags is not very well supported everywhere yet.
So if open is a property how do you change it with jquery or the such?
I wanted to write some ncurses app
but I'm too lazy; UI is a PITA
@NoahHuppert $(elm).attr("open","") to add it, $(elm).removeAttr("open") to remove it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum ty
!!afk hometime
@Shmiddty Nobody cares.
Morning all!
(just read the article)
Content is King
no, I'm king
room topic changed to JavaScript: WE LOVE FOOD DAY! <3 nom nom nom ... Room rules: rlemon.github.com/so-chat-javascript-rules Books: bit.ly/jsnoob King: SomeKittens [ecmascript] [enterprise] [javascript]
room topic changed to JavaScript: révolution!!! Room rules: rlemon.github.com/so-chat-javascript-rules Books: bit.ly/jsnoob King: SomeKittens [ecmascript] [enterprise] [javascript]
Anyone on TS?
Even though no one is here.... Is there any way in chrome to keep tabs running as normal even when inactive?
"no one is here" I posted seconds ago!
oh ha nevermind
so, even though only one person is here....
A: Is there a way to detect if a browser window is not currently active?

Andy ESince originally writing this answer, a new specification has reached working draft status thanks to the W3C. The Page Visibility API now allows us to more accurately detect when a page is hidden to the user. Current browser support: Chrome 13 Internet Explorer 10 Firefox 10 Opera 12.10 [read ...

Anyway, do you happen to know what I'm talking about?
Find whatever they're doing with the tabblur event and overwrite it

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