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@chasemb check out for..in
Choose the ones with this icon i.sstatic.net/y33cX.png
Dear rlemon, we have received your paypal payment in the amount of $ MONEY pesos Order # NUMBER to Marquez's Pizza.
Shortly receive another e-mail which tells you the status of your order is in the restaurant.
hope you enjoy
Thanks :)
getting a place that would take money over the web was a lot harder than it used to be
Order Time: 6:05:44 pm
Delivery time: Approximately 45 minutes
also, when it asked me for a comment, I tried my best.
> La pizza es para mi buena amiga. ¿Me puede ayudar y escribir una broma divertida en la caja?
I hope they draw a penis
Was that right?
Yeah :)
good, google translates it as : The pizza is for my good friend. Can you help me and write a funny joke in the box?
@eLearner Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
jsfiddle.net/rlemon/8ryB8/27 ok after all particles die or go off screen (which should kill them) something really bones performance :/
for( var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++ ) {
  if( !arr[i].alive ) { continue; }
  // .. stuff if it is alive.
if everything is dead. would this cause a significant slowdown?
I can't see how possibly it would...
but it only slows down once everything is gone.
@xxinerKYU Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Loktar you ever seen anything like this?
@rlemon after everything is gone, are new particles added?
you can add them
shift + click anywhere
and when you do add them back it jumps back up to 60 fps for me
I find it a little hilarious that I left here a few hours and it seems like the room is exactly as I left it.
@Retsam yea, awesome.
if you don't already have it, stats.js bookmarklet is great. ricardocabello.com/blog/post/707
yea as soon as nothing is there my cpu usage jumps from 10% to almost 30% instantly.
cheap fix is to always spawn at least one if they are all dead. but then I have to a) keep track of the number alive and dead, or b) traverse it every time.
ok has nothing to do with continue
like I thought
Wut? How did my name change back?
this is insane. how the hell is the performance dropping when I have no live particles.
@Shmiddty: I'm stumped with Even First now. Are you building even and odd strings and then doing print(e+o) at the end?
At least it matches my golf name now, but still ...
I know that it is not possible to flip a background every repeat with css but is there a way to do it with javascript or a javascript plugin?
Do it with canvas fine
or svg possibly
How do you not know that with 3.5 out of 5 in JavaScript
because 11.74 taught me
Not you, the kid
@BadgerGirl "[it] is on the way to your home so we ask you to be on the lookout."
Yes yes yes yes :)
do you want to know the toppings now or find out when it arrives?
I went all veggie **
When it arrives :)
for whatever reason my on page translate was not working so I had to copy paste the ingredients into google translate online
:P I hope it is what I expected
Extra chillies?
ok, so anyone interested in a funky little canvas / performance problem. I summed up the code / issue here gist.github.com/rlemon/b96a90f6061c6d102508
It says: Enjoy me but be careful, you could find a surprise. happy halloween
It's so creepy
And it has none of the ingredients that I told you
@copy they didn't have them on the menu from the place I ordered from :/ not a single one.
well... they have olives, but they didn't specify green or black and I didn't know if she liked green so I didn't want to spoil it if she didn't. :/
That's weird, at least by European standards
well most of the places I first tried to order from had most of them, but they wanted to take the CC at the door with photo ID.
first place that didn't I went with
I love it :)
function update() {
    for (var i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) {
        if (!particles[i].alive) {
        for (var j = 0; j < hosts.length; j++) {
    setTimeout(update, 1000 / 60);

function render() {
    context.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .1)';
    context.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
    context.fillStyle = 'red';
    for (var j = 0; j < hosts.length; j++) {
imagine all particles in the particles array are .alive = false;
anything there stare you in the face that would KILL performance.
hosts array contains 1-3? object.
I'm banging my head over this
@rlemon when are you calling update?
on init update and render are first called.
both call themselves continuously.
let me add stats.js to the fiddle so you don't have to install the bookmarklet.
you will see
could it be that RAF explodes when you request a frame after you don't actually render anything?
well I render the red dots always
they don't change position, however. Long shot, I know,
it is so strange, when I do less work I get horrible performance
@JanDvorak but I also notice a CPU spike
so idk if it is just a reporting issue
if one particle is alive, the performance is much faster?
if one particle is alive in the array performance is instantly finew
check for stuff outside this part
did you try just pausing the execution randomly?
but with the continue nothing else should ever be run
nothing else inside the loop
just what you see
inside of the update and render methods are more things, as well as the gravitate but they are never called.
I'll see what I can get by tracing
in jsfiddle line 80, reduce the loop limit for the number of total satellites
I have noticed the performance drop off is gradual
looks like an array you only reset from live particles
did you check the flame chart?
it says "(program)", so it's neither update, nor render
I saw that as well. no clue what (program) is
where do you update the identity of the red particle?
ahh fuck it does it in FF as well :(
I only do on mouse action
if the red particle dies, another one is elected
that is a bug
colouring issue
this is the mouse event handling stuff
oh, it appears deliberate and I like it
How's this for a quote taken out of context;
"We remain close to fully penetrated amongst teens in the U.S."
dirty mind?
@rlemon wait, when do you tell the context to actually update?
@rlemon you don't call closePath if there's no particle
which means it's accumulating multiple copies of the hosts on each frame
that it only renders if there is a particle
figured it would be easier to show you
no dice.
the context should close the previous path (afaik) when a new one is opened
sorry; missed the fill call
however, the canvas does not repaint if there's no particle
but how would that drop performance?
when do you blank the canvas?
and make my CPU spike?
I never do
I over write it with a new layer, gives the trailing effect.
it is a know technique that many use
but the last particle stays on the screen where it died
line 187 replace:
    context.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .1)';
    context.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
    context.clearRect(0, 0, with, height);
some actions could reduce performance if the canvas is stupid and renders everything from history on each change
nope, still kills perf.
//context.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .1)';
//context.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
first find out why the last particle stays rendered
if your canvas is not updating for some reason, it must be accumulating a backlog of events that could slow it down
Let me fire up the canvas profiler
hrm, as much as I try I don't understand why the last particle is always red :?
or why there is even a red particle!
@rlemon redshift?
the trace log for empty canvas looks good, but the particle does not disappear anyways
@monners doppler effects are not simulated here
@JanDvorak That makes me sad...
I added this:
setInterval(function() {
    console.log(particles.filter(function(a){ return a.alive }).length);
}, 1000);
so in your console you can see all particles are dead, and that is the trigger
again, revive particles with SHIFT + CLICK anywhere and watch the perf jump back up
the console trace indicates you set the fill color after you call arc
this would explain the red particle
(you do the same for hosts)
as long as I set the fill before I call fill it is ok
there is no fillArc
only fillRect
changed it and still a red particle
let me recheck with the fading off...
@Rahul_RJ Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
How can I use Bootstrap Images for all Icons in my MVC application?
its Glyphonic Images
@rlemon for some reason the red particle appears when the first (or each) host is rendered
ok the last on screen particle is always red
so I don't think that has anything to do with the perf
shrink the screen and you will see each "last" on screen particle is red, but the perf doesn't dive until they are all goen
also, the red particle is retarded by one frame behind its black image
yup, I think it is just a rendering issue for the red.
although, I don't see why??
seems like you're arcing twice? Let me check the code
wat, why do you fill, and then close path?
why wouldn't I?
Anyone had the problem of window.outerWidth getting smaller when a canvas is made fullscreen?
also, again, paths should terminate on their own.
if I comment out the closePath on the :render for the particle I see no perf hit
or an effect on the red dot
time to start recklessly removing code until the performance stops degrading?
hrmmm, curious
I wonder if continue has some effect on other loops ??
once it is in kaputs mode click and drag a host
@elliospizzaman Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
the repaint isn't applied ????
if I add beginPath to the host rendering code, it all works perfectly
perf good, dragging works
@passol Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
no obvious red dot (but I think one particle is still tinted red)
yea the rendering is still a little off.,
but that will be fixed.
i'm glad you were here, I might have taken a bit to think to add that
Why doesn't arc begin a new path implicitly?
i have no idea
maybe I do
ohh well you don't need to full arc, you can arc a full path with multiple arcs
all closePath does is a lineTo the first point
beginPath clears the list of stuff to paint on stroke and fill
@making3 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
stroke and fill don't do that, because you might want to stroke and fill the same path twice
hrmm. and I thought I knew how to use this stuff :/
thus, you were filling more and more copies of the hosts on each frame
if fill does most of its work asynchronously, this would explain it was logged as (program)
I'm wondering if I should file a bug
I would ;)
so I should leave it to you, then?
no, i'm bad at filing bugs
if you don't, I will be honest, it will probably go unreported.
the few i've filed went ignored.
okay then. Let me try...
but to be honest, I got the same behavior from Chrome and FF
so maybe probably the bug was on my end
I'm not worried about beginPath being needed. That follows the spec
I'm worried about fill not being timed as a part of the rendering code.
i'm just happy it works :P
Q: Tabs Within a VIM Split

Daniel ParkI am writing a few different js files in my new favorite text editor, VIM. Coming from ST2, I miss the feature of having splits with tabs. I.e: A split contains a collection of files which can be selected without affecting any others. I ask this because I have a few separate plugins which I wan...

@Feeds That's got nothing to do with JS.
Why does git bash on Windows take so freaking long to start up?
bash on windows???
Yep, courtesy of msys.
I haven't started up Windows for non-gaming reasons in a long time
and the gaming reasons are shrinking
Lucky you!
You wouldn't believe how long ls takes. :-(
I do
at work it takes ~5 sec to build
It often takes longer to run on msys on this laptop. :-((
ls that is
git's fine though, which is the main thing. And vim is fine once it's started up.
ls does my head in though.
It would probably be quicker to filter dir through awk to simulate ls's output.
1 hour later…
Q: Is there an alternative to javascript for the web that can do multi-threading and synchronous execution?

rambodashI would like to program web applications as I do with desktop programming languages, where the code is synchronously executed and browser doesn't freeze when doing loops. Yes I know there are workarounds using callbacks and setTimeout, but they are all workarounds after all and they don't give t...

@rlemon yeah
gotta begin/closepaths dude
for (var j = 0; j < hosts.length; j++) {
    context.arc(hosts[j].x, hosts[j].y, hosts[j].s/2, 0, Math.PI*2, true);

oh nice I noticed you did in your pen
@Suman Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Q: what is the meaning of following defination?

user2809576I am new to javascript and start learning from w3schools website. i m not able to understand what is following lines means.can anyone please explain this with example. "You can only use document.write in the HTML output. If you use it after the document has loaded (e.g. in a function), the whole...

Are you sure you want to delete these pages from your history?

Psst! Incognito mode (Shift+Ctrl+N) may come in handy next time.
Google knows us so well :D
you have to speicify what the heck u want
I need to fill the paid column
when delete any recode from any where according to the var regTotalPaidAmount = 18870;
sorry i cant understand u
Installment No  |	Amount 	| Due Date | Paid Column
1               |  10000        |  2013-10-15  |  ?
? need to be update according to the amount
var regTotalPaidAmount
and whats so hard ?
need help regarding this tread
Q: Add maximize and minimize button for Jquery Sortable Portlets

RamI have used Jquery sortable UI from Jquery Sortable UI I want to add maximize and minimize button for each widget.When 'maximize' clicked the widget will occupy the whole page and hide other widgets.How to do this. I have tried to hide all columns and insert a new div with current widget. But I...

i am developing same sortable widgets in my web site
i want to maximize and minimize widgets like igoogle
how i can get this effect
@ThiefMaster I just saw an obvious multi-account cheat. A guy unaccepted my answer and accepted an answer from an account having the same website, same location : stackoverflow.com/questions/19497152/…
Hi guys
Is requirejs framework or plugin?
@Mr_Green I'd say it's a library. And a framework as it constrains the format of the modules.
ok thanks
hello stroy
I think human brain (atleast mine) runs on windows
Things pop up when they arent needed
random background processes keep running and eating resources, and my life gets messier and i wish i can just re-format and re-install life :-( yeap windows
@Suman his name is Dystroy
besides hi
hi abhishek
@AbhishekHingnikar Did you look at that user and his answers ? stackoverflow.com/users/1470956/king-goeks
It's impressive how a cheater can be so stupid...
look at my issue
@Suman Your question refers to plugins and widgets most people here don't use, so it's unlikely you'll get an answer. I don't even know what's igoogle...
@dystroy lol
and no man i havent got time to check stackoverflow
comon man my brain is running on microsoft windows 8.1
and ... its overclogged
@AbhishekHingnikar Did you just have kids ?
@dystroy not yet... but incoming
Kid_<number>.exe are installing
anyone here familier with jquery dialog when running as facebook application ?
@AbhishekHingnikar Damn... don't make a .exe...
@dystroy told you its windows based
i originally wanted a .out
and my girlfriend is on Solaris i guess , whatever i do i never understand her and she doesnt supports any of my interface
lol @AbhishekHingnikar
or follows any of the protocols i do... though i still love her since we developed a solaris -> windows abstraction library called understanding.h
which is mainly the source code for love.cc xD
hey guys
Anyone here familier with jQuery dialog when running as FB app ?
1 i dont use jquery
2 i dont write fb so that they make basic javascript unusable
good luck with your GF :)
3 i and dystroy can help if and only if you can send us a test case :D
cause there is nothing special :P
a facebook app is just a page
though the way facebook injects it in [if you are running it inside a frame is hard] and the dialog will be constrained within a frame
@AbhishekHingnikar I can help on Facebook things ? I don't even know what's that Facebook that every youngster seems to be speaking about...
@dystroy you are a master javascripter
you will most likely resolve the issue ... its simply a page inside an iframe
I will tell you my problem, maybe u can assist
I have a page that display jQuery dialog to the user, the dialog uses theme
when I browse the page directly, no FB, things shows right
when I browse the page as a FB app (in the FB frame) the dialog shows but with no theme
I changed the relative CSS link to absolute, as ony guy suggest but it won't help
any idea ?
@IvoWetzel In a NodeJS based multiplayer game, I should work on the multiplayer connections first, right? To make sure my game can cover the lag up and everything?
@Luke Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeGuy you will have to work on them again once your game grows mature
write an abstraction layer and grow it ? </unaskedSuggestion>
@GGG Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeGuy and i said that off experience.. you can never be sure about your connection until unless you start building the game , my bosses made a game called spaceheist which allowed to play on apple tv using iphone as handle and multiplayer using bluetooth
they hit ground hard ... because of latency and had to re-write and predict ... on other device at the end
@AbhishekHingnikar Well, obviously, you can't just write something at the beginning and never change it after.
I just remember having that discussion with Ivo, and wanted to confirm that that'd be the smarter thing to do
Anyone know of a good javascript library (or jQuery/bootstrap plugin) which can give new users to a site a "tutorial"? It would generally highlight objects, and use tooltips to let them know where to click and how to use the site
Hahaha, yeah, that was pretty amusing
any help for me
i want to update the last td (after due date ) according to the var regTotalPaidAmount = 18870;
but if we delete any entry it should re update according to the regTotalPaidAmount
Amount = should be paid amount
10000 = 10000
1875 = 1875
hey everyone, is there an equivalent to jquery's .serialize(), in angular?
@Omar Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hi , need some help in using slickgrid.... anyone here who is using slikgrid ?
morning, i have a little question in jQuery
@Dave-88 hmm
for example
if i write in the search input test
and click on the enter key so site refresh
but i don't need that
how can i turn off if i click enter key
@samitha can you give me a solution ?
        if ( e.which == 13 ) return false;

i need this
i find the solution :)
Q: How to improve or refactor Backbone CoffeeScript code?

Philipp Koselhow can I improve the following code mainly regarding the router, when to initialize the and fetch the collection and how I can filter the models?= Thank you jQuery -> class window.Movie extends Backbone.Model idAttribute: '_id' defaults: cast: 'not available' genres: 'n...

got a quick question on preventing minification problems within an Angular app:
do i have to use inline bracket notation only on controllers or on everything?
@user2422960 everywhere you use dependency injection
thank you @Connor
@mikedidthis how can i input field light up
@Dave-88 no idea
ah i find a solution for my question
@Aravona Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix Thanks. Will do.
Q: $.ajax response generates error in content-Type:application/json for xml content in json

NezamThis is very simple.I think i may be having an issue with incompatible response content type This is the code i am using to send a jQuery ajax request: var settings = { dataType: 'json', url: 'services/loadTemplate.ashx', data: JSON.stringify({ 'Name': element.n...

@Licson Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Well... I want to open a link in new tab dynamically. I tried $('<a>', {href: 'some links', target: '_blank'}).trigger('click'); but it doesn't seemed to worked. I also tried to inject the link to the DOM first, but with no success also...
@Dave-88 lmao
@Ning Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AbhishekHingnikar I don't mind. What are use supposed to do? BTW I don't use Windows. I use Ubuntu Saucy Salamander. Will that be a problem?
@Licson window.open is the only way
@Connor Umm... Thanks for guiding me.
@Connor "Imao" what this ß
@Connor But it seems strange that I cannot trigger a click event on it
@Connor I see. Thanks
@user2787507 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Guys, I have JS file , in my local system , i want to use in web for testing , is there any link in which i can upload my JS code and use that link as JS URL ?
I am testing in JSFiddle , so they need external JS URL
@chintankhetiya Take a look at CDN JS: cdnjs.com
@chintankhetiya does GitHub fit your needs?

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