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Asking questions can get you a lot of rep.
alright I'm gonna ask more questions then lol
!!s/Asking q/Asking good q/
@phenomnomnominal No matching message (are you sure we're in the right room?)
@phenomnomnominal Asking good questions can get you a lot of rep. (source)
Just remember, it's the quality of the question, not the quantity.
One great question is 10000x better than 35 shitty questions
Hell, I've been here like.. 2 years and my best question has 4 upvotes.
Neal, Brooklyn, NY
59.5k 10 87 146
his "best" question (which is pretty horrible) has a crap tonne of rep
Q: .prop() vs .attr()

NealSo jQuery 1.6 has the new function prop(). $(selector).click(function(){ //instead of: this.getAttribute('style'); //do i use: $(this).prop('style'); //or: $(this).attr('style'); }) or in this case do they do the same thing? And if I do have to switch to using prop(), ...

I'm actually pretty proud of my highest-rated question
Unfortunately, the best answer is only valid in a dead spec :-(
Q: Semantics and Structure of Name-Value Pairs

Ryan KinalThis is a question I have been struggling with for a while. What is the proper way to mark up name/value pairs? I'm fond of the <dl> element, but it presents a problem: There is no way to separate one pair from another - they have no unique container. Visually, the code lacks definition. Semanti...

My two best questions have to do with a school project. I'm terribad at SO
Q: Object referencing its own property on initilization

rlemon Possible Duplicate: Self-references in object literal declarations Can this be done? (obviously not in this syntax) var a = { b : 10, c : this.b * 2 // returns 'undefined' }; I have also tried var a = { b : 10, c : a.b * 2 // throws error 'a is undefined' }; and ...

my best voted is closed :P
For a while, I had this terrible habit of answering questions that would then be closed on programmers.SO
Q: Big O of JavaScript arrays

Kendall FreyArrays in JavaScript are very easy to modify by adding and removing items. It somewhat masks the fact that most languages array's are fixed-size, and require complex operations to resize. It seems that JavaScript makes it easy to write poorly performing array code. This leads to the question: Wh...

Wow, my top two are about arrays and JS
Q: Creating range in JavaScript - strange syntax

Benjamin GruenbaumI've run into the following code in the es-discuss mailing list: Array.apply(null, { length: 5 }).map(Number.call, Number); This produces [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] Why is this the result of the code? What's happening here?

I am trying to wrap my head around using functions in javascript as 'class definitions' the way i may have in other languages before coming to js.  using require js i have a few example files like so for a State class and a Capital class (just example objects).

   // main.js

require(['state.js', 'capital.js'], function(){
	var x = new State();

// state.js

require(['capital.js'], function(){
	function State(){
		this.population = 1,
		this.name = "New Jersey",
		this.capital = new Capital(),
How do you post a link as that box preview?
Just post it
Q: Why is .NET's Complex type broken?

Kendall FreyI was astounded to find that the System.Numerics.Complex data type in .NET doesn't yield mathematically accurate results. Complex.Sqrt(-1) != Complex.ImaginaryOne Instead of (0, 1), I get (6.12303176911189E-17, 1), which looks a lot like a rounding error. Now I realize that floating point ari...

@KendallFrey the answer is incorrect too..
@BenjaminGruenbaum Feel free to explain why
Q: Importing Excel Spreadsheet Into SQL Database (Coldfusion 9)

RUJordanI'm writing a script to import a large excel spreadhseet into an SQL Server 2008 database. Everything is working fine except for one minor detail: If a cell in the sheet has multiple options (like a <select> dropdown menu), only the selected option gets grabbed. I want to grab every possible opt...

my best question lol
@KendallFrey Because modern JS engines do store arrays as well... arrays. It's an optimization that has been done for a while.
1) That's nothing but an implementation detail 2) How does that affect the big O of any of those items?
@OctavianDamiean and @Shmiddty you have a pull request.
@SomeKittens Shmiddty is afk: lunch
@KendallFrey left a comment.
It affects the answer
@Loktar HALP!
(with some understanding)
or @SimonSarris you ever made a particle pool?
it seems to me it would be easier to manage if I had two arrays. one for alive particles and one for dead ones.
but then I'm fearful manipulating large arrays will be expensive.. :/ (nothing to base this on but 'feeling')
names for pool with dead particles: deadpool, graveyard, obituary, morgue, etc.
Me: *super nervous about newly live feature*
Boss: *thumbs up*
Me: *still nervous*
Boss: *brings up possible issue*
nice rep
!!stat RyanKinal
@rlemon Ryan Kinal has 7575 reputation, earned -1 rep today, asked 10 questions, gave 243 answers. avg. rep/post: 29.94. Badges: 1g 11s 35b
hard to look for a nice job around where I am...
the chat gets user information on startup and holds said user information
@RyanKinal ST feature?
@FlorianMargaine if it were, both "Boss" and "Me" would be the same
@rlemon if it weren't, he probably wouldn't be super nervous...
@rlemon and he's CTO, but he has a CEO
but he always refers to the other guy as his "Partner"
@RUJordan RUJordan has 1380 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 36 questions, gave 122 answers. avg. rep/post: 8.73. Badges: 1g 6s 24b
@RyanKinal does it amaze you that we remember so many personal details about your life?
or does it scare you ...
Not really
On either count
@RyanKinal so? ST feature?
I haven't creepered anyone out on the internet in a while.
or daily job feature?
No, a McKissock feature
Day job :-)
@rlemon Keep trying
@eazimmerman is wearing a grey and blue shirt
You know, that company that does $1mm per month. And I've just completely overhauled the student registration system.
@BadgerGirl The master speaks, lol
@RyanKinal how much does ST make now?
Hooray I successfully helped @MattHorner <3
Hint: Amaan is the easiest to creep out.
@rlemon wrong
@FlorianMargaine We're around $10k/month gross, I think
@rlemon it's green and grey
@RyanKinal getting there :)
not getting any big customer?
@RyanKinal so ST makes $10M and your day job makes $1MM
@RyanKinal Nice! That's pretty good for SaaS
(just to confuse peoples :P)
What is everyone being for Halloween?
@rlemon and where's my pizza :(
@rlemon lol, yep
@eazimmerman a drunk programmer
@BadgerGirl :O I forgots!
@rlemon you're not dressing up?
@FlorianMargaine We have a couple big ones on the line.
@eazimmerman scariest thing I can think of - a 503 error
umm... tomorrow I'll buy you dinner :P ping me around dinner time @BadgerGirl
@SomeKittens Yeah, we're doing pretty well, and still growing.
@eazimmerman Drunk is a distinct possibility
anyone (besides Badger) speak spanish?
@eazimmerman I'll put on some cargo shorts and a dirty button down.
and go as a "good programmer"
I was thinking of wearing a fat suit and going out as jQuery....
For a while, I was toying with the idea of actually putting effort into my costume... then there was the lazy
I am a banana.
I have trouble believing that
!!is banana or is not banana
@eazimmerman is banana
Well, the bot doesn't lie
!!beer or beer
@RyanKinal Sounds like you have already decided
Damn straight
ooo had a good idea. jsfiddle.net/rlemon/Nwp66/6/show
now they start with a mega fast rotation speed and it slows down over time
look better?
@rlemon Badass
@rlemon fucking badass
ok sweet. i'm stopping then :P
tinker until it gets the 'badass' approval.
@FlorianMargaine gonna just add a background and make sure it works on codepen (stupid codepen)
@rlemon looks like a kidney stone
!!> ~~'0'
@cↄ 0
@cↄ looks like a surprised sperm
I currently have 1337 new messages in my inbox
@FlorianMargaine done and done
codepen.io/rlemon/full/ovfju why is the center so high?
take a screenie. it is centered for me
@SomeKittens New commands should be in a separate js file under plugins
@Shmiddty I thought you'd never come back!
@Shmiddty Isn't plugins for commands that require external processing/callbacks?
@SomeKittens nah
@rlemon seems off by ~30 pixels
Alright, I'll move it.
@eazimmerman da code don't lie
var x = width/2,
    y = height/2,
^ for all points
I can shift it down a bit
y = height/2 + height/8
@rlemon y u no make confetti varying w/h?
it is
nah, they're all square
ohh rectangular
yea I could do that
but it is easier to just take a single size argument :P
lemmy see how it looks you bastard :P
it should also have stars
but those are hard.
god it is so much smoother for me when i'm not running it on codepen
@Shmiddty nahh, those are not that hard. (5 lineTo's and a fill)
I'll look into that as well
!!afk lunch
@SomeKittens Why are you leaving me!?
!!images or template or randomizer
@eazimmerman randomizer
print('=1n<4<2n7<5<3n<8<6n=9nF1nD7>2nA13>8>3n?19=14>9>4n=25=20=15=10>5n31=26=21=16=11>6n=32=27=22=17=12n?33=28=23=18nA34=29=24nC35=30nE36nX1nT11@2nQ21?12@3nN31?22?13@4nK41?32?23?14@5nH51?42?33?24?15@6nE61?52?43?34?25?16@7nB71?62?53?44?35?26?17@8n?81?72?63?54?45?36?27?18@9n<91?82?73?64?55?46?37?28?19?10n?92?83?74?65?56?47?38?29?20nB93?84?75?66?57?48?39?30nE94?85?76?67?58?49?40nH95?86?77?68?59?50nK96?87?78?69?60nN97?88?79?70nQ98?89?80nT99?90nV100'.replace(/\D/g,function(x)x=='n'?'\n':Array(x.charCodeAt()-58).join(' ')))
@nderscore for each(x in '...')
sup boobs
@eazimmerman if only they were real...
@Shmiddty I fucked something up jsfiddle.net/rlemon/yBmNK
will fix later
hows u? btw i wants ur opinion pweeze
buy a boat
always a good decision
!!> '=1n<4<2n7<5<3n<8<6n=9nF1nD7>2nA13>8>3n?19=14>9>4n=25=20=15=10>5n31=26=21=16=11>6n=32=27=22=17=12n?33=28=23=18nA34=29=24nC35=30nE36nX1nT11@2nQ21?12@3nN31?22?13@4nK41?32?23?14@5nH51?42?33?24?15@6nE61?52?43?34?25?16@7nB71?62?53?44?35?26?17@8n?81?72?63?54?45?36?27?18@9n<91?82?73?64?55?46?37?28?19?10n?92?83?74?65?56?47?38?29?20nB93?84?75?66?57?48?39?30nE94?85?76?67?58?49?40nH95?86?77?68?59?50nK96?87?78?69?60nN97?88?79?70nQ98?89?80nT99?90nV100'.replace(/\D/g,function(x)x=='n'?'\n':Array(x.charCodeAt()-58).join(' '))
lol one mo
@KirstyHarris I refuse to give you anything until you can talk like an adult and not a slow four year old.
@rlemon it's your transform. The formula probably needs to change for arbitrary rectangles.
i really hate it when one line of code fixes something that i have been staring at for an hour!!!!!
I love that
less code to write
well when you put it like that
I have to agree
imagine an hour to find the bug, an hour to code the fix. vs an hour to find the bug, one keystroke to fix it.
what is really the bad one ?"
rlemon opinions pleeeease
okay okay
nice design
mine or toms :)
aww ty :) getting there slowly
I jest, but that looks pretty cool. Is that a single raster or have you managed to craft that with fancy web fonts?
looks ok
i like it @KirstyHarris
very web 8.0 (we're at 8 now right?)
xkcd's is ironic about over complexity-many-things though
thanks @stewbydoo
@rlemon was going for the vintage flat look
@nderscore grandpa is schooling you
@KirstyHarris false
on "web" vintage look is marquee and blink
even more vintage is uncollapsed tables and beveled borders
you are going for the modern 'hipster' look
oh! haha
which is to make things look modern, but old.
slaps head
im quite liking the way its going atm
@Shmiddty which is to make things look contemporary, but old. (source)
@KirstyHarris it does look good.
modern is a period
I'm just saying, it isn't really 'vintage'
thanks @Shmiddty for that :)
yh i know what u mean, uve explained it more .. i knew kinda where i wanted to go with it
btw any of u guys have iphones with bitstrip app... that thing is hillarious
i've made bitstrips
i love it lol!
its sooooo geek!
lets take a look at spidermonkey.com from today
i want to shake hands with the dude who designed it lol
JS interview tomorrow. Can't wait to hear these questions
@KirstyHarris it looks really cool but something seems a little off about the key
everything else is pseudo 3d or flat
like its too clear maybe?
something up with the edges
they key is the only real object on the page
also cool pen!
@Loktar thankyou for that, i was going for am i the key to what u want type thing but i needed someone to confirm it was too in your face
@Loktar thanks
now go forth, whore the link to all yo peeps
make me a star!
@eazimmerman NO. I see enough of this garbage on facebook.
@Shmiddty its funny as hell lol
I don't get it
@Shmiddty agreed. but that one is funny
no more bitstrips. i promise
someone explain it! who is caitlin kee?
they've done one hell of a PR job there. That meme spread SO FAST. Instant kaching from ads
I've googled but found nothing worthy of a comic
course they have tom!
even thou its got a poor rating on apple app store
!!urban caitlin kee
@Shmiddty No definition found for caitlin kee
@rlemon probably some euro trash hipster name?
no idea.
@KirstyHarris That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!/Google Bitstrip
I guess it's funny if it's someone you know
@KirstyHarris who is caitlin kee and why should anyone care?
so it is an inside joke?
lol i dont even know @Shmiddty
i thought u guys did...
so why is it funny?
how the fuck is that funny to anyone but the person making it and the person it is for
I have no clue who Caitlin Kee is, she doesn't look to be famous, so I assume it's an inside joke between friends
20 secs ago, by Shmiddty
so why is it funny?
way to end my day on a ragefull note
That's all bitstrip is... in-jokes that nobody cares about
huge waste of space.
and I'm cancelling the star on that because: stupid
It's more fun than funny to tease your friends, I guess?
Create cartoon avatars for you and your Facebook friends...

Then put them in all kinds of comics, ready to share!
oh, so that's what bitstrips is...
lol yea florian lol
dammit grandpa
I thought it was "annoy all your other facebook friends with your inside jokes on their feeds"
Q: Saving user preferences, web application

SrleFor example, application will serve different articles from different categories to users which are logged in. User "A" only want to read posts from "Funny" category and user "B" only from "Sport" category. I need some mechanism which can automatically serve different templates to user A and B wh...

@Shmiddty it entertains you for 10 secs.... i just tag my wife in them
@nderscore yeah, getting old :(
like me bitch slapping her head with a hot dog in a food fight
@KirstyHarris I didn't know you were a lezzy
for my sins :p
.. sorry
@Retsam Sounds right, but I think the thing is that normal everyday Facebook users get to feel special, by creating their own little comic.
now, if you would like to discuss the possibilities in here and not on the main site, I'm sure someone has an opinion

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