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It took over an hour to install though, and it's lunch time. lol I just wanted to express my surprise in the update.
!!afk lunch
@RUJordan Nobody cares.
@ThiefMaster @copy they're making me code Python in AI class (not sure if :( or :) ) Will probably ping you both with pieces of code I'm not satisfied with. Hope that's ok with you
Follow PEP8 or we'll hate you for showing us your code :p
They asked me to write something in C++ but I said fuck off I'll do it in python
hi friends
This Sunday I'm going to local coding contest, lol
Hi everyone
@Ale Nice! Like what?
I have a quick question. Is it worth using functions instead of if else statements? I currently have 3 if statements which output different strings to the same variable. Is that logically ok?
JSFiddle example?
@SomeKittens About 10 problems, 3 people per team, 5 hours, Pascal, C/C++, C#, Java, Python
is this an ACM thing?
@SomeKittens did you have any time/energy to play with the authentication part?
I'll dedicate some time at the weekend.
Yes, but didn't make much headway. Couldn't get jsdom to execute the scripts, couldn't get Zombie.js to do anything.
It's a fucking mess.
Yeah. This would be so much easier if we could get a testing framework that actually worked
@FlorianMargaine It's that thing we're taught in schools
We should make a startup
@SomeKittens jsdom is a PoS
Don't use it :P
What's the problem with Zombie?
Poor documentation makes it hard for me to figure out what to do next
It makes too many assumptions about what I already know (dork pattern)
Russian schools
Q: Interactive map using javascript

DenisIm trying to learn HTML and javascript. But i cant find any information about how to create interactive map/picture using javascript. Ex. I take a map where is a part of my town and write some information about like few buildings there, so after i put my mouse over those buildings the informatio...

@SomeKittens For example, this:
if (str.indexOf('test1')) {
var test = 'test1';
} else if (str.indexOf('test2')) {
var test = 'test2';
} else if (str.indexOf('test3')) {
var test = 'test3';
Sounds like a good case for the switch statement (pun intended)
Is if else statements ok for that sort of example or should I use functions?
posted on October 24, 2013 by kangax

.superhero strong { background: none !important } “Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.” – Bill Gates What if I told you that you can become a superhero? Yes, just like the one from the comics and movies we’ve all come to love [...]

@SomeKittens Well, I know what when I tried Zombie last time I've tried to tackle that problem it didn't really help.
Does this bother anyone else? jsfiddle.net/a7J46
@SomeKittens Ah, I've just read up on that. It looks interesting but the problem is that I'll be having other if statements apart from str.indexOf, so they'll be all different, the only thing that'll stay the same is the name of the variable but with a different value.
Don't overcomplicate it with functions, just use if/else
@Incognito What about it?
Ok, that's cool, I was just wondering if using 3 if else statements would be logically ok and I should be using functions instead. Implementing functions has been nothing but a pain in the ass hence why I just ended up using if else
Yes, it is logically ok
@SomeKittens In JS, it just doesn't "feel like" JS for an undeclared var to throw an exception
instead of hoisting to global.
and setting it as undefined
Wicked, thanks
Do you know any tool with which I can see the JS' bytecode generated by the browser?
Do you really need it?
@ComFreek it's in the browser's repo.
Someone asked a question about optimization. It would be interesting to see the differences.
@ComFreek That depends on the browser and what the JIT compiler decides to do.
Fast inverse square root (sometimes referred to as Fast InvSqrt() or by the hexadecimal constant 0x5f3759df) is a method of calculating x−½, the reciprocal (or multiplicative inverse) of a square root for a 32-bit floating point number in IEEE 754 floating point format. The algorithm was probably developed at Silicon Graphics in the early 1990s, and an implementation appeared in 1999 in the Quake III Arena source code, but the method did not appear on public forums such as Usenet until 2002 or 2003. At the time, the primary advantage of the algorithm came from avoiding computationally exp...
Because everyone should know about this one
@Incognito Of course. Every C++ compiler can output the Assembler it generates. That's where my question is coming from.
@ComFreek You'll need to re-write the part of the browser that outputs 'native code' and replace it with a hex dump of assembly instructions.
Oh, that's too time-consuming...
you also won't have consistent or easy to understand results.
even if you read assembly for breakfast.
!!> assert(1==true)
@cↄ "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
@cↄ "ReferenceError: assert is not defined"
!!> function assert() { return true; }
@SomeKittens "undefined"
!!> echo a
@ComFreek "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
!!> (function (prop) { return !!prop; })(1==true)
@cↄ "undefined"
!!> while(true) {}
@ComFreek Maximum execution time exceeded
@cↄ true
!!> alert('A');
@ComFreek "ReferenceError: alert is not defined"
JS interpretation runs in a webworker with whitelisted functions.
!!> alert = console.log; alert("A");
@Ale "undefined" Logged: "A"
I didn't know that one can overwrite native methods such as Array.prototype.join as the chatbot does.
!!> this;
@ComFreek [object WorkerErrorEvent]
!!> delete this;
@ComFreek true
!!c> [a for a of this]
@Ale [["global","whitey","exec","console","p","onmessage","postMessage","location","‌​onerror","onclose","navigator","self","close","importScripts","setTimeout","clear‌​Timeout","setInterval","clearInterval","dump","atob","btoa","addEventListener","r‌​emoveEventListener","dispatchEvent"]]
!!> whitey
@SomeKittens {"Array":1,"Boolean":1,"Date":1,"Error":1,"EvalError":1,"Function":1,"Infinity"‌​:1,"JSON":1,"Math":1,"NaN":1,"Number":1,"Object":1,"RangeError":1,"ReferenceError"‌​:1,"RegExp":1,"String":1,"SyntaxError":1,"TypeError":1,"URIError":1,"atob":1,"bto‌​a":1,"decodeURI":1,"decodeURIComponent":1,"encodeURI":1,"encodeURIComponent":1,"e‌​val":1,"global":1,"isFinite":1,"isNaN":1,"onmessage":1,"parseFloat":1,"parseI (snip)
!!> whitey['alert'] = 1; alert('A');
@ComFreek "ReferenceError: alert is not defined"
!!c> [a for a of whitey]
@Ale "MessageEvent"
@Ale Could not process input. Error: unmatched ] on line 8
!!> whitey.atob = null;
@cↄ null
@Ale [["Array","Boolean","Date","Error","EvalError","Function","Infinity","JSON","Ma‌​th","NaN","Number","Object","RangeError","ReferenceError","RegExp","String","Synt‌​axError","TypeError","URIError","atob","btoa","decodeURI","decodeURIComponent","e‌​ncodeURI","encodeURIComponent","eval","global","isFinite","isNaN","onmessage","pa‌​rseFloat","parseInt","postMessage","self","undefined","whitey","ArrayBuffer"," (snip)
!!> whitey.atob
!!> delete whitey; new Date()
@Ale "2013-10-24T17:49:56.769Z"
!!> eval('eval(\'eval("blub")\');
@ComFreek "SyntaxError: unterminated string literal"
!!> eval('eval(\'eval("while(true){}")\');');
@ComFreek "ReferenceError: blub is not defined"
@ComFreek Maximum execution time exceeded
how would this c code be translated to javascript? i = * ( long * ) &y;
@Shmiddty JS does not have a concept of real pointers.
its an array of long? an array then..
!!c> [a for a of DOMException.prototype]
@ComFreek but what is that line actually doing?
!!> console.log("A")
arrays are like pointers
@ComFreek "undefined" Logged: "A"
casting &y to a (long *), an array of long
@Shmiddty It's taking the address of y. Then, it 'converts' it to a long pointer whose pointer is then saved in i.
!!> "A"
@ComFreek "A"
@ComFreek Maximum execution time exceeded
float Q_rsqrt( float number )
        long i;
        float x2, y;
        const float threehalfs = 1.5F;

        x2 = number * 0.5F;
        y  = number;
        i  = * ( long * ) &y;                       // evil floating point bit level hacking
        i  = 0x5f3759df - ( i >> 1 );               // what the fuck?
        y  = * ( float * ) &i;
        y  = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) );   // 1st iteration
//      y  = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) );   // 2nd iteration, this can be removed
(see full text)
// what the fuck?
//all code can be removed
@Shmiddty That's the fast inverse square root: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_inverse_square_root
@ComFreek I know
i is assigned as a pointer to whatever y is pointing at (the & dereferences it). It's cast to a float.
!!> 0xdeadbeef /2
@Ale 1597463007
@ComFreek I linked to that above.
@SomeKittens I know :-)
@Ale 3735928559
@Ale 1867964279.5
!!> "JavaScript > C"
@ComFreek "JavaScript > C"
!!> if ("JavaScript > C") { console.log("JS FTW"); }
@SomeKittens Is that something that would even be necessary in javascript? Pointers are something I never really grasped
@Ale "undefined" Logged: "JS FTW"
@Shmiddty Pointers are pretty much all memory management, so you can ignore them in JS
The crazy hacking here has to do with floating point, not memory
!!> if("JavaScript" > "C"|"C++"|"PHP"|"Perl") { console.log("JS is awesome!"); }
@ComFreek "undefined" Logged: "JS is awesome!"
function Q_rsqrt( number )
        var x2, y, threehalfs = 1.5;

        x2 = number * 0.5;
        y  = number;
        y = 0x5f3759df - ( y >> 1 );               // what the fuck?
        y  = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) );   // 1st iteration

        return y;
^ does that look right?
!!> (function(a){var b,c,d=1.5;return b=.5*a,c=a,c=1597463007-(c>>1),c*=d-b*c*c})(4);
@Ale -8.153093513040904e+27
No, it doesn't
@Shmiddty sure.
Or what is it?
Calculates the reverse square root
!!> Math.pow(4,-1/2)
@Shmiddty 0.5
@Shmiddty i beleive you are missing this line at the top of the function //GOD-LIKE
@Shmiddty Not really
@SoftwareNerd Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!stat softwarenerd
@SomeKittens SoftwareNerd has 777 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 92 questions, gave 39 answers. avg. rep/post: 5.93. Badges: 0g 6s 27b
@Shmiddty Float64Array and Uint32Array on the same buffer
can any one help me in this
A: get the object matched with value provided in the json object using jquery?

Jhonathanvar mytestvalue="Fit:Regular,Color:Coyote (120)"; or var mytestvalue="Color:Coyote (120),Fit:Regular"; var p = [ { "index":0, "title":"Foo1", "skus":"Fit:Regular,Size:6,Color:Coyote (120)", }, { "index":1, ...

Note that JavaScript doesn't have long
gist.github.com/jhermsmeier/2269511 <-- someone's JS implementation
@SoftwareNerd It might be easier to break up the test value into cases, i.e. ["Color:Coyote (120)", "Fit:Regular"]
@SomeKittens sorry dnt get u can you eloborate it
Mmmm.. corner bakery panini.. sofull..
@RUJordan I already told you, nobody cares.
You calm down Caprica.
@SomeKittens can you help me out
Working on it
That implementation wasn't quite right
fixing it
jsfiddle.net/A488G <--- Not too bad
function fisqrt( n, p ) {
    var y = new Float32Array(1),
        i = new Int32Array(y.buffer);

  p = p || 1

  y[0] = n
  i[0] = 0x5f3759df - ( i[0] >> 1 )

  while( p-- ) {
    y[0] = y[0] * ( 1.5 - ( n * 0.5 * y[0] * y[0] ) )

  return y[0]
I don't understand how assigning to i affects the value of y
@SomeKittens & is reference, * is dereference
It's the same buffer
Like pointers referencing memory in C
so i[0] and y[0] are pointing to the same memory location?
@FlorianMargaine Yarg. Haven't done C in a while, sorry @Shmiddty
Correctly speaking, i and y are pointing to the same memory location
Yeah, like doing var y = i when i is an object in js
@SomeKittens np, I've done some very recently :p github.com/Ralt/png-reader
Is this perf valid? jsperf.com/fisqrt
likely not, please know that setup is called multiple times
do you keep redefining those functions in production? no, so hoist them out
Woa, who is running Caprica
I thought she was down on my pc
Not I, said the cow
@rlemon: umm, you are
!!> (new Date()).toUTCTimeString()
@Shmiddty Add more values and also 1/pow(n, 0.5) (although that's probably the same)
@Shmiddty "2:34:26 PM"
@Shmiddty "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
@Shmiddty "2013-10-24T18:34:45.386Z"
@Shmiddty And Math.sqrt
@Shmiddty "TypeError: (intermediate value).toUTCTimeString is not a function"
@copy how would you use Math.sqrt to do an inverse sqrt?
What you're calculating is 1/sqrt(x)
oh right
Ohh OK. I thought I read before she was down.
I'm out of office today
How's the ride?
She's just sentient. Nothing to worry about.
so far OK. Got two sites taken care of. Off to the next
Math.pow(n, -0.5) appears to be performing the best in Chrome. Should the tests be using a different number for each iteration?
That's weird, why would a special case of pow be slower than the general case
Kool! I'm (hopefully) gunna see Keanu Reaves tonight :-)
@copy Why is bubble sort slower in the special case of reverse order?
@marceloogeda Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Neal All of your stalking has finally paid off?
@RUJordan yep ^_^
Neal meets Neo. Cute.
So cool
@Shmiddty LOL no. I got into a free screening of his new movie for tonight and he is doing a Q/A afterwards
what movie?
@Shmiddty Man of Tai Chi
@KendallFrey You have algorithms: One sorts the first two elements in an array, the other is quicksort. Why would quicksort be faster than the first algorithm?
@copy I was answering your question with a question.
@KendallFrey But your question is not applicable, because we have 2 algorithms, not 2 inputs
No, no
We have 2 inputs, a shuffled array, and a reversed array
We have 1 algorithm, which is bubble sort
No, that's your case, not what I'm talking about
Stop changing the subject. It's confusing.
42 = 6 * 9
1 + Neal = maths
@rlemon Thank you :-)
I just don't understand why you post random math and then edit bold it.
@Neal // false
ReferenceError: Invalid left-hand side in assignment
That too
@RyanKinal true
const MEANING_OF_LIFE = 42;
@SomeKittens I wasn't coing. I was doing maths :-P
@Neal Still false
!!> 6 * 9
@eazimmerman 54
@RyanKinal You obviously never read hitchikers guide
i have
Neal.humor // Passed by reference, no value.
@Neal I have, in fact. And it's still false. The answer, is in fact, 42, but that is obviously the incorrect question in today's understanding of mathematics.
@RyanKinal bah
{ life, universe, everything }.answer = 42
everything.answer = 42
6 * 9 ∈ everything
∴ 6 * 9 = 42
(6 * 9).answer = 42;
@KendallFrey Thank you ^_^
!!afk sweet sweet cancer
@Shmiddty Apricots are people too!
After millions of years of calculation, this computer was inadvertently destroyed. The last remnants of the computer were only able to provide the question "What is six times nine?"
I postulate that it was a genetic algorithm to determine the fittest question.
This is one in a long line of unfit questions.
And I just realized I'm arguing over HHGTG with Neal.
Done now
Anyway to compress this?
if( inputs[g].indexOf('name') != -1 || inputs[g].indexOf('username') != -1 ) {
                        player.name = ucwords(cmd);

                        done = true;
                    } else if( (inputs[g].indexOf('yes') != -1 && cmd.indexOf('y') != -1) ) {
                        done = true;
                    } else if( (inputs[g].indexOf('no') != -1 && cmd.indexOf('n') != -1) ) {
                        done = true;
(see full text)
So I'm not saying done and break everytime?
Closure Compiler
I was thinking about a closure but it's inside a nested for-loop.
That will cost runtime.
I feel misunderstood
@RyanKinal :-P
Or maybe you're trolling one level higher than me
@Neal :-)
@SomeKittens Aaand jealous
Hush, you have beer
@SomeKittens mmmmm shwarma
@Neal ...it's a burrito
Looks like shwarma
for(var i = 0, j = choices.length; i < j; i++) {
inputs = choices[i].inputs;

for(var g = 0, h = inputs.length; g < h; g++) {
if( cmd.indexOf(inputs[g]) != -1 ) {
if( cmd.indexOf('name') != -1 || cmd.indexOf('username') != -1 ) {
/* */
offset = (cmd.indexOf('name') > -1) ?
cmd.indexOf('name') : cmd.indexOf('username');

cmd.splice(offset, 1);

player.name = ucwords(cmd);

done = true;

if( inputs[g].indexOf('name') != -1 || inputs[g].indexOf('username') != -1 ) {
(see full text)
@SomeKittens But... burrito
cmd is a argument being passed in.
And I don't have a beer right now
@SomeKittens That looks good
@Shmiddty My spoon is too big!
Why not both?
@SomeKittens Brilliant
@SomeKittens beerito ftw
52 points to go until my is above
@SomeKittens \o/
@SomeKittens Our little boy is becoming a man
And his beard grew three sizes that day
!!afk aformentioned burrito
@SomeKittens Stay safe.
I want to go back to being apathetic about everything
that's much easier
@Jose Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@promanski Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
mmm, burrito
any angular bros in here?
@Neal shiit dude is that chipotle?
@Loktar Don't think so. It is a Shwarma
Shawarma () is a Levantine Arab meat preparation, where lamb, chicken, turkey, beef, veal, or mixed meats are placed on a spit (commonly a vertical spit in restaurants), and may be grilled for as long as a day. Shavings are cut off the block of meat for serving, and the remainder of the block of meat is kept heated on the rotating spit. Although it can be served in shavings on a plate (generally with accompaniments), shawarma also refers to a sandwich or wrap made with shawarma meat. Shawarma is usually eaten with tabbouleh, fattoush, taboon bread, tomato, and cucumber. Toppings include...
ah, well regardless I love those giant burritos
is that how you call this? giant burritos?
we have this everywhere in France, it's called "kebab"
"shawarma" is called "galette"
with kebab meat
arab population is quite high in France, that said
shawarma and gyros are pretty similar
ooh a gyro
I'm so full and I want one...
eh no there's a diff between a gyro and burrito @FlorianMargaine his pic just looked like a burrito
I love tzatziki sooo much
I'm not talking about gyro
Shawarma sounds just like a fat gyro
Anyone has about 5-10 mins to spare helping me to finish a custom unobtrusive validation?
i can be your gyro, baby
Would gretly be appreciated
@Jose $6400/hr
Colombian dollars?
@Jose $6399/hr
How did this all of a sudden become a bidding war?
I would assume it's because you didn't say you have a question, but more or less asking us if we could work on a project. And I am prolly right in saying most of us won't do that for free lol
Oh, I see, I posted a bit of code on the one step I was stuck...but I just figured it out! :D and I don't see it in the chat window so I figure I did something funky
Anyways...that was a bit distracting, just what I needed I guess ;)
good job
Thanks for the little distraction. Have a good day everyone
that will be $64
(but seriously) have a good day :) come back soon
Q: my js function is called after second mouse click

Shivanshu SrivastavaI want to check if background and text color of an element are matching or not, everything is fine except the fact that, check(); is called after second mouse click ! function check() { if(document.getElementById("cimg").style.backgroundColor == document.getElementById("cimg").style.color) {...

P.S: any jquery/css/ php answers are welcome
@ThiefMaster I think the single most common problem I see with SO web questions might be a lack of understanding between server-side/client-side
On the contrary, the single most common problem with SO questions is the inability to ask a good question, even if the question is a duplicate.
@RUJordan Isn't that a little tautological?
Like, I'm still a youngin' here and I'm already getting tired of even giving sarcastic comments on a bad question.
Depends on what tautological means
Mmm, maybe a liiiiiitle
You're basically saying "the problem with bad questions is bad questions"
At least, that's what I got from what you said.
I'm trying to think of a better way to rephrase that
soo is anyone else here playing candybox 2 that just came out today?
its fun as hell
for(n=0;;)for(a in r=readline()||print(it[n++].slice(9)))it[a]+=r[a]
for(n=0;;)for(a in r=readline()||print(it[n++]||_))it[a]=[it[a]]+r[a]
the silly things you do for a single character
4 messages moved to Sandbox
@isy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
is this what you mean?
@stewbydoo i just figured out how to cheat
Place.prototype.getGame = function(){ console.log(this.game); return this.game };
then eat candies
then edit the game
Is there a game javascripters wont try and cheat? xD
not if it is written in js
plus, it's fun to try and exploit stuff if you code
it's a white hat type thing
If the source code looks like this: gist.github.com/kendfrey/5461964
@stewbydoo yea
that looks fun
is it still in development?
its done
was just released today
game is pretty fun
too bad i'm cheating
@Loktar do you know who made it?
Mmmm, this seems new an innovative: cashoverflow.org
@SomeKittens Were you bitten!? Strip! Prove you weren't bitten.
@SomeKittens ow. my eyes.
@CapricaSix ...fine.
snaps a picture

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