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It won't load for me :(
@tanktery can you temporarily comment out the related js and add display:none to the css for #sliderSection?
want to see whats happening and why its breaking
@Geuis ok give me a few secs
@raynos hopefully your password isn't xxx?
@Raynos w3c validator says Line 20, Column 30: Bad value list for attribute type on element menu
No its probably identically to mine, "letmein"
@Geuis no its not
@Geuis i think we all have seen that movie and know the 4 passwords
@Incognito lies LIES
what movie are you talking about?
@Incognito list is valid
@Lime , i guess you are too young to remember it
@tanktery was also wondering why you are using <script>window.jQuery || document.write("<script src='js/libs/jquery-1.5.1.min.js'>\x3C/script>")</script>
@Raynos Also, your server's not using optimal cache control headers. Gzip would help too.
It seems its caching
@Incognito its heroku. I have to figure out how to tell it to not be stupid
@Geuis it's the CDN is down fallback
@Lime , i was talking about his movie :
hold on, I need to make one of those eyebrow raised emoticons...
^-: something whatever
I have never seen anything like that.
especially with document.write
The whitespace irks me too :P either have node compress it when sending or fix it up ;). Nah I'm just being a jerk.
Just look at html5boilerpalte, it relatively common.
@Geuis one sec DW is freezing on me
@tanktery whats what you get by using Frontpage Pro
@Incognito dear god the whitespace ;_;
hmm. reading..
@Geuis I am using a Mac
I hate DW I hate it
@teresko Its almost always faster to concat and minify the js
@Raynos Cannot POST /blog/
There has been an crazy discussion over at github
If I was sitting at my ubuntu I'd mess around with some HTTP stuff more ;).
@Lime compared to what ?
@Incognito of course not
@Geuis ok here is the broken site : epecho.com/tst/index.html
@teresko on demand Javascript
@Lime thats a complex argument
there are arguments for and against
it depends
it always depends
there are use for it
when it is needed
yeah it been hilirous to read peoples discussions, its been like a holy war or something
for example , when you authenticate user , and provide said user with new additional behavior
hmmm. My initial instincts say that this document.write thing is a bad idea, but I'm willing to be enlightened
Hey what txt editors do you guys use I was a coda fan boy now I currently use Espresso 2 thoughts? I used text mate but the up dates suck now.
its one of the methods
@tanktery Vim.
Notepad++ sometimes, but VIM.
Mobile browsers are one of the biggest thing that keeps me from using on demand
@tanktery Aptana , for my code , Notepad++ for others
vim and gedit occassionally
People think I'm weird. I use xcode
I goofed around with Cloud9IDE but I think it breaks usability and just generally breaks too much for me to bother with... part of the reason I haven't finished my fixes to the jshint website...
where have i heard "cloud 9" ?
@tanktery the js is still active
comment out the js that displays/hide #sectionSlider and add css for it that sets display:none. Want to see if it breaks how you described earlier
oh .. from Battlestar
@Geuis just the one for the slider functions but the hide is css
I'm trying to make a super simpler javascript regex parser by removing all regexs, strings and comments. Then a parse the value and reinput the strings,arrays and regexs.
is the all red bit what you meant by broken?
Does anyone have experience doing this or see any pontentially pitfals.
It works I just want to make sure I didn't miss some big concepts or something
@Geuis I put the back found color to red so you can see that the elements are note take a size on initialization but using jQuery for the hide stops this from happening
sorry. are you saying the vertical slide sections don't take a full size when the div is set to display:none by default?
made with javascript and canvas: endoftext.com/images/letters5.png
Here is a jsbin.com: jsbin.com/edotas
@Geuis no when the display is set using css instead of jquery
yeah ok
can you try one more thing in the css? for #sliderSection, add height:0; visibility:hidden;
and get rid of display:none
@Geuis ok one sec
@Lime burrito?
@david that's very cool
Yeah buritto is great, but it has two dependicies, both are which pretty big
great little tool for showing off local environment to the world, showoff.io
o_O you have to pay?
@Geuis why you wanted me to do that is beyone me but here it is: epecho.com/tst/index.html
I guess it could be useful if you don't know how to do that yourself. I've gone and set up a server in a VM, and redirected endoftext.com to it
which kinda achieves the same thing
@tanktery because it fixes your problem =)
Do all browsers support comments nested in strings like
alert(" /* testing * / ")
look at at the page in web inspector
or firebug
@Lime Chrome doesn't.
set the height to auto and visibility:visible and your slideshow shows up nicely
I suspected that the plugin you're using looks for the #sectionSlider div on page load and uses some of its attributes to add styling for the internal elements.
when that is set to display:none, that bit of the plugin code borks
@Omeid What does it do? which version are you on?
however, by setting height:0;visibility:hidden the plugin code is able to do what it needs, and you don't blow out your page
@Lime it does what its suppose to do. echo's a string.
so now if you go back to the idea of just using a .show class, .show{height:auto;visibility:visible;}
I don't think any browser will parse your string.
Cause that will be stupid.
you can add/remove that class to #sectionSlider and it will work without screwing up
What? Saying I think doesn't help.. It appears IE5...oppsee had IE7 selected now testing IE5... even supports it jsbin.com/efecuf
Just tested on ie net render
@Geuis ok but won't the slider have a noticeable jump or jury to it
@Lime are you saying that ie5 removes the comment from the string?
jury? no, wont have jump
@david testing again
it acts exactly the same as display:none in regards to how the browser renders it
but doesn't choke the underlying code
the underlying plugin code. I suspect this anyway
You cannot nest comments in strings, it treats the /* */ as literal text
I don't want to nest comments, I want to ensure browsers parse the string correctly
So to pull it all back together:
Sort of like IE5 got confused by /*/ */
1) Set the default css of #sliderSection to height:0; visibility:none;
@david I wanna be picky and say, it dosn't treats them like literal text, strings are text!
2) create a class called .show{height:auto;visibility:visible;}
3) In the template of your homepage, add the class show directly into the html
emm ... i would opt for useage of display instead of visibility
@teresko I agree, except he's using a plugin that breaks when display:none is used
this is why i hate jquery
so height:0; visibility:hide seem to work
don't blame jquery, blame the plugin author =)
it create a whole cast of "developers" who are unable to write a single line of javascript on their own
jQuery is javascript ;) But i get what you mean....
do you want a slap ?
4) and for the toggle, you don't need to do anything
@Geuis ok so those 3 steps are what you suggest?
@teresko Javascript is slightly confusing, specially the whole "optional" ;
yeah. I interviewed a guy a few months ago that proclaimed to know javascript. He knew a little bit about selectors and hide/show in jQuery and couldn't even name the basic variable types
@tanktery I'd give it a shot. I'll be in here for a while and can help you out if it doesn't work for some reason
ok TX
can people go here: endoftext.com and tell me how much lag you get between typing and having the text appear?
also remember to comment out the pre-existing js code you were working with initially. If this doesn't work we'll figure out the best way to use that method instead
@david Infinite lag for me
ok this is coming from a designer so STRING, NUMBER, and the one with the B can't spell it
@Geuis , actually i cannot either , i suspect that they are : string , number , array , object , boolean and function
about a half a second
thought i am not sure
Yeah I think i did it slightly wrong
maybe there was float/int separation
what browser are you using @lime?
everything except array
that's an object
hmm, well kind of
@david I would be ashamed to say, don't worry about me
there are no ints unfortunately :(
could be .. i did a small implementation of php's var_dump() in javascript and recall something like that
( mostly because i did not know about console.dir()
sorry, I'm rustier than I thought. strings, numbers, booleans, null, undefined
even though , i still prefer my version better
yeah , null was type too
what about NaN ?
NaN is a number
amusingly enough
@david after reffreshing the page It like a 3 delay, better but its probably has something to do with this powerpc computer
it is not =P
totally is
at least name says so
alert (typeof NaN);
"Not a Number"
NaN==NaN // false
I love that
@david , it should be console.log( typeof NaN )
not if you want to avoid having to bring up the console
actually it is a pretty good metric for someones skill : see how they debug JS code
document.write of course
or how fast their computer is
opening console freezes some.... alert/documen.writed doesn't
not in Opera
alert is actually more useful for debugging because it stops everything and lets you see a snapshot of the page
how 'bout debugger then? @david
alerts are harmful especially because they stop everything
debugging js in Android browsers is annoying as hell
I do use debugger sometimes too, but only if I want to step through the code
freezes page sees scope
literally have to install the entire dev framework just to get access to the logger
lol, can't you use virtual machine?
@Geuis not if that android browser is Opera
very good point
because it has built-in remote debugging
I've used a homegrown technique before of running a backend server in the console, catching errors in the page, and sending an xhr with my debugging data to it
not too sophisticated but it worked at the time
that's a pretty neat way
Is it common/existant to use a GUI tester/maker for source code possible Javascript?
What do you mean @lime?
are you talking about something like jsfiddle.net ?
You write a build script that translates to a GUI interface that the user can use to test/build the source of some software.
what kind of software?
Any type of software that requires compiling/building (that means pretty much all) ;)
Javascript is a fine example though
I wrote this a couple weeks ago gist.github.com/1116377. Wanted to try my hand at a simplified Promise concept
@lime very likely. I've never done it though
Yeah I was the dude that helped you on the when/then statement
You know on codereview.stackexchange.com, I think
The system i'm working on atm has a 'rebuild' button in the browser you can hit to recompile the page and display your changes
oh yeah!
nice to run into you
Q: Remove Delete-Favourite-Tag-Buttons Script

H.B. To help people not accidentally delete them, especially the short ones. (Also see the cause to get them removed permanentely) Sorry to not provide a file for download but i am sure you will manage somehow: // ==UserScript== // @name Remove Favourite-Tag-Delete-Buttons // @namespace...

Q: Fitts's Law Favourite Tags Script

H.B. For people like myself who fail at hitting things or just want to hit them faster (i use this in combination with the delete button removal script) Sorry to not provide a file for download but i am sure you will manage somehow: // ==UserScript== // @name Fitts's Law Favourite Tags /...

Q: Making my AJAX powered Wordpress Crawlable

Gabplease read my question at the following link since I can not post more than two links so here the same question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7034970/making-my-ajax-powered-wordpress-crawlable So my question is could someone confirm that I'm on the right path and if possible also help cre...

6 hours later…
someone here?
@ayublin hi
RT @mozhacks: New blog post: Webinar: History API with Syd Lawrence http://hacks.mozilla.org/2011/08/webinar-history-api-with-syd-lawrence/
hi guys
I'm just wondering, what is non-aligned data?
I'm trying to read binary data in javascript and I read online that array buffers have the drawback of not supporting non-aligned data
I'm wondering if someone could give a better explanation of this data type.
@Nyuszika7H Hi
@SkippyChalmers Hi
@deztructicus i've heard of this and wondered too
@RajkumarReddy hey!! how are you?
@SkippyChalmers I'm fine u?
Great thanks @RajkumarReddy. Anything I can help you with today?
@SkippyChalmers yah i need ur help
okay great
but brb 5 minutes :) bathroom
@SkippyChalmers k
@SkippyChalmers How can I print a web page in landscape in javascript?
@RajkumarReddy you can't :)
Hows it going?
@Raynos HEY! long time dude
great you?
Pretty good
still kicking ass in the javascript world?
Not really
but I set up a blog
how do starred lines actually disappear from the right overview ?
some lines seems like to be there forever and some are gone after a day or two
@jAndy heuristic
number of stars
whether youve starred them
sometimes people give them magic stars
the result of some canvas fun: endoftext.com/images/letterscomic2.png
@SkippyChalmers is it possible using any style?
@Raynos oops closed by accident
url for your blog? :)
@RajkumarReddy no, this kind of thing is up to the user. Best you leave it alone! If you have something that needs printed in a certain special way, use a PDF.
@david oh my. A secret code?
@Raynos nice, what are you running it on?
heroku & node
@SkippyChalmers how we can export that into pdf can u tell me
@RajkumarReddy generate a pdf with a server side language and serve it to the user.
@RajkumarReddy write a question on stackoverflow and post the link here.
@Raynos nice one, embracing the future! I also started a wee project: github.com/skippychalmers/xa.js
it's badly in need of contributors :)
Oh you started an application framework
@Raynos You're using node/express to serve the static resources too?
@SkippyChalmers ¬_¬
@david yes
@Raynos yes, it's very light and basic. Backbone / Spine did too much for me
Any idea if that's faster or slower than using nginx?
@SkippyChalmers no not light & basic
its got lots of bloat
@david test it
@Raynos compared to backbone it's light. Help me trim the bloat then :P
I'd rip your architecture to shreds
it doesnt do anything but has 200 lines of code
I mean 800 lines
@Raynos I may want you to rip it to shreds though :)
It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it's certainly made my life easier. Let's evolve it :)
clone, and pull request :P
I dont see any use cases for it
Seriously apart from expose utilities it doesnt do anything
Besides I dont need any of those utilities
I have ES5
It's a framework... you're not meant to just use the utilities are you?
It's meant to help you develop applications. The relationships maintained between the xa.App objects and the xa.Class objects is very handy
*are very handy
If it's not useful for you, let me know how I can modify it :) Feedback is always welcome.
I just dont use classes
Oh okay, fair enough :) What do you use?
Your not around when I rant about js classical OO
prototypical OO
Q: Prototypical OO in JavaScript

RaynosTL;DR: Do we need factories/constructors in prototypical OO? Can we make a paradigm switch and drop them completely? The BackStory: I've been toying with doing prototypical OO in JavaScript lately and find that 99% of OO done in JavaScript is forcing classical OO patterns into it. My take on ...

I try and leave that to the user...
Forgive me, but can you not use xa.js in a prototypical fashion?
@SkippyChalmers thank you
@RajkumarReddy no probs.
@SkippyChalmers I see no value in your .Class
That's okay, can you elaborate?
All I see is bloat and YAGNI
actually, classical inheritance and prototypal inheritance do not differ under the hood all that much
I don't see any good use-case of using xa.js other then lets over engineer \o/
@jAndy but I avoid inheritance ;)
can't see why people make such a "big thing" when comparing those
@jAndy the coding style is massively different
@jAndy interested to see what you think about github.com/skippychalmers/xa.js
@Raynos I really don't see any evidence of over-engineering, and I know for a fact that despite your hair splitting, this framework has actually proven practically very useful when writing bigger applications...
@Raynos: I don't know. I bet I can code a little app pretty pretty similiar, once using prototypal OO and once using a method-pattern
method-pattern // non-protoype usage
I'd definitely like to improve it though to a point where it might gain wider acceptance... so any feedback on structure, code quality or design is always welcome :)
@SkippyChalmers it's fine.
I just conflicts with my coding style
actually, you're doing the same thing javascript does when invoking prototypes, just slightly differently with some caveats, tradeoffs but also advantages
@Raynos That's completely understandable :) I expected it would.. when I wrote I thought, "You know what? Raynos is going to HATE this :P "
@Raynos: why would you avoid inheritance ?
Guys there is also a codereview post about this: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/4014/…
@jAndy because object composition is always better :\
some really good feedback already given
@Raynos: don't think you can generalize that statement
@jAndy of course you can
Any book on OO tells your composition is better then inheritance
Just google it.
@Raynos: can you recommend any detailed article about that topic ? I have to admit that right now, I don't think really understand what obj composition really does
In computer science, object composition (not to be confused with function composition) is a way to combine simple objects or data types into more complex ones. Compositions are a critical building block of many basic data structures, including the tagged union, the linked list, and the binary tree, as well as the object used in object-oriented programming. Composited (composed) objects are often referred to as having a "has a" relationship. A real-world example of composition may be seen in an automobile: the objects wheel, steering wheel, seat, gearbox and engine may have no functiona...
Wikipedia is always a start
@Raynos you're always on the money when it comes to theory, however sometimes, I think a lot of what you suggest verges in being quite horrible in practice :P...
@SkippyChalmers really?
I have actually suggested some stupid things in the past
@Raynos yes absolutely, at least to us Neanderthals, sometimes it's just easier to master more simplistic concepts, like classical inheritance.
Oh, we all have :P
look at codeigniter... that's popular...
look at jQuery
thats popular
sometimes it's a little better to just GTD
@jAndy Hi
Which is the best SOAP client for consuming soap using JS?
any one can help me regarding this... ho to use SOAP with JS
@Raynos: is there any well known ECMAscript project which uses obj composition over classical inheritance patterns ?
I'd just love to see some live code about that in javascript
anyone ever used knockout js?
it looks a bit heavy...
@RajkumarReddy hi
@AjayPatel hello tell me
@jAndy traits
Anything using traits
@Raynos: didn't hear of it before
Q: (Open Source) Examples of JavaScript Prototypical OO

RaynosBounty Edit: I'm looking for code written in a pure prototypical OO paradigm (think Self). Not a mixture of prototypical OO and classical OO. I don't want to see generic OO wrappers but simply usage of prototypical OO techniques and only prototypical OO techniques. Reference Related Question: ...

But I'll give it a shot, let me digg into that for a few days and I'll come up with an opinion
Jul 28 at 20:59, by Raynos
// The 3 rules of prototypical OO:

// - Use Object.create. Don't use new, don't use .prototype
// - Prototype chains should only be one level deep
// - use traitsJS
Hence I keep mentioning that
still disagree with the second one :p
Yeah that one is a bit iffy
or more precisely, there is no point for it
Its basically saying dont use inheritance
I can replace it with always favour composition
@RajkumarReddy have u ever consume soap with js
there was a great article about unchained prototypes
what about crockfords/YUI introduced inheritance patterns ? not using prototypes but it's still a classical inhertiacen pattern tho
I just can't imagine from where I am now, not to use some kind of those patterns
Oh thats easy
Take a look at traits
Object.create(Object.prototype, Traits.compose(someObject, SomeOtherObject))
ok I can see that, but whats the big benefit
@AjayPatel Sorry , i don't know but in .net i used
in comparison to method-patterns/
I need to think that through
It might be better theoretically.... but i sense a little YAGNI :P (back atcha!)
@RajkumarReddy can u help me regarding this
Q: what is wrong this JS ? got this error: cannot use object of type stdclass as array

Ajay Pateli am using SOAP with JS. Here is a code, i dont know what is problem but i am getting error: cannot use object of type stdclass as array I think problem is the random value i am passing. var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.open("POST", "http://service.project...

what is this error and why i am facing
Its prototypical :P
its not classical OO
hello people!
i have a question
I always thought about obj composition like, ok we have object A with some methods/props and now we have object B, which just references A and passes "some" method/prop references through to B without cloning/extending A
Q: I am extracting data from an external URL and unable to get the javascript functions working

YASH MATHURI want to load the external page's data into a div along with the javascript functions(though the js file is same for both of them, the functions do not work). The file loads fine into the page, but the javascript function don't work properly. My Code- var emaild = $("#hidden").val(); var div =...

but still, I don't think you can generalize and say, that is always better than using "classical inheritance"
can you guys please help me with my problem

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