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@RyanKinal know of any good OOCSS tutorials ?
Actually I still haven't figured out why only the logo gets the selected class.
@tanktery Not really. I've just started my own projects, and attempted to use it. It never turns out perfect, but using the concepts helps.
I'm off for the night. Adios all.
@Incognito Bye. Thanks for the help
@Incognito lol its 5pm here
@Neal Me too, and I'm about to leave work.
Okay, I appear to have broken my script completely.
@RyanKinal ahhh lol ook
@RyanKinal at 5pm?
@RyanKinal Wait, leave, I'm dumb.
@RyanKinal so you still haven't grasped the concepts? What I have learned is that you do a way with IDs except when using JS and you style classes not tags and you build your site with modules.
@tanktery Those are the concepts, yes. But in practice, it's often difficult to implement those concepts with consistency. There are often oddities in site designs which require specifics (IDs), or exceptions to the rules. This muddies the waters quite a bit.
@RyanKinal thing is that my CSS did get smaller but my HTML got a lot bigger from all the dives I had to use ... any thought?
@tanktery I hate to say it, but you're probably doing it wrong.
Why do I get the feeling I shouldn't be using the HTML5 boilerplate :S
I would guess that you're getting too specific with your classes.
I love the HTML5 boilerplate
At some point, as in all things, there is a balance to be reached. I've felt for a long time that there is a certain Zen - a certain flow - to web development.
ok what is the zen of web development?
oh wise one lol
It is not something that can be easily told. You must practice the art, in order to become an artist.
I feel like I have such a long way to go
@Raynos We all do ;-)
strengths and weaknesses :)
On an unrelated note, how the !@#$ do I view my favorites on Twitter? It's been months since I've even looked at it.
Okay, so I lied. It was only partially unrelated. I was digging for a quote:
> "Because the most important thing about art is to work. Nothing else matters except sitting down every day and trying." - Steven Pressfield
Now that you're obviously all too amazed at my wisdom to even speak, I will bid you adieu.
@RyanKinal I think it's under lists.
@Neal Are you still here?
@RyanKinal or @ Raynos you guys are always here from what I see can one of you give me some in sight on my site I have been at it for quite some time and I have figured most of it. It turned out the my slide deck had to load and than get hidden with jquery epecho.com/tst/index.html I am trying have the slide deck start out as opened on my home page any thought/
@tanktery That is SEXY!
no, it's bloated and full of useless flash
and you still haven't hidden the slides until the js loads
I meant the design.
it's a wordpress theme...
Oh ... I thought he made it.
this is a common misconception
I am terrible at creating wordpress themes.
yes a them I made or making
@Fallion ya
but any thoughts on my problem AKA the slide deck
@tanktery i answered that already a day or two ago...
@Neal Why doesn't iamprolog.com/test/js/script.js highlight the current page on iamprolog.com/test I am at a loss as to the problem.
I really don't like wordpress-type sites because you get waaaaaay too much bloat
@Fallion whats the current page?
@tanktery useless filler website is useless? :\
I still cant get couch to behave -.-
@Fallion location.pathname.substring(1); => "test/informace.php"
@Fallion none of your links are test/informance.php
@Neal okay, on localhost it works, but only highlights one. The logo and one of the links are suppose to highlight.
@Fallion thats nice for localhost
@Neal Let me put it up on base root somewhere.
@Fallion try this instead:
   var path = location.pathname.split('/')
   if ( path )
     $('#navigation a[href$="' + path[path.length - 1] + '"]').attr('class', 'selected');
@Fallion ^^ see above
@neal your suggestions did not work.
@tanktery please reply to the comment you are referring to....
oh no
that anchor selector is hideous
@Neal awesome, that works, however only 1 link is highlighting.
@MattMcDonald Mine?
I don't know how many times I have to say it, but attr is poison
@Fallion isnt only supposed to hightlight one link? lol
@Raynos Why do you say the site is use less?
@MattMcDonald I'm new to jQuery and javascript so I don't know any better.
@tanktery it has no content of value
it has dead links
I dont like demos like this
I'm not referring to you because you didn't write the code
also the full width page is not full width
@Fallion HA wow. dont use attr. i ddnt even notice that
use addClass()
@Neal One line of the logo and one of the hyperlinks on the right are suppose to highlight.
@Raynos it is still being built be sides I am going to do all that in Word Press
@Fallion it did
@Neal for example iamprolog.com/test/logistika.php is suppose to highlight LOG and logistika
@Fallion its highlighted for me
im in chrome 13
Chrome too.
Just wiped the cache.
@Fallion clear ur cache. CTRL+SHIFT+R
var links = document.links, i = 0, link;
	link = links[i];
		//do something
@Neal Here too, it's nearly 6 now actually. I ended up staying late =/, come in early, early weekend, woot.
@Incognito lol w00t. the time is now 5:48pm :-P
@MattMcDonald wazzat for?
@Neal funny, Safari doesn't highlight the link on the right either.
Wordpress :(
@Neal It's 5:49 by my clock :P.
It's 11:49 PM here.
@Fallion Madness. Goto bed.
@Fallion where is here?
Actually, drink coffee and write code.
it could be 1149am
Czech Republic.
@Neal sometimes, you make me want to blow my brains out. all you need to to is read a few posts up to see what I mean.
@Fallion Girl next to me is learning czech to impress her BF's family.
@MattMcDonald ur not very good at linking ur posts together...
@Incognito I need to work, I haven't done enough this past month. Having concentration problems. Working from home is hard.
ok can someone give me a quick crash course on how events fire in JS is it from top to bottom ... what decides what goes first, second, so on and so forth?
@tanktery whatever is listed 1st unless the event is asychronous.
it runs from top to bottom
if (window.location !== 'http://epecho.com/tst/index.html')
I don't understand why it's not highlighting :(
is there a more elegant way to do this
Hello all, I was wondering if anyone is familair with log4net. I reckon it is a simple issue I am having, its just been bugging me for hours :(
@tanktery yes. only put the html for the slideshow in ur index.html file....
later Guys
@Neal I just ran it through IE NetRenderer and only the logo is highlighting.
@Fallion lol idk. IE sux
Thing is my Chrome and Safari have the same issue.
It works on the information page
and nowhere else.
workd for me. idk. clear cache.
@Fallion well the logo is highlighted. just not the menu item. thats what u mean?
@Fallion ha. i see ur issue
@Fallion its a hack but it works. on line 326 of ur css:
nav .selected {
    background-position: -159px 0 !important;
@MattMcDonald hence hack :-P
@MattMcDonald fix it without important. it just doesnt work
I think I love you.
@Fallion that will be $15k please ^_^
@MattMcDonald also - whats wrong with importants?
you've fallen off the deep end
@Neal , maybe it is not too late to change your hobby
@teresko hobby?
of what?
the programming thing
you are really bad at it
especially css and javascript , and html
@teresko ....im a php dev
and im pretty good at js.
then let me check what you have written about that
html and css trip me up
as for css , what the presentation : youtube.com/watch?v=j6sAm7CLoCQ
maybe it will help a bit
@teresko Why so mean? :(
otherwise i would recommend 2 month in freenode's #css channel
for educational purposes
if attr is poision, !important is cancerous
How else would you fix this problem?
@teresko Man, that progressive loading looks terrible.
The only time you need !important is if something is overriding it. Go find what's overriding, and remove it. If you can't remove it, that's a sign that your CSS selectors (or your JS that's setting it) aren't doing it right.
A: when to use !important property in css?

Quentin!important is somewhat like eval. It isn't a good solution to any problem, and there are very few problems that can't be solved without it.

hahahaha, I love it
nav .selected{
background-position: -159px 0 !important;
#logo .selected{
background-position: -94px 0;
@ThomasShields Anything there?
@Fallion can I see your markup (HTML)?
lets see .. your php answers :
- usage of mysql_* functions
- doing computation in __constructor
- recommends to use MyISAM and LIKE operand
- puts parentheses in `echo` statements and uses "" when not needed
- uses `var` when defining class variables
- does not understand how "magic methods" __get and __set are to be used
- creates object instances while in __construct method
@Neal , i would say that you are as bad at php as at css
@Fallion I would say to apply a different class on the logo's selected items, so instead of #logo .selected it could be #logo .logo_selected - that's just one of numerous possible ways to fix it.
eh, bad path to go down (in regards to criticism)
@MattMcDonald fire away your suggestions. that's just the first that came to mind.
You could just give <nav> an id.
@Fallion you could start by validating the html
and please , stop using duplicated IDs , that's what classes are for in css/html
@teresko ??
I've said this before, but the big problem with web development is there's no "driver's test"
anybody can hop in at any time and drive
@teresko I find that often times classes give me problems with width and height values.
lol wut ?
that's very likely a design issue
@MattMcDonald The problem is that it's not unified.
@MattMcDonald Too true. I've wrecked way too many metaphorical cars myself.
even worse is there's "cars" on the web that "drive" for you
@Neal no offence
but @teresko is right
yeah , @Fallion , for you too .. i prescribe 2 month in freenode's #css channel
Your a pretty mediocre dev for almost 20k
you could really use it
( real cars are heading this way too :( )
@Raynos , but he has a lot of free time
@teresko does that really help? lurking in #css
@MattMcDonald :( :( ...what's sad is that as much as I agree with you, I'm still less than mediocre myself.
I just spend two days trying to get couchdb and hosting to work :\
@ThomasShields Y U NO GOOD
This should be easier.
@Raynos , lurking - no , trying to help others - yes , that helps
@teresko I will do that, anywhere else I should look? I need to learn quickly as it is sadly my main way of making money.
@teresko but doesn't that mean you tell other people how to do it wrong?
@Fallion if you havnt already check the mdn
read the references
do the tutorials
Then you need a good html/css book
I dont know any
@Fallion problem with css is that it is really easy to learn how to write css , but you need experience to learn writing GOOD css
If you dont know what the MDN is then your in trouble ;)
and that dedicated IRC channel gives you exactly that : experience + pair reviews of your code
CSS is easy to learn because it's not a real programming language
I've never had anyone help me up until now. Everything I learnt I learnt on the go. I know it was wrong, but at the time I did not know anything about rules etc.
@MattMcDonald , but it is hard to write because there are 1000 & 1 tricks
@MattMcDonald exactly. CSS is easy. The hard part is knowing when to do what
and where to do it
and why, etc.
@Raynos So what is MDN?
How bad is it to develop in su ?
@Fallion it's the mozilla developer network
it's a resource for references and tutorials
probably the best web resource around
Thank you guys.
@Raynos like packing gunpowder next to open flame
Sorry that I've made you look at TERRIBLE code, but I didn't know any better.
CSS: the definitive guide
@Fallion proxy.azazul.operaunite.com/webserver/content/l-4 , then l-5 , l-6 and so on
each example is solving some sort of problem
actually you can start from proxy.azazul.operaunite.com/webserver/content/l-1 , but first 3 are extremely simple
@teresko hehe, I was just looking at that youtube video you posted, AVOID USING IDs
That was dumb of me.
it's not dumb
IDs are bad for css
they're bad for modular CSS, yes
however, they're very important for DOM hooking (JS)
but you often use them for attaching behavior on javascript level
as well as fragment navigation
Hi guys, is there a way to force IsPostBack to become false using jQuery??
Anyone used heroku?
I hate it already -.-
@Raynos never have, but saw it pop up in some of my uni classes last year.
Should I use CSS Resets?
not really
on the money once again :)
work with what the browser gives you (default styles)
its enough to use *{ padding: 0; margin: 0; } as reset while developing
I do like that
but for production code you will have custom paddings / margins for all the tags you have
automatic padding and margin on the body gets annoying
can't disagree with that more. css resets provide a nice starting place when your pages need to work across platform
they nuke default styles
that's terrible
yes, that's that point
that's not terrible at all
default styles exist for good reasons
the default styles across different versions of IE, chrome, safari, firefox, and opera are all slightly different
default style or not , css resets are bloat
they exist because that's what their dev teams thought would be good. That's not always the best for end users
they are useless in production code
right, and you'd be foolish to try and have the website look the exact same in every browser
we aren't talking about making a site look exactly the same in every browser
@Geuis , have you actually look at the code there ?
sorry, I came late to this. was there a link I should be looking at?
are you really using even half of tags which are manipulated in reset.css ?
that's the 2nd part of using a reset. get rid of what's not being used
that's partly why I made a project called Helium a couple years ago. it find unused css selectors on a given site
@Geuis , the goal must be getting rid of it completely
Alright thank you guys so much.
I disagree. css resets serve a very useful function.
It's 1:03 am and I have tons of learning and rewriting to do tomorrow.
you can _ start _ by using reset , but at the end own writing html/css you should have YOUR code
I don't find salting the earth useful
get rid of what's not being used in the reset when your code goes to production
salted earth is delicious
it is pointless
I agree that reset has little use
it causes additional complexity for css rules
one example: how much time have you ever had to spend styling form elements?
and they are rules which you have not written , so you do not completely understand what effects they have
css resets are a quick and dirty way to achieve an aesthetic that web production studios use in the vein of wordpress and jQuery to quickly pump out "flashy" websites to make a profit
yes, and I've never needed a reset to do so
every browser handles the padding, vertical alignment, margins, etc of them differently
its a pain
it's not a pain
every browser understand what padding: 5em; means
so back to the previous point, was this a discussion about a specific piece of code?
but they have different defaults for , lets say , paragraphs
It was about my disgusting code @Geuis.
but in YOUR code you have custim padding and margins for paragraphs
that is why there is no point in reseting <p> tag
instead you write you own defaults
can you share a link Fallion?
@Geuis , what is the point on using reset to set some values on H1 tag , just to later change it again to YOUR custom value ?
its to get started, not to finish
when you turn off css, default styles show up anyways
by the end, most of the reset should be removed
like I said, they're there for good reasons
after you have designed your pages
but I don't have the time, nor the interest, in starting a project by resetting a bunch of crap that can be handled by a reset
when I'm near finishing a given project and optimizing everything, then I remove the reset code that isn't being used
.. is it just me , or he just changes his tune ?
no, its everything I've already said
@fallion I see you're using the html5 reset from paul irish
it's funny to consider these "cross-browser" solutions juxtaposed against my own experience with browsers and see they're completely frivolous
@Geuis Yes, I like a lot of the HTML5 functions and I've found the boilerplate useful.
hype, marketing, laziness all amalgamated into one giant blob of incompetence
next he will start advertising 960.gs or blueprintCSS
@fallion here's an updated version of the html5 boilerplate released yesterday html5boilerplate.com/#v2
haha. hardly. I hate grid layours
those are freaking ridiculous
@fallion if you aren't building a site for mobile, you can remove those meta tags for ecample
when you're done with your site, you can use a tool like Helium to find any redundant css and remove that too, github.com/geuis/helium-css
Thank you.
You guys have been tremendous help.
var url = document.location.href;
if (url == 'http://epecho.com/tst/index.html') { $("#sliderSection").show(); }
@teresko whats wrong with css frameworks?
is there away to get this to work server side and local?
they are worthless , and create semantically fu*ked html
@tanktery what server side environ are you using?
@Raynos , thought there are distinction , between frameworks like 960.gs/blueprint and LessCSS
Yes of course
less is not a framework
its a css compiler
well , yeah
@Raynos , BlueprintCSS create html that like like this <div class="span-2 block-2">
how do you think , what is the semantical meaning of such tag ?
@Geuis I am trying to get this to work by it only works if I put a file path I would like it to do that automaticly.
@teresko yup you're right on that. blueprint is f'ing insane
@tanktery I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to accomplish here?
describe your goals. What are you trying to do
@Geuis I am trying to get the slide deck to show up on my home page it is hidden on every page and that's what I wanted now I would like it to show up on my home page only epecho.com/tst/index.html
So if you have have mysite.com/about or mysite.com/store you don't want to see it, but if its just mysite.com you want it to show
instead of having that javascript check running on every page, do it with css
@Geuis yes
so suppose your slideshow has a class of .slideshow
2 messages moved to PHP
by default, its style should be display:none
@JohnMerlino go to PHP ¬_¬
however, on the homepage for the div or container or whatever on your slideshow, have another class called ".show"
So in your homepage html, you can just insert that class directly
@Geuis I am hiding the #sliderSection using jquery when I use css it breaks the slide deck
@Geuis so I have used

// Toggle the slider section
//Start by hiding the Slider Section
$(".toggleButton").click(function() {
you have any code we can look at?
@Geuis I have the live demo that any good?
this is quite horrible
in terms of css frame works OOCSS frame work has a nice grid system that uses % and is very semantic, the names of the units are 1of1, 1of2, 1of3, — 1/1, 1/2, 1/3
OOCSS is not a framework , but a method of writing css
it is also a frame work
you can down load it there
so for your #sliderSection, just set the css to display:none
by default, it will not display anywhere. thats the same thing as you're doing with the .hide()
@tanktery what backend framework are you building the site in?
@Geuis none its hard coded with just HTML I will be using Word Press later this week if I can just get the slider to work on the home page
ok, that's good
so like I said, set the default style to display:none
then in your Wordpress template, on the template php file for the homepage in the slider you'll just add a class called ".show" (or whatever) that is set to display:block
no need for javascript at all
<div id="sliderSection" class="show">
another question, is the #slideSection going to appear anywhere else on the site?
@Geuis yes every page has the #sliderSection but it will be hidden on very page but the home page but the user will be able to open it if they like.
ah ok
so this style will still work
@Geuis if I use CSS to hide or show the slider the plugin breaks
default to display:none. On the homepage add that .show class. Then with jquery you can just add/remove the .show class
I'm toggling the display property in web inspector and it seems to run
@Geuis yes I know what you are saying ... I have tried it and switched to hiding it using JQuery
on the sliderSection element?
are you editing the file live?
also, what's this?
Is it working for everyone else?
its loading but only /blog
Thats fine
the rest are not routed
@Geuis yes doing it live
@raynos what framework?
node what else :P

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