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You're obviously the only one willing to say it. Alright.
I don't have an opinion either way.
I have an opinion on bananas. I think they're great.
Also I don't know what tangent means outside of geometry...
!!define tangent
@Jhawins tangent (geometry) A straight line touching a curve at a single point without crossing it there.
And I never will.
Bananas are okay I guess
@Jhawins That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
@RyanKinal You know you love bananas.
@Jhawins It's pretty much what it means in geometry: Something touching a point, but not part of it.
So a tangent to a subject is something related to it
I hate sharing, but there is something I need to share with you. Anyway, how one embedd picture here?
@Shmiddty One might say you're... bananas about them.
Link is enough?
Should be
@Zirak That's just the cat's pajamas!
Streets ahead
What do streets have to do with bananas?
Street is ahead?
@Zirak Which I don't understand in the context you used ha. But it doesn't matter. I'll take a vote of 3 as a "just let it go"
Okay, now what do rats have to do with bananas?
Was someone saying they had GTA V?
They eat banana peels?
Ooh! Perhaps!
@Jhawins We only talk to room owners in this room.
(1)You said starring the room owner removal message could mean two things: That it's amusing, or that it's a vote of agreement.
(2)I say that it amused me, however I
(3)agree with the non-owner status, but that is not related to the amusement
Hence, agreeing with you not being an owner was tangent to my amusement
It is slightly puzzling that it was a self-removal.
(4)Don't watch Bones while eating
Because I love bananas!
I'll see cats everywhere, in my room, on my desk, even in my pastebin. Is something wrong with me, my cat or my pastebin?

@Shmiddty Rub it in a little more baby ... Right there... Right there!
@Zirak lol, truth
"yum yum yum" mangled corpse, rotting flesh, mouse nibbling on eyesocket ":("
I feel like for my career's sake I should restart and do my best to unlink myself from this account... I've fucked up big time.
@RyanKinal Either someone got him to run a script, or someone spoofed the request.
I should get on TS when I get home
Alright, I know how it was removed.
@RyanKinal I've never seen you on TS :(
This is my favourite picture.
@BadgerGirl I wasn't aware that TS had video now.
As in seen you online.
@BasgerGirl I guess we just missed each other
@Zirak Exactly. Had I not said and done all of the idiotic things I've done here, no one would say that to my legitimate concern about my future.
@Jhawins Please, elaborate.
@Jhawins That is, nobody cares about what you've fucked up here.
What could appear? That you asked a question that was disliked on meta?
That's 1. What's 2?
Misinterpreted :P
I'm actually interested in how it happened
@Zirak That I defended the right to have sex with animals. That's basically it.
You won't be interested in a minute.
I assume it's quite mundane.
You've also supported the adjective "bitch". But that's unknown to someone who isn't/wasn't part of the community.
And, again, nobody cares about this stuff.
Especially since zoophilia is a contested field, and you didn't say "yeah, just shag animals all you want"
Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'fitText'
sounds like there's no fitText method. Crazy.
Weird, everything is linked correctly
I didn't want to say it... But when I was mad, I was going to ignore Loktar and Phenomnomnominal, but a room owner can't be ignoring 2 very active members of the room. So, I had the box checked to remove myself as an owner, after which I was going to say why. But then I changed my mind and said I was probably just overreacting and I thought I closed that tab. Turns out that tab was still open (just got onto my machine from home...) and the box is no longer up and checked to remove myself.
Wait I think its because i load the js file at the end
I don't know how I ended up doing it, but somehow I did.
I should load it before all (after jquery) right?
Quite mundane indeed.
@Zirak lol.
@Jony correct
Yup. I still wonder how I did it on accident, but obviously it was me haha.
But yeah, nobody cares what you've fucked up. I mean, we've all supported query at one point or another.
But employers do.
They care about far more then they should.
Nobody will search this chat...
That could be a problem, yes.
Especially not if they're looking for pedophilia, child porn, or if we're looking for Osama Bin Laden or airplane pilots, I want to fly over the Pengaton while slaying a bald eagle.
noooo @Zirak
@Zirak Googling jhawins yields my SO profile as the 4th result. Now try a google images search in my name...
Well. Nice knowing you @Zirak. Have fun in Guantanamo.
Best thing about having an (apparently) Kurdish name is that I'm ungoogleable
It used to all be me. Now it's some guy from India :D
Heh. Nice.
Worst thing is that Zirak is taken everywhere I go...
Tons of it is just this one guy and he was never in the results until sometime in the last month for sure. That is awesome.
I've thought about how my name isn't something anyone else seems to have used really, which is nice because it's just me using it, which is bad, because it's just me using it.
Just pass all the bad stuff off as him instead of you.
Will do.
That fucking Jhawins. I hate that guy.
@Zirak scroll down after searching jhawins on images and not that far down is your avatar... With a mustache!
Scratch that, your avatar always has a mustache...?
That's its thing.
I took the awesome face, added a curly-brace moustache
Ah! That's it. Search my old name "Jhawinsss" and it's almost nothing but images from this chat.
Good times.
I'm pretty hard to google for an employer
Corey Hart is shared by at least 3 famous people
Who's is this? i.imgur.com/PSFgMFH.png
Not mine
Like I would use a mac.
Found it.
is gravatar running slow?
Because you're so fat
I think someone is fucking with the corporate network.
My bad
noob here looking to insert an element with javascript but can't remember which function to use
@ert3 appendChild
!!tell ert3 mdn appendChild
thank you
@Shmiddty Might be the bot. Been eyeing that network for a while now
@Zirak she isn't sentient yet, is she?
That's a scary answer
I shold write a style guide and promote people to contributor status on the bot repo
Shmiddty be crampin mah style
But you're getting write permission as well. Maybe. If you want.
style shmyle
you upset about rows over 80 characters long?
Yes, and using double quotes, and not following the spacing convention
You put spaces everywhere!
@Zirak Yes, you should
function ( param, param ) {...
that's just too many spaces!
I agree, now, but when I wrote it, I disagreed, so we're all screwed
Also, I think it should be double quotes.
double quotes in JS is dumb
It prevents us from having to escape single quotes.
fun ct ion    (  par  a  m , p    ara    m )     {
Syntax Error
so yeah just trying he out of book example and failing miserably
"I'm a string. Aren't you glad?" 'I\'m a string. Aren\'t you sad?'
@Zirak I took the lazy route, so shoot me!
msg.directreply( [user, 'is afk'+':.'[+!afkObj.msg], afkObj.msg].join(' ') );
anyone use meteor?
You also called the variable lstPing
@Zirak Yeah that bothered me too. But then I got over it
@bushdiver Nah, ShockNadoShards forever.
@Shmiddty diablo?
wth lol
i mean for node but thats funny - i have diablo 3 console
I doubt you can SNS on console.
yah no
I don't even know how ET would work on console.
i dont know what et is
energy twister
wicked wind rune
idk the mage skills available - i only have lvl 22 monk
@bushdiver The console game's been out for months now, slacker.
i just got it 3 days ago
its one of the only games ive bought on xbox 360 since i've had it for 2 years - the other being fallout
my xbox is mainly used for youtube and netflix
I'm going home now
@Zirak I expect things to be rolled by the time I get home
!!afk hometime
@Shmiddty Why are you leaving me?!
@Loktar Interestingly, a town I've lived in for a while called St Helens has the highest beastiality rate of any town or city in the UK. Fun fact :P
@Shmiddty Also, instead of user name, we should index by user id.
@Zirak Shmiddty is afk: hometime
Less mucking about with formatting, and no collisions.
@Jhawins Did you ask on Meta about owner removal?
Someone please ping me
beer!afk pooping
@Zirak Why are you leaving me!?
@Zirak Where were you!?
@Zirak ping
I just got a full orange fuel tank into low Kerbin orbit. @rlemon will be jealous.
okay, try again please
beer!afk rocking the world
@Zirak Apricots are people too!
@Zirak I am a banana!
@Zirak And now, angry ticks fire out of my nipples.
For some reason it picks up on my messages twice
@Zirak Maybe the multiline?
It shouldn't register, the bot should always ignore messages sent by itself.
Maybe it mistakenly ignores messages from Caprica Six
anyone ever do custom html inserts for CKeditor
nah, the user id is dynamically retrieved
oh, of course...the event listeners stack, not replace
Now can someone try pinging me please?
@Zirak no

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