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@KendallFrey not with humans, but dear are a different case apparently.
@Zirak I'm on the phone, I've stopped after that one, will continue soon
You can't have sex with animals, or dead people, but you can with dead animals. Wow.
Laws are screwed up sometimes.
What's the last one?
lol wow.
@Jhawins You could argue that when a dog starts loving your leg, that's implicit consent.
What about children then?
Your argument can apply to them as well
what about the passed out girl at the party
And anybody who is unconscious
or the coma paitent
@BenjaminGruenbaum ah, that'll spoil the fun
lets just fuck em all right?!
Well... she didn't say no..... ;)
@rlemon Or the guy, for that matter.
@rlemon I just made myself 2 1/4 chests full of glass bottles.
Anyone else thing @Jhawins has fucked a whole lot of animals?
return (''+x).split(',').map(Number) almost works
The only reason doing something non-consensual to a human is bad is that the human is having their rights stripped.
Animals have rights too.
stripped p-p-psshhh
@jAndy i hate u
@phenomnomnominal Animals have vaginas too.
( no secretly i love u a lot )
so morals mean nothing to you? if it isn't written in the law, who fucking cares how moraly wrong it is.
@Loktar Wow, think that shit through. Any human being has fundamental free will. Animals don't have the cognitive ability to have completely free will.
law are not always moral
return ((''+x).match(/\d/g)||[]).map(Number)
@Shmiddty return eval(x.toString().replace(/[^\d]/g, '').join('+')); // win?
@Jhawins prove it
@rlemon Prove they do.
you are the one making the claim they do not
@Jhawins then its ok to have sex with the mentally handicapped?
burden of proof lies with the claimer
@Jhawins you can't prove they do, but isn't it better to err on the side of NOT FUCKING ANIMALS?
because depending on the situation they lack cognitive ability as well.
btw humans are technically animals
^ 100 fucking times this man
@Zirak k, did the next one, spent a minute trying to do something clever with reduceing it to an object, then Math.max.applying it based on valueOf , decided that was stupid, complicated and slow to write, ended up with:
if somebody gave me two choices "To rape me or kill and eat me" i believe I would choose the former.. it's illegal because we don't want these kind of mental cases running around.. not because the animals have rights
var frequent = null;
var frequentCount = 0;
for(var i=0;i<x.length;i++){
    var cur = x[i];
    var curCount = 0;
    for(var j=0;j<x.length;j++){
        if(x[j] === x[i]){
    if(curCount > frequentCount){
        frequentCount = curCount;
        frequent = cur;
return frequent;
bye guys, time to head home
@Loktar What? What the fuck. They aren't any fucking different from any other human.
i'll ping you later rlemon
yea i'm heading home now
worked on the first go, slow, but simple. What did you write?
for igloo making action
Im out too this convo is weird
i'll be back on later to make fun of @Jhawins's animal sexy time
dont feel like arguing why having sex with animals is wrong
@Loktar Agreed
lol exactly.
how to change nodejs prefix ?
@bushdiver You can't choose the former, because if you want it, it's not rape.
i cant find
!!afk creeped the fuck out
@Loktar Holy shit. Just holy fucking shit. I can't believe you just said that.
@RyanKinal Just go already!
but teasing him is now going to be so easy
@Jhawins sorry man Im just not into banging animals
Wowwwwwww fun. My issue earlier with 'this' being in various scopes had nothing to do with that. The HTTP Proxy was suspending socket connection negotiations...
@Jhawins that has been my reaction to 90% of the stuff you said in the last 10 minutes.
@Loktar just your mom!
You just said that mentally handicapped people are like animals, and that they lack the cognitive ability to make their own decisions.
no I compared them to your definition.
@Loktar My definition of animal.
@KendallFrey lol i was choosing the lesser of two evils
your definition applied to some humans as well.
Please quote anything I have said that applies to mentally handicapped.
Animals can make decisions. For example, if you start raping one, and leave them free to run, they will usually decide to run.
has noone here changed the nodejs prefix? noones on windows machine probably is why..
@RyanKinal is that for sum digits?
@KendallFrey haha exactly
@bushdiver I use node on windows, and have no idea what you're talking about
@CameronHurd Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon lol wtf
its been a long day when you can't get the fiddle to work so I can ask a question here lol
@rlemon lol never heard of weedeaters in those parts
> Check out this crazy expensive truck I got.. to lift my $400 mower onto my roof!
They can make decisions sure, but they don't know right from wrong. They also are limited in the decisions they either can or will make.
@Jhawins more reason not to have sex with them.
@Jhawins think about what you are arguing here...
> Awesome, you win!
@KendallFrey Im trying to change the prefix folder but cant find the command (the root folder that things save to, everythings being dumped in my local user folder )
@KendallFrey more of a circumcision....
@Zirak last one was pretty simple, simpler than the ones before
@rlemon Did you hear about the job at the zoo, circumcising elephants? The pay isn't that great, but the tips are enormous.
@Loktar No. You know what? Fuck yourself for comparing mentally handicapped people to animals. My retarded brother is on his way to my house on his god damn bicycle right now and I will greet him as a human being when I get there. Which means I'm getting off of here.
posted on October 09, 2013 by Victor Rodriguez

Moving Files from one Git Repository to Another, Preserving History Higgs Boson Physicists Receive 2013 Nobel Prize New Operating System Seeks To Replace Linux In the Cloud

@Jhawins wow way to try and turn it around on me.
@Jhawins way to try to turn your fucked up argument around.
Wow someone gets mad when you tell them having sex with an animal is wrong boo fucking hoo.
@Jhawins As a human being? So, by having sex with him? Because we have sex with humans, not animals.
...I am horrible
> Animals don't have the cognitive ability to have completely free will.
I don't care about the animal thing... That was just a discussion.
humans are animals as well.
@Jhawins don't be such a bitch then about a discussion.
I have animals and could have been just as easily offended.
Some humans lack cognitive ability, due to mental handicaps or otherwise.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Really?
^ exactly my point
Therefore @Jhawins makes an argument that applies to some people.
@Zirak Yeah, I did it in a super straightforward way. I closed it now but it was something like:
I'm not offended because you said it's wrong to fuck animals. I'm offended because you said my brother is the equivalent of an animal.
And is now bitching out because he realises that what he said was fucked.
> oh wow really?! I have a brother who wore a blue shirt, you are a piece of garbage for disliking blue shirts this discussion is over!
YOU said that.
lol I just love the turn around, its really amusing.
jquery plugins are annoying
No-one said ALL mentally handicapped people.
var delta = x[1] - x[0];
for(var i = 0;i < (x.length - 1); i++){
   var cur = x[i+1] - x[i];
   if(cur*delta < 0) return 0;
return (delta>0) ? 1 : -1;
he should be mad at whoever said humans are really animals anyway
There is probably a one liner though.
because they were in fact saying everyone is an animal.
I so did not remove myself from the list of anything.
Wow alright.
Let's change the subject. To female-male rape.
9 mins ago, by eazimmerman
btw humans are technically animals
^ omg the HORROR
You just offended my son who has asthma you bastard, comparing him to an animal!
Idk what the hell is going on, or who's black magic just removed me as myself. But I'm going home... Later all...
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's smart
@phenomnomnominal lol thanks for having my back
var asc = 0, desc = 0;
return (asc==x.length)-(desc==x.length)
@BenjaminGruenbaum ^
that was another conner episode man..
@Zirak It's very straightforward, in the last questions I've found simple straightforward solutions were easier to write than the clever ones. What did you do?
where I was called a pedophile for watching BBC
@Loktar stupid people annoy me.
But humans are animals!
@Shmiddty That doesn't look much shorter or simpler though. It does not express the question imo.
do you have to do something special for jquery plugin testing in jsfiddle
@rlemon lol exactly, but he decided to call out my one comment where I said some humans lack the cognitive ability to make decisions
@Loktar Ever see that Family Guy clip, where Lois calls Peter a child, and Peter calls Lois a pedophile?
haha no
Lol that was great
> No. You know what? Fuck yourself for comparing mentally handicapped people to animals. My retarded brother is on his way to my house on his god damn bicycle right now and I will greet him as a human being when I get there. Which means I'm getting off of here.
!!youtube family guy peter lois pedophile
i still can't figure out how to change the prefix.. really noone has done this?..
@Zirak Yeah that looks similar without checking for sign in the iteration
Anyways I'm out for real.
isnt saying someone is retarded not PC?
@Loktar If you can't understand at least some sensitivity to that subject then I can't make you. Maybe I overreacted, but it's not the same as a silly shirt, it's not the same as asthma (in most cases). My brother will be dead, fact, within 4 years. And I just recently found out... So hate me if you want, but at least you know why I would react the way I did.
With that I really am going home now.
who calls a mentally handicapped person retarded..?
that seems more offensive imo
@CapricaSix Wrong one
@Loktar That's the real term. It's not in a derogatory sense.
idk, in the US its a word frowned upon
we call it the R word here in the states
at my kids school mentally handicapped kids are called "special friends"
^ Jennifer Anniston received a ton of backlash for using the word retard.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Sort it ascending, count the number of items that match. Do the same for descending.
anyway whatevs. Going back to my land of the rift where I dont have to worry about people having sex with animals... shudders
can sometime tell me why when I click on an arrow in the timepicker it goes up and down by 3
@Loktar someone will change that soon
gah, I know man..
@Loktar Or do you!?
@Shmiddty Yeah, but that's not how you think of the problem. .every seems to make more sense. You can refactor my loop to an every
i know it is calling it once for each input. new jquery plugins prolly have some scoping wrong: jsfiddle.net/TRKNg/1
those dark parts of VR are scary to think about
@Loktar it would have sounded completely ridiculous if she would have said "Yes, I play dress up! I do it for a living, like a mentally handicap person!" that would have been worse lol
lol yea
its just crazy how some words that were so common seemingly overnight become terrible
They would have been like "wait .. i have a mentally handicap brother.. are you indicating he plays dress up all day??"
god.. man
@BenjaminGruenbaum I wasn't really concerned with readability
@Zirak can you do me a favor?
A definitive "maybe"
Roll the !!afk updates!
!!afk cancer
@Shmiddty Can you pick up some milk on your way back?
@Zirak any ideas on this: jsfiddle.net/TRKNg/2
Why me
hmm my mic is jacked
@JoshVarty Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Yay 20K, finally can really delete stuff :)
Great. I didn't think things through and now I'm fucked. In the future there will forever be a transcript of me defending sex with animals, which wasn't my intention, it was the principle that I was talking about and their cognitive abilities. But stack is used for careers... I just set my career back a long way. If I ever made it big people would find this...
@Andy897 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i was planning on using heroku to host my node app which have unix servers i believe.. but my developing machine is windows.
this is going to cause a conflict yah? because a lot of the commands are different..
-- wrong date --
28 - Nov - 2013
I cant decide just how serious that is...
For some reason, my modal is missing width on smaller screens, my idea is taking the screen width, and then making so the less the width is, the more % it will add to the modal's width. How can I do that /or is that a good solution idea?
Dude. It's October.
@JonyKale it's missing width on smaller screens? how you mean
@bushdiver Yes, content is getting a bit out of the background, on small screens.
@JonyKale the modal's content is overflowing?
Should I pong a mod and see if I can get this shit removed? Real life question right now.
Yea and I want the modal automatically to resize if its too small.
Do you want a live example @bushdiver
@BadgerGirl @copy fedora 18 works
on ur emu
@bushdiver Shouldn't, what commands are you talking about? Does your app use them?
hey guys driving myself nuts with CKeditor trying to use my own file manager

For some reason this
function setLink(url) {
CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.insertElement( '<img src="' + url + '/>' );
keeps comming back with errors even though the element is definged any ideas?
@copy my machine did it but the browser crashed
@SomeKittens That's surprising seeing as the website is broke
@SomeKittens hmm yes child_process.exec(command, [options], callback) uses windows commands right now and local folders "tmp" locations are different and such
@JonyKale fiddle?
Nope live site
@bushdiver What does your app do?
@AbhishekHingnikar wat
@JonyKale use min-width and media queries
Nothing @copy feature request please implement a disk usage indicator
@SomeKittens live video sharing with webrtc - the commands are just for local file stuff i perceive using (app is not complete)
@AbhishekHingnikar Disk usage is something specific to the file system, no?
@Connor THANK YOU!
@SomeKittens really just writing a lot of the architecture right now.. havnt decided on a host yet
have used godaddy for years.. but not going to work for this project (nodejs)
@copy as in the disk being read
Now I need to figure out, how to make the whole document scrollable, while in a modal.
@bushdiver oh dear
like i have a yellow led on my laptop which tells the disk is being read
Cause if you have too much content in the modal, you can't scroll the document, like bootstrap's modal.
@AbhishekHingnikar Oh, yeah
@Shmiddty Where's the milk?
@JonyKale make the content a percent of the size
does anyone have experience with ckeditor and the method insertElement as it relates
@JonyKale i use a script for exactly that thing.. ill find it
@bushdiver Okay, thanks
@JonyKale That still wouldn't work if the modal is fixed
@copy i am leaving my cpu on
so taht i can screenshot fedora running inside a browser for u
@AbhishekHingnikar Very nice, but it could crash at some point :P
when it finally boots up in a few hours again :D
@JonyKale fittextjs.com (depending on the content)
@copy i take care of that ;-)
@bushdiver Heroku's nice, but depending on your commands...
have you tried fs?
@JonyKale I'm guessing you'll have to switch the modal to position: absolute instead of position: fixed
@bushdiver Will try out, thanks
@JonyKale to see fittext in action - scale the window size in a youtube leanback video youtube.com/tv#/watch?v=ql9RVy6FWkg&mode=transport
Or limit the size and scroll the content of the modal.
i believe they use it
@Shmiddty I've got some time now, is the PR up to date?
@Loktar @phenomnomnominal I needed a drive and a cigarette, but obviously I just snapped and went ape shit earlier.
@SomeKittens fs ? you mean require('fs') ?
@Zirak yes
Now, on a related note, how did I supposedly remove myself from the owners list. Whoever did that, congrats, because I don't know how that;s possible.
That is quite amusing. Do you remember if you did anything out of the ordinary at the time?
Quite strange indeed.
@bushdiver Yeah, just make sure you get the slashes right
@Jhawins My guess would be that someone changed their name to yours, removed you, then changed back.
Well, I angrily typed out the fuck word over and over again in each message for some reason, and I'm not sure why.
but the timing on that might be difficult to pull off.
@Shmiddty How would they change to a taken name?
Names aren't unique
I don't think there's anything prohibiting that, but I could be wrong
Who the fuck cares about fuxking "fuck"?
And if you look at the message itself, it points to the same user id
@Shmiddty SO won't let you change your name twice in a 30-day period
I'm not trying to beg my way back onto the list haha, obviously I shouldn't be there if I'm going to freak and start bitching out everyone.
But I'm sure at least some of you all can understand how sometimes personal issues get bottled up and when someone finally relieves that pressure you just snap...
I wonder if it's possible to click a link that removes yourself from owners. Kinda like the Leave link.
@RyanKinal 'course
There's this new thing called javascript
@RyanKinal No single link for that exists, but you could easily put it together. It's a select menu with a "save" button.
@Zirak that's like Java, right?
@Jhawins Yeah, I get it. If I was on a real computer, I'd add you back.
@Shmiddty It's exactly like java, just on the interwebz
@Zirak that's good. Java is great!
I'm not too worried about it...
@Zirak Har har her. Funny.
It would be interesting if someone were to do it again though and start removing others.
Stupid auto correct.
@Jhawins I don't think @rlemon would target anyone else.
JavaSCRIPT stands for "Java: Spelunking & Creating Rich Internet Powerpoint Things"
@copy just a suggestion
you can make ur thing a linux tutorial in browser :->
@Shmiddty Honestly no one in this room strikes me as the type to do it, or know how.
@RyanKinal I knew you couldn't have possibly written that message. Stupid autocorrect.
using some super light weight distro (command line only or so)
@Jhawins Are you saying we're stupid wusses!?
@Jhawins You underestimate us.
@BadgerGirl Shit happens..
@Zirak I'm saying you aren't 1337 hax0rs
My spelling is fucking immaculate.
@AbhishekHingnikar I guess, but then I'd have to build that
@Jhawins Are you calling us script kiddies?
There are lots of skids in this room sometimes, but no not you specifically. :P
@Jhawins That sounds like a challenge.
Still have that privilege till the next refresh.
@RyanKinal Then it is.
Everyone pull off the best E-Heist they can. In 1 month we'll share stories.
I've already got my black hat stories :P. Wicked Lasers can tell you that.
About the best I have is crashing peoples' browsers with infinite popups.
I can't tell if it's because it says I did it to myself, or if people are starring that because I'm no longer a room owner. So if you don't want me to be an owner, just say so.
@RyanKinal That was more fun before the average computer had >4gb RAM haha.
You know, back when nobody had popup blockers.
Hell yeah I remember those days :D
Also true, yeah.
@Jhawins It's really funny
Also, I don't think you'd make a good owner
But that's a tangent
@Zirak What if it was me subconsciously...
And the star here is from someone else not willing to say it?But that's fine, I can live with that.
Multiple personalities?

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