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didn't follow the news too closely recently
@Loktar freelance game developer
no one is willing to negotiate with eachother basically so its a stalemate
@rlemon haha yeah that would be badass actually
Im trying to finish up a game right now to put on the market
you don't even need to make good games.
those shit casual types
I know :P html5 games are the in thing
as long as you can make something you're golden
I really should make something
@Loktar Anyway, if you want to get hired somewhere, you just go to the interview and tell them "I iz Loktar, i can haz bukkit." you're hired in no time.
yeah thats my plan, been standing in the mirror saying that to myself every morning
Very good.
They have to believe it.
lol dat dota..
ha thats badass
posted on October 02, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} There are only a few days left to get BAHFest tickts, and we are run

!!terraria space gun
in angularjs, how to create an element and set it at another existing element?
I created a simple file reader directive but no idea how to display the result in specify div

This is the fiddler. http://jsfiddle.net/vzhen/XfMma/#base
holy fuck! How did I miss that?
> A full set of Meteor Armor has the unique effect of making the Space Gun cost no mana to fire.
space gun does so little damage though
laser rifle is where it is at
But no mana is awesome
I know, too bad it doesn't work on rifles.
well laser rifle doesn't use a lot of mana, and there are items you can equip to help with it
I know, it's quite slow though.
@Loktar just because I stumbled over it recently, found a brand-new pop-punk band that I really enjoy
well... the record is brand new
oh yeah?
@OctavianDamiean you see this codepen.io/rlemon/pen/uewLs
/me is currently listening to Mest
pretty nice stuff
after you went to bed
haha, Mest... good times :)
@Loktar i'm currently listening to my PSU die but i'm almost done an update so I don't want to shut down yet
been squaking at me for like 5 minutes
annoying as shit
@rlemon Stop making stuff like that when you're bored! Start working on a WebGL Terraria clone!
@GNi33 this isnt bad
I have a google music sub their album is on there
@OctavianDamiean canvas terraria clone using Ivos physics library
Do it. Do it noa!
googled him to get his github. found this nintendowiix.net/interview.php?pageid=144
Oh yea, mummies sometimes drop mummy clothes parts.
> Mit Ivo Wetzel (20), Moderator vom Nintendocast
And there is a bee costume.
har har har
@OctavianDamiean ^^
@IvoWetzel, how ready is your library and if it's not really ready, how soon can you get it ready? :D
@Loktar have you played with it yet?
@Zirak The podcast series is way better than I'd expected (the one arguing for the existence of God)
Thank you!
but for terreria you dont need a full physics library
someone did something before terraria existed using html5 iirc /me looks for link
we don't need a lot of stuff, but it makes it better.
@OctavianDamiean BLUETOOTH!
ohh dude.
Yea, everything needs bluetooth!
we might just have something here....
fuck I cant spell that game name lol
@Loktar took me a while to get it down.
I used to want to spell terreria
You said it funny too :P
Oh yea, @rlemon. If we place 50 meteorite blocks in the hallow underground and in the corruption underground we can harvest shitloads of souls of both types.
I never thought of that
I also have a piranha statue - I wonder if they drop souls
Not sure, but fish and bunnies do on bloodmoon.
hrm... and I have like 4-5 skeleton statues
they should
i'll have to test this out when I get home
stop giving me good ideas about Terraria at 9:30am!
I had the idea with the meteorite earlier today, then went to check when meteorite heads spawn and then found the wiki article that describes just what I had in mind. :D
worst thing about making a game is when its somewhat playable..
and you find yourself "testing" it forever
for way longer than you clearly need to be lol
Obviously I wasn't the first one to have the meteorite idea. heh
@Loktar I never had that problem. In fact, the only game I ever finished, I never did a complete playthrough.
@KendallFrey really?
@Loktar I don't know why, but I was kinda shocked to find that redigit played Terraria for fun
I kinda figured he would be sick of it having spent so much time on it
eh, they pumped that game out so fast man
I mean Minecraft did all the hardwork for them
they just had to work on implementation so of course for them its fun
Well you can create sooo many things.
It's the same with Minecraft
I remember the community was calling them out for ripping FF sprites when it came out
but unlike ambulance chasers such as WWZ terraria actually did well
Well, every game is inspired by something.
every idea thought is inspired by another.
It was in his reddit AMA someone asked about the art and his response was basically "I did the original art, well most of it, and part of the outcome was due to me liking the classic look, the other part was because that is the best I could draw"
the original Terraria were rips
Rips of what I wonder.
before they released they changed them
@OctavianDamiean Final Fantasy
they got lucky though man
they got their game out at the right time for sure
In one month they had a ton done, cant remember their dev cycle but it was insanely fast
I admire them, their graphics are so nice.
I love everything about it.
yeah it was like minecraft but more quest based
like there was a "point" to it
MC was more about building at the time
It's so sick if you think about it, most stuff is only a couple of pixels in height and width.
I think they're 16x16 right?
for the characters?
Uhm, I think they are a bit bigger.
Yea, like the Arms Dealer NPC is 26 × 46
But still.
The blocks are 16 x 16.
thats resized @OctavianDamiean the characters I believe
I dont think they are true 1x1
but yeah they are a bit bigger than 16x16
Any ideas why jQuery UI onSelect fires when focusing on element instead of when a date is selected? From the documentation I assumed it was on date select.
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol yea
today is a good day
Oh, today is going to be so awesome. I'll play some more Terraria, update the wiki some more.
Ignore my last question.. Was minding wrong event type.
@Neal wat is he doing?
@OctavianDamiean That is me. And I tripped on coral that we were not supposed to step on
@Neal how did you manage trip over that coral for an entire minute?
This like crazy.
does anyone actually have a w3schools certification?
@OctavianDamiean lol bc we were not supposed to step on anything due to it being a "protected eco system" so I tripped on one and I kept trying to avoid the other ones until I got to shore...
@Neal Alright, for the next time that happens. You breath in as much as you can, and try to float, then move using only your arms.
@OctavianDamiean hehe it was very very shallow water :-P
That way you'll avoid tripping on other stuff you shouldn't be tripping on. :D
Also i don't think I am going to Hawaii any time soon lol
Doesn't matter, you'll float like a trunk.
@eazimmerman I have one thats close to one!
@OctavianDamiean Coral is sharp :-P
got that back in like 2008 or 2009
lol was so easy
@Neal I'm well aware. All I do when I'm at the sea is snorkeling and diving. :D
Do I really need any certifications?
@OctavianDamiean :-P
@Newcoma Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Newcoma you're missing an h in your name to be all cool and G-style.
It's newcomah
Certs look good on resumes
Anyway, time to quit being a dick for today, IT'S TERRARIA TIME!!
@eazimmerman As do diplomas...
@eazimmerman depends on the company
I have no diplomas or certs and I'm doing just fine
Diplomas cost thousands of dollars.
for any corporate job they look amazing of course
Personal experience is free :)
experience is always the most valuable
@eazimmerman Not at a CUNY :-) (well thousands, but not THOUSANDS)
til thousands !== THOUSANDS
well, there it goes. the word thousands looks weird to me now
@eazimmerman :-P
Wow... I have worked here for almost 3.5 years
I got a double pick on codepen.. sort of
@rlemon yours is up not too
@OctavianDamiean Thanks, option 1 it is.
Aw man, everyone talking about Terraria really makes me want to play.
@Loktar Ya, rly. (It was a very boring game)
only really boring game I made was for work
lol I know you guys have to remember it
it had to work in IE7 too, fun times
What do did you do?
I work in training, so besides maintaining our training system I make training activities
right now at work Im working on a top down game
"You have failed" wtf
... yeah its hard.
You have to know the correct answers pretty much
you can be suepr safe, but really uneffective
so you'll get a low score
the cheat sheet is on our internal network so unfortunately you cant look at it, but a lot of the info is on wikipedia anyway
but yeah.. just a super simple dressup game
soooo boring to play, not as boring to make though
That's not fun :(
I want a fun.
there's a wikipedia page for your game?
@Loktar Yeah, games are more fun to make.
not for my game per se, but the material it covers
Personal protective equipment (PPE) refers to protective clothing, helmets, goggles, or other garments or equipment designed to protect the wearer's body from injury. The hazards addressed by protective equipment include physical, electrical, heat, chemicals, biohazards, and airborne particulate matter. Protective equipment may be worn for job-related occupational safety and health purposes, as well as for sports and other recreational activities. "Protective clothing" is applied to traditional categories of clothing, and "protective gear" applies to items such as pads, guards, shield...
@Loktar I didn't know guys liked dressup games
@GNi33 666 days? I'm only 10 days away from that.
@BadgerGirl haha neither did I! :P
actually it didnt do too well at work either
so I imagine they dont lol
Why not? :( I spent my preteen years playing dress up doll games and then making my own.
god there are SO MANY of those games lol
@Loktar Hahaha we do
highest rated game on one of my shit game portal sites
lol "Help a bride get ready for her wedding day!"
haha I think that site uses the jquery plugin for rounded corners even
I should keep these older sites I made a secret
If I go to a github repo's issues page, CAN I HAS SEARCHEZ?
yes, at the top of the page.
@FlorianMargaine There's only the global search. I want to search only the issues.
oh, I missed the "issues" word
You know what would be a better game genre for guys? UNdressup games.
@KendallFrey it exists
and is pretty popular.
@KendallFrey you'll understand when you'll grow up...
@mikedidthis Thanks, but not what I was looking for. I didn't know the search box was both global, and local for code, and local for issues. It does help to know the search operators, however, so thanks!
@BadgerGirl Yea, I'm sorry I can't be more helpful there.
@ThatBrazilianGuy ahh ok
Its global unless your in a repo and then its repo specific
@OctavianDamiean No prob, now I will send you my german homework.
@mikedidthis Yeah, I noticed! Thanks :)
@BadgerGirl lol
What does it mean "only approved users can talk" on this chatroom? How did I get approved? (without even knowing...)
@ThatBrazilianGuy Caprica Six automatically approves people by default
O_o then what's the purpose?
"Here's a locked door. Please give a key to everyone by default".
She can also take the key back
!!mute ThatBrazilianGuy 1m
@ThatBrazilianGuy Well, you don't have the key to the door and if we don't like you, we just boot you and you can't get back in. ;)
@KendallFrey Muted user 798677 for 1m
@ThatBrazilianGuy Now you can see it.
!!mute NoWayThisFakeUserExists 1m
@ThatBrazilianGuy You do not have permission to use the command mute
@OctavianDamiean TS?
@ThatBrazilianGuy I told you, you don't have the key.
@FaceToDesk Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@OctavianDamiean !!sudo make me a sandwich gimme the key
@ThatBrazilianGuy That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
Mmmm. Sandwich.
@ThatBrazilianGuy Error. Reason: because fuck you, that's why.
@BadgerGirl In a couple of minutes.
@eazimmerman way to make my pen NSFW!
@OctavianDamiean I am deeply sorry if I have offended you. I was making a reference to a XKCD comic strip. I officially and publicly apologize. In the future, please avoid using offensive language. If you think I misbehaved you can flag my messages to a moderator.
Q: DSSudokuSolver - A JavaScript Sudoku solving algorithm

dhilipsivaI wrote DSSudokuSolver - a sudoku solving algorithm a while back. Is there any possibility that this algorithm can be improved? Original Algorithm: CleanElements = function(comp_ary, Qsudoku){ for(i=0; i<9; i++){ for(j=0; j<9; j++){ /*if(Qsudoku[i][j] != ""){ ...

@rlemon ... pink is NSFW?
@BadgerGirl Usually guys like the part where you can undress.
But the clothes are so pretty!
Herein lies the difference between a dressup game for girls, and a dressup game for boys.
Markup was the original. Markdown was inspired by that, but designed to be more attractive. s/Mark/Dress/g
@RyanKinal read the code
is all sexed up
Alright, I guess that's nearly nsfw
huh...another usecase for a laptop: You need to work on something without distractions. Take laptop to toilet, disable wifi. Lock yourself in until you finish.
Protip: The worst place to set a laptop is your lap.
I like to set mine on other peoples laps
then work off them like a human desk
here is a related visual:
@rlemon it's a natural part of life.
UPS battery has a bad cell. forced a shutdown. I think it is the first shutdown since I re-arranged my office.
@OctavianDamiean My homework is not going to correct itself.
@rlemon "Dude, are you watching porn? WTF?"
"now rotate 90 degrees clockwise...."
@TheJailbreakBay Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Loktar macro for what in LoL?
So, just now, I thought "Why the hell is my browser runnning so slow?"
And then I realized I had @eazimmerman's pen still open.
@RyanKinal i just made it so they stop updating after so many propagations
hello everyone!!
@BadgerGirl That's true, so better start correcting it now because I won't do it for you.
@OctavianDamiean Meanie
@ThatBrazilianGuy you missed the obvious reference to a lolcat meme, also I will continue to use offensive language all I want, because I don't fucking care.
in PHP, 10 secs ago, by Neal
Anyone in NYC wanna go to lunch?
Yes, except I'm not in NYC and that I don't want to go to lunch.
where in NYC? I could go for some lunch
@nderscore I am @ 55th and Madison. And only Kosher for me :-)
ah, I'm down in soho. that's a bit of a trip :(
ha. oy
@eazimmerman you've got the lines splitting on a timeout, but moving on reqAnimFrame?
Aw yea! Star Trek TNG is on right now, I'm playing Terraria and updating the wiki. The evening can't get better. Maybe with some pizza and a hooker.
We'll see.
a hooker...
I'm trying to develop a custom directive in angular to use jQuery UI Autocomplete. My goal is to update the destination variable in the main controller scope. Also I have to be able to change the value of destination and change the input value. Here's what i've written:pastebin.com/dVDsMdJm . Can you please tell me what i'm doing wrong (I know I shouldn't user jQuery UI but I have to)?
@GNi33 You can order them like pizza ... thinking about it, I have an idea for a profitable business.
@Shmiddty no
the pizza-hooker - synergy - syndicate
strange, it behaves differently if you leave it running in the background then switch to it after a bit
@GNi33 Yes, I call them, order pizza and the hooker and the hooker brings the pizza.
Come on, you have to admit that this is brilliant.
and stays..... for.... a chat
sounds good
@OctavianDamiean I do, in fact, agree
@Shmiddty ah. that's because it's determining the age of the line by comparing dates. but the movement is updated only when the window is active.
therefore the lines age even if they are not moving ( if the window is blurred)
I'd call it Pizza Hoe
@OctavianDamiean Pizza Hoe > Pizza Hut
But do they serve stuffed crust? ;)
has anyone ever experienced a problem with google maps api that it shows both your custom marker and the original one?
running into and can't figure out why it's doing such thing
@eazimmerman heh
Q: Object Oriented Javascript optimization

Elliott SmiggenSimple script that I use for wrapping a selected word in a textarea field, i'm looking to a: make sure my logic is valid/see what others have done in a relative context b: request improvements to the OO approach i'm going for. Formatter = {}; Formatter.getSelection = function(event) { var t...

fuck you @eazimmerman I was working
now i'm not :/
Q: Both custom and original markers are showing google maps api v3

PhDeOliveiraFor some reason I have both markers showing.. http://picpaste.com/Screen_Shot_2013-10-02_at_10.55.41_AM-qKfxgyCO.png There's also a box surrounding the whole thing. Any ideas why these would be showing up? var gmap; function initialize() { var myLat = new google.maps.LatLng(33.991447,-84.09...

@rlemon dude! it's so pretty ^_^
all work and no play makes lemon a sour tart :P
BrainFuck vs LOLCode ?Who wins out?What's better in performance?
@RomanticElectron PicklesCode. Yes.
Heh. Pickles.
I'm gonna go with LOLFuck on this one
what's PicklesCode? ,I am seriously thinking to learn one of these
@OctavianDamiean seriously didn't get ya ... either my english is bad or your way to express
!!> Array(100).join().split(',').map(function(){return Math.ceil(1/Math.random())})
@Shmiddty [2,2,3,2,5,2,8,3,11,2,3,2,8,5,2,2,3,2,3,2,3,9,7,3,2,4,2,2,87,3,2,4,5,2,2,10,3,2‌​,2,2,2,25,2,43,2,5,5,3,4,2,3,2,2,3,187,2,3,30,2,2,275,2,3,3,29,3,2,11,7,4,2,3,2,2‌​,5,4,9,3,3,2,3,2,15,4,2,2,4,3,4,2,2,2,8,2,4,2,49,17,2,2]
So many 2's
too many twos
@RomanticElectron I'm not entirely sure why you've asked about the performance differences of two "esoteric programming languages" in the JavaScript room.
random returns a float between 0 and .9~, right?
er between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive)
@RyanKinal or which has better performance
@Shmiddty True
@RomanticElectron languages don't have performance.
@RyanKinal because people here have introduced me to these words
@FlorianMargaine I was rather aiming at the compilation unit
@RomanticElectron Okay, fair enough. But it's unlikely we've studied them to that extent. And I don't think performance is exactly the point of those languages.
I get it.
If you're worrying about the performance of LOLCode, you're missing the point.
15 messages moved to Trash can
@Shmiddty use your console
@RyanKinal well I thought they deal in it ...
and I don't have the idea of any of these ... btw what's the point?
The point of LOLCode? Well... it's for the LOLs.
The point of BrainFuck? To be as minimalist and tetchy as possible.
@C5H8NNaO4 I think unary - is not a bitwise operator
At least, from what I gather in the wiki article.
what was this language...
the one almost noone can code in
Q: SecureCRT and Nice PHP/JS Syntax Highlighting: How To Configure?

DnfDI'm running SecureCRT using Windows 7. After googling a bit the VanDyke results came up, but I want to get it so instead of just a black background with all green text (sure it's better than the SecureCRT default, but still makes your eyes bleed), it recognizes opening and closing tags, condition...

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