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Yay Arthur is on lol
@SomeKittens I just can't figure out if it's the function or my meth (source)
I resent that
@sthede Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I have a portal that gets built by my software, and we create a goo.gl link to it, for the convenience of the user... the url to the actual portal is insanely huge, so the goo.gl link is very nice... but what is a good way of delivering the goo.gl link to the user? i can just print it, but then the guy has to copy paste it... any good ideas?
@sthede <a href="goo.gl">CLICK HERE MR. USER</a>
yep, but the user is immediately forwarded to the page that goo.gl points at...
isn't that what you want?
so... here is your nice link: goo.gl/1234
you want them to bookmark the short one?
better ideas for getting that link bookmarked
right click?
You could buy a vanity domain
since it's a bookmark, why does it matter if it is long?
jeremy, your exactly right
A: Add to favorites button

iambriansreedjQuery Version <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $('#bookmarkme').click(function() { if (window.sidebar && window.sidebar.addPanel) { // Mozilla Firefox Bookmark window.sidebar.addPanel(document.title,window.location.href,''); } el...

@Sarah Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
we actually have a problem, we have completely unique portals that get built on amazon s3... and we dont want to have to provide a clearing house for people to get to their portals
the goo.gl is a stop gap measure
@sthede what do you mean by "portals?"
goo.gl is not very good for remembering
portal like demoed on our page typhooncloud.com
...so basically Dropbox
yeah but its ur bucket
no dropbox server
just u and s3
So basically Dropbox, but I'm paying for the storage.
In that case, why not make it typhooncloud.com/somekittens ?
lol sure, guess u could boil it down that far
yeah good idea, might do that
I use a self-hosted OwnCloud on digitalocean. It works well enough.
we actually have already done it, just not ready for prime time
typhooncloud actually creates a virtual drive tho on ur windows machine... then makes a portal that shows u all the stuff on ur drive...
and no typhooncloud servers... but im not in here to advertise our stuff
just wanted some clever ideas on how to 'give' a user a goo.gl/aaaa link
click here to bookmark thing is so old school, and doesnt work in chrome, but that would be sort of the idea
Have users requested this feature?
lol the boss
I'm working with web apps for my first time and I'm having a lot of trouble trying to figure out how to store form data that was written in jade into an array and then print all of the form data out that was submitted since the server has been started, I'm not even sure which file I should be trying to write the array in app.js? index.jade? add.jade?
Hello World
@Sarah I assume you're using node.js?
seriously, boss was actually in turk cacoos islands, complaining about how to get to his portal, cause there is no place to go unless u have giant url
Sarah you want to do customer tracking? Like, store a history of all form submissions to do fancy analytics with? Perhaps Mongo would be well suited for the task.
so, any way to drop a user onto a page that leaves a goo.gl link in the url so they can book mark it, then when they hit it, it actually works? chicken and the egg
bookmark a goo.gl is harder than it sounds
@sthede I'm starting to like vanity domains more and more
When the page loads, use ajax to grab the googl link, then push it to the history state
@Shea Tried it and got a message saying test
buy a sexy domain for the landing page
Generally speaking, is it ever appropriate to deliberately return undefined instead of false when a function fails a test? I'm working on some legacy code at the moment and this has come up. Doesn't seem particularly descriptive
But...Why is it not running?
and just link that into your CMS mess
@Joe I don't want to do anything fancy yet, I just want (need) to be able to have the submit screen show all of the user data submitted since the server has been started
@Mr.IDon'tCare Because what ever code you're trying to run is relying on the DOM to be ready
thats a pretty good idea joe, how does someone bookmark that then?
At the end of body, right before </body> your DOM is ready, so it works
@Shea Yes, that's why I put the reference just before the body tag ended
So what's the problem then?
@Shea here:
<script src="/js/file1.js"></script>
<script src="/js/file2.js"></script>
Since file2.js is at the bottom, the code inside it runs, however the code in file1 doesn't run. If I switch them with file1 at the bottom, then file1 runs but file2 doesn't.
url shortening is a facinating subject actually, so much that can be done to help track usage, stats, whatever... thank you everyone for the suggestions
@JoeFrambach I'm taking a web applications course so it's something I need to learn how to do I just need a push in the right direction
Then file1 depends on file2 to be loaded
Except it doesn't, because the code in file1 does the same thing that the code in file2. The only difference is the html elements that the code affects.
@sthede Again, what's wrong with yoursite.url/users_name
It's an easy to remember URL, and you can redirect from there
Well there's no way to help you without an example, and I need to run to the store
Im not sure how I can give you an example other than just copy+pasting the code here.
@Mr.IDon'tCare JS fiddle
@SomeKittens we are offering this as a stand alone product, there is no server anywhere, just s3... so how do u remember how to get to a spot on s3? lol thats the problem... the urls end up being really long.... typically there would be a database that associates a persons email with an account (or url for example), something a user can remember...... typhooncloud -> [email protected] -> mydumbpassword
@SomeKittens Running on localhost, so all files are on localhost. Copy and pasting the code in the script tags is not the same, I doubt it is.
@Mr.IDon'tCare What's the network tab look like?
@sthede why not vanity domains?
@SomeKittens I see both files loaded in the network tab.
both the JS files, that is.
u mean like making our own url shortening service?
I can only sync with two computers?
no, as many as u wan
"Two seat license"
also, I like how your compare page basically tells me to use Dropbox
oh, u can buy more seats, just keeps people from passing it out to 100 of their closest friends
Also, when I click on the file that loads but doesn't run (file1 in this case), both the response tab and the preview tab display the source code directly from the JS file.
@sthede ...like Dropbox lets me do for free? I hate to keep beating the "Dropbox" drum, but you're setting yourself up for it. How many clients do you have?
@Mr.IDon'tCare So it's being loaded, yay.
dropbox wont tell u when they chop u off because of too many downloads.... example was a guy was a kids hockey game, outta no where dropbox chopped him and ours would be open as long as the guy wants to share
@Mr.IDon'tCare How are you sure it doesn't run?
@sthede I've abused my Dropbox horribly and they've never cut me off.
Uploaded a 2GB file of nothing but random text
@SomeKittens dropbox doesnt create a drive that can be seen from a dos prompt... additionally... the real value is we have large ISP providers using this as a white boxed dropbox essentially, so they can offer cloud storage to their customers
@Mr.IDon'tCare @SomeKittens try putting an alert at the top of both files. make the alerts file1 and file2. Let us know if they both go off.
@sthede oh, and you're from Rochester, MN? I went to school in Rochester, NY and we had a big rivalry with MN.
@sthede Yes they do, I've run it on servers without a GUI.
The white box is nice though.
@SomeKittens Because the code in the JS file of file1 is supposed to, through $.ajax, load elements from another file into a div container of the current file and it isn't loading it.
Hello guys. Is it possible to print input name within jquery validate messages?
@Mr.IDon'tCare The AJAX isn't firing at all?
@BikerJohn yes
@SomeKittens Nope
actually yes u are correct, i forgot they added that.... pfffffffffff did i mention i programmed this whole fricken thing? and i started it 5 years ago? i am the only programmer, designer or anything... yes... i built a perfect replica of dropbox.... woooo! lol
@sthede Cross platform?
@SomeKittens Can you please give me an example. Should i just make a classic jquery name call inside rules, or should i change something in validation source code?
@synth3tk Both go off.
no... too drilled into MS
@BikerJohn Nope, can't give you an example.
@Mr.IDon'tCare Do a sanity check on your ajax code
@SomeKittens hm, okay...
@sthede So not quite a "perfect" replica
@SomeKittens lol right, cause its better... u havent seen the backup thing i wrote... it waiting in the wings... carbonite ripoff straight up, sits on top of the drive... typhoonbackup.com just right click and say backup
But it works if the reference to that js file is placed last, just before the </body> tag.
So the ajax does work.
@Mr.IDon'tCare You can't post up your code somewhere for us to see?
maybe jsbin.com ?
@SomeKittens its a monster disaster... i kinda give up lol... dropbox was brilliant... just the right amount of TNT...
they're worth $4 billion+
So I put alert("HELLO"); inside success:function(msg){ of the ajax call and guess what, I got a message box saying "HELLO"
@Mr.IDon'tCare Weird. So the AJAX is going off, it's just not finishing like you thought.
@SomeKittens i know, im so jealous... when that guy started taht thing, i had already been into this a year
@SomeKittens Its this line that isn't working: headline.innerHTML = msg;
var headline = document.getElementById('rec-ball-articles-list'); on top of the file.
and headline already created earlier before the js call
@Mr.IDon'tCare log headline to make sure it's what you think it is
@Mr.IDon'tCare I'm coning into this late, but it sounds like your js is being executed before the DOM is loaded
console.log(msg) and it prints the stuff from an external
@Mr.IDon'tCare Is this code loaded in the wrapper that waits for the DOM?
yes, but in the file
@synth3tk Im not sure what you mean by that.
@Mr.IDon'tCare $(function(){...})
@Jeremy Well yeah, the <script src=...> is just before the </body> tag.
what jeremy just said ^
put all of your code in the file where the three dots are
fellas, i dont want to be rude, how do i send messages to just one person?
and you issue is that, you don't want to put the script at the bottom?
click his name, start a room
@Jeremy The only problem is that there are two files with similar code, but deal with different DIV elements. Whichever js reference is placed at the end (most near to </body> tag) is the one that runs as it should, while the other one loads but the div element doesn't get changed by that "second-to-last" file.
that sounds unbelieveable
can you show us?
Wow, I can't believe this.
I can't either =p
It was because in both JS files, the variable defined for the dom element to change was the same ... derp
Just changed one of them and now it works...
Oh, so you're polluting the global namespace, instead of using a closure
Not sure if I should be happy or slap myself for stupidness.
wrap both files in (function(){})()

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