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lol um, okay
I gave you an answer
Yeah I know! It's helping, please continue, Here's what I did so far
tried searching portions of that code in Fileseek (a software that searches inside every file) and haven't got luck
I don't know wich javascript might be triggering this function
woop having done mainly php for like the past 6 months javascript is coming flying back to me finally lol
So Jeremy, actually
I've changed it like you said, I have control over it.
First test didn't change anything (still pop up), but I'll try more
Great news
_self worked, _blank pops up
Any suggestion?
Actually, I think I'll leave it like that
oh, i'm confused
you want it in "blank" not "_blank"
so, you already have an open window, "blank"?
What happens is the following
I wanted a new tab
Instead it pops up a new Window
So I thought that changing it's atributes to _blank it would open a tab, but didn't
hum, that might be browser specific
Chrome perfers tabs
yeah I did it on chrome and a mac
and firefox
_blank went for a pop up
I'm 90% sure, that there is no way to force a tab over a popup. _blank is the only way to get a new tab/window. I believe window.open can be used to force a popup
I'm wondering, what the value of target is in your form, before we modified it
Is how I open urls in new tabs
I thought it was just a browser preference, or window.open(...)
But, I think he has to POST some data as well
The only thing I could think of is taking a look at the opening form tag.
If he wants to send data, and the user has javascript, make it fancy and use XMLHTTPRequest :P
Or because he has the jquery lib use $.post xD
Jeepers. Blind leading the blind in here
Correction to my post above, change that to window.open(url, "_blank");
hello guys have a look on my fiddle
need some help
@chintankhetiya look at the error console.
you need more jQuery
and jQuery UI
@phenomnomnominal thanks for reply , but where i don't know , in inspect element ?
you can put jQUI in the External Resources but you'll probably need to find it on a CDN
@Jeremy If above reply for me then its working fro me in my example
i am following this
@Jeremy Okay but when i have drop that link in HTML area then they suggest me to add as external so i have add
yeah, but not in your fiddle
You put the wrong thing in the external resources
you put the while script tag
it just wants the URL
I grabbed CDN URLs from the botton of: jqueryui.com/datepicker
@Jeremy okay mean there is no need to add <script>
okay thanks
yeah, just http://...
@Jeremy now issue starts from here
oh boy!
its same thing working in my web page but if you have notice that i have call same function in body load to set in text field
but i don't want to call in onLoad of body is there any other alternative
<body onLoad="Selected_Date()"> i don't want this but i want to set current date when page load and also want to call that function when click on textfield
you must initialize the datepicker on load.
but you can get the value through a second function
... what do you want to happen when they click on the input?
i'm using ... window.onblur = function() { } for when the user is not active on the page however i need to do the opposite and have one for when the user is active on the page
does anyone know what i should be using
@Jeremy actually i have two date field Current Date & Return Date , initial both should be current date when page load and then user can change it when they click. its over.
Why not set the current date in your backend (php,ruby, etc)?
@Jeremy Ha ha because i am Phone Gap Developer :)
static html
@Jeremy Yeah that i must have to use :P
can i do with that ?
I still don't know what you're doing with onClick="Selected_Date()" exactly
when you click on text field you can change date
yeah, you don't need an onclick to do that
click on this date text and change date
and onClick=""="Selected_Date()" is going to give me nightmares... make it go away
@Jeremy then how user can change the date if he want to change
isn't this what you want? -- jsfiddle.net/whitehat101/ryxAt/10
just a normal jquery ui datepicker
@Jeremy yeah i think so
let me check dude
Hey guys.
Is it a good idea to abstract chunks of code that won't be re-used into methods for the purposes of unit testing or is there something else I should be doing?
@Jeremy can you tell me how this is calling $(function() $("#pur_date").datepicker().datepicker("setDate", new Date()) })?
@Marc Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@IamGnat the opposite of blur is focus
@Jeremy thank you
Hello again @CapricaSix. You don't remember me from last time?
@chintankhetiya $(function(){}) is the jQuery ready function
Guys. mouseover vs mouseenter what is the real difference?
@Jeremy oh yeah mean i just have to put inside <script>
so, like <body onLoad="...">
@Jeremy one last question
as i told you i have two text field , c_Date & r_Date , so how can i pass dynamic var inside that function ?
@Marc order and number of events. See the last example on: api.jquery.com/mouseover
I'm not sure what you're asking... just a JS scope question?
@Jeremy is this for me ^ ?
Well i am having problems
Yeah, the last one
oh ;)
nvm then
@Marc the link was for you
the question was for @chintankhetiya
w00t, I just realized I have over 1k rep
Q: How to give path of loacl folder to webkitdirectory

Muneem Habibi am using webkit directory to upload folders into the server. Its working fine. I wanted to know is it possible to give path of folder to webkitdirectory to be uploaded to server without using dialog? Like i know which folder to be uploaded on server i will give its path to webkitdirectory and i...

please help
you can't access arbirrary files on the filesystem
the user must select them for security reasons
@Jeremy see i have update fiddle
You might be able to make an Adobe Air app, or something to bypass that restriction @MuneemHabib
but in short, no
$("#current_date").datepicker().datepicker("setDate", new Date())

$("#return_date").datepicker().datepicker("setDate", new Date())
how can i make a single function ?

just do

$("#current_date, #return_date").datepicker().datepicker("setDate", new Date())
@DevinGRhode okay
also good
@Jeremy as per your suggestion i have done this jsfiddle.net/ryxAt/28
both are okay
if all inputs have same config, which they do
@Jeremy @DevinGRhode Thanks guys its perfectly as i want
I used jQuery .click() instead of DOM onclick
then this is your input
@Jeremy okay but i am mobile developer so learning all web things to build mobile app using framework so it will takes time , i am not expert as you guys :)
hey friends
Q: How does the "JavaScript problem" Haskell library compare?

DokkatOn this page from the official Haskell wiki, there are several proposed solutions to what they call "the JavaScript problem". It is not obvious from the text which, if any, of those are ready for production. How does those library compare, and is any of them mature for performance-intensive HTML5...

how can i get the next object in my json with click event jquery
this i my test site
if the user press the "akzeptieren" button he get the next object term text
so you have say 3 different lumps of text and your trying to jump through them as you click the button ?
i have done this 1 sec let me read my source code
my json is built so
"message":"AGB HTML Text",
"updated":"Unix Timestamp des letzten Updated"
"Eindeutiger Laborbezeichner":
"message":"AGB HTML Text",
"updated":"Unix Timestamp des letzten Updated"
an this is my code
        url: url_lab+"/agb.php?login=dmarkstaedter%40iscope.de",
        type: "GET",
        dataType: "json",
        success: function (data) {


@chintankhetiya everyone starts somewhere. And you asked questions, instead of saying "fix my code" so i'm cool with that
^ that
That is the most important thing, ask questions, don't just tell us to fix things.
Hi, need help how to get the data from Database using webSQL

@Dave-88 with mine i have 3 different divs within a container and then with my jquery i would switch between them however mine contains animation ....
function selectStep(n) {
		if(n == 1) {
		$(".progress-selected").animate({marginLeft: '22px'},300);}else if(n == 2){
		$(".progress-selected").animate({marginLeft: '130px'},300);}else if(n == 3){
		$(".progress-selected").animate({marginLeft: '239px'},300);
@Dave-88 just track and increment your key position
@mikedidthis can i do it with the each loop?
by the way if the user click on the button i will insert this in my db i must to give a id for this for my php code
<table class="container">
      <div class="main-content">
        <div class="content-switcher" id="content1">
        <h1>About Me</h1><p class="content-text">echo out your php to be in here </p></div>

        <div class="content-switcher" id="content2">
        <h1>About My Photography</h1><p class="content-text"> echo out your php to be in here
        </p><p class="content-text">Read more >></p></div>
        <div class="content-switcher" id="content3">
        <h1>Contact Me</h1><p class="content-text"> echo out your php text to be in here </p></div>
@Dave-88 if you see the above what i would do is echo out your php information into say for the example 3 different divs and then just switch between the divs in your jquery
How can we get the data from existing database using webSQL ?
@Jeremy Thanks Dude
@Dave-88 i hope this helps unless i misunderstood what you were sayin about ... if the user press the "akzeptieren" button he get the next object term text
Can a moderator properly mark this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4272002/what-html-tags-support-the-onload-javascript-event as a dupe of this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/679704/what-html-tags-support-the-onload-onerror-javascript-event-attributes/19092890

you know you have a coding problem when you have a stack of 20 dirty plates that need cleaning in your kitchen
@AbhishekHingnikar Haha
next year u can vote :D
@IamGnat can you help me
my problem is that i wll solve this problem with a each loop
but i don't know how can i solve this withe each loop
@Dave-88 1 sec i'll look at your code
i have a question about google maps api v3.
How to hide/show multiple markers at once (category), without for loop. Is it possible? I don't want to go over all table and setVisible to true/false.
Is there any other way? thx ;)
@kendall ^ the image around same time ...
you're only 2 years old, abishek? that's amazing
@Dave-88 sorry i'm not sure, personally i would have as many divs as your content needs to switch through and put your information into each div and then use the button to in theory hide and show the next div so you are switching through your objects like that
@AbhishekHingnikar Whoa, you have hair!
@SomeGuy \o
yeap i had*
@AbhishekHingnikar Ladies, contain your orgasms.
There is a string "/this/12/that/34"
I am trying to write regex for the above
which matches everything except this and that
my regex must contain this regex part
I am doing so just for learning
or (?!th(at|is))
So you want to match patterns such as

the result must be just numbers
I know this can be done using just /(\d)+/
but just for learning purpose
I am trying the above approach
@KendallFrey lol
yeah now ladies will be frightened by the sight of the boogieman
In which the regex must have (th(at|is)) or (?!th(at|is))
@EnglishMaster yes I want to match patterns same like that
console.log("/this/12/that/34".replace(/(\/th(is|at)\/)/g, ""));
So you want to replace anything that's /this/ or /that/
yeah that will do thanks
user image
@AbhishekHingnikar FTFY
guys any idea
how to make a table scrollable vertically, jsfiddle.net/ZXBxN
@rlemon Ladies, don't try to contain your orgasms. It won't work.
fucking fiddle took too long to load
@rlemon lol
thx girls :>
In related news, I hate VGA.
@rlemon oh my god, this is brilliant.
> Disco Abishek likes Disco Music...
@rlemon is that Hippie Worf?
Disco Disco!
Disco Bear
So, I'm in St Petersburg here - anyone been here?
Q: CSV separator auto-detection in Javascript

John ツHow can I detect the CSV separator from a string in Javascript/NodeJS? Which is the standard algorithm? Note that the separator is not a comma always. The most common separators being ;, , and \t (tab).

@BenjaminGruenbaum other than people that live there?
@OctavianDamiean You don't live there.
eh, tasteless joke
@BenjaminGruenbaum I didn't say I would.
@rlemon yep.
Well, I have an extra day.
@Shmiddty you don't even know just how much I hate you.
Why's that?
Your beard man ... your awesome awesome beard.
It just keeps growing
I hope it's itchy!
@Shmiddty provide a full face color shot to see yourself beardless
I dun wanna
@rlemon Hahahaha
what is that even? a passport pic? voter registration?
shower time
@Shmiddty I hope he's showered since!
@rlemon i love u so much :D
I aim to please
* that sounds wrong *
@androiddeveloper2011 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.

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